Steroids Could Your Child Be

Steroids: Could Your Child Be Next?
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"Players that are guilty of taking steroids are not only cheaters, you are cowards. ...Show ou
Does your child use steroids?
Of course not.
That’s what concerned parents want to believe.
Yet scores of young people ar...

steroid abuse, steroids, steroids in teenagers, what is steroid abuse, athletes using steroids

Article Body:
"Players that are guilty of taking steroids are not only cheaters, you are cowards. ...Show ou
Does your child use steroids?
Of course not.
That’s what concerned parents want to believe.

Yet scores of young people are consuming a toxic stew, drugs they believe will enhance physica

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows steroid use among male high sch

Many of these young people have as their unfortunate role models certain high-profile athletes

So, parents, be wary. Steroids are stealthy predators. Watch for warning signs: rapidly bulked

If you suspect a problem, get between the drugs and your child, impressing upon him or her the
You may be what saves your child from devastating health problems or from death.
What Are They:
So-called anabolic-androgenic steroids are man-made substances related to male sex hormones.

ˆAnabolic˜ refers to muscle-building, and ˆandrogenic˜ refers to increased masculine character

ˆSteroids˜ refers to the class of drugs, often legally prescribed for people with wasting dise

But illegal use, which can add body size, is just as likely to destroy or impair the liver, he
I know all this because I abused steroids for three and a half years in the mid - 80’s -- and
As a user, I learned to lie to my father and steal from my mother’s purse.

I had no conscience.
I had good reasons for steroid use -- or so I thought.

Steroids primarily appeal to young people who are looking for an athletic edge or those who wa
Finally Broken:

Eventually steroid use broke me, literally. My body and mind were in shambles. A long, long ro
I am now the father of two boys.

My life has been resurrected from the disaster known as steroids. That is why I am here to cau

When young people look at the hard, muscles bodies presented by smiling, oversized human being

Potential users are seduced by this fake picture of health and vitality and virility. The pict
It doesn’t show the caskets.

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