Table of Contents

DECLARATION ..............................................................................................................i
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... ii
AKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ix
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................................x
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1
1.1 Opening Remarks..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background of the Study .........................................................................................1
1.3 Research Questions .................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Purpose of the Study ................................................................................................ 3
1.5Significant of the Study ............................................................................................3
1.6Scope of the Study .................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Clarification of the Technical Terms ....................................................................... 4
1.8 Organization of the Paper ........................................................................................5
1.9 Closing Remarks ...................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW .....................................................................6

2.1 Opening Remarks..................................................................................................... 6
2.2 The Nature of ESP ................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Classification of ESP ...............................................................................................9
2.4 Needs Analysis....................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Material Development for ESP ..............................................................................12
2.5.1 Material Evaluation ....................................................................................17
2.6ESP Teaching Method ............................................................................................19
2.7 Closing Remarks .................................................................................................... 21

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................... 22
3.1 Opening Remarks................................................................................................... 22
3.2 Research Design and Method ................................................................................22
3.3 Research Site ..........................................................................................................22
3.4 Research Participants .............................................................................................23
3.4.1 The Students ............................................................................................... 23
3.4.2 The English Lecturer


3.4.3 The Head of Study Program ....................................................................... 24
3.4.4 The Director of State Polytechnic of Lampung ..........................................24
3.4.5.The Stakeholders ........................................................................................24
3.5 Data Collection Process .........................................................................................25
3.6 Data Collection Techniques ...................................................................................26
3.6.1 Questionnaires ...........................................................................................26
3.6.2 Interview .................................................................................................... 27
3.6.3 Document Analysis ...................................................................................28
3.7 Data Analysis Framework......................................................................................29
3.7.1 Questionnaires Data...................................................................................29
3.7.2Interview Data .............................................................................................29
3.7.3Documentary Data .......................................................................................29
3.8 Validity Issue .........................................................................................................30
3.9 Closing Remarks .................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER IV: DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS ................................... 31
4.1 Opening Remarks................................................................................................... 31
4.2 Students’ Needs Analysis ......................................................................................31

4.2.1 Data from Questionnaire ............................................................................31
4.2.2Students’ Needs Analysis Questionnaire .....................................................30 Present Situation ..........................................................................32 Target Situation ...........................................................................37 Learning Needs ............................................................................39
4.2.3Data from Interview.....................................................................................41 Lecturers Interview ...................................................................... 41

Dian Puspita Sari, 2013
An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Stakeholders Interview ................................................................ 42
4.3Syllabus and Textbook Relevancy toward Students’ Needs ................................... 44
4.3.1Syllabus Analysis ........................................................................................44
4.3.2 Textbook Analysis ......................................................................................47
4.4Material Piloting ..................................................................................................... 54
4.4.1Students’ Opinion on Proposed Materials ...................................................54
4.4.2Stakeholder Opinion on Proposed Materials ...............................................57
4.5 Closing Remarks .................................................................................................... 52

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................................... 59
5.1 Opening Remarks................................................................................................... 59
5.2 Conclusion .............................................................................................................59
5.3 Limitation of the Study ..........................................................................................60
5.3 Suggestion ..............................................................................................................60
BIBIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 62

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


Table 4.1

: Students’ Competencies


Table 4.2

: Students difficulties in Mastering English Skills


Table 4.3

: Target Situation


Table 4.4

: Language Skills Percentage in English Business


Table 4.5

: Example of Reading Task


Table 4.6

: Example of Writing Task


Table 4.7

: Example of Speaking Task


Table 4.8

: Example of Listening Task


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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

