How your personality effects the way you deal with stress

How your personality effects the way you deal with stress
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Did you know that your personality affects the way you cope with stressors in your life? Some

stress, your personality, personality types, stress and your personality, relaxation for stres

Article Body:
Did you know that your personality affects the way you cope with stressors in your life? Some

As we live our everyday lives stress builds up until, like an overfull water barrel, it overfl

How do you turn on the ’tap’ to reduce the pressure? There are many different ways to reduce s
Use the check lists below to find out which personality type fits you best.

If you are a perfectionist:

Obviously, everything must be perfect, you just can’t leave it alone.

If you make even one little mistake you want to repeat the whole process.
You dislike your routine being disrupted.
You get upset when others do not do their job properly, and may take over, increasing your w
You can’t rest till the job is done to your satisfaction, no matter how long it takes.
You do all your work to your own, self-imposed, superhuman standards.
You react badly to emergencies or change.

These people create their own stress by being too hard on themselves. They need to be more rea
If you seek stimulus:

habitually take risks.
are easily bored.

dislike routine.
start projects easily.
don’t often finish the project off completely.
find the little details time wasting.
are full of ideas.
find it hard to maintain a steady relationship.

These people thrive on risk. They are the bungee jumpers, fast car drivers, mountain climbers.
If you are an anxious type:
You feel that people take advantage of you.
Even small disagreements upset you.
You are probably too nervous to make a change, even though you realize it would help you.
You lack self confidence.
You feel vulnerable.
You say "Sorry" easily and even if it wasn’t your fault.
You bottle up anger so well that even you don’t know its there.
You just can’t say "No".
You fear being unpopular.

These people have poor self-esteem. They often take on jobs that are not demanding enough and

If you are an ambitious personality:
You are totally dedicated to anything you begin.
You always finish anything you start.
You think relaxation is a waste of time.
You even dream about work.
Work is more important than a social life.
You often do two or more jobs at once.
You can focus on your present task to the total exclusion of other things.
You may forget meal times.
People getting in your way, slowing you down, make you angry.
You feel that there is a urgency for every task, and never enough time.
It is important that others see you achieve.

These people are often the most stressed, but least ready to do anything about it! They deny t
Your personality self assessment:

You may be obviously one type or you could be a mixture of types. Once you recognise certain q

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