To Go Or No Go That Is The Question

To Go Or No Go, That Is The Question
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Last week we talked about a few of the ways to test the feasibility of a business idea to help

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Last week we talked about a few of the ways to test the feasibility of a business idea to help

A feasibility plan is just that: a written plan that is created for the sole purpose of valida

Many entrepreneurs would rather have their front teeth pulled without anesthetic than go to th

The last thing an entrepreneur (particularly one without prior business experience) wants to h

In an entrepreneur´s head every idea is a good one, every hit is a home run, and every story e

Writing a detailed feasibility plan will force you to take off the rose colored glasses and lo

Starting a business without testing its feasibility is like teaching your kids to swim by chuc

Writing a feasibility plan is much like writing a mini-business plan. The end result should be

Executive Summary
The Executive Summary is the first section of the plan and sums up the high points detailed th

Product and Service Plan
This section details the product or service the business will offer. The point of the feasibil

Marketing Plan
The marketing plan is one of the most important sections of the feasibility plan because it is

Pricing and Profitability
The pricing and profitability section should include information on how the price of your prod

Plan for Further Action

This final section of the feasibility plan simply details the next steps in executing the plan
Finally, don´t fear the outcome of the feasibility plan. If the feasibility plan reveals that

Writing a feasibility plan is a pain in the neck, but so is losing your house to a failed busi

Take the time to do the plan. If it helps, feel free to cuss me while you´re doing it, but rem
Here´s to your success!

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