Competence Development of Early Childhood Education Teachers Based on Technical Orientation - Universitas Negeri Padang Repository


The 3d International Conference
of Early Childhood Education (ICECE) 2015
Early Childhood Education Department
Faculty of Education, State University of Padang


Engku Syafe'i Roc
Padang, Indonesii
ISBN: 978-602-17125-9-7

Katalog Dalam Terbitan
Proceding, The 3rJ International Conference of t:arly Childhood Education
Faculty of Education, State University of Padang.

ISBN: 978-602- 17 125-9-7
Dr. Alwen Eentri, M.Pd (Dean Faculty of Education, State University of Padang)
Dr Ann Cheryl Armstrong (University of Western Sydney, Australia)
Sumolnit Kranoodwong (Shrinakharinwirot University Thailand)
Commitee/Lay OW:
Elise Muryanti
Syahrul Ismet
Rismareni Pransiska
Nur Hazizah
Prima Aulia

Faculty of Education
State University of Padang
Hamka Street Complex Air Tawar PADANG
Phone (075 1) 44687 1
IJizdang-undung Republik Indoi1esiu nonzor I9 tuhrm 2092 tenturzg Huk ('iptu

Pasal 72:
1. Rurung.~iapi~dengun .vetzgu;a U ~ U I I fanpu 12~1li nzclak~rkcln perhuutan
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2. H ~ ~ r ~ i t z g . ~r/eti'$(~t~
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Dr. Alwen Bentri, M.Pd.
Dean Faculty of Education and Sainw
State University of Padang
We appreciate the implementation of the 3d International Conference n : ~
Childhood Education by the Committee of Early Childhood EdurDepartment, Faculty of Education, State University of Padang. T h ~ sconft:
has become an important agenda every two years of the Early Chi!,'
Department. This activitiy supports the vision and mission of State Univerc
Padang, and Faculty of Education will be an excellence ~nstitutionin
Southeast Asia.





Early Childhood Education Conference is very useful for many people, esp-. ?lly
for child educators, academics, researchers and students. In this conferer
be discussed various issues related to early ch~ldhoodeducation under th!: . me
of holistic and integrative which is the issilz today and future. These isski. till
develop awareness in education department, schools and social. Throughol.: this
conference supports the interaction and comlnunication between obsenLi; of
early childhood education from vzrious regions. national anci international.
Y e expect from this conference wili p r o d ~ l ~ae variety of studies o : - ,~rly
childhood education and recommendations for the competent stakeholders. 3 , it
will -support synergy : relationship between universities, stakeliolder:: and

communities in building and developing early childhood education, betrcr snd
more development in the future.
Congratulations for conferences committee.
Dean Faculty of Education
State University of Padang,
Dr. Alwen Bentri, RI.Pd.
NIP. 196 10722 1986021002


Clobal/Local Childhoods: Re-Weaving T e \.+'h2rikT1n Early
Childhood Settings In Aotearoa New Zcaland For 'Two Decades
(Marek Tesar) ........................................................................................


Communication Keys; Understanding the Importance of T h e Early
Childhood Teacher's Role in Children's Language and Literacy
Development Within a Holistic, Integrative Approach to Child

Development. (Sarah Ohi) .......................................................................


Development Processes T o Enhance Caregivers' Preschool
Child-Rearing Ability Based O n Communities Of Practice Approach:
Participatory Action Research. (Rungrong Sommitr ) ..............................


Chi!d Rights And Child Protection in Thailand :
Situation And Trends For Education Approach I n tisean 2015.
(Gump~natBoriboon) ..............................................................................


Holistic and integrated Early Childhood Education in Malaysia
(Associate Prof Dr.Azlina Mohd Losnir. ) ...............................................


Religious Education of Early Childhood. (Anayanti Kahmawati) ............ 55
Managerial Combetence Supervision in Elementary School
Bukittinggi (Anisah) ................................................................................


Learning and Development of Writing Skills in Children Kindergarten:
a Critical Analysis (Abdul Azis) ............................................................. 73
Integrating Language Skills Through Children's Literature (Isage
In Kindergarten (Barokah Widuroyekti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Introduction Of Science Through Cooking Class .Activity In Early
, , ,iLi
ChiIdtioo(1 ( C ~ ~ I S ~Kild..!:
I L I ~ !'\,.,
I I ..~;i.

9i I

Conipetence Develol)ment of Eal-ly Chiidhood Ed rrc:ttion Teachers
Basetl On -1-ecl~nical
O r i c n ~ tioil
i)ada11 S u r aria J... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


lise of \'itleo Etlrrcation for I .c:~~.ning
in 1.:arl! ('liil(lhood (Eldnrrii).

1 14







, ~ i ~ ~ . ,

. . .

Improving T h e Ability of \.oung \lother to Stin1uI;lte t;arly
Childhoocl Developn~entin Poor I;arnil? 'rbrougll i l o n ~ eVisit Program
(Elis Komalasari) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Teacher Reflection of Trial BKBB Learning 'Model (Euis Kurniati)........ 13 1
Sense of Children in Drawing in Indonesia kindergarten
(Farida Mayar) ........................................................................................

T h e Role of Parents Educational Level Within Talent Development of
Children in T K Darul Atsar (Farny Sutrianv .lafar; Syamsuddin) ............



T h e Development of 'Traditional G a m e into Educative G a m e for
Stimulating the Early Childhood Development in West Nusa Tenggara
. (Nyoman Suarta, Dwi Istati Kahayu, Moh. Irawan Zain) ............................
15 1
T h e Importance of Informal Education Before Entering Early
Childhood Education Institution: Lesson Learn from O u r Culture
(Fidesrinur) ..............................................................................................


The Implementation of Movement a n d Song Development Strategy to
Improve Cognitive Ability in Recognizing Geometric Shapes to Young
Learners (Hanggara Budi Utomo, I Devi Ayu Novita Szri) ....................... 174
T h e Increase of Early Childhod's Language Developrne~ttwith Thematic
Approach (Hendra Sofyan) ......................................................................
T h e Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching Learning hIodel in
Environmental Education In Kindergarten (Heny Djoehaeni,
Asep Deni Gustiana) ...........................................................................


Parents' Attention ~ n f i u e n c eT h e Mind Of Toddlers Development
(Herwina) ...............................................................................................

20 1

T h e Descriptive Study of Vocabulary Development in Implelementation
of Early Chilhood Education (Indra Jaya) ........................................
2 13
T h e Effect Of Carton Movies on Storytelling Ability for Prt-School
Students in Kindergarten (lndra Yeni) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


,911pc~.\.isors' .icadcrnic crr!jcr\.icinn Corn nctcnce i t Elcmcntary Schools
. .
in B u k ~ t t ~ n g (Irsjxi)
--1 0

of JIcrlt;~!Stir~iirli~tio~i
for !:.!TI?. C ' h i l ~ l l ~ o o tl;tl~~c:~tion
(Izati) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physical Stamina and Strength fiintlergartcn 'Teachers I'erception
in Papua Province (Sonni Siahaan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Character Building: Islamic Parenting (Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Wulan
Patria Saroinsong) ..................................................................................

25 1

Creativity and Aesthetic Development: Improving Nurture Parents to
Developing Creativity and Aesthetic Rased on M u l t z l e Intelligences
far Early Childhood Aged 4-5 Years. (Luluk Asmaivati) ........................


Formation of Character Through Early Childhood Education Cultural
Values (Mega Iswari) ..............................................................................
Improving Gross Motor Skills Through South Sulawesi's Traditional
Games, Action Research In Group B Children At Al A b r a r Islamic
Kindergarter. Makassar, 2014. (Muhammad Akil Musi, Bonita Mahmud
and Syamsuardi) ......................................................................................
Introducing Saito Kirniko'S Physical Activities For Stimulating Early
Brain And Motor Development O f Children (Murni Ramli, Yudianto
Sujana, Suciati, Riezky Maya P) ..............................................................

The Influence Of T h e Media Flash Card Against tbe Introductioc of
Speaking in English to Children (Nenny Mahyuddin, h4011i Marsela) .... 298
Transactional Analysis Ccunseling Model To Rcduce Aggressive
Behavior Of Children Prinrary S c h o ~in
l Padang Citv. (Netratvati) ...... 306
Learning-By-Playing Activities For The Development Of Preschool
Children. (Neviyaqi S) ..........................................................................

3 15

Model Problem Based Learning Application to Improve Mathematical
Logical Intelligence for Early Childhood. (Nina Kurniah) .....................
Study About T h e Implementation Of Character Building In Education
Character At Paud Harapan nunda, Kampar District- Riau Province
(Nini Arya~ii)......................................................................................
33 1
Information Comunication And Technology (ICT) In Education Early

33 S

Collaborative Counseling \Vith Behavioral .4ppro;ich T o Improve
Socii~lSkills OSCl~iltlr-cn\\'it11 iltlcrltior~I)ciic! I-llyl~cractivity
Disortler (ADIID) ( N U TFaizah Romadona) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Child De\,elopn~cntEniotional ii~telligenceThrough Outbound
clcti\*itiesin Kintlergartcn Rlutiara .Inanda Patlang (Nur Hazizah)

36 1

( ' ~ l i ~ ( ~ ~ ' l, ' ' )~I , o ! ~


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

T h e Affect of Early Childhood Teachers From Jakarta, Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang and Bekasi in Learning Mastery And Factors That Affected
it in 201412015. (Nurfadilah,Fidesrinur, Nila Fitria) ................................ 368
T h e Development of Naturalistic Intelligence in Early Mildhood
(Nurhafizah) ........................................................................................

39 1

Environmental Education Through Project Approachin Early Childhood
Education (Ocih Setiasih, Leli Kurniawati) ..............................................
Early Detection Efforts Through Children Pre-Participation Health
Assessment in Sport Involvement (Pudia M. Indika, Endang Sepdanius) ... 4 12
T h e Effectiveness Of Parenting Training In Early Childhood Development
(Radhiya Bustan, Nurfadilah, Nila Fitria) .................................................
T h e Development of children's Attitude in Cooperation Toward Playing
W a t e r And Sand (Radhiyatul Fithri) ......................................................
Characteristics Of Investment Moral And Religious Values For Toddlers
in Pekanbaru Riau (Rahmah) ................................................................
An Analysis Of The Receptivity Of Tempe P u d d i ~ ~For
g Toddlers In
Padang Nanggalo Health Center (Rahrni Lisdeni) ..............................


Influence Of Singing Activities Toward Child's Arithmetic O f
Kindergarten Negeri 4 Padang (Rakimahwati) ......................................


Exploring how a Child's History Rleets the Education System
in Remote Areas Within Indonesia (Kina Windiarti) ..............................


T h e Development of Outdoor-Based Science Learning >lode1 For
Lower Class In Elementary School (Risda Amini) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Invol\~ingParents in The Activities of Assessment Earl! childhootl
(Riska Ahmad) .....................................................................................

4 80

PI-ornot~ngI11e Liinguagc Lleveloprnent ot 1 ourig Chilciren
(Ris~narerliPransiska) .............................................................................


T h e Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Pr-oblem-Solving
:4hilitics hl;tt h Story Prol)lerns, Survey on Childhood Elclrnentary
Class 111 i n .J:\kal-fa (Rohita) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
r-\pl)lication of Playing Clay in Fine Motoric Dcvclopmcnt of Children
aged 5-6 years in Kinilel-garten of Srijaya Palembang
(RuI;i>.aIi.Sapta LVahyuningsih) ...............................................................


T h e Use of Games and Educative Aids in Teaching English
Kindergartens in Karanganyar Central Java ( R u l ~Hafidal;!



T h e Effect O f TPR Method Towards T h e Students' Englis', ' I
.4ge 5-6 Years Old t i t Kindergarten Assyifa Padan'i (Saridci.: !

' E M F (Traditional Game Of Modification Fortress) O n
Emotional Ability (Saroinsong Wulan Patria)


Education Peace For Early Childhood (Serli Marlinn)




T h e Methods Of Development Children's Speaking Ability
Kindergarten, Tabing - Padang (Sri Hartati) ...... . . ... .. . ... .. . . .
T h e Role Of Edccators In Introduce Technology In Earl:
Through Science Activities (Sri Sumami)............... .. . .. . .. .. . .













!;: ' . ,

T h e Quality Assurance Of Preschool Education By Meal..
Accreditatiou (Sufyarma M) ..... .. .. . .. . ... .......... .... .. . . .. .. . . .. ...



Sl p i :

............. ........



' T







Improving Geometri Ability of Children Through T b e o r .
Learning Process a t Undergrden B Srijaya Negara Pal~:.-.:
.. . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Syafdaningsih) .......... . . ....... ..

5 74

Teacher's Role to Develop Emotional Intelligence of K i r :
Children (Syahniar) ...............................................................

58 1

Parents Orientation Program in Early Childhood Education
Social Learning Approach (Tina Hayati Dahlan) ............... . .



Development Of Early Childhood Creativity Through PI:, :
(Tuwewa Pangaribuan) .....................
. . . . .......... . .



FVonlen's Role 'l'owards Early Age Children: Study on a '.'lr
I-Iousewifc(Titik S e ~ o w a t i .......................










T h e Project Al)1)1-oachIn Education Of Flash Flood Ilisaster 1'. nt:,.':;::tion
1,'01. I-:;I 1 . 1 (.:IiiItlllootI I.;tl uca tion ( W a l i u I )yali L a h s ~ N'al-dhan;
! . . . 622

Ikginning %lath Ilpgrstles Through Cooking Fun !lctivitic~~
(:hiItlhootl (Windi D~viAndika).................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E c o l o g ~Hasetl Science Learning For Early Chiltihood







T h e Application of Word Media in Reading Activity of Early
Childhood (Yulsyofriend) ...................................................................


The Development of Learning through Play Module in Enhancing
Children's Understanding of Number Concept ( Z a k i W o h a m a d Ashari,
Azlina Mohd. Kosnin, Yeo Kee Jiar) ................................................... 657

Pakem (Participative, Active, Creative, Effective, And Fun) Model in
Learning Of Pre-School Children (Zulminiati) ......................................


Teachers' Perceptbn of Sex Education on Early Childhood in Riau
(Rahmah, Susi Herlina) ...........................................................................


T h e Child's Self-Protection and the Different Parenting Style
(Rizqa Nur Fajar, Rusnla Apriliana, Ryzka Nxdianti, MroroAyu Wigati) ... 68 1
Computer Learning for Young Children Stimulation (Syahrul Isrnet) ... 692

The 3rd International Conference on Early Childhood Educat~on ' Proceeding
State University of Padang, September 20th-21st. 2015

government of West Sumatra fo~inone institution with progralns for early
cliildhood edl~cationpilot in each district 1 city. Early Cliildliood Educat~onTliis
pilot will be selected by the government of West Sumatra with tlie criteria of early
childhood education has been establishecl, at least 1ii:ve learlii~iglaboratory of
early childliood education, have adequate lriealis of pre facilit~es. mini~nal
educational background Bachelor of Early Childhood Education. Tliis pilot
institute will be a concrete example in all respects by all early cliildliood
education in the districtlcity. The early childhood educa&on should also be able to
receive tlie teachers around him to do all internship (education and training).
Teachers in early cliildliood education pilot will he a tutor for peers. It is expected
a significa~itiiiiprovement in the quality of early cliildliood education in the

