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Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler By Simon Dunstan, Gerrard Williams. The industrialized

  innovation, nowadays assist every little thing the human requirements. It includes the daily activities, works, workplace, enjoyment, and also much more. One of them is the wonderful web link as well as computer system. This condition will certainly alleviate you to support one of your hobbies, reading habit. So, do you have going to review this e-book Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler By Simon Dunstan, Gerrard Williams now? Review Praise for GREY WOLF : “Stunning saga of intrigue.”—Pravda “Remarkable detail.”—Sir David Frost, Frost Over the World “Stunning Account of the Last Days of the Reich”— “Describes a ghastly pantomime played out in the names of the Führer and the woman who had been his mistress.”—The Sun “Laid out in lavish detail.”—Daily Mail “I thought the book was hugely thought-provoking and explores some of the untold, murky loose ends of World War Two.”—Dan Snow, broadcaster and historian, The One Show BBC 1 “Grey Wolf is more than a conspiracy yarn. . . . Its authors show Hitler's escape was possible. . . . It's a gripping read.”—South China Morning Post About the Author Author, filmmaker, and photographer Simon Dunstan has written more than 50 books on military history, particularly on World War II and Vietnam. They include Fort Eben Emael: The Key to Hitler's Victory in the West (Osprey) and Centurion Universal Tank 1943-2003 (Osprey). He has also written and directed numerous documentaries for the History Channel. Gerrard Williams has been a renowned television journalist for over 30 years, working for the BBC, Sky News, and Reuters. During that time he has covered some of the most significant political events of the late twentieth century, including the wars in the Persian Gulf, Rwanda, and Bosnia, as well as the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean.




Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler By Simon Dunstan, Gerrard Williams. Adjustment your

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  DID HITLER—CODE NAME “GREY WOLF”—REALLY DIE IN 1945? In a riveting scenario that has never been fully investigated until now, international journalist Gerrard Williams and military historian Simon Dunstan make a powerful case for the Führer's escape to a remote enclave in Argentina-along with other key Nazis—where he is believed to have lived comfortably until 1962. Following years of meticulous research, the authors reconstruct the dramatic plot-including astonishing evidence and compelling testimony, some only recently declassified. Impossible to put down, Grey Wolf unravels an extraordinary story that flies in the face of history. Sales Rank: #32621 in Books Published on: 2013-03-05 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 9.00" h x 6.00" w x 1.25" l, 1.32 pounds Binding: Paperback 384 pages Review Praise for GREY WOLF : “Stunning saga of intrigue.”—Pravda “Remarkable detail.”—Sir David Frost, Frost Over the World “Stunning Account of the Last Days of the Reich”— “Describes a ghastly pantomime played out in the names of the Führer and the woman who had been his mistress.”—The Sun “Laid out in lavish detail.”—Daily Mail “I thought the book was hugely thought-provoking and explores some of the untold, murky loose ends of World War Two.”—Dan Snow, broadcaster and historian, The One Show BBC 1 “Grey Wolf is more than a conspiracy yarn. . . . Its authors show Hitler's escape was possible. . . . It's a gripping read.”—South China Morning Post About the Author Author, filmmaker, and photographer Simon Dunstan has written more than 50 books on military history, particularly on World War II and Vietnam. They include Fort Eben Emael: The Key to Hitler's Victory in the West (Osprey) and Centurion Universal Tank 1943-2003 (Osprey). He has also written and directed numerous documentaries for the History Channel. Gerrard Williams has been a renowned television journalist for over 30 years, working for the BBC, Sky News, and Reuters. During that time he has covered some of the most significant political events of the late twentieth century, including the wars in the Persian Gulf, Rwanda, and Bosnia, as well as the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Most helpful customer reviews

  Grey Matters By Bill Martinak As one who has been reading and wondering about German history for the better part of forty years, I picked up Grey Wolf on first sighting. I was hoping for an intriguing new viewpoint on the the end of the Third Reich and the ultimate fate of its Führer. Sadly, I found the book lacking in many ways.

  The first problem I had was the method of citation. Endnotes are annoying enough as it is, but the way Messrs. Dunstan and Williams chose to format theirs is maddening in the extreme. There are no superscript numbers indicating citations; one is forced to look up the note by the relevant line of text. Also, many of the lines I wanted to look up were missing from the notes; on the first page of the Preface is written that the "famous `Hitler Skull' fragment held in Moscow for decades has finally been DNA tested," yet there is no citation given for that rather crucial tidbit. Even some passages given such citation are lacking; for example on page 157, in support of the contention that the "last officially photographed appearance" of Hitler was actually that of his double, Gustav Weber, we are treated to the endnote stating that this was concluded by "[f]acial analysis by Alf Linney, professor of medical physics, University College London, commissioned by the authors...,' followed by a brief biography of Professor Linney, who, we are then told, "has proven scientifically that the man depicted ... in frames from ... [the] footage ... is not Adolf Hitler." But we are not given any idea as to what such scientific proof entails, or how such a conclusion was made.

  The first third of the book is a brief history of the Second World War, information with which it may be safely assumed that anyone reading this book would be familiar. The stories of the espionage of the period might not be as well known, and their inclusion is forgivable, but the detailed retelling of the rocket attacks on Britain and Allied positions seemed rather superfluous. Instead of this, I would have thought the authors', as well as the readers', time better spent in a more detailed description of how these conclusions were reached; for example, the DNA testing on the "Hitler Skull," a description of the afore-mentioned scientific proof of it being Weber, not Hitler in the film, and a bit more evidence and explanation of the existence of Hitler's daughters, which seem so casually mentioned in the book, to name but three examples. Perhaps many of the questions about the authors' conclusions may have been assuaged with a more thorough explanation of their methods. (It seemed a bit negligent to me that the authors did not follow up on the idea that the Hitlers had two daughters. I would have thought them the ultimate source, the crowning achievement of the book, and the final, irrefutable proof of their "case presented.") To be perfectly honest, I viewed the authors' research methods with more than a bit of skepticism after page 102, where it is stated that in the US election of 1944, "Roosevelt had no choice but to ditch [his vice president] Wallace and nominate the senator from Arkansas, Harry S. Truman." If Messrs. Dunstan and Williams or their publisher can't be bothered to do a Google search to confirm that Mr Truman was, in fact, a senator from his home state of Missouri, or, perhaps worse, that they just took at their word the first person they asked, it doesn't speak well of the `fact-checking' in the remainder of the book. Sorry, Messrs. Dunstan and Williams, but from this teacher of history's perspective, until you present a less speculative, more empirically-backed case, I will continue to doubt the validity of your conclusions. Two stars for the effort. 50 of 60 people found the following review helpful. Hitler Escaped - No Doubt Left. By Stacy With all due respect to a handful of previous reviewers whom lambasted this work for "confusing citations" or "no hard proof", I must retort in the common sense and logical reference via this review. This book, exhausting researched and extensively referenced and cited, provides highly credible evidentiary testimony and flat out smoking gun documentation that leaves only one possible conclusion: Hitler did not die in the Fuhrerbunker on April 30, 1945 - Hitler made a clean escape (planned maticulously for the previous two years by Martin Bormann) and spent a further 17 years living in luxury and comfort in the Patagonia region of the Republics of Argentina and Chile until his death on February 13, 1962 at age 72 (just two months shy of his 73 birthday).

  This book provides a fascinating and detailed account and background of the events leading up to the end of the WW2 European Theatre conflict and how and when preparations where made for Hitler's (and many other high ranking Nazis' escape, including others believed "dead in Berlin" such as Heinrich Mueller and Martin Bormann himself) escape.

  Much evidence is taken from the now declassified files of various intelligence agencies (Soviet, European, and USA) along with those of the FBI and local law enforcement investigation files in various countries and locales. Some deductions have obviously been made when it comes to the reconstruction of some events. When doing so the authors clearly mark these sections with "Begin Deduction" and "End Deduction". A good portion of these are to simply construct personal narratives or fill in the chain of events where no knowledge or evidence can be cited in such things as (conditions for Hitler & Eva inside his quarters aboard the U-Boat and conversations that may have taken place in such context). However, these deductions are used more to piece together the minor breaks in a solid and clear trail of evidence, documentation, and testimonies that bring you to the shocking but obvious conclusion - Hitler escaped and lived on. Billions in Nazi looted art, treasure, precious metals, and transferrable currency were NEVER recovered after the cessation of hostilities in Europe. The authors show you (and back up much of the amounts with solid proof) where that money went and what it supported (the escape and "retirement" lifestyle planning of Hitler, Eva Braun-Hitler, and dozens of high ranking SS officers and party members).

  There's a couple of wise old sayings, or logical rules of thumb rather to determine the truth in most complex cases: "Follow the money." and "If it looks it and smells like, that is probably what it is". These bits of logical guidance are well serving here. As for the "hard evidence" documentaries proving Hitler's "death" that many even recent shows on The History Channel, Discovery, and others have touted such as the skull and jawbone fragment that the USSR/Russians have had locked away since the Soviet SMERSH teams recovered the burned corpses in the garden outside the bunker ---- recent DNA testing confirmed that "Hitler's" skull is that of a female between 30 and 40 years of age (and it isn't Eva Braun's). Bottom line to the "old evidence of Hitler's death" - Hitler's double and that of Eva's were murdered in the Fuhrerbunker by the SS then burned. Extensive dental work was duplicated via dentures months prior and this planted as well (so the one's who point to dental records written from "memory" by Hitler's dentist, and say 'ah ha, dental records prove he is dead' - wrong). This is simple logical methods employed by Hitler and his inner circle. If you are the most wanted man in the world, what's the best way to get folks to stop looking for you - make them believe you are dead. And that is what Bormann and other did. Careful planning, deep pockets, and extensive resources; all of which they had plenty of.

  Hitler was to build the Fourth Reich from his exile and eventually lead Nazism into a resurrection (along with himeself) but that never materialized for Hitler. He died virtually alone, in a luxurious but isolated refuge, with the ghosts of his millions of victims haunting him day and night and waiting for the day they could drag him into the darkness that death finally brought.

  I didn't want this story to be true and I am a skeptic and historian by nature and craft, so I looked for the "BS" moment and "Conjecture Lecture" trap. It never came. I finished this book sad but enlightened and ever more aware that the traditional histories we were taught are often what many want us to believe, not what is often the painful and frigthening truth.

  77 of 97 people found the following review helpful. Ausgezeichnet! By Mr. Wolf Let me start by saying that this book is long overdue. It opens the door to much further deliberation and many considerations but it is exactly the sort of thing that WW2 history buffs and people interested the mystique of the 3rd reich cannot resist. There are certainly going to be those pundits who insist that this book is full of myths, exaggerations and hear-say. All I can say to that is that if you are well read and if you have travelled throughout the important parts of the world that this book focusses on, you have to come away believing that this book hits a homerun out of the park. At the very least, this book is a fun read for those who love the ultimate mystery of what happened to the most evil man who ever walked the earth. At best, it is the telling of facts long hushed, covered up and avoided altogether.

  Albert Speer (as documented in his books) noted that the Hitler he saw in the bunker did not appear to look the same as the Hitler he new. Many others observed that the Hitler they saw in the bunker was sloppy, had crumbs on his lapel, spaghetti stains on his lips and other clues that would indicate the real Hitler would never appear this way. There are many other examples, tidbits and anecdotes in this book to be found as well. No matter what you chose to believe or subscribe to, you have to come away form this book believing it is entirely possible that he could have escaped and that there is no evidence to prove otherwise. Hitler had doubles and various secret getaways. After over 60 years of the same story and the same pictures of "Hitler" greeting those young Hitler Jugend boys outside his bunker the masses have come to believe that there is only one story but is there? Truman, Eisenhower, Dulles, Stalin, The FBI and countless other personalities would say otherwise but there has been very little to speak of in print or documentary to argue the case to the contrary until now. You could fill volumes with what you won't find in history books and history is always written by the victor. I'll let this incredible book speak for itself without ruining it for others but if you are a scholar of WW2 or just interested in anything involving Hitler or nazi Germany and that terrible period in time, this book will not dissapoint. It is well written, well researched, thorough and a highly entertaining page turner. You won't be disappointed unless you can't handle the possiblity that there could be more that you were never told or could ever imagine. This book is certainly a must have for anyone into the 3rd reich and ww2.

  See all 159 customer reviews...




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  Review Praise for GREY WOLF : “Stunning saga of intrigue.”—Pravda “Remarkable detail.”—Sir David Frost, Frost Over the World “Stunning Account of the Last Days of the Reich”— “Describes a ghastly pantomime played out in the names of the Führer and the woman who had been his mistress.”—The Sun “Laid out in lavish detail.”—Daily Mail “I thought the book was hugely thought-provoking and explores some of the untold, murky loose ends of World War Two.”—Dan Snow, broadcaster and historian, The One Show BBC 1 “Grey Wolf is more than a conspiracy yarn. . . . Its authors show Hitler's escape was possible. . . . It's a gripping read.”—South China Morning Post About the Author Author, filmmaker, and photographer Simon Dunstan has written more than 50 books on military history, particularly on World War II and Vietnam. They include Fort Eben Emael: The Key to Hitler's Victory in the West (Osprey) and Centurion Universal Tank 1943-2003 (Osprey). He has also written and directed numerous documentaries for the History Channel. Gerrard Williams has been a renowned television journalist for over 30 years, working for the BBC, Sky News, and Reuters. During that time he has covered some of the most significant political events of the late twentieth century, including the wars in the Persian Gulf, Rwanda, and Bosnia, as well as the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean.


Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler By Simon Dunstan, Gerrard Williams. The industrialized

  innovation, nowadays assist every little thing the human requirements. It includes the daily activities, works, workplace, enjoyment, and also much more. One of them is the wonderful web link as well as computer system. This condition will certainly alleviate you to support one of your hobbies, reading habit. So, do you have going to review this e-book Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler By Simon Dunstan, Gerrard Williams now?