Translation Analysis of Imperative Sentences in Unilever Product Labels - UNS Institutional Repository




Submitted to Meet a Part of the Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree

from English Department Faculty of Cultural Sciences Sebelas Maret















Submitted to Meet a Part of the Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree

from English Department Faculty of Cultural Sciences Sebelas Maret



By :











  Name : Tulisyana Ajeng Dwi Safitri NIM : C0310062

  Truthfully I state that this thesis entitled

  “Translation Analysis of

Imperative Sentences in Unilever Product Labels” is originally made by me as

  the researcher. It is neither a plagiarism nor written by others. Any materials and theories used as references are written in direct quotation or in paraphrase and included within the bibliography. If later this pronouncement is proved incorrect, I would take the responsibility.

  Surakarta, 2017 The Researcher Tulisyana Ajeng D.S



“Indeed what is come will be better for you than what has gone by” (QS. Ad-duha:4) “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today” (H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)

“Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more;

Believing in Yourself” (Harry Potter, 2007)



  I dedicate this thesis for: My Beloved Parents and

  My thesis supervisor Prof. Drs. Mangatur Nababan, M.Ed., M.A.,Ph.D.




  First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT for the blessing and guiding me in accomplishing this thesis from the beginning to the end. I realize that this thesis will never be finished without support, help, and assistance from many individuals and institutions. Therefore, I would like to utter my sincere gratitude to: 1.

  Prof. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Pd., Ph.D – as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

  2. Drs. Agus Hari Wibowo, M.A., Ph.D – as the Head of English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

  3. Prof. Drs. Mangatur Nababan, M.Ed., M.A.,Ph.D. – as my thesis supervisor for your guidance, help and advices. I would like to give my special thanks also for always giving me times to share my problems in finishing my thesis. I am so grateful to have you as my thesis supervisor.

  4. Karunia Purna Kusciati, S.S., M.Si. – as my academic supervisor for your assistance during my study. Thank you for always supporting me.

  5. All of English Department Lectures, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Thank you for giving me a very great time of studying and providing me valuable knowledge. vii

  6. For my raters Umi Dwi Lestari, S.S., M.Hum. , Herianto Nababan, S.S., M.Hum., and Nur Saptaningsih S.Hum., M.Hum. Thanks for the participation in analyzing my data and discussing many materials of translation.

  7. Alfian Yoga Prananta S.S., M.Hum.– as my technique’s verifier, thank you for the and the disscussion during my analysis process.

  8. Staffs of Faculty of Cultural Sciences Sebelas Maret University for helping me in everything during my study here.

  9. My beloved parents, sister and brother for the unlimited support, guidance, and prayer to me in every single day. Thank you for everything. Thanks for teaching me the meaning of hard work. I love you all.

  10. My friends in ED 2010 UNS, thanks for every beautiful moment we have shared and the companionship pals.

  11. For those who have not been mentioned, I do not forget to appreciate your support. Thank you.

  Last, I hope this thesis brings benefit for readers and other researchers about the similar research. All kinds of suggestions and criticisms are welcomed.

  Tulisyana Ajeng D.S




TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR ......................................................................... ii

THESIS APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS ........................... iii

PRONOUNCEMENT .......................................................................................... iv

MOTTO .................................................................................................................. v

DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xv

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Research Background .............................................................................. 1 B. Research Limitation................................................................................. 7 C. Problem Statements ................................................................................. 7 D. Research Objectives ................................................................................ 8 E. Research Benefits .................................................................................... 8 F. Thesis Organization ................................................................................. 9

  CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW A. Definition of Translation ....................................................................... 11 B. Equivalence in Translation ................................................................... 12 C. Problems in Translation ......................................................................... 13 D. Translation Technique ........................................................................... 16 E. Translation Quality ................................................................................ 24

