Soal Latihan Describing Objects Kelas 6 SD

Soal Latihan Describing Objects Kelas 6 SD
Now read through these questions and decide which objects are being described:
1. What's a stamp?
a. It's the small piece of paper we put on letters before we send them.
b. It's the thing you wear around our waists to keep our trousers up.
c. It's the object you wear on your wrist that shows you the time.
2. It's the spicy, dark powder that's made from crushed seeds we use to flavour food.
a. What's pepper?
b. What's sugar
c. What's salt?
3. It's the school subject where you learn about the past.
a. What's biology
b. What's geography?
c. What's history?
4. What's a plate?
a. It's the coloured liquid we use to change the colour of walls.
b. It's the flat round object we put food on.
c. It's the flying vehicle that has an engine and wings.
5. Scissors are the things we use to ___.
a. glue paper
b. fold paper

c. cut paper
6. A ___ a small creature with a long , soft body and a round shell.
a. snail
b. spider
c. snake
7. A stethoscope is the thing a doctor uses to ____.
a. check your weight
b. listen to your heart
c. look inside your ears


5. c
6. a
7. c