Group Helps Women Celebrate Their Lives

Group Helps Women Celebrate Their Lives
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I’ve been there, right where you might find yourself today: unfulfilled, unappreciated, unhapp

Group Helps Women Celebrate Their Lives

Article Body:
I’ve been there, right where you might find yourself today: unfulfilled, unappreciated, unhapp

No matter how exhausted I was at the end of the day, I was never able to pat myself on the bac

I watched my three beautiful babies asleep in their beds. I saw my real estate sales go throug

And yet I never celebrated. I failed to celebrate myself. I failed to celebrate life. And as a
My personal journey has involved some pretty daunting obstacles along a steep learning curve,

I am convinced of the potential women have to make the world a better place. That is why I rea
I have identified and overcome my own obstacles, and I see myself today as a potential source

I have looked around, and I’ve seen hundreds and thousands of women, uncelebrated, empty, fraz

That’s what my organization offers: an opportunity to learn what it means to be fully celebrat

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