Lestari, Yetti. 209421051. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing
Descriptive Text Through Group Investigation Technique. A thesis. English
Department. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan. 2014.

The objective of this study is to improve the students’ achievement in writing
Descriptive Text through Group Investigation Technique. This research was
conducted as an action research that has two cycles within. The first cycle was
conducted in four meetings and the second cycle was conducted in two meetings.
The subject of the study was the students of grade VIII at Yayasan Pendidikan El
Hidayah Madrasah Tsanawiyah Desa Lalang Sunggal which comprised of twenty
eight students. The instruments of data collection were quantitative and qualitative
data. Quantitative data was conducted by scoring students’ writing achievement in
every cycle. On the other hand, qualitative data was conducted through three
instruments; observation sheet, questionnaire sheet, and diary notes. Based on the
test given, the students’ score improved from first to the last test. In the test I, the
mean was 59.42. In the test II, the mean was improved to be 68.17. In the test III,
the mean was also improved to be 76.85. Based on the observation sheet,
questionnaire sheet, and diary notes, it was found that learning activity ran well.
Mostly, the students felt interested in the process of learning activity and were
actively cooperative with their team mate. The result of the research showed that

Group Investigation Technique can improve the students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text.


First of all, the writer would like to thank the Almighty Allah Subhannahu
Wata’ala, the most merciful, for his blessing and kindness, so the witer had finally
accomplished his thesis on the title “Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing
Descriptive Text Through Group Investigation Technique” at Yayasan Pendidikan
El Hidayah Madrasah Tsanawiyah Desa Lalang Sunggal as one of fulfillments of
the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English and Literature
Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
In writing this thesis, the writer accepted many constructive suggestions as
well as comments from many great people surronding her life for the sake of
betterment. Accordingly, she would like to hereby express her deepest gratitude
for them who significantly contributed many things during the completion of this
 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., Rector of State University of

 Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts,
State University of Medan.
 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., Head of English Department, Faculty of
Languages and Arts, and Rika, S.Pd., M.Hum., Secretary of English and
Literature Department.
 Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., Head of English Education Study
Program as well as her Academic Supervisor.
 Dra. Sri Juriati Ownie, M.A., her Thesis Supervisor.
 The Headmaster of Yayasan Pendidikan El Hidayah Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Desa Lalang Sunggal, Khairul Anwar, M.A., and the English Teacher
Nursiah S.Pd.,.
 Her parents Soman and Paini for abundant nature, never ending support,
care, love, guidance, advices, and everything they have given to the writer
in her entire life.
 Her lovely brother Ferry Herdiansyah for their everlasting love, care and
support. And special thanks to Rizky Muammar Berutu for his care,
attention, support, suggestion, love and encouragement.
 Her best and beloved friends in her academic years; Aini Mardhiah, Rizky
Bitha Ghaliah Sgr S.Pd., Sara Frimaulia S.Pd., Sukma Septyan Nst
S.Pd., Eliye Yuli Yenti S.Pd., Nurmaulida Rahmi S.Pd., Sri Wahyuni

Hsb S.Pd., Novri Surya N S.Pd., Budi Yanto S.Pd., Aini Melbebahwati
Saragi, Ismul Azzam S.Pd., Eka Ratna Sari S.Pd., Putri Febrini
Sianturi S.Pd., Adelina Irma, Aprilza Aswani, Try Nurhayati, for the
greatest support and all friends in Regular A, B and C 2009 who had stuffed
her academic period to be more colorful.
 Lastly, the writer offers her regards and blessing to all of those who
supported her in any aspects during the completion of this thesis. May Allah
Subhanahuwata’ala bless and guide you all.


Finally, the writer confesses that this thesis needs improving. Accordingly,
she welcomes the readers to critize, suggest, and advice her to improve the quality
of this thesis. She expects that the reader find this thesis useful.

Medan, March 2014
The writer,

Yetti Lestari
NIM. 209421051



TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................
LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................
LIST OF APPENDICS.............................................................................
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION............................................................
A. The Background of the Study......................................
B. The Problem of the Study ...........................................
C. The Objectives of the Study.........................................
D. The Scope of the Study ................................................
E. The Significant of the Study.........................................



A. Theoretical Framework.................................................. 5
1. Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive
Text ......................................................................... 5
2. Writing ...................................................................... 6
a. The Definition of Writing..................................... 6
b. The process of writing.......................................... 7
1) Planning........................................................... 7

2) Drafting........................................................... 8
3) Editing (Reflecting and Revising).................. 8
4) Final Version.................................................. 8
c. Genres of Writing............................................... 9
3. Descriptive Text........................................................ 10
a. The Definition of Descriptive Text.................
b. Types of Descriptive Text................................ 10
c. Parts of Descriptive Text................................... 11
d. Example of Descriptive Text............................ 12
e. Assessment of Descriptive Writing.................. 13
4. Cooperative Learning................................................ 14
5. Group Investigation................................................... 15
a. Steps of Group Investigation................................ 16
b. The Advantages of Group Investigation
Technique............................................................ 21
c. The Disadvantages of Group Investigation
Technique............................................................. 22


B. Conceptual Framework................................................. 22
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD................................................. 25
A. Research Design........................................................... 25
B. The Subject of the Research......................................... 26
C. The Instrument of Collecting Data .............................. 26
D. The Procedure of Collecting Data................................. 27
1. Cycle 1...................................................................... 28
a. Planning................................................................ 28
b. Action.................................................................... 28
c. Observation........................................................... 31
d. Reflection.............................................................. 33
2. Cycle II...................................................................... 34
E. The Scoring of Writing Data......................................... 34
F. The Technique of Analyzing Data................................. 35
CHAPTHER IV: DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS................................. 37
A. Data................................................................................ 37
1. Quantitative Data....................................................... 37
2. Qualitative Data........................................................ 39
B. Data Analysis................................................................. 41

1. Analysis of Quantitative Data................................... 41
2. Analysis of Qualitative Data...................................... 47
C. The Research Phases........................................................49
1. Cycle I........................................................................ 49
a. Planning................................................................ 49
b. Action................................................................... 50
c. Observation.......................................................... 51
d. Reflection ............................................................ 51
2. Cycle II....................................................................... 51
a. Planning................................................................. 52
b. Action.................................................................... 52
c. Observation........................................................... 52
d. Reflection.............................................................. 53
D. The Research Finding.................................................... 53
E. Discussion .................................................................... 55
A. Conclutions.................................................................... 57
B. Suggestions.................................................................. 57
REFERENCES.......................................................................................... 59



Table 1.1
Table 2.1
Table 3.1
Table 3.2
Table 4.1
Table 4.2
Table 4.3
Table 4.4
Table 4.5
Table 4.6

Students’ Average Score in Two Semester........................... 2
Example of Descriptive Text................................................. 12
Observation Sheet................................................................. 31
The Scoring of Writing Data................................................. 34

The Students’ Test Score from Test I, Test II, and Test II.... 39
The Improvement of Mean Scores of Students’ Writing....... 42
The Range of Score Improvement......................................... 43
The Percentage of Students’ Passing the Standart Test......... 45
The Improvement of Students’ Score of the Test I, Test II,
and Test III............................................................................. 47
The Improvement of Students’ Writing Achievement in
Descriptive Text through Group Investigation Technique..... 54



Figure 3.1 Cyclical Action Research Model............................................... 25



Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
Appendix D.
Appendix E.
Appendix F.
Appendix G.
Appendix H.
Appendix I.
Appendix J.

Lesson Plan........................................................................... 61
The Students’ Test Score from Test I, Test II, and Test III.... 100
The Students’ Test Score Improvement................................. 101
Observation Sheet.................................................................. 102
Questionnaire Sheet .............................................................. 105
The Result of Questionnaire Sheet........................................ 107
Diary Notes............................................................................ 109
Students’ Score Test I........................................................... 113
Students’ Score Test II.......................................................... 114
Students’ Score Test III........................................................ 115



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A. The Background of the Study
Writing is one of the four language skills that the students should know when
learning a language, it is very useful because it lets students express their
personality and organize their thought but the reality shows that the students who
have learned it from primary up to the intermediate level are not succesful as the
goverment has expected from them.
Writing as one of the four language skills is a part of Junior High School in
which the student is expected to be able to write descriptive text. According to
Fauzi (2012:34) of the curriculum based on government regulation in English
language teaching curriculum through standard competence (Ministry of
Education regulation No. 23 year 2006), students of Junior High School are
recommended to be able to write descriptive text.
Based on the standard competences in the syllabus of the second year
students of Junior High School called Educational Unit-oriented Curriculum
(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan / KTSP) students are expected to be able
to write simple paragraph of recount, descriptive and narrative. The curriculum
highlights that the students have to be able to write various types of the text
genres, one of them is descriptive text.
Based on the writer’s observations in Yayasan Pendidikan El Hidayah
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Desa Lalang Sunggal, it was found that the students’



achievement in writing Descriptive Text is still low. It can be seen from the table
Table 1.1 Students’ Average Score in Two Semesters

