CyberSecurity Malaysia | An Agency Under MOSTI

Zahri Yunos and Ahmad Nasir Mohd Zin
National ICT Security and Emergency Response Centre (NISER)
(This article was published in The Star InTech on 5 February 2004)
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has pervaded national
economies, social activities, politics and defence of countries around the
world. While all these new technologies allow for enormous gains in
efficiency, productivity and communications, they also create new threats and
vulnerabilities to those who harbour bad intentions. The same infrastructure
that we utilise to transmit information also creates unprecedented
opportunities for criminals, terrorists and hostile foreign nation-states.
With viruses and worms as well as hacking tools becoming the latest weapon
of choice, we cannot afford to be complacent. Protecting the Malaysia’s
critical information infrastructures and Malaysia’s “e-sovereignty” against
cyberattacks should be of grate concern to us all.
We need to outline a national program in order to address the nation’s ICT
security issues in a comprehensive and effective manner. Malaysia needs a
“cyberdefence agenda” to systematically identify the offensive and defensive
measures required to defend the country against cyber attacks from
individuals, groups, organisations or countries.

Formulating an all around defence from all angles and possibilities can be
achieved by considering the following fundamental questions: •

IF Malaysia is under cyber attack, what should we defend? What must
Malaysia need to do to protect herself?

HOW should we defend? If Malaysia needs to counter cyberattacks,
how is the country going to do it? One needs to remember that
offensive actions are also a form of defence.

HOW to make our country prepared to cyberattacks? How should this
be integrated into the overall Malaysia defence planning?

We need a comprehensive offensive and defensive capabilities to support
our strategic agenda and ensure our “e-sovereignty” is protected.
Some of the examples below may not be total solutions, but may give some

ideas on the capabilities that we need to develop.
National Cyber Early Warning System
What can Malaysia do to avoid being a victim of cyber attacks?

We need cyberattack early warning because of the difficulties in identifying
and assessing a sophisticated cyber attack. We need a system that
combines proactive and reactive incident response capabilities, and at the
same time provides 24x7 active monitoring of critical networks from a
centralised network monitoring centre.
The system also must be able to provide necessary alerts, carry out an
analysis and respond to these alerts.
Awareness Programme
Many are glad with the efforts by the Malaysian ICT community, whether the
government or private sector, to raise awareness on information security to a
wider public.
These efforts need to be continued until a significant portion, if not all, of
society are aware on the importance of these issues.
Information Assurance
The cyber defence strategy should also place a strong emphasis on making

sure that critical systems are secured and handled by Malaysians themselves.
One of its most important provisions would be to encourage critical agencies
to only buy software that has been certified as being secured, a move that is
likely to encourage suppliers to improve the security of their products. The
Common Citeria for Information Security Evaluation (ISO15408) can be used
for this purpose.
Qualified Information Security Professionals
Qualified information security professionals are important considering the
kinds the threats we are facing. There is a possibility that bugs, trojan horses
and other sorts of security risks are lurking just beyond our nation’s cyberboundaries. We need to develop information security professionals urgently to
ensure the security of our cyberspace.
R&D Centre
Our cyber defence strategy should also include the creation of a centre to
study information security and related threats. This could be a joint publicprivate sector programme to improve the security of the Internet.
Internet security is going to become a greater issue and cannot be be left to
just isolated programmes. Researchers scattered throughout the nation
should be grouped together under one roof.


Business Continuty Management Standard
The government must make it compulsory for critical public and private sector
orgnasiations to widely adopt business continuity management standards.
This is to provide effective contingency solutions in order to ensure continuity
of business at organisational and national levels in case of a disaster.
These organisations should also conduct risk assessment to help identify their
critical security needs, assess their operations and systems against those
needs and implement security improvements identified through the risk
assessment process.
International CERT Collaboration
Engaging in “cyberdiplomacy” may be a good idea. As with traditional
diplomacy, cyberdiplomacy is the interaction of duly appointed representatives
of states, international organisations and other such international actors.
The formation of regional Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs)
such as Asia Pacific CERT, in which Malaysia is a member, is a good
example of such interaction, benefiting members through voluntary
information-sharing of common cyberthreats.
Adoption of Best Security Practises
With our growing dependence on information networks and the rapid changes
in network technology and threats, it is critical for organisations to adopt the

best security practices such as implementing an information security
management system.
While there is often discussions and debates over which particular practices
might be in some way “best”, effective practices and policy templates are
recommended for both governments and private sector oprganisations.