profile state finances budget director


me of Direector: Ag ostinho Castro


1) P
Place /date of birth:
Mr. Agostinnho was bornn in Dili, on 21 August 1967.
2) E
 Completted his Prim
mary Schooll, in 1980 inn Bazartete/L

 Completted his Junioor High Sch
hool, in 19883 in Dili;
 Completted his Seniior High Schhool with sppecializationn of Busineess
administtration, in 1986 in Dili;;
 Graduateed from thee Departmennt of Social and Politicaal Sciences at the
Universiity of Timorr Timur (UN
NTIM), witth the speciaalization of Public
Adminisstration, in 1994
in Dilii.

3) T
Training - Mr
M Agostin
nho attendeed a range of training
g courses ass follows:

When stu
udying at thhe Universitty of Timorr Timur he attended

a student’s speecific
military basic training for over one month ( Resimen Mahasiswaa = Menwa ),
) in
Dili 1990;

Attendedd Basic Stattistics Train
ning for onee month, durring the Ind
administtration, 1991;

Attendedd a compulssory trainingg on the Inddonesian Staate regulatio
ons, Philosoophy
values inncluding Paancasila andd other form
mal state valuues and prinnciples the so

called “ P-4”, in Dilli, in 1991;

Two-week-training on the Presidential Directives Assistance for the UnderDeveloped- Rural Areas Programs ( Inpres Desa Tertinggal IDT ), in Dili 1993;

Two-week-training on Planning Orientation ( ZOOP = Ziel Orienttierte Project
Planning ), in Dili, in 1995;

Two-week-training on Management for the Sub-District Apparatus, in Dili

Two-week-training on the acceleration of the rural Development, in Dili 1995;

Basic Indonesian Public Administration ( Basic ), for one month, in Dili in

Language training for six months, in Dili 2000;

Computer Training for two Wweks at CISPE, in Dili 2000;

Computer Training for two weeks at CISPE, in Dili 2000;

Senior Management training for Manager Level for one week, in Dili 2001;

Senior Management training for Director Level, for one week, in Dili 2001;

Attended a Donor Conference for one week in Canberra, in 2001;

One week training on office skills, in Dili 2001;

One Month English Course at Elmentary II Level, in Dili 2001;

English Language Training for one month, in Dili 2001;

Three months Intensive English Course, in Brunai Darrusalam, 2002

A hundred and Three Hours to completed training as follows:

Development of a business case;
Development of a work plan ( MYBU ) –;
Development of a work plan MYBU ) - Part three;
Planilhas de Excel;
Development of work plan and design of tasks;
Management of Equipment – Introduction;
Performance planning;
Public Policies IV – Budget Combined Sources I;
Review of Budget Process ( Part 1 );
Review of Budget process ( Part 2 );

Development and draft of possible Parliamentary questions;
Public Policies IV – Budget Combined Sources – II;
Analysis of Revenues and Expenditures I;
Fiscal Package and Civil servants;
Sectoral resources;
English Language Training at Intermediate level I;
English Language Training at Intermediate level II;
Budget Allocation.

4) Experience
 As a Staff in the Section of the Fishing Program Department (Dinas Perikanan)
in East Timor, in Dili, in 1989;

As the Head of Section of the Rural Development, Ermera Sub-District, Ermera
District, East Timor, 1994;

As the Head of Unit of the Government Administration Section, District Ermera,


As a Budget Officer of Central Fiscal Authority ( CFA ), East Timor Transitional
Administration (ETPA), 2000;

As a Budget Acting manager of Central Fiscal Authority ( CFA ), East Timor
Transitional Administration, 2000;

As the Budget Manager of Central Fiscal Authority ( CFA ), East Timor
Transitional Administration; 2001;

As the Deputy Director of Budget Directorate, 2006;

As the Director of Budget Directorate, since 2009 – present.