: ESP Classification by professional area
proposed by Tony Dudley-Evans and John


: ESP materials design model
proposed by Hutchinson and Waters


Dian Puspita Sari, 2013
An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |

Appendix 1

: Interview with The head of Accounting
study Program


Appendix 2

: Interview with English for Business Lecturer


Appendix 3

: Interview with the Director of Polytechnic


Appendix 4

: Needs Analysis Questionnaire


Appendix 5

: Material Questionnaire


Appendix 6

: Stakeholder Questionnaire1


Appendix 7

: Stakeholder Questionnaire2


Appendix 8

: Source of Information


Appendix 9

: Needs Analysis Questionnaire Frameworks


Appendix10 : Lesson Plan


Appendix11 : English for Business Syllabus


Appendix12 : Examples of Textbook Materials


Dian Puspita Sari, 2013
An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |



1.1 Opening Remarks
This chapter introduces the problem of the study. It starts with the
background of the study, which describes the overview of the needs of teaching
English for specific purposes at Accounting Study Program. Then, the purpose of
the study, research question, significance of the study, and scope of the study and
clarification of technical terms follow it. This chapter is concluded with
organization of the paper.

1.2 Background of the Study
In a state Polytechnic of Lampung, General English is taught for three
semesters. One of the study programs, Accounting study program sets its own
policy to have English for Specific Purposes for its fourth and fifth semester
English for Business as one of ESP types was chosen to be taught in this
study programs. In ESP, English is taught to meet the English needs in area of
specialization. The needs in area of specialization are worth considering since the
language we speak and write varies from one context to another (Hutchinson and
Waters, 1986). Further, if a group of learners’ English language needs can be
accurately specified, it will be easy to determine the content of a language
program that will meet these needs.

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


Students’ needs of English in specific discipline can be analyzed through
Needs Analysis(Richard, 2001). Needs analysis is used to develop objectives and
content, and it can provide data for reviewing an existing program (Richards in
Nunan, 1988). According to Iwai et al. (1999) cited in Songhori (2008), the term
needs analysis generallyrefers to the activities that are involved in collecting
information that willserve as the basis for developing a curriculum that will meet
the needs ofa particular group of students.Moreover, Sprat (2005) said
To meet students’ personal needs, teacher should choose
suitable materials, topic, speed of lesson, activities, approach to
teaching (activity-based, topic-based), treatment of individual
learners, skills, interaction patterns (group, pair or individual),
and types of feedback. Meanwhile, in order for teacher to meet
students’ learning needs, they should choose suitable materials
and topic, activities, interaction pattern, approach to teaching,
language and skills level of language and skills, learning
strategies and workload.
It means identifying students’ needs are crucial to design an ESP course
in terms of deciding suitable materials and teaching method.
Considering the importance of Needs Analysis in conducting ESP class,
the researcher interested to find out the accounting students’ needs of ESP class at
State Polytechnic of Lampung, which has not been done yet. The information
from the Needs analysis will also be used to formulate a syllabus and develop
teaching material.

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


1.3 Research Questions
The study attempted to address the following questions:
1. What are English needs of students of Accounting Study Program?
2. Have the existing syllabus and textbook covered the English needs of students
of Accounting study program?
3. What materials are considered relevant to the English needs of students of
Accounting Study Program?

1.4 Purpose of the Study
This study was conducted to a) to investigate the English needs of students
of Accounting study program, b) to analyze whether the existing syllabus and
textbooks have covered the English needs of students of Accounting study
program, and c) to select materials which are relevant with the English needs of
students of Accounting study program.

1.5 Significance of the Study
This study is significant in that results of the study are expected to
contribute and give some informative ideas to the development of theory, practice,
and profession.
For theoretical development, this study can offer the information that can be
used as a model for the improvement of the English teaching program in ESP
context, especially concerning with the relevancy of materials to students’ needs
in the teaching learning process.
For practical and professional developments, the result of the study will be
beneficial particularly for the lecturers, in identifying students’ needs in the

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


research site in particular and other department in general. Moreover, it is
expected that the study would be beneficial for other researchers that can
stimulate to carry out similar study with other interest.

1.6 Scope of the Study
This study is limited to the investigation of English needs at Accounting
study program in a State Polytechnic of Lampung. The result of the study is
expected to give contribution to the improvement of the teaching of English at
Accounting study Program at the research site and at the other Accounting study
program in general.