  1. Accuracy ........................................................................................... 25

  2. Acceptability ..................................................................................... 26

  3. Readability ........................................................................................ 27

  F. Sentence ................................................................................................. 27

  G. Imperative Sentence .............................................................................. 29

  H. Translation of Product Label ................................................................. 32

  I. Unilever Product.....................................................................................34

  CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Type and Design .................................................................... 36 B. Data and Source of Data ........................................................................ 37 C. Sampling Technique .............................................................................. 39 D. Method of Data Collection .................................................................... 40 E. Technique of Data Analysis................................................................... 45 F. Research Procedures .............................................................................. 46


  CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS A. Introduction ........................................................................................... 48 B. Findings ................................................................................................. 48

  1. Translation Technique Analysis ........................................................ 48

  2. Translation Quality Analysis............................................................. 81

  2.1 Accuracy ..................................................................................... 82

  2.2 Acceptability ............................................................................... 87

  2.3 Readability .................................................................................. 92

  C. Discussion ........................................................................................... 101

  CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 110 B. Recommendations ............................................................................... 111 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES


Table 3.1. Instrumen Penilai Keakuratan Terjemahan .......................................... 41Table 3.2. Instrumen Penilai Tingkat Keberterimaan Terjemahan ....................... 42Table 3.3. Instrumen Penilai Tingkat Keterbacaan Terjemahan ........................... 43Table 4.1. Result of Translation Technique Analysis ........................................... 49Table 4.2. Data Numbers of Accuracy Level ........................................................ 82Table 4.3. Data Numbers of Acceptability Level ................................................. 88Table 4.4. Data Numbers of Readability Level..................................................... 93Table 4.5. The Relationship between Translation Techniques and Quality of

  Translation in terms of Accuracy, Acceptability, and Readability ....................... 98



Tulisyana Ajeng Dwi Safitri. C0310062. Translation Analysis of Imperative

Sentences in Unilever Product Labels. English Department. Faculty of

Cultural Sciences. Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

  This research is a descriptive qualitative study. It focuses on the translation techniques and quality of imperative sentences in the Unilever product labels. The aims of this research are (1) to find out the translation techniques applied by the translator in translating imperative sentences in the Unilever product labels, (2) to find out the impacts of the translation techniques used in the translation of imperative sentences in Unilever product labels on the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy, acceptability and readability.

  This research employs purposive sampling technique. The data are in the form of imperative sentences found in Unilever product labels. The total data of imperative sentences are 76 numbers which belongs to the first data. The other data are in the forms of information taken from the result of questionnaire assessed by three raters and three respondents.

  The analysis of translation techniques shows that there are 11 techniques used by the translator to translate imperative sentences in the Unilever product labels, namely a) established equivalent: (298 data or 69.30%), b) amplification: (41 data or 9.53%), c) reduction: (38 data or 8.84%), d) modulation: (11 data or 2.56%), e) generalization: (10 data or 2.32%), f) transposition: (10 data or 2.32%),

  g) particularization: (8 data or 1.87%), h) borrowing: (7 data or 1.63%), i) discursive creation: (3 data or 0.70%), j) variation: (3 data or 0.70%), and k) adaptation: (1 data or 0.23%).

  The result of this research in terms of translation quality shows that that 59 data of imperative sentence (77.63%) are classified into accurate translation and 17 data of imperative sentence (22.37%) are classified into less accurate. The analysis on the acceptability reveals that 68 (89.48 %) data of imperative sentences are considered into acceptable translation and 8 (10.52 %) data of imperative sentences are considered into less acceptable translation. Meanwhile, the analysis of the readability of the translation shows that there are 66 data (86.84%) considered as readable translation and 10 data (13.16%) as less readable translation. From the result of translation quality assessment, no data are considered as inaccurate, unacceptable, and unreadable.

  To sum up, the translation quality assessment shows that the translation has good quality based on the score given by the raters. Moreover, the techniques used by the translator when translating the text affect the translation quality. Established equivalent is identified as the most dominant technique so that it results the high level of translation quality. By employing this technique most of the message of the source text can be correctly conveyed in the target text.

  Keywords: translation technique, translation quality, imperative sentence