The perception on the use of Self-Access Language Learning (SALL) among students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman Yogyakarta - USD Repository


  A Thesis Presented as s Partial Fulf fillment of th he Requirem ments to Obt ain the Sarja ana Pendidik kan Degree in n English La anguage Edu ucation

  By Rina C Candrawati

  Student Num mber: 04121 4085




  A Thesis Presented as s Partial Fulf fillment of th he Requirem ments to Obt ain the Sarja ana Pendidik kan Degree in n English La anguage Edu ucation

  By Rina C Candrawati

  Student Num mber: 04121 4085



  i ii



  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, March 8, 2011 The Writer

  Rina Candrawati 041214085


















Candrawati, Rina. 2011. The Perception on the Use of Self-Access Language

Learning among Students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.


Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma


  Autonomy in language learning has been a topic of widespread discussion

over the last 20 years. The implementation of this approach requires that students be

autonomous learners as shown by their learning behaviors, knowledge about learning

and the attitudes that enable them to use these learning skills confidently, flexibly,

appropriately and independently.

  SALL is one of the learning media to support the autonomous learning and

has been implemented in some schools in Indonesia. One of the schools is SMK

2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Since every student is a uniquely different,


they have different perception in the way they learn things including learning English

using SALL. The students’ perception is truly useful to pay attention to as it will be

used to help teachers whether or not to continue and maximize the use of SALL in

teaching English to their students.

  This research investigated the students’ perception on the use of SALL in

learning English. It addressed questions, (1) What are the students’ perceptions on the

use of Self-Access Language Learning (SALL) in learning English at SMK Negeri 2

Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta? (2) What are the suggestions given by students to

improve and maximize the use of SALL in English learning at SMK Negeri 2 Depok,

Sleman, Yogyakarta? The research was also to acquire preliminary description and

interpretation about students lived experience of their motivation and learning


  The researcher employed a survey research by observing the students’

behavior, distributing questionnaire and interviewing the students. The research

participants were the second year students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman,

Yogyakarta in the Academic Year of 2009/2010. The population of this study

consisted of 288 students. The sampling technique of this research was a random

sampling. The result of the tossing was the class of Teknik Perbaikan Body Otomotif.

  From the analysis of the students’ behaviors during the observation and from

the analysis of the students’ responds to the questionnaire, the results showed that, in

general, the most students had positive perception on the use of SALL in their

English learning. In addition, from the interview, it was shown that students had

positive response in the application of SALL. They liked learning English using

SALL, though several students did not like using SALL. They also made effort when

they had difficulties. Furthermore, the students also had positive response on the

activities. They gave suggestion to add the activities so that it can be more varied.

Apart from that, the students claimed that their speaking and listening skills improved

by native speakers pronunciation and new words they learned from the recorded

materials. The students also recommended that the SALL collection of materials, the

condition of the class, the activities, the time outside the learning in the classroom,

and the duration of the learning need improving.




Candrawati, Rina. 2011. The Perception on the Use of Self-Access Language

Learning among Students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata


  Otonomi dalam pembelajaran bahasa telah menjadi topik diskusi yang

berkembang luas selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Penerapan pendekatan ini mengharuskan

siswa menjadi pembelajar yang otonom seperti yang ditunjukkan melalui tingkah laku

belajar, pengetahuan tentang belajar dan sikap yang memungkinkan siswa untuk

menggunakan keterampilan belajar mereka dengan percaya diri, fleksibel, tepat dan


  SALL merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk

mendukung pembelajaran otonom dan telah diterapkan di beberapa sekolah di

Indonesia. Salah satu sekolah tersebut yakni SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman,

Yogyakarta. Karena setiap siswa adalah pribadi yang unik dan berbeda, mereka tentu

memiliki persepsi dan cara belajar yang berbeda, termasuk juga dalam belajar bahasa

Inggris menggunakan SALL.

  Penelitian ini menyelidiki persepsi siswa pada penggunaan SALL dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris. Ada dua permasalahan yang dipecahkan: (1) Bagaimana

  persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan SALL dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMKN 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta? (2) Apa saran-saran untuk mengembang dan memaksimalkan penggunaan SALL dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMKN 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta? Penelitian ini juga diharapkan untuk mendapatkan gambaran awal serta interpretasi pengalaman siswa terhadap motivasi dan perilaku belajar mereka.

  Peneliti menggunakan metode survei; yaitu dengan mengamati perilaku siswa, menyebar kuisioner dan mewawancarai siswa. Peserta dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Populasi pada penelitian ini terdiri 288 siswa. Sedangkan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling acak. Kelas Teknik Otomotif terpilih sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini.

  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum, siswa memiliki persepsi

positif terhadap penggunaan SALL dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris mereka.

Selain itu, hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa siswa mempunyai respon positif

terhadap penggunaan SALL. Mereka menyukai belajar dengan SALL, meskipun ada

beberapa siswa tidak menyukainya. Mereka juga berusaha mengatasi kesulitan jika

mereka mengalaminya. Selain itu, siswa juga memberikan respon positif pada setiap

kegiatan dalam belajar menggunakan SALL. Siswa juga mendapat banyak

keuntungan dengan belajar menggunakan SALL; seperti keterampilan berbicara dan

mendengarkan mereka mengalami kemajuan. Para siswa memberi saran: penambahan

koleksi soal serta variasi kegiatan; penambahan waktu dalam belajar baik di dalam

maupun di luar jam pelajaran.





  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Rina Candrawati Nomor Mahasiswa : 041214085 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:





  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

  Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 8 Maret 2011 Yang menyatakan Rina Candrawati vii



  Many people had contributed to the completion of this thesis. My very first eternal gratitude is conveyed to Jesus Christ for everything He had given to me, His great blessings, graces, love and mercy. Without Him, I am but nothing.

  From the very sincerest bottom of my heart, I am thankful to ibu Dr.


Retno Muljani, M.Pd., my advisor, for her enormous guidance, advice,

suggestions, corrections and patience so that the thesis finally could be finished.

  With all my grateful heart, I thank my dearest husband, Fero Kurniawan, for his patience and prayers, for giving me endless love, support, affection, encouragement, happiness and for helping me passed all these processes. My gratitude also flows to my dearest parents Tri Suko Bambang Wiyono and


Suprihati for their unconditional and undying love, care, kindness, support,

  sacrifices and prayers. My gratitude is also extended to my brother Mas Wawan and his wife, Mbak Arin, for their supports and prayers. They all are very loving and wonderful persons and always by my side especially when I am in need of help. They are the ones who always lift me up when I am down. I am also thankful to my parents-in-law for their prayers and encouragement. Again, I heartily thank them for everything they have done for me.

  Another deep gratitude of mine flies to the second year of students of SMK


Negeri 2 Depok in the academic year of 2009/2010, especially Andika, Ardi,

Ari, Bayu, Doffy and Faisal for helping me answer the given questionnaire and

participate in the interviews so that the required data could be collected.

  My gratitude also flies to my good friends, Eveline, Ani (Nobita), cik


Aline, Festy and pakdhe Nugroho, who always brighten my life. We like to share

  ideas, life experiences and we strengthen one another; also Tika, a friend who shared the same “fight” in finishing the thesis. My gratitude also flies to my classmates of English Education Study Program whom I do not mention here one by one for their support, prayers and making the world a better place for me during my study, with their personalities, smiling faces, helpful minds and loving hearts. May you all be happy, friends.

  Finally, I would like to thank them all my benefactors whose names could not be mentioned here, seen and unseen, and known and unknown for their prayers and encouragement. May God bless them all.

  Rina Candrawati viii



  TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………... i APPROVAL PAGES ..………………………………………………………. ii STATEMENT OF WORKS’ ORIGINALITY ……………………………… iv ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………. v


ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………………………….. vi


  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………. ix LIST OF TABLES …………………………………………………………... xii LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………………………………….. xiii LIST OF APPENDICES …………………………………………………….. xiv

  CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ……………………………………..

  1 B. Problem Formulation ……………………………………...

  5 C. Problem Limitation ………………………………………..

  6 D. Research Objectives ……………………………………….

  6 E. Research Benefits ………………………………………….

  7 F. Definition of Terms ………………………………………..

  8 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description …………………………………...


  1. Theory of Perception ……………………………………

  10 a. Definition of Perception ……………………………..


  b. Perception in Learning ………………………………


  2. Theory of Learning English ……………………………

  13 a. Learning ……………………………………………..

  13 b. Language Learning …………………………………..


  3. Motivation ………………………………………………

  16 a. Definition of Motivation …………………………….

  16 ix

  b. Importance of Motivation …………………………...

  17 4. Theory of Self-Access Language Learning …………….


  5. Vocational School ………………………………………

  21 B. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………

  23 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ………………………………………….

  26 B. Research Participant ……………………………………….

  27 C. Research Instruments ……………………………………...

  29 1. The Observation Checklist ……………………………...


  2. The Questionnaire ………………………………………


  3. The Interview ……...……………………………………

  32 D. Data Gathering Technique ………………………………...

  34 E. Data Analysis Technique ………………………………….

  34 F. Research Procedures ……………………………………….


  A. Students’ Perception on the Use of SALL in Learning English at SMKN 2 Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta ………….


  1. Students’ Perception Based on the Observations of Students’ Behavior in the Teaching-Learning Process Using SALL ……………………………………………


  2. Students’ Perception on the Use of SALL in Learning English Based on The Questionnaire…………………...


  3. Students’ Perception on the Motivation, Activities and Implication on the Use of SALL in Learning English Based on the Interview …………………………………


  a. Students’ Perception on Motivation in Their English Learning using SALL ……………………………….

  58 b. Students’ Perception on the Activities Using SALL ...


  c. Students’ Perception on the Implication after Learning Using SALL ………………………………

  63 B. Students’ Recommendation to Improve and to Maximize

  65 the use of SALL in English Learning …………………...

  CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ………………………………………………..

  67 x

  xi B. Suggestions ………………………………………………..

  69 REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………….

  71 APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………..




Table 3.1. Research Respondents by Class and Number ……………………….

  28 3.2. Observation Blueprint of Students’ Behavior in SALL …………….


  3.3. Questionnaire Blueprint of Students’ Perception toward SALL ……

  32 3.4. Framework of Interview Questions in using SALL ………………...


  3.5. Scoring grades for Questionnaire on Students’ Perception …………

  35 xii



  1.1 The relation between students’ perception, motivation, and behavior…


  4.1. Students’ response to self-confidence in facing achievement related task ……………………………………………………………………..

  47 4.2. Students’ response to their persistence in case of failure ……………...

  50 4.3. Students’ response to preference of level of difficulties ……………….

  51 4.4. Students’ response to time perspective ………………………………...

  53 4.5. Students’ response to competition with others ………………………...

  54 4.6. Students’ response to implication ……………………………………...


  4.7. The percentage of students’ responses to all statements in the questionnaire …………………………………………………………...

  56 xiii




  A. Observation Checklist …………………………………………………. 74 B. Questionnaire of Students’ Perception ………………………………...

  78 C. Angket Persepsi Siswa …………………………………………………

  80 D. Interview Question ……………………………………………………..

  82 E. Data of Student’s Perception Score …………………………………...

  84 F. Frequency of the Students’ Responses to Each Statement of the Questionnaire …………………………………………………………..

  85 G. Percentage of the Students’ Responses to Each Statement of the Questionnaire …………………………………………………………..

  87 H. The Students’ Interview Transcript ……………………………………


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This research investigates the students’ perception on the use of Self Access Language Learning (SALL) in an English class at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This introductory chapter contains six major sections, namely (1)


research background, (2) problem formulation, (3) problem limitation, (4) research

objectives, (5) research benefits, and (6) definition of terms.

A. Research Background

  There are many ways in order that people can learn English effectively and

joyfully. Some are trying to find the appropriate ways to learn it, either through

formal or non-formal settings. Since English is known as an international language,

Indonesian government has made English as a compulsory subject at schools as the

first foreign language. Beyond its importance in human life, students are expected to

be able to learn English in order to pass exams and graduate. Teachers are responsible

to help their students in learning English so they try to find suitable activities in their

teaching and learning processes. In addition, they also have to choose selective media

in order to vary the learning practices. One of them is using Self Access Language

Learning (SALL).

  In the past few years, SALL has received considerable interest, as evidenced

by the proliferation of SACs in Mexico, Hong Kong, Spain, Austria, Egypt, Taiwan,




and South East Asia (Gremmo and Riley, 1995, p.157). Gardner & Miller’s (1997)

defined SALL as the learning in which students take more responsibility for their

learning than in teacher directed settings.

  Ideally SALL offers varying degrees of guidance that encourages students to

move towards autonomy. According to Holec, “autonomy” is defined as the ability to

take charge of one’s own learning. Furthermore, Dickinson illustrated autonomy as a

situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of the decisions concerned

with his or her learning and implementation of those decisions. From these two

definitions, we can conclude that the learners must be independent thinkers and

should have a clear view of the whole learning process, including the purpose of

learning, the aim of learning, the way of learning, the choice of materials in learning,

etc. In another words, it includes everything concerned with their learning activities.

As for autonomous learning, both the teacher and learners have larger role in

structuring the learning regarding time and pace, content, sequence, and evaluation

which contributes to various degrees of learner autonomy (Ning et all, 2008).

  SALL can be regarded as a manifestation of learner autonomy in the way that

SALL provides materials and organizational systems that accommodate for

individualization and promotion of independent learning (Sheerin, 1997). SALL,

however, is the kind of learning that takes place in a Self Access Center (SAC).


Sheerin (1989, 1997) stated that the SAC is a means to cater for individual learners’

needs which requires effort on teachers’ part to provide learning materials. Jones

(1995), on the other hand, stated that the SAC is where both teachers and learners


would have to change their attitudes and approaches whereby learners could take a

more active role in determining their own learning objectives and processes. In

accordance to Reinders (2000), SAC is a means of promoting learner autonomy and it

is a place where SALL is done by students.

  SALL has been implemented in some schools in Indonesia. One of the

schools is SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman. The school is the only vocational school in

Yogyakarta province that has a SAC. In 2005, the school was appointed by the

Director of Vocational Education (letter No: 0543/C5./MN/2005 dated March 23,

2005) as the English Testing Center (ETC) for Sleman District. One of the duties of

the school is to facilitate the regional and international TOEIC test for third graders of

SMK schools students and their English teachers. ETC requires that the school

should have a SAC facility.

  In return, Directorate allocated some fund for the school to set up Self Access

Center (letter No: 1662b/c5.3/Ku/200 dated August 6, 2006). It is meant to facilitate

and support the autonomous learning for the students. A team of local English

teachers then organized an action plan for realizing the SAC by purchasing some

electronic equipments and self-producing materials needed for the students. From an

interview with one of the senior teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, the

researcher found that there are approximately three hundreds folders of Self Access

materials at present covering materials for listening, speaking, reading, writing,

grammar, and vocabulary.

  4 As the class starts, the students enter the SAC. They start learning English by

self-choosing the learning materials available in the shelves and doing the tasks.


Before doing them, they have to read the topic, and objectives. When they finish they

check and score their works. Their marks are recorded in their own progress report

sheet which they have to submit to their teacher at least two weeks before final

grading is done. In mark recording it is required that they have to write the code, date

of learning, material classification, and marks. In this setting, the students actually

carry out two things, namely exploring their knowledge of English and at the same

time acquiring some new learning experiences.

  As every human is pedagogically different in their leaning manner they may

have genuine dissimilar perception in the practice of SALL. The personal perception

of the students on the use of SALL as a learning model is, therefore, interesting and

challenging to observe for many English teachers in Indonesia are not yet familiar


  Perception is a psychological term, which is described by Foley (2007) as a

process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful

experience of the world. Perception describes one’s ultimate experience of the world

and typically involves further processing of sensory input. It means that perception

also plays an important role in students’ ways of seeing their experience in learning

English. As cited by Christina (2008:1) perception is very important because it can

influence students’ motivation in learning and behavior or attitudes (Bootzin,

1983:120). When students have positive perception, it would lead them to succeed in


obtaining their goal. It is able to make them possess high motivation to learn which

can be seen through their interest in the learning processes. On the other hand, when

the students’ perception is negative and they have negative behavior in the learning

process and it may cause failure accordingly. motivation perception behavior

Figure 1.1 The relation between students’ perception, motivation, and behavior Teachers’ and students’ perception cannot be separated from teaching and


learning process. When a teacher decides to use one method in teaching English, the

teacher also needs to consider the students’ perception. As Ames said (1988:260)

students’ perception has to be known by teachers because it can influence further

teaching learning strategies. Knowing that the students’ perception is important, the

researcher carried out a research to investigate of the students’ perception in learning

English using SALL.

B. Problem Formulation


The study, therefore, aims to address the following research questions:


1. What are the students’ perceptions on the use of Self-Access Language Learning

(SALL) in learning English at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta?



2. What are the suggestions given by students to improve and to maximize the use

of SALL in English learning at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta?

C. Problem Limitation

  The research focused on revealing students’ perception on the use of SALL in

English learning which can be seen through the students’ behavior and motivation. It

also focused on SALL’s benefits in teaching and learning environment at SMK


  2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta and finding suggestions to improve and

maximize the use of SALL in English learning at school. The research was conducted

at a vocational school, SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The school was

chosen because there is no other vocational school having a Self-Access Center

(SAC) in Yogyakarta. In addition, the school is highly accessible to acquire the data

needed both from the students and teachers.

  D. Research Objectives Based on the problem limitation, this research has several objectives as follows:

1. To know the students’ perception on the use of SALL in English learning at SMK


  2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta which can be seen through the students’ behavior and motivation.


2. To obtain the suggestions from students as to improve and to maximize the use of

SALL in English learning at SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

  7 E. Research Benefits It is hoped that the findings of the study will be beneficial to the followings:

  1. For English Teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta The study will help the teachers to understand the importance of students’

perception on the use of SALL in English learning so that the teachers can make

decisions to use SALL or not in their teaching-learning activities. If the teachers

know that students have positive perception, they are able to consider the use of

SALL in teaching their students. Otherwise, if the teachers know that students have

negative perception, they have to find what makes the students have negative

perception on the use of SALL. The teachers can improve the activities or the

methods or the self-access materials in order to fulfill students’ needs in English

learning. The study may also encourage the teachers, educational managers and other

professionals to take into account in promoting their students in autonomous learning

through SALL.

  2. For University Students The result of the research is expected to help university students who are

interested in conducting research in learning English using SALL. They may use the

result of this research to enhance their own research on related issues of SALL. The

research may also provide a model of survey research in education in general,

particularly to know students’ point of view as an attempt to promote their

autonomous learning. Through the interpreted narratives, the study may contribute to


the development of education in general, language teaching, and how autonomous

learning can be fostered.

F. Definition of Terms

  Below are the terminologies which need to be defined in order to avoid misunderstanding. :

  1. Students’ Perception Perception is a psychological term which is defined as a process by which

organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the

world (Foley, 2007). Perception, in this research, refers to the second grade of

vocational school of SMK Negeri 2 Depok students’ opinion on learning English

through SALL which can be seen through the students’ behavior and motivation.

What is meant by students’ perception is how students see and think during their

experience in learning English through SALL, whether the teaching learning process

using SALL can fulfill students’ needs or not, whether the activities are interesting or

not, whether students’ English skill improve or not, also whether the teaching-

learning is successful or not.

  2. Self-Access Language Learning (SALL) SALL is learning a language through the use of a self-contained learning

environment which provides an independent study with readily accessible materials,

makes available a form of help -- either through answer keys or through counseling,

and possibly offers the latest technology (Dickinson, 1987). Gardner & Miller (1997)


defined SALL as a learning in which students take more responsibility for their

learning than in teacher directed settings. Ideally, SALL offers varying degrees of

guidance and encourages students to move towards autonomy.’

  SALL can be regarded as a manifestation of learner autonomy in the way that

SALL provides materials and organizational systems that accommodate

individualization and the promotion of independent learning (Sheerin, 1997). It

allows learners with different learning needs and styles to outline their learning

objectives, decide what to do, find materials that suit their needs, use the material

assess their learning, attain their goals, and learn on their own (Dickinson, 1987;

Sheerin, 1997). In this study, SALL refers to the language learning activities that take

place in a SAC which involves the development of learner autonomy.

3. SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta

  SMK Negeri

  2 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta is a school where the students

learn English using SALL. The school has its own self-access center (SAC). The

teachers use SALL in order to help the students in acquiring, understanding English,

and also train the students to be independent in learning English. The teachers use

self-access materials as one of the teaching media. They are ready to be the

facilitators when students face problem in their learning session. From forty-eight

meetings, the teachers use fifteen meetings for teaching English using self-access. In

this school, SALL is used as one of the media in teaching English subject.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW This chapter attempts to contextualize some related theories to address the

  research problems. It consists of two major sections, namely (1) theoretical description, and (2) theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

  There are four major areas discussed; they are theory of perception, theory of learning English, theory of motivation, and theory of Self-Access Language Learning (SALL).

1. Theory of Perception

  This part presents the theory of perception including the definition of perception and perception in learning.

a. Definition of Perception

  According to Foley (2008), perception is a psychological term which can be defined as a process by which organisms interpret and organize sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. Sensation usually refers to the immediate, relatively unprocessed result of stimulation of sensory receptors in the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, or skin. Perception, on the other hand, better describes one’s ultimate experience of the world and typically involves further processing of sensory input. In practice, sensation and perception are virtually impossible to separate because they are part of one continuous process. In line with Foley’s

  10 definition, according to Sternberg (1988: 8), perception is defined as the way a person gives meaning to the world.

  Perception, then, is defined as a process of understanding and interpreting sensations and messages that come from the surrounding so that it can be meaningfully interpreted. The forming of perception is influenced by experience and human sensory senses. Even though some people are given the same stimuli, they will see, think and give response to the stimuli differently. It is because the forming of perception is subjective. However, perception does not solely involve sensory processes but also a mental process.