1.7 Clarification of the Technical Terms
There are several terms used in this paper, one of them is ‘stakeholder’.
Stakeholders are person or a group of persons with a right comment on, and have
input into, the curriculum process offered in school (Conelly and Cladinin in
Richards, 2001). However, the term ‘stakeholder’ in this study refers to
companies which usually employed state Polytechnic graduates. In this study, the
stakeholders are represented by PT. Sampoerna Telekomunikasi dan CV Usaha

Dian Puspita Sari, 2013
An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


1.8 Organization of the Paper
This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter one gives general
description of the introduction to the topic of the research. i.e. by presenting the
background of the study and research questions. The theories that support the
study are presented in chapter two. The theory of English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) proposed by Hutchinson and Waters (1978) and Dudley-Evans and St John
(1998), especially the theory of ‘needs analysis’, primary supports this study.

Chapter three discuses research methodology, which gives description about
where the study is conducted, who the participants are, how the study is designed,
how the data are collected and how data are analyzed. In chapter four the
researcher presents data presentation and data analysis result. This thesis is
concluded in chapter five, in which she presents the conclusions and suggestions.

1.8 Closing Remarks
This chapter has presented the introduction of the whole study, which
includes research aims, data collection and data analysis. The following chapter
will present theoretical foundation that frames the study.

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |



3.1 Opening Remarks
This chapter discusses overview of the design and method of the study. It
particularly describes research site and research participants (the students, the
Director of State Polytechnic of Lampung, the Head of Study Program, and the
English Teacher). Then data collection process, data collection technique from
data resources (document analysis, questionnaire and interview), and data analysis
follow them. Validity issues conclude this chapter.

3. 2 Research Design and Method
Due to the characteristics, this study employed qualitative research
method. This study deals with a single or small-scale case that is studied in detail
(Punch, 1988 in Silverman, 2005: 126). And the result was not to be generalized
(Alwasilah,2009; Frankel and Wallen, 2007; Setiyadi, 2006).
The research method applied in this study was a descriptive method. It
especially employed a case study because this study examines a case mainly to
provide insight into an issue (Stake (2000) cited in Sirverman, 2005).

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


3.3 Research site
The research was conducted in State Polytechnic of Lampung at Economy
and Business Study Program. It was chosen for the researcher is one of the
teaching staff in State Polytechnic of Lampung, therefore, the access to do the
research is feasible. As Alwasilah (2009) states, a researcher should consider
convenience factor in conducting the research.

3.4 Research Participants
In relation to the focus of this study, which is the English needs analysis of
students of Accounting study program at State Polytechnic of Lampung; there
were five groups of the participants who were involved in this study. They were
twenty four students of Accounting study program who were at the fifth semester;
a class of the second semester students of Accounting study program (consisted of
33 students) one English teacher; a Head of Accounting study program; the
Director of State Polytechnic of Lampung; and two supervisors from two PT
Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia and CV Usaha Bersama. Those participants
were involved in order to get a complete and comprehensive data on students’
needs of ESP class. To protect their real identity the researcher disguises their

3.4.1 The Students
The researcher purposively selected the twenty four students of
Accounting study program who were at the fifth semester. They were chosen
because they had taken “on the job training” program, so that they could give
information about the activities in the “on the job training” program. The second
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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


groups of students involved in this study were those of the second semester
students of the same study program. The second group of students was the
participant, the researcher chose to try out the proposed material and at the end
they were also asked to fill in questionnaire on Students’ opinion about the
proposed material.

3.4.2 The English Lecturer
An English lecturer of English for Business was involved in this study. He
has been teaching English for Business for about Four semesters.

3.4.3 The Head of Accounting Study Program
The head of Accounting study program was involved in this study to give
information about the study program vision and mission and the expectation on of
ESP class.

3.4.4 The Director of State Polytechnic of Lampung
The director of State Polytechnic of Lampung, Mr. Ridwan Baharta, is
interviewed to gather the data on the Institution expectation of Polytechnic
graduated on English mastery.

3.4.5 The Stakeholders
PT. Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia and CV. Usaha Bersama were
chosen to involve in this study. The choice was based on the criteria of
International scale company profiles and the willingness to participate in the

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


study. Each supervisor was sent a set of questionnaire on Students’ Needs analysis
of ESP class.

