Students' perceptions on the effects of an English hour as a teaching strategy to improve students' speaking skill in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta - USD Repository









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education




Paulina Purwaningsih

Student Number: 091214011







  A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on







  By Paulina Purwaningsih

  Student Number: 091214011


  Approved by Sponsor Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. November 19, 2013

  A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on






  By Paulina Purwaningsih

  Student Number: 091214011 Defended before the Board of Examiners on December 5, 2013 and Declared Acceptable

  Board of Examiners Chairperson : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. __________ Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. __________ Member : Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd. __________ Member : C. Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. __________ Member : F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ed.D. __________

  Yogyakarta, December 5, 2013 Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University Dean


  I dedicate this thesis to: 1.

  Jesus Christ 2. My beloved parents, Fransiscus Sarman and Theresia Purwanti 3. My sisters and brother, Lia, Ire, and Bernhard 4. All of my friends



  I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, execpt those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

  Yogyakarta, December 5, 2013 The Writer

  Paulina Purwaningsih


  LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

  Nama : Paulina Purwaningsih Nomor Mahasiswa : 091214011

  Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:





  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu minta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

  Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 5 Desember 2013 Yang menyatakan,



Purwaningsih, Paulina. (2013). Students ’ Perceptions on The Effects of an

English Hour as a Teaching Strategy to Improve Students Speaking Skill in SMK

  Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta . Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

  English hour, as a monolingual instruction in language teaching, was created by the English teacher in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. It was done once a week. This strategy was created by the English teacher in order to encourage or motivate the students to speak English. In this teaching strategy, the students were expected to improve their speaking skill in the communication context, such asking permission, asking and answering questions in the discussion, and communicating with the teacher and the students during the teaching-learning activities. Since the English hour is the teaching strategy which was used to improve the students’ speaking skill, the English hour teaching strategy were expected to affect the students’ speaking skill.

  In this research, there were two research problems: 1. How is the English hour teaching strategy applied during the teaching-learning activities? 2. What are the perceptions of the students on the English hour teaching strategy applied during the teaching-learning activities?

  This research used mixed method. The participants of this research were 52 students grade X of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta and an English teacher who applied the English hour teaching strategy. This research used three instruments: an observation, a questionnaire, and an interview. The observation was done by observing the teaching-learning activities, the questionnaire was distributed to 52 students, and the interview was done by interviewing the English teacher.

  For the first research problem, it could be concluded that the English hour was applied starting from listening to the teacher’s explanation about the materials up to practicing to speak English. Moreover,there were some aspects which were given attention in applying the English hour teaching strategy: the grammatical and pronunciation mistakes, the use of Bahasa Indonesia, and the correction which were given by the teacher. Furthermore, the students could also follow the teaching strategy well. Therefore, for the second research problem, it could be concluded that the English hour affected the students’ speaking skill in terms of (1) students’ improvement in speaking English, (2) students’ willingness to speak English, and (3) students’ confidence to speak English.

  Keywords: English hour, teaching strategy, communicative language teaching, and speaking.



Purwaningsih, Paulina. (2013). Students

  ’ Perceptions on The Effects of an

English Hour as a Teaching Strategy to Improve Students Speaking Skill in SMK

Marsudi Luhur Yogyakarta . Yogyakarta: Universitas sanata Dharma

  English hour merupakan sebuah strategi pengajaran yang dibuat oleh


guru Bahasa Inggris SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta dan dilaksanakan selama

satu jam pelajaran setiap minggunya. Strategi pengajaran ini dibuat oleh guru

dengan tujuan mendorong atau memotivasi siswa untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris.

Dalam strategi pengajaran ini, siswa diharapkan mampu berbicara bahasa

Inggris dalam konteks komunikasi seperti meminta izin, bertanya dan menjawab

pertanyaan pada diskusi, dan komunikasi dengan guru dan teman sekelas selama

kegiatan belajar mengajar. Karena strategi pengajaran English hour diciptakan

untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara siswa, English hour diharapkan

mempengauhi kemampuan berbicara siswa.

  Pada penelitian ini, ada dua rumusan masalah: 1. Bagaimana English hour

diterapkan selama kegiatan belajar mengajar? 2. Apa pendapat siswa terhadap

strategi pengjaran English hour yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan belajar


  Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, kualitatif dan kuantitatif.

Subyek penelitian adalah 52 siswa kelas X SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta

dan satu guru Bahasa Inggris yang menerapkan strategi pengajaran English

  hour. Dalam penelitian ini ada tiga instrumen yang digunakan, observasi,


kuisioner, dan wawancara. Observasi dilakukan dengan mengamati kegiatan

belajar mengajar, kuisioner disebarkan ke 52 siswa, dan wawancara dilakukan

dengan mewawancarai guru bahasa Inggris.

  Untuk rumusan masalah yang pertama dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi

pengajaran English hour dilaksanakan mulai dari siswa mendengarkan

penjelasan guru mengenai materi pelajaran sampai praktek berbicara bahasa

  English hour, ada

  Inggris. Selain itu, pada penerapan strategi pengajaran

beberapa aspek yang diperhatikan: kesalahan grammar dan pelafalan,

penggunaan bahasa Indonesia, dan perbaikan dari guru. Kemudian, siswa juga

dapat mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik melalui strategi pengajaran English hour.

Untuk rumusan masalah yang kedua dapat disimpulkan bahwa English hour

mempengaruhi kemampuan berbicara siswa. Ada tiga efek yang diperoleh dari

penggunaan English hour (1) Perkembangan siswa pada kemampuan berbicara,

(2) keinginan siswa untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris, dan (3) Kepercayaan diri

siswa untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

Kata Kunci : English hour, teaching strategy, communicative language teaching,

and speaking.



  First of all, I would like to thank my Jesus Christ for His blessing to me, so I could finish my thesis. His blessing always gives me health, spirit, and inspiration in writing my thesis.

  I would also like to thank my thesis advisor Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd.,


M.Pd. for her guidance, feedback, and advice during the process of writing my

  thesis. I could learn so many things from her feedback and advice to complete my thesis. My appreciation also goes to all of PBI lecturers and PBI staff in Sanata Dharma University

  I would also like to deeply thank Argo Budi Rahayu, S.Pd. as an English teacher of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta for the opportunity given to me, so I could conduct the research in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta. I also thank the


students grade X of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta as for being the

participants of this research.

  I would like to thank my parents, my beloved father, Fransiscus Sarman, and my beloved mother, Theresia Purwanti, for their support, prayer, and love to me. I also thank my sister, Mirella Tri Ratnasari, for supporting and accompanying me to do my thesis, my older sister and brother, Laurensia Mike


Kusumawati and Bernhard Tjahyono, for their support, love, help, and prayer

to me. I also thank all my aunts and uncles for their support and prayer.

  I would also like to thank my friends Deta, Anggi, Mira, Galih, Bayu,


Helen, Yudith, Dian, Awang, Vivi for their support, their time to me when I

  found the difficulties in the process of writing my thesis, and their patience to listen to my difficulties. I also thank all of my friends batch 2009 I also thank my friends, Bangdong, Christina Wienda Asrini, Audris


Evan Utomo, Fr Daniel Ortega, mas Puguh, for their help as the proof readers

of my thesis, their suggestions, support, and prayer.

  I also thank my friends in my boarding house, Hilda, kak Venny, Ina,


Citra, Aul, for supporting me when I was getting bored in writing my thesis. I

thank them for their joke, support, and help to me.

  Paulina Purwaningsih









Figure 1.1 Aspects of Production ....................................................................


  21 1.2 Maslow’s hirarcy of needs ..............................................................

  39 1.3 Students’ Improvement in Speaking Skill ........................................

  41 1.4 Students’ Confidence to Speak English ............................................


  Appendix A. Letter of Permission ……………………………………………… 53 Appendix B. Research In struments ……………………………………………...55 Questionnaire………………………………………………………………….....57 Teacher’s interview……………………………………………………………....61 The Results of the observation


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In this research, the writer would like to investigate the effects of applying

  the English hour as a teaching strategy on monolingual instruction to improve the students’ speaking skill. This chapter is divided into five parts, namely research background, research problem, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms. In the research background, the writer will discuss the topic of the research and the reasons why the writer chose this topic. In the research problem part, there are two research problems that will be discussed in this research. The first one is the way of applying the English hour in the teaching- learning activities and the second one is about the students’ perceptions on the use of the English hour teaching strategy in the teaching-learning activities.

  The next part will discuss the limitation of the problems. Furthermore, this chapter also provides the benefits of the research for English teachers and vocational schools; and the definition of terms used in this research.

A. Research Background

  In Indonesian education field, English is one of compulsory subjects that has been taught to students. The government has set English as the compulsory subject because the government prepared the students to be able to use English as an international language (2006 Curriculum). As the international language, English should be mastered by many people because many formal activities will use English in terms of communication. Barbara (2001) defines that as the result of being an international language, many countries set English as a second language and foreign language. In Indonesia, English belongs to the foreign language in which English is used only in a formal level; school, university, and accupation field.

  As the result of being English as the foreign language, Indonesian government has set English for junior high school students and senior high school students in order to prepare the students having a good English ability. In learning English, the students should master four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

  In this research, the writer will discuss the English hour teaching strategy in improving students’ speaking skill. The focuses of this study are the application of the English hour teaching strategy and the effects of the English hour toward the students’ speaking skill based on the students’ perception. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of the English hour as the teaching strategy in improving the students’ speaking skill.

  Speaking skill is one of four skills that should be mastered by the students in learning English. However, in learning English as the foreign language, the students of SMK Marsudi Luhur II found that speaking English was not easy to do. Based on the result of the interview with an English teacher, it could be concluded that the s tudents’ input were low. It was based on the English subject grade of national examination, mid term test 1, and mid term test 2 of tenth grade students of SMK Marsudi Luhur II.

  Based on that case, the students were not really confident to speak English because they were not accustomed to speak English in their daily life and they were afraid of making mistakes. However, the students have to be able to speak English to fulfill standar isi 2006 of English for vocational school which stated “Mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris bertujuan agar peserta didik memiliki


kemampuanmenerapkan penguasaan kemampuan dan keterampilan Bahasa

Inggris untuk berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis pada level intermediate.”

  To be able to speak English, the English teacher of SMK Marsudi Luhur II creates a strategy called “English hour” as a motivation to encourage the students to speak English so that the students can improve their speaking skill. According to Rivers (1983: 112), giving motivation to the students is an important thing in order to encourage individual students building up their self-confidence and increasing their motivation. Communicative English hour as the goal of the teaching strategy is expected to encourage and give motivation to the students to speak English.

  According to the English teacher of SMK Marsudi Luhur II, communicative goal means that the students are expected to be able to speak English actively without considering their grammar and pronunciation. From the previous explanation, it can be concluded that the English hour teaching strategy is used to build students

  ’ self- confidence and increase students’ motivation to speak English. If the students are confident to speak English, they will be able to speak English.

  The English hour teaching strategy in teaching English is important to be discussed because it will give inspiration for the English teachers and vocational schools in teaching English as the foreign language. Sometimes, the students find difficulties in learning the foreign language such as English so that the English hour teaching strategy can help the students to improve their speaking skill. In addition, the English hour teaching strategy in SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta is needed to be discussed in order to know the application of the English hour in the teaching-learning activities. As stated before that the English learning achievement of the students of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta were low, knowing the application of English hour teaching strategy in SMK Marsudi Luhur


II Yogyakarta is needed because it can be a model to create other strategies for the

  English teachers. The second one is to know the perceptions of the students on the use of the English hour teaching in improving students’ speaking skill. It is based on standar isi of BNSP 2006 (Badan Nasional Satuan Pendidikan). In standar isi


  of English for vocational school it is stated that “Mata pelajaran Bahasa


Inggris bertujuan agar peserta didik memiliki kemampuan menerapkan

penguasaan kemampuan dan keterampilan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi

baik lisan maupun tertulis pada level intermediate ”. Based on the previous

  statement, it means that the vocational school students are expected to be able to communicate with others by using English. To achieve that goal, the English teacher of SMK Marsudi Luhur II Yogyakarta creates a strategy “English hour” in order to encourage or give motivation to speak English. It is a good strategy to be applied in the teaching-learning process because the students have an opportunity to speak English.

  B. Research Problem

  In this research, there are two research problems, they are: 1.

  How is the English hour teaching strategy applied during the teaching- learning activities in SMK Marsudi Luhur II?

  2. What are the perceptions of the students on the English hour teaching strategy applied during the teaching-learning activities??

  C. Problem Limitation

  The scope of this research is the use of the English hour teaching strategy in the English subject during the teaching-learning activities. This research will focus on the use of the English hour teaching strategy for the students of SMK


Marsudi Luhur II. As stated previously, this research focused on the application of

  the English hour during the teaching-learning activities and the effects of the English hour teaching stra tegy towards students’ speaking skill based on students perception. The researcher chose students grade X of SMK Marsudi Luhur II as the subjects of the research.

  D. Research Objectives

  There are two objectives of this research. The first objective of this research is to know the application or the procedure of the English hour in the teaching-learning activities. The second objective of this research is to know the effects of the English hour toward the students’ speaking skill based on the students perception.

E. Research Benefits

  This section deals with the benefits of the study for the English teachers and the vocational schools. The English teachers can use this study as a new strategy in teaching speaking of the English subject. In addition, the school can use this research to create a new program which can be used for the school to improve the speaking skill in larger situation.

1. The English teacher

  This research can give inspiration to the English teachers in creating other strategies that can be used to help the students in improving the students’ speaking skill. Speaking is not easy for the students to do because English is not their first language; English is used as the foreign language. However, the students have to be able to speak English to fulfill the curriculum. Because of that reason, the English teacher should create the strategy as interesting as possible to grab students’ attention and give motivation to the students to speak English. The English hour teaching strategy can give motivation to the students because the students are given the opportunity to speak English during the teaching-learning activities without considering the language errors in speaking English such as grammar and pronunciation. The objective of the English hour is communicative others in English without considering on the grammar and pronunciation. Based on the previous explanation, it can be said that the English teachers can use the English hour teaching strategy to help the students building up their self- confidence and increasing the students’ motivation in speaking English.

2. Vocational schools

  This research can be used by the schools to create a new program which can be used for the school to improve speaking skill of school members. It means that the English hour is not only used as the teaching strategy in teaching English, but also can be used as the program in improving speaking skill for the whole members of the schools (principal, teachers, and students). The students will be accustomed to use English when the students use English in daily life. In other words, the students do not only use English in the classroom, but also use English outside the classroom. In addition, the schools can change the English hour strategy into “English day” so that the whole members of school should speak English in a day. In addition, the schools can decide what day will be the English day.

F. Definition of Terms In this part the writer explains the terms that are used in the research.

  There are four definitions will be explained in this part: perception, teaching strategy, English hour, and speaking skill.

  Huffman, Mark, and vernoy (2000) say that perception deals with making sense of stimuli input. Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting the stimuli which is sent to the brain (p.88). In 1982, Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly define perception as the process of the stimulus in giving meaning to an object through different ways. It means that everyone has their own perception which is affected by the process of stimulus (p. 53). In addition, Gibson et al. (1982) state that perception deals with receiving the stimulus, organizing the stimulus, and interpreting the stimulus organized. This process influences attitudes and personality (p.54).

  In this research, the meaning of perception is the students’ point view which is based on the results of selecting, organizing, and interpreting the use of the English hour strategy. It will present the perceived improvement of the students on their speaking skill.

2. English hour

  Based on interview with an English teacher in SMK Marsudi Luhur II


Yogyakarta , the English hour is the strategy of the teacher to help and encourage

  or motivate the students to speak English as the main language. The English hour can also be called as the teaching strategy that is used as a monolingual instruction, English is the only language used in the teaching-learning process. There are three meeting hours of English subject in a week. One meeting hour out of three meeting hours of the English subject is allocated for the English hour. In the English hour, the teacher and the students use English for the whole of the teaching-learning activities such as giving explanation, asking something, giving question, discussion, etc. For the students who are not really fluent in speaking English, they have to speak English so the students will not be afraid to make mistakes anymore or the students will be more confident to speak English.

  3. Teaching strategy According to Byers, Dee, Kershner, Rouse et al. (2004), teaching strategy is an effective strategy that is used to develop students’ skill of social interaction.

  Social interaction is making conversation with others in order to show social behavior.

  In this research, the teaching strategy means the way of teaching English by using a strategy that is created by the English teacher in order to help the students to achieve the goal of the subject based on 2006 curriculum. One of the goals of the English subject based on 2006 curriculum is that the students should be able to apply mastery of oral and written English in intermediate level.

  4. Speaking skill According to Nunan as cited by Nazara (2011: 31) speaking is a communication in an oral way for interactional purposes, to make social relation, and transactional purposes, is used in service encounter. As cited by Widiyati and Cahyono, Byrne argue that (1980: 271) speaking skill is a communicative ability between members of a community in order to show social behavior and express ideas.

  In this research, speaking skill means the ability of the students to speak English especially in communicating with their friends and the teacher during the teaching-learning activities. In this case, the students are expected to be able to understand the teacher’s explanation, to ask permission, and to get information from others by using English. In addition, speaking skill can be said as the ability of the students to show their social behavior and express their opinion during the teaching-learning activities.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter discusses some theories used in this research and each theory

  will be explained deeper. The theories are used to solve the research problems of this research. This chapter will be divided into two parts, namely the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. In the theoretical description will be discussed: (1) The definition of the teaching strategy, the definition of the English hour as the teaching strategy, (2) The definition of Communicative Language Teaching, the principles of communicative language teaching to support the characteristics of the English hour, (3) Curriculum for vocational school, and (4) the definition of speaking skill.

A. Theoretical Description

  In this chapter, there are five parts to be discussed. The first part of the theoretical description is the definition of the teaching strategy and the definition and the characteristics of the English hour related to the teaching strategy. Then, the second part of the theoretical description discusses the definition of Communicative Language Teaching. The third part is about curriculum used for vocational school. The fourth part is about the nature of the speaking skill. The last part is about motivation.

1. Perception

  Everyone has their own way in interpreting and facing everything in this life. Szilagyi and Wallace (1980: 70) state that perception is a process of interpreting stimuli which influences behaviour. The process of interpreting is started from organizing an incoming stimuli. The different perception is influenced by some factors. According to Szilagyi and Marc (1980: 70), there are three factors influencing perceptions: a.

  Attributes of the object There are three things deal with the object’s attribute: intensity of stimulus, motion, and physical size. The intensity of the stimulus is related to sound. The sound can attract someone

  ’s attention through the level of the sound. The high sound will be more effective to attract someone ’s attention and it a ffects person’s perceptions. The motion is also the stimulus characteristic that can attract someone

  ’s attention. The most important thing that is related to the object’s attribute is interpersonal perceptions.


  Attributes of the situation Attributes of the situation means an environment or a work situation which can influence someone

  ’s interpretation and attention. It happens in predictable ways in the process of working. Someone ’s interpretation and attention influence their own perceptions c.

  Attributes of the person Characteristics of the person are the most important source in influencing perception. Those are namely motive, habit, and personality.

  According to Huffman et al. (2000: 107), there are three stages of perceptions: selection, organization, and interpretation.


  Selection: choosing the stimuli that we will pay attention.


  Organization: organizing the incoming information into patterns that will help them to understand the information.


  Interpretation: the use of the information in explaining and giving judgment about the stimuli we pay attention. Some factors which influence interpretation are experiences, perceptual expectations, cultural factors, and personal motivations and frame of reference.

2. Teaching Strategy

  Teaching strategy as a matter of delivering materials to the students is really important because it has an essential effect for students’ understanding.

  Cited in Widiati an Yudi, Fraenkel (1980) defines teaching strategy as a combinati on of “a procedure or operation, grouped and ordered” in a certain place that can be used in the classroom to achieve the learning objectives. The p rocedure is often called “the position of a technique is at the implementation phase”. Moreover, Procedure is a tactic and strategy used by the teachers and the students in which the methods are used (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p. 17).

  Technique is the part of the methods in which the different methods have many techniques which are created by the teacher. Based on the previous explanation, teaching strategy is a matter of developing and applying a technique that can be used in the classroom to achieve the learning objectives.

  The English hour as the teaching strategy of language teaching has a goal. The goal of conducting English hour is a communicative goal. It means the English hour as a language teaching expects the students to be able to communicate and interact with others in English.

  From the previous definition, it can be concluded that the teaching strategy is a matter of developing and applying a technique of language teaching by the English teacher in order to help the students to achieve the communicative goal. The communicative goal means that the students are expected to be able to speak English in which language errors such as grammar and pronunciation are not considered. It gives a chance to the students to be able to express themselves and interact with others, their friends and teacher, by using English. Since the procedure is called as the implementation of the technique and procedure is a part of the teaching strategy so that the teaching technique is a part of the teaching strategy. Furthermore, the English hour belongs to monolingual instruction in which English is the main language of the teaching-learning activities. As cited in Cummins (2007: 223), Howatt (1984) defines the monolingual principle as the use of TL (Target Language) in the instruction without involving the first language. It will enable the students to think about the TL without considering to the first language.

3. Communicative Language Teaching

  As stated above that the goal of the English hour is the communicative goal in which the students are expected to be able to communicate with others or to use language in the communication, the principle of communication should be clear. As cited in Richards & Rodgers (2001: 161), Johnson (1982) states that the principle of communication is activities that involve language in the real context of learning. As cited in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 155), American and British experts state that Communicative Language Teaching as a teaching approach which has two purposes. The first purpose is to create a communicative competence of the language teaching. The second purpose is that Communicative Language Teaching is used to develop a strategy of the teaching English skills in which those has a relation to language and communication. Richards and Rodgers (2001: 172) write some principles of Communicative Language Teaching as a reflection of a communicative view of a language and language learning. Those principles are: learners learn a language using that language to communicate, the goal of classroom activities should be authentic and meaningful, fluency is an important aspect of communication, communication involves the combination of language skills, learning is a process of creative construction and involves trial and error.

  As cited in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 155), Howatt (1984) defines the theory of Communicative Langua ge Teaching by dividing into “strong” and

  “weak” version of Communicative Language Teaching. The strong version of Communicative Language Teaching means that a language is got through communication. The learners got a language when they use the language to communicate with others. It also can be said that the strong version of Communicative Language Teaching is using language to learn. The weak version of Communicative Language Teaching is providing opportunities to the learners to use English for communicative purposes. In another term, the weak version of Communicative Language Teaching is learning to use English.

  Communicative Language Teaching is an approach of a language teaching which has two main purposes: (1) to create the communicative competence of teaching English in which the students are expected to use the language for communication, (2) to develop the strategy of teaching English skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) which has relation to the language and communication. In this research, Communicative Language Teaching is used to develop the English hour teaching strategy as the speaking teaching strategy. When looking at the

  Howatt’s theory, the English hour belongs to the weak version of Communicative Language Teaching because the English hour provides a chance for the students to learn how to use the language. The students are invited to use English in the communication context during the teaching-learning activities such as asking permission, asking and answering questions, and communicating with their friends.

4. Curriculum

  Language teaching is done based on a curriculum. The curriculum provides the learning objectives that have to be achieved by the students in

  2006 which has two goals. The first goal is that the students are expected to be able to master English knowledge and skills in order to support the vocational program. The second goal is that the students are able to apply the English knowledge and skills in the communication context (oral and written form) at intermediate level. This is the goals of the curriculum of English 2006 for vocational school:

  1. Menguasai pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar Bahasa Inggris untuk mendukung pencapaian kompetensi program keahlian

  2. Menerapkan penguasaan kemampuan dan keterampilan Bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis pada level intermediate.

  Two goals that have been stated in curriculum 2006 should be achieved by the students step by step. Step by step means that every grade has different competence standards. Because of that reason, the communicative teaching is needed in teaching-learning process. The communicative teaching invites the students to use English in the communication without considering the errors so that the students are not afraid to make mistakes such as pronunciation and grammar.

5. Speaking Skill

  Hughes (2002: 9) states that a speaking skill is a production aspect like writing. Productive aspects between spoken and written discourses are different.

Figure 1.1 shows some aspects which are produced by spoken discourse and writing discourse.

  Oral/ aural static non-transient

Unplanned visual/ planned

context transient dynamic motoric dependent decontextualised

  Spoken Written discourse discourse

Figure 1.1 Aspects of production

  From figure 1.1, spoken discourses have five aspects: context dependent, unplanned, transient, oral and dynamic. It can be said that speaking is a part of production skill in which the people produce a language orally and unconsciously; unconsciously means that people speak without any plans.

  Byrne (1980: 271) explains that the speaking skill is the communicative ability between the members of the community in order to show the social behavior and to express ideas or opinions. When speaking is the focus of the teaching-learning activities, Hughes (2002: 6) mentions that it has some purposes such as helping the students to practice of linguistic knowledge (grammar rule), to improve speaking skill

  (pronunciation), or to improve students’ awareness of some sociolinguistic or pragmatic (making conversation with others). From the previous explanation, teaching the speaking skill actually has some purposes in terms of expressing the ideas, improving the English pronunciation, and making some conversations with others.

6. Motivation

  Since the English hour teaching strategy was created by the English teacher in order to help and motivate the students to speak English, the English hour should have motivation aspects to grab students’ interest and finally the English hour can help the students to be able to speak English. Woolfolk (2009: 186) says:

  Motivasi biasanya didefinisikan sebagai keadaan internal yang membangkitkan, mengarahkan, dan mempertahankan perilaku.

  As cited in Brown (2001: 72), a motivation is the extent to which the people make choices about (a) the goals to pursue and (b) the efforts you will devote to that pursuit. Brown (2001: 75) states that the motivation refers to the power of stimulation which is given to motivate people.

  Wolfolk (2009) divides the motivation into two aspects: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The intrinsic motivation is the motivation which has reward from the action itself. The extrinsic motivation is the motivation which is connected to outside factors such as rewards and punishments. It means that people want to do something because of the rewards and punishments that are obtained after doing something. In the educational context, teachers should create the students’ intrinsic motivations in order to encourage the students to do something which comes up from their mind. However, the teachers should also consider that the extrinsic motivation supports the teaching-learning activities.

  Based on the previous explanation, the teachers should give both the intrinsic motivations and the intrinsic motivations to the students in the teaching-learning know four factors which influence motivation in order to accomplish the action of encouraging the intrinsic motivation and giving the extrinsic motivation to the students. The four factors which influence the students’ motivations are behavioral approach, humanistic approach, cognitive approach, and sociocultural approach.

  1. Behavioristic Approach

  Based on the behavioral point of view, the concept of the student ’s motivation is started by analyzing the incentive and reward which are given in the classroom (Woolfolk, 2009: 189). The incentive is an object or a situation which is given to encourage or attempt behavior. The reward is an object or a situation which is given to the students as a result or an effect of the behavior. A behavioristic approach attempts to the extrinsic motivation.

  2. Humanistic Approach