



A thesis

Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Medan in Partial Fulfillment the Requirements for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan








Ginting, Dewi susiyanti. 2010. The Effect of Using Modeling Technique on Students’ Achievement in writing descriptive paragraph. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of using Modeling Technique on students achivement in writing descriptive paragraph. This study was an experimental design. The population of this study was all the students of grade XI of SMA HARAPAN MEKAR MEDAN with the total number of the students was 280 students, 42 students were taken as the sample by using clustering sampling. The students were divided into two groups, namely experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught by using Modeling Technique while the control group was taught without using Modeling Technique . The instrument used in this study was interview test. The data were analyzed by using t-test. The result of the analysis revealed that t-observed is higher than t-table (5.50 > 1,684) at the level of significance 0,05 with the degree of freedom (df) = N – 2 = 40. It means that there is a significant effect of using Modeling Technique on the students’ descriptive paragraph achivement.




This thesis was aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of English Departement, Faculty of Language and Arts, The State University of Medan (UNIMED).

First of all, the writer would like to thank The Immortal God, Jesus Christ, for all His kindness and blessings on her so finally she could complete this thesis. He rescured me in my difficulties and constrain. The writer found trough the time of completing this thesis and sent her His helps throught many hands. Those hands which helped me to survive from those constrains and difficulties.

In the process of finishing this thesis, some people have granted their academic support and the writer also received a lot of assistance. Therefore, she would like to express her sincere gratitude and very special thanks to:

1. Dra.Tjut Ertnidawati M.Pd , her thesis consultant, for her generous assistance, advice, moral support and preciouse time her spent on supervising the draft of this thesis. May God Always bless her with all the family.

2. Drs. Wilem Saragih, M.Pd, her academic supervisor, for her invaluable guidance during her academic years at the English Department FBS-UNIMED.

3. Prof. Dr. Khairil Anshari, M.Pd, the Dean of FBS, for his leadership and management to help the writer’s study

4. Dra. Sri Juriaty Ownie, M.A., The Head of English Departement, for her invaluable advice, and suggestion in her writing this thesis. She would like to say thanks also addressed to Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the secretary of



English Departement, Dra. Masitowarni Siregar M.Pd as the head of education program of English Departement, and all lectures of English Departement for the course the taught to the writer.

5. The Headmaster of SMK SWASTA HARAPAN MEKAR A. MUIN TARIGAN S.Pd, and all the teacher and staffs, for their helpful hands on the writer, especially to Mrs. Tetty Ony Manurung and Mrs. Nancy Panjaitan for her excellent cooperation during the time of the research. 6. The greatest and sincere thanks are fully addressed to her beloved parents

BAHAGIA GINTING and ROSE B SIPAYUNG for their love , financial support, moral and spritual, pray make this all possible for her through many struggles and fighs againts this life and ourselves. This kind of immortal loves are the endless sources for the writer to stand on her feet. Her Beloved Brothers EBEN EZER GINTING, for all HIS loves and supports. Thank you very much for kindness.

7. Her sincere gratitude should also go to her friends, Dahlia Simaremare, Eka T Sirait, Sabrina F Lingga, Eska Murniatik Hutapea, Ribka Sukrisna Ginting, Riris Maretta Simbolon who always have given spirit and supports her – for unforgettable moment with you all. It’s really happy to have friends like you all. “I love you guys. Friendship forever”. Her supporter friends from 05 students ( Resha, Zulpian,).

8. And her deep thanks to my cousins Jhonatan, Gisilia, Imelda and her husband Edi Tarigan for all their support and also make joke which make me spirit to write this thesis.



9. Than her deep thanks to all my friends in PERMATA MARELAN especially, B’Fery, B’Piter, Ivan, Iga, Ninta, Zeny thanks for the advice, support, prayer, laugh, and your joke.

She would like to say sorry for all who can’t mentioned one by one, she just can say great thanks. May God bless you all.

Medan, September 2010 The writer,










1.1 The Background of the study……….. 1

1.2 The Problem of the study………. 3

1.3 The Objective of the study………... 4

1.4 The Scope of the study……… 4

1.5 The Significant of the study……… 4


2.1. Writing……… 5

2.1.1. Types of genre……….. 7

2.1.2 Descriptive Paragraph………... 8

2.2 Contextual Teaching and Learning……….. 11

2.2.1 Modeling Technique……… 14

2.3 Conceptual Framework……… 16

2.4 Hypothesis……… 17


3.1 Research Design……….. 18

3.2 Population and Sample………... 18

3.3 Instrument for collecting Data……… 19

3.4 The Scoring of the Study……… 19

3.5 Teaching Procedure……… 23

3.5.1 Try Out of The Test……… 23

3.5.2 Pre-Test……… 23


vi The procedure of Treatment in Experimental

Group……….. 23 The Procedure of Teaching Activity in Control Group……….. … 24

3.5.4 Post test……… 25

3.6 The Validity and the Reliability of the Test……… 25

3.6.1 The Validity……… 25

3.6.2 The Reliability………. 25

3.7 Technique for Analyzing Data……… 26


4.1 Data……… 28

4.2 Data Analysis……… … 28

4.2.1 The Reliability of the test……… 29

4.2.2 The Testing hypothesis……… 29

4.2.3 Finding………. 31


5.1 Conclusion……… 32

5.2 Suggestion………. 32




1.1The Background of the Study

The use of language is governed rules shared by the speaker of the language. According to Sanggam ( 2008 : 1 ) language is a set of rules used of human as a tool of their communication in learning English, there four skills that the student should be mastered in their study. The four skills are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. One of the language skills that will be focused on this study is writing skill.

Writing is important in studying all subject, and in all profession. If they are to do well as a student, and a progress in their career, their ability to express clearly, concisely and persuasively in writing is a skill that should be try to develop. The purpose of education should be to teach students to think, and to write well so that they can express their though effectively.

According to Sanggam ( 2008 : 2 ) the written productive language skill is called writing. It is the skill of a writer to communicate information to a reader or a group of readers. The writer skill is also realized by his or her ability to apply the rules of the language the writer writes to transfer the information in their mind to the readers effectively. The ability has include all the correct grammatical aspect of the language she or he is writing, the type of the information she or he is transferring and the rhetoric’s she or he conduction in a communicative event too.



It is necessary for a writer to choose the appropriate idea that when someone wants to express something in writing. So she or he can decide in what type of writing it is to be written. Descriptive writing is one type of writing (genre) which is usually found in our daily life. However, the students are expected to gain an understanding of how English works in all categories of the text. Syllabus of curriculum in Senior High School state that students of Senior High School should be able to write a various types of the genres such as descriptive and procedure. In fact, although most students have learned English from Primary School up to Senior High School, most of them can not write well.

In this study, the researcher deals that writing as her topic because when she observed at SMA HARAPAN MEKAR the student found it difficult to write especially in the descriptive paragraph. Most of the students are filling difficult to make descriptive paragraph, and the student’s attitude to write is likely became more and more negative. They are not confident to use their own language and so the activity feels bad.

Starting from a mini data and give a test for the students in SMA HARAPAN MEKAR grade two, almost fifty percent (50 %) of the student still get low score in writing. Some problems such as their grammar are not good, they do not have enough vocabulary, the main idea not clear, and their diction in writing is not satisfied. It is shown by the fact that most of the student can not write a simple paragraph. As a result, they always get the bad scores in their writing.

Byrne ( 1997 ) state writing skill are complex and difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only the grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual and



judgment element. According to him, there are three some problem which are caused by writing, which are : psychology problems, linguistic problems, and cognitive problems.

The researcher use one way teaching writing becomes interesting one of the way in by using Modeling Technique. Modeling technique is a learning process by demonstrate something as the sample to be imitated by the students. This technique helps the students to connect academic subject to their context in the real situation and motivate the students in writing descriptive paragraph, a paragraph which describe something in details in order to enable the readers to see, read, fell, and touch it directly. As the result every one is active, interested , and increase very well in writing descriptive paragraph.

The researcher expects by using Modeling Technique on writing descriptive paragraph, the students are able to complete their writing task systematically of writing procedure to make connection. Next, the researcher hopes that Modeling Technique can be a good technique, which tries to build, and active learning and interesting writing. So the students are able to complete their descriptive writing task systematically.

1.2The Problem of the Study

Related to the background of the study, the problem of this study is formulated as follow:

“Does the Modeling Technique affect the students’ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph”?


4 1.3The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether using Modeling Technique significantly affects the students’ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph.

1.4The Scope of the Study

In order to give the best result of the research, the study will be focused on the use of Modeling Technique to improve students’ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph.

1.5The Significance of the Study

After completing this study, it is expected that the findings of the study will be useful for the teacher of English, as a consideration for the implementation of Modeling Technique to improve their teaching learning process especially in teaching writing descriptive paragraph.




5.1 Conclusion

Base on the result of data analysis, it is found that students’ achievement in writing a descriptive paragraph though by using modeling technique is higher than those though without using modeling technique. It show that there are different means between the groups, experimental and control group , in post-test. They are 76.38 and 64.42. it means that the mean of experimental group is higher than the mean of control group. Besides, the calculation of test shoe that t-observed is higher than t-table. It means that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It shows that use modeling technique affects on students’ achievement in writing a descriptive paragraph.

5.2 Suggestion

Writing is the most difficult skill in English learning process. A good teacher should find the ways to solve the problem. One of them is by using modeling technique in teaching – learning process. From the result of this study, it is suggested for Engglish teacher to use modeling technique in teaching writing and it is suggested for the students to practice their achievementin writing descriptive paragraph by using model.

(1) The procedure of Treatment in Experimental

Group……….. 23 The Procedure of Teaching Activity in Control Group……….. … 24

3.5.4 Post test……… 25

3.6 The Validity and the Reliability of the Test……… 25

3.6.1 The Validity……… 25

3.6.2 The Reliability………. 25

3.7 Technique for Analyzing Data……… 26


4.1 Data……… 28

4.2 Data Analysis……… … 28

4.2.1 The Reliability of the test……… 29

4.2.2 The Testing hypothesis……… 29

4.2.3 Finding………. 31


5.1 Conclusion……… 32

5.2 Suggestion………. 32




1.1The Background of the Study

The use of language is governed rules shared by the speaker of the language. According to Sanggam ( 2008 : 1 ) language is a set of rules used of human as a tool of their communication in learning English, there four skills that the student should be mastered in their study. The four skills are speaking, listening, reading, and writing. One of the language skills that will be focused on this study is writing skill.

Writing is important in studying all subject, and in all profession. If they are to do well as a student, and a progress in their career, their ability to express clearly, concisely and persuasively in writing is a skill that should be try to develop. The purpose of education should be to teach students to think, and to write well so that they can express their though effectively.

According to Sanggam ( 2008 : 2 ) the written productive language skill is called writing. It is the skill of a writer to communicate information to a reader or a group of readers. The writer skill is also realized by his or her ability to apply the rules of the language the writer writes to transfer the information in their mind to the readers effectively. The ability has include all the correct grammatical aspect of the language she or he is writing, the type of the information she or he is transferring and the rhetoric’s she or he conduction in a communicative event too.


It is necessary for a writer to choose the appropriate idea that when someone wants to express something in writing. So she or he can decide in what type of writing it is to be written. Descriptive writing is one type of writing (genre) which is usually found in our daily life. However, the students are expected to gain an understanding of how English works in all categories of the text. Syllabus of curriculum in Senior High School state that students of Senior High School should be able to write a various types of the genres such as descriptive and procedure. In fact, although most students have learned English from Primary School up to Senior High School, most of them can not write well.

In this study, the researcher deals that writing as her topic because when she observed at SMA HARAPAN MEKAR the student found it difficult to write especially in the descriptive paragraph. Most of the students are filling difficult to make descriptive paragraph, and the student’s attitude to write is likely became more and more negative. They are not confident to use their own language and so the activity feels bad.

Starting from a mini data and give a test for the students in SMA HARAPAN MEKAR grade two, almost fifty percent (50 %) of the student still get low score in writing. Some problems such as their grammar are not good, they do not have enough vocabulary, the main idea not clear, and their diction in writing is not satisfied. It is shown by the fact that most of the student can not write a simple paragraph. As a result, they always get the bad scores in their writing.

Byrne ( 1997 ) state writing skill are complex and difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only the grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual and


judgment element. According to him, there are three some problem which are caused by writing, which are : psychology problems, linguistic problems, and cognitive problems.

The researcher use one way teaching writing becomes interesting one of the way in by using Modeling Technique. Modeling technique is a learning process by demonstrate something as the sample to be imitated by the students. This technique helps the students to connect academic subject to their context in the real situation and motivate the students in writing descriptive paragraph, a paragraph which describe something in details in order to enable the readers to see, read, fell, and touch it directly. As the result every one is active, interested , and increase very well in writing descriptive paragraph.

The researcher expects by using Modeling Technique on writing descriptive paragraph, the students are able to complete their writing task systematically of writing procedure to make connection. Next, the researcher hopes that Modeling Technique can be a good technique, which tries to build, and active learning and interesting writing. So the students are able to complete their descriptive writing task systematically.

1.2The Problem of the Study

Related to the background of the study, the problem of this study is formulated as follow:

“Does the Modeling Technique affect the students’ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph”?


1.3The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether using Modeling Technique significantly affects the students’ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph.

1.4The Scope of the Study

In order to give the best result of the research, the study will be focused on the use of Modeling Technique to improve students’ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph.

1.5The Significance of the Study

After completing this study, it is expected that the findings of the study will be useful for the teacher of English, as a consideration for the implementation of Modeling Technique to improve their teaching learning process especially in teaching writing descriptive paragraph.




5.1 Conclusion

Base on the result of data analysis, it is found that students’ achievement in writing a descriptive paragraph though by using modeling technique is higher than those though without using modeling technique. It show that there are different means between the groups, experimental and control group , in post-test. They are 76.38 and 64.42. it means that the mean of experimental group is higher than the mean of control group. Besides, the calculation of test shoe that t-observed is higher than t-table. It means that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It shows that use modeling technique affects on students’ achievement in writing a descriptive paragraph.

5.2 Suggestion

Writing is the most difficult skill in English learning process. A good teacher should find the ways to solve the problem. One of them is by using modeling technique in teaching – learning process. From the result of this study, it is suggested for Engglish teacher to use modeling technique in teaching writing and it is suggested for the students to practice their achievementin writing descriptive paragraph by using model.