3.5 Data Collection Process
The researcher firstly distributed a set of questionnaire on Students’ Needs
Analysis of ESP class to fifth semester students of Accounting Study Program. As
it was mentioned the students chosen were those who had finished their “on the
job training” program (PKL). Due to the absence of some students, the
questionnaires were distributed in two periods. The next visit to distribute the
questionnaires to the students was a week later, during the TOEIC session. During
this time, the researcher also collected English for Business Syllabus to be
analyzed. This syllabus was used to analyze the material taught and the students’
needs based on the study. Besides the syllabus, the researcher also asked
permission to have the copy of students’ TOEIC score. It was used to see the
Accounting students’ English capability. The copy of students’ score was then
given a week later.
The next visit was made two days later. This time the researcher
interviewed the Head of Accounting study program to learn about Study Program
vision and mission and Graduates’ needs on ESP. The researcher, then,
interviewed one of the English lectures, Mr. Anwar, to capture further the ongoing
ESP program. Mr. Anwar has been teaching the ESP class for about four

Dian Puspita Sari, 2013
An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


The researcher made her next visit the following day to interview the
director of State Polytechnic of Lampung. The interview gathered the data on the
Institution vision and mission, and the Institution expectation on graduates’
English mastery.
While most of the data from respondent were collected during the
researcher visits, the data from the supervisors were received through email within
two weeks since the questionnaires had been sent.
Having gather and analyzed the data taken from all respondents, the
researcher formed a one meeting proposed material. The researcher then do
materials pilotingto the second semester students of Accounting study program.
At the end of the session, the students were given a questionnaire, this
questionnaire was aimed to capture students opinion on the material. The
questionnaire on students’ opinion toward the materials used to revise and design
other materials. Then, the researcher tried out the materials again.

3.6 Data Collection Techniques
To obtain the data for this study the researcher collected them through
three different techniques as follows:

3.6.1 Questionnaires
There two kinds of questionnaires used in this study. The first
questionnaire was Students’ needs Analysis questionnaire and the second one was
Students’ responses toward proposed materials questionnaire. Students’ Needs
Analysis questionnaire was distributed to fifth semester students of Accounting

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


study program and two representatives of stakeholder. Students’ questionnaires
consisted of fifteen open-ended and closed questions. The questions were divided
under three categories; Present situation, Target situation and Learning needs
(Adopted from Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). The combination of open-ended
and closed questionnaire was aimed to investigate and explore deep answers on
students needs’ analysis under those three categories.
The questions given to the second group of participants, the stakeholder
representatives, are open-ended questions. It gathered the data on students’ needs
of English in target situation. There were seven questions given to each
supervisor. The questionnaire was distributed through email, and the answer was
also return back through email within two weeks.
The Students’ responses toward proposed material questionnaire were
given right after the material has been tried-out. There were ten open-ended
questions aimed at gathering information on how the students’ think about the
material. There were seven areas to be covered in this questionnaire; Material
relevancy to Accounting area, Material relevancy to future career, New
experience in ESP class, Part of the material that is/are useful, Part of the material
that need to be improved, Part of the material that is difficult, and part of the
teaching activities that is useful.

3.6.2 Interview
Interview was chosen to gain information from the Head of study program,
the Director of State Polytechnic of Lampung, and an English Lecture in relation
to the research questions. The respondents’ answers were first, recorded and then
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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


transcribed. Then, the transcription was analyzed in relation to the theories
presented in chapter II and to the research questions.
Interviews were given in a semi-structured way, because she had an aim to
explore all information that might appear during the interview. The researcher did
not only focus on the prepared questions, but also developed the questions as the
interview was going on. All interviews were recorded and transcribed to ease the
researcher to analyze them.
The interview was used to validate data from other data resources. It was
also used in relation to triangulate the data given by each group of respondent.
There are eight questions addressed to the director of State Polytechnic of
Lampung nine questions addressed to the Head of Accounting Study Program,
and eleven questions addressed to the English Lecturer.

