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Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

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Editors’ Report 2009
Arthur Lewbel, Serena Ng, Keisuke Hirano & Jonathan Wright
To cite this article: Arthur Lewbel, Serena Ng, Keisuke Hirano & Jonathan Wright (2010)
Editors’ Report 2009, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 28:4, 574-574, DOI: 10.1198/
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Date: 12 January 2016, At: 00:37

Editors’ Report 2009

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Arthur L EWBEL, Serena N G, Keisuke H IRANO, and Jonathan W RIGHT
Arthur Lewbel and Serena Ng served as co-editors of the
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (JBES) for 2009,
but only handled the new submissions up to June 30, 2009. After that date all new manuscript submissions were handled by
the incoming co-editors, Keisuke Hirano and Jonathan Wright.
The number of submissions to JBES has trended up for many
years. The total number (new and revisions) was over 390 in
2009. As a result, even though we have continued to set high
standards, the publication backlog has remained stubbornly
high, at over one year. Reducing this backlog is a top priority. To this end, in addition to maintaining high standards and
restricting the length of accepted manuscripts, we have decided
to have no special issues of the Journal until the publication lag

has been cut substantially.
We have increased the fraction of papers that are screened
out prior to being sent to referees. In 2009, over half of new
submissions were rejected in this way. Papers are desk-rejected
because they do not make a sufficiently large contribution to
be published in the JBES, or because they are a poor fit. We
feel that this is in the interests of all parties. The authors get
a quick decision and are free to submit the paper to another
journal quickly. And it minimizes the burden that is imposed on
Associate Editors and referees.
Because of this, and the hard work of our Associate Editors
and referees, the mean time between submission and first decision fell a little in 2009, while the median response time is now
down to 26 days. The sharp drop in the median response time
is the result of the desk-reject rate on new submissions rising to
above 50 percent.

Table 1. Manuscript review days from submission to first decision










Once a year, the JBES publishes an invited paper on a particularly active research topic, along with comments by discussants, in order to give a diverse range of perspectives. The paper and discussions used to be presented at the Joint Statistical
Meetings (JSM). But starting in 2010, the presentation and discussions have been moved to an Econometric Society section at
the annual meetings of the Allied Social Science Associations.
The JBES continues to maintain a separate invited session at the
The JBES covers a broad range of topics in statistics and
econometrics. We mainly publish papers that make substantive
methodological contributions. A few more applied papers may
also be considered, but they would have to report results that
are especially novel and of particular interest to the broad readership of the Journal.
We, the editors, would like to warmly thank our Editorial Coordinator, Jamie Hutchens, for keeping the JBES editorial operation running smoothly, along with our publishers, the American Statistical Association, the editorial staff of the journal, our
Associate Editors, referees, and of course all of our authors, for
their valuable contributions and continued support in making
the JBES the premier journal it is today.

© 2010 American Statistical Association
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
October 2010, Vol. 28, No. 4
DOI: 10.1198/jbes.2010.284er