
Public Relations Practices In Gaining Students’ Trust
To Increase The Intake In Private Universities
Lina Sinatra Wijaya, MA
Satya Wacana Christian University – Salatiga / Indonesia

This study provides an analysis of the role of public relations in the private universities. The study
aims to find out the models of public relations applied in these private universities This study also
explores the role of public relations in private universities in central java - Indonesia, to establish
whether it is considered to be an important function for private universities.The data was gathered
through in-depth interviews involving eight private universities in central Java in Indonesia.This
study has shown that public relations in most private universities in central java do apply a mixed
model of public relations in their operations. This mixed model is a mixture of the press agentry
and a two-way symmetrical model. Having this mixed models will strengthen the word of mouth
promotion strategy which will influence the image of the university to increase the intake of the
Key words : Public Relations. Students’ trust, Private university



Understanding and managing the complexity of relationships which exist between today’s
increasingly open organisations is the basic function of public relations. Marshall ( 1993 )
said, a successful business involves public relations, the creation and maintenance of good
relationships between the business and all sections of its public.
This study was carried out to explore public relations in private universities in Indonesia.
This study is not intended to be a definitive study providing absolute answers regarding the
role of public relations in private universities. The aim of this research is to provide an
insight into the role of public relations in private universities in Indonesia in gaining the
student’s trust to increase the intake.
Data was gathered through direct interview and telephone interview with the public
relations managers from a . sample of private universities in Central Java in Indonesia.

Corresponding author
Email address :Lina.sinatra@staff.uksw.edu


In-depth, open-ended, face to face interviews were carried out at the interviewees’
premises, and were recorded. The interviews lasted approximately one hour and
permission was given for the researcher to contact the interviewee by phone , if more
information is required. There is an assumption that most of the multinational companies
also apply Grunig’s models of communication. It is the aim of this research to investigate
whether the way multinational companies in Indonesia practise public relations appears to
fit within one or other of the theoretical models suggested by Grunig and Hunt ( 1984 ) .

This research aims to find out the underlying conceptual frameworks regarding
public relations of private universities in Indonesia. This research also wants to find what
model is applied in these private universities.

Theoretical concepts of Public Relations

Many definitions of public relations have been developed. Grunig and Hunt (1984 :7 ) said
that : “Public relations is the distinctive management function which helps establish and
maintain mutual lines of communication, acceptance and co-operation between an
organisation and its publics; involves the management to keep informed on and responsive
to public opinion ; defines and emphasises the responsibility of management to serve the

public interest ; helps management keep abreast of and effectively utilise change, serving
as an early warning system to help anticipate trends; and uses research and sound and
ethical communication techniques as its principal tools “ ( Grunig and Hunt , 1984 : 7 ).
In their definition, Grunig and Hunt ( 1984 ) refer to ‘publics’ which have been defined as
active social units consisting of all those affected by and recognising a problem for which
they seek a common solution

Its definition as a management function is obvious in that if an organisation has interests
outside its own geographical zone, its public relations activities can not be restricted to the
home market. It means that in a company which has many branches in other countries, the
implementation of its public relations activities should be adapted to the new culture of the


PR Models of Communication - Grunig and Hunt (1984)
The study will rely on an examination of Grunig and Hunts’ ( 1984 ) models of
communication, which will provide a framework within which to study the nature of how
public relations is practised in the multinational companies in Indonesia..

Grunig and Hunt ( 1984 : 22 ) suggested four basic models of public relations
which were shown in creating communication central to public relations. These models
would help public relations practitioners understand the history of the format development
of public relations and how it is practised today, especially in the multinational companies.
These models, according to Grunig and Hunt ( 1984 ) encapsulate both the main thrust of
public relations activity and the motivation underpinning the role of public relations. By
analysing the public relations practice found in different organisations, Grunig and Hunt
( 1984 ) sought to match the four models of public relations practices found in different
organisational types. Most practitioners of public relations are now familiar with the
models that are identified as
a. A press agentry , propaganda, publicity type model
b. A one-way communication, public information model
c. A two-way asymmetric persuasion model, and finally
d. A two-way symmetric communication model

The form of communication practised is one of the key characteristics which helps
differentiate between these four models. A brief review of the basis of these models of
communication will portray each model’s specific mechanism for communication. The
characteristics of these four models can be seen from the table below.


Characteristics of Four Models of Public Relations



Press Agentry/

Public Information







Dissemination of

Scientific persuasion Mutual Understanding

Nature of

One-way; Complete

Two-Way ;

One- Way; truth

Two-Way ; balanced


truth not essential

imbalanced effects




Source ------ > Rec

Source -----> Rec

Source ------> Rec

Group ------- > Group


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