Students’ Number (n)

Average 







From table 1.1, it can be seen that the students’ average score did not reach
the minimum score which is stipulated by the school, which is 70. In semester 1,
the students’ average is 58,44. It did not reach the minimum score. While in the
second semester, there is an improvement which is unfortunately not really
significant. They got 64,96. From the above, students’ achievement to write
descriptive text was very less because they get the material poorly, the way of the
material given by the teacher is unclear for them, limited vocabulary, and
grammar of them, and lack of confidence in expressing their ideas. Based on the
average, It can be concluded that there must be something done toward the
teaching method.

The researcher offered the technique that was the

implementation at the students centered learning and the development of
cooperative learning that is Group Investigation Technique.
Group Investigation Technique is a general classroom organization plan in
which students work in small groups using cooperative inquiry, group discussion,
and cooperative planning and project (Sharan and Sharan, in Slavin, 1995). In this
technique, students are actively involved during the class. The topic are divided


into individual tasks. Then they are to make report based on their given activity
such as doing observation about the topic, environment investigation, etc. Later,
each group is to present or display its findings to the entire class. One remarkable
study by Sharan and Sharan, in Slavin, (1995 ) found large positive effects on
students’ achivement.
The effectiveness of Group Investigation Technique has been tested by
Benget R. Sardi Sitinjak (2012) resulted that teaching writing Group Investigation
Technique is more effective than teaching writing Four Square Technique. The use
of Group Investigation Technique improved the students’ achievement in writing
narrative text.
Since Sitinjak (2012) has successful in doing his research the writer tries to
investigate the effectiveness of using Group Investigation technique in different
genre that is descriptive text. So, this research will use Group Investigation as a
technique to improve students’ achievement in writing descriptive text to solve the
problem that was found in grade VIII of Yayasan Pendidikan El Hidayah
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Desa Lalang Sunggal.

B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study above, it is necessary to formulate the
problem of this research as: “is the students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text improved if they are taught by using Group Investigation


C. The Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to find out whether Group Investigation
Technique significantly improve students’ writing achievement in descriptive

D. The Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is limited on investigating of second year students of
Junior High School focused on improving students’ achievement in writing
descriptive text especially the description of person through group
investigation technique.

E. The Significance of the Study
The finding of this study is important and useful for:
1) The teachers to improve his knowledge on teaching technique for then
implementing this study to improve the students’ writing competence.
2) The students to improve their achievement in writing descriptive text and
to work in group actively and improve their leadership in group
discussion and group presentation.
3) Other researchers who might feel interested and are concerning on
teaching learning process.

A. Conclusions
The elaboration of the data analysis showed clearly that implementing Group
Investigation Technique improved the students’ achievement in writing descriptive
text in sharing their experience. The quantitative data showed their achievement’s
improvement as a whole. In the test 1, the mean of the students’ score was still in
the same cycle, test 2 showed that their mean score was though there was an
improvement, it was still not enough. It was then deliberately decided that the
second cycle needed conducting to improve their score. Their mean score in cycle
II improved significantly.
Observation result showed that the students showed that the students behavior
was good in the process of through Group Investigation Technique. It helped them
score higher. Questionnaire report showed that the students agreed that the
application of Group Investigation Technique helped them in sharring their
experience confidently. It also raised their motivation as well. It can be concluded
that the application of Group Investigation Technique significantly improved the
students’ achievement in writing descriptive text in sharing their experience.

B. Suggestions
Based on the result of this study, the use of Group Investigation Technique
could improve the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. The



following suggestions are offered:
1. To the students, they are suggested to use Group Investigation Technique
while writing in the class so they can write descriptive text easily.
2. To the teachers, they are suggested to apply Group Investigation Technique
so that they can improve their students’ achievement in writing descriptive
3. To all the readers, may this research bring them into good understanding
how to improve the students’ writing ability through Group Investigation