3.6.3 Document Analysis
There two documentary analyses included in this study:
1. A State Polytechnic of Lampung Business English Syllabus. It is a teacher
syllabus which consists of fourteen meetings.
2. Students’ TOEIC score. The students joined the TOEIC as graduation
The process of gathering documentary data in this study was ongoing.

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


3.7 Data Analysis Framework
3.7.1 Questionnaire data
Data from questionnaire were in the form of respondent written answers.
The questionnaire data were taken from two groups of respondents; the student
and the stakeholder. In relation to research questions the answers from student
questionnaire were analyzed under three categories; present situation, target
situation, and learning needs. The Stakeholder questionnaire data are analyzed in
relation to the analysis on students’ needs under target situation needs.

3.7.2 Interview data
The data from interview were in the form of recording. The recording were
analyzed and categorized to gain information related to the research question
about Students’ needs of ESP class under target situation category (see Appendix
Source of Information).The interview was also used to triangulate the data taken
from the questionnaire.

3.7.2 Documentary data
A State Polytechnic of Lampung Business English Syllabus was analyzed
in relation to the research question. The syllabus revealed the data whether or not
the syllabus used has met the students’ needs of ESP class. While the students
TOEIC score data was analyzed to give more information on students English
present situation.

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |


3.8 Validity Issues
The data of this study were checked by triangulating. The data were
collected from three data resources (i.e. questionnaire, interview, and
documentary) and from different parties (i.e. students, State Polytechnic of
Lampung director, Accounting head study program, lecturers, and stakeholders.

3.9 Closing Remarks
This chapter has discussed the method and design the researcher applied in
conducting the study. The research site, research participants, data collection
process, data collection techniques, and data analysis are presented in chapter IV.

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |



5.1 Opening Remarks
This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the conclusion drawn
from the study. The second part is the suggestions addressed to the lecturers who
are concerned with the teaching of English at Accounting study program in the
research site in particular, and the future researchers who are willing to conduct
the same study.

5.2 Conclusion
Based on the research findings, there are some conclusions that can be
drawn from this study. First of all, writing skill and Accounting technical terms
are the most priority to be taught for students of Accounting. This language skill
and component will help them to handle their future job responsibilities. Based on
the data from questionnaire and interview, Accounting graduates will be placed in
the position where they are responsible for accounting activities such as preparing
financial report, analyzing cash flow etc. Those responsibilities involve language
writing skill at the most. Other three language skills cannot be excluded from the
learning process though, they should be taught in integrated way.

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
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Second, based on the syllabus and textbook analysis, it can be concluded
that the content of syllabus and the textbook have not specified on Accounting
area. The syllabus, as its name English for Business talks about Business area
which is not relevant to the Accounting students’ needs. In relation to English
mastery, the most difficult problem accounting students will face in their future
job is dealing with Accounting terminologies which much in numbers. Thus,
having the syllabus that includes the materials about Accounting specific area is
urgently required.
Finally, an appropriate, in this term a consistent materials with the English
needs of students of Accounting study program, are those which focus on the
subject-area, in this term, Accounting.

5.3 Limitation of the Study
This study needs to be completed in some ways due to the limitation of the
study. In term of analysis, the researcher is aware that it would be better to include
students’ interview in analyzing students’ needs and materials. Another limitation
of the study deals with piloting the materials, if it possible the material piloting
done in one semester.

5.4 Suggestion
Regarding the research result, it is recommended that Syllabus and
textbook used should be revised to meet the needs of students and it is urgently
suggested that English lecturer, who are teaching English at Accounting study

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
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program, start to develop English materials based on the students’ need. The
relevancy of students’ needs and the material taught will be very beneficial to
equip the students for their future career.
Finally, for the researchers who are willing to conduct similar study, it is
suggested that they analyze the textbook used by the students and it is also
suggested that they do the textbooks analysis together with the stakeholders. To
complete the data, it is strongly recommended that the researcher do classroom

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An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |



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Dian Puspita Sari, 2013
An Analysis of Students' Needs for ESP Class in a Statepolytechnic in Lampung
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |