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The data from manual book of Microsoft XP
1. Taskbar
The sentence is ‘klik ganda pada ikon printer yang ada di pojok kanan pada

2. Toolbar
The sentence is ‘untuk menghilangkan atau mematikan toolbar, gunakan cara

yang sama dengan menghilangkan ceklist pada toolbar’.

3. Keyboard
The sentence is ‘di dalam menjalankan aplikasi pada windows XP, maka
anda dapat menggunakan kombinasi keyboard dan mouse’.
4. Submenus

The sentence is if the menu contains submenus; select the one that you want.
5. Update

The sentence is automatic update akan otomatis melakukan pembaharuan
pada windows XP anda.
6. Desktop

The sentence is ‘terdapat pula menu show windows version on desktop yang
akan menampilkan versi windows anda pada kanan bawah’.
7. Cleanup

The sentence is ‘proses disk cleanup akan dijalankan dan tunggu beberapa
saat sampai proses dilakukan’.

The data from manual book of Hand phone Nokia
1. Passwords
The sentence is if the passwords are not supplied with the sim card; contact
your local service provider.
2. Checkbox

The sentence is to add or remove a component, click the checkbox.

3. Wallpaper
The sentence is you can display a background picture, wallpaper, when the
phone is in standby mode.
4. Keypad

The sentence is you can lock the keypad to prevent the keys from being
5. Mailbox

The sentence is to call your voice mailbox, select listen to voice message.
6. Speed-dialing

The sentence is assigns a phone number to one of speed-dialing.
7. Tooltips
The sentence is uses the following transition effect for menus and tooltips.
8. Network

The sentence is for more information, contact your network operator.
9. Loudspeaker

The sentence is do not hold the device near your ear when the loudspeaker is
in use.

The sentence is your device may have some bookmarks loaded for sites not
affiliated with Nokia.
11. Outbox

The sentence is If your message is failed to send, the message will remain in
the outbox folder and you can try to resend it later.
12. Inbox

The sentence is the phone saves incoming text and multimedia message in the
inbox folder.
13. Online

The sentence is select always online to set the phone to automatically register
to a GPRS network when you switch the phone on.
14. Time-out

The sentence is select in time-out the time after which the screen saver will
be activated.

15. Standby

The sentence is press briefly during a call for when in standby mode to enter
the list of profile.
16. Multipart

The sentence is invoicing may be based on the number of ordinary message
that are required for a multipart message.

17. Downward
The sentence is insert the sim card, so that beveled corner is on the upper
right side and the golden contact is facing downward.
18. Built-in

The sentence is predictive text input is based on a built-in dictionary to which
you card add new words.
19. Shortcuts

The sentence is with personal shortcuts you get quick access to frequently
used phone function.

20. Download
The sentence is you may be able to download new content and applications.