Yusar Syahril Arsi, 210103110080,“Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Coffee Morning di PT.PLN
(Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten“. Dibimbing oleh Dr. Feliza Zubair S.Sos.,
M.Ikom. Diploma III program ahli Komunikasi Terapan (PAKT), Sub Program Kehumasan,
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2014.
Penulisan Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tujuan, pelaksanaan, faktor
pendukung dan penghambat dalam kegiatan coffee morning di PT.PLN (Persero) Distribusi
Jawa Barat dan Banten (DJBB).
Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan adalah metode deskriptif, dengan tehnik
pengumpulan data seperti: observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka, yang menjadi objek
pengamatan adalah divisi humas di PT.PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten
Hasil pengamatan menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan coffee morning merupakan sebuah
kegiatan internal perusahaan yang diselenggarakan oleh divisi humas yang memiliki tujuan
mendukung program manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) sertauntuk mempererat
hubungan antar sesama karyawan maupun dengan atasan.
Simpulan menunjukan bahwa kegiatan coffee morningyang bertujuan untuk mendukung
program manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) telah berhasil menciptakan hubungan dan
komunikasi yang baik antara sesama karyawan maupun karyawan dengan atasannya guna
mencapai tujuan bersama yaitu tujuan perusahaan.

Saran dari penulis, agar seluruh karyawan dapat mengkuti kegiatan coffee morningyang
telah diprogramkan oleh PT.PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten (DJBB), serta
mengoptimalkan kegiatan coffee morning yang diadakan satu bulan sekali.



Yusar Syahril Arsi , 210103110080 ,implementation of activities of the coffee morning
in PT. PLN ( Persero ) The distribution of west Java and Banten (DJBB) .Guided by
Dr.Feliza Zubair, .A diploma III program of applied communication expert ( pakt ) , sub
public relations program , the faculty of science communication , Padjadjaran university ,
2014 .
The end of the writing of duty is aimed to understand the purpose , the implementation of
coffee morning, supporting factor and inhibitors of in the coffee morning in PT. PLN
( Persero ) the distribution of west Java and Banten ( DJBB ) .
Methods used in the writing is descriptive method , With technical data like: observation,
interviews and the study of literature , who became the object of observation is a division of
public relations in PT.PLN ( Persero ) the distribution of west Java and Banten

( DJBB )

The results of observations explained that the coffee morning is a company internal
activities organized by a division of public relations that has the purpose of supporting the
program management of departement human resources ( HRD ) as well as to reinforce the
relationship between fellow employees and with a boss .
Drawing conclusions show that the coffee morning activities aimed at supporting
management of human resources program have succeeded in creating improve our relations
and good communication between fellow employees and an employee with his boss superiors
to reach a joint purpose is the purpose of the company .
Suggestions from the author, so that all employees can attend the coffee morning that has
been programmed by PT.PLN ( Persero ) the distribution of west Java and Banten ( DJBB ),
and optimize the coffee morning that is held once a month .