Standard Inlplementation of Early Childhood Education
In Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System states that nonformal education serves as a complement (complement). replacement (substitute),
and adder (supplement) formal education. C'arious prop-ams Iiave been de\.eloped
in tlie path of non-formal education today include: prograln literacy, equality
(package a equivalent elementary school, package B equivalent to junior high
schools, and package C equivalent of high school), education courses, education
life skills, and education early childhood. Each program described above requires
teachers and eclucation personnel ~ l i o1iar.e competeiic~ein accordance n.ith tlie
Go\w-nment Replati011 No. 10 of 2005 on National Education Standards
elaborateel that eclucation personnel are requireel con~petencen.liicll i~iclutles
pedagogical competence, personality, social and proikssional. Conipeteiice is
expected to be possessed by all ~iianagement personnel of school eclucation
institutions. includjng the program manager of early childliood education.
Business tliat meets the competencies expected to ~neettlie legal qualifications as
a management employee education programs for early cl~ildhoodprofessionals.
Tlius the majority of the personnel manager of carly childliood education
that is yet to get training and education support pro+essional duties. Another
reality on tlie ground that the manager of eal-ly cliildliood eclucation has an
educational background, \vo1-k expel-ience. and education is \/el.). di\~erse.Tlius,
not all managel-s of early childhood ecli~c.ation.thcsc meets tlic standards 01'
coiiipetcncc slxcifiecl in go\;crnme~it~ - e g u l a t ah01
~ o ~ e.

The i~iiplicationsof tlie abo1.e ccjntlitions and the management of earl\./
~ . l i i l t l l ~ o o t( l*

,cI.\.~cc: to

l i ~ ~ c . ; ~ i i r i ~ i

1 1 1 I~ ; I I . ~ L ~~ .~i ~ l l ~ Ii ~oL .l


111 ; I C ~ C . O I - ( ~ ; I I I C \~\ .i l l )


provision of early cliildliood education ser\.ices. Tliis is hecause until nour there is
n o cl>nilwtc~lc!..;tnlitlarcls for ertrl~.cliiltllio~~~~
stantlnrcl. 111
this reg;!l-ct i t is important to immediately prcpare per>oi~llclco~lipctcncy:;tanclarcls
institute 01-the business of carly cliildlioc~eicclucation.
Pel-sonncl competency stanclal-ds Il~stitutc01- I3usincss ca~-l>.
be forniulated jointly by tlie various elements wliicli include: tlic
~lisectorate01' casly cliildl~oodeducation, e:u-ly cliilclhood eclucatnrs .\swciation.


. .


The 3rd lnternat~onalConference on Early C ~dhood
State Un~versltyof Padang. September 20th-21st, 2015

. .







business, academics, and stakeholders. The formulation that has been generated
by these elements feed into educational standards bodies to be used as standards.
Early Childhood Education Standards
The implementation of early cliilclhood education should be able to
provide optimum and n~axi~nuln
service for child devebpment. The standard of
early childhood education is an integsal part of the National Education Standards
as mandated b l ~the Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National
Education Standards are fonnulated taking into account the cliaracteristics of tlie
organization of early childhood education. Early cliildliood education standards
consist of four groups. nalnely: (1) a standal-d Iclel of achie\.ernent of
development; (2) Teachers and education personnel: (3) Standard content,
process, and assessment; and (4) Standard means and infiastructure, management,
and financing. The standard level of achievement of development contains the
rules of the gowth and development of young children from birth to the age of
six. The level of development reached the actualization of the potential of all
aspects of developme;it that are expected to be achie\~c.dat each stage of child
development, not an achievement level of scademic .;kills. Standard teachers
(teachers, assistant teachers, and caregivers) and education personnel load the
required qualifications and competencies. Content standards, processes, including
planning and assessment, implementation. and c~.aluation of' programs
implemented in integrated ' unlfied 111 accordance lvith ille needs of cl~ildren.
Standard facilities and infrastructure, management. and tinancing I-equirements of
tlie facility set up. management. and financing i n orde~-to organize early
cl~ilclhoodeducation properly.
Early Childhood Education Teachers
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 on Teachers and
Lecturers, hinted that thc teacher is a professional teachel- with the primary task of
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess, and evaluate students on
early childhood education, formal education, basic education and secondary
education. Professionalism in education needs to be unclerstond that tlie teacher
slioulcl be someone who has the insticct as a teacher. to know :~nd unclerstancl
learners. Teachers must master in depth of at least one tieid of science. Tezcliel-s
must !la\,e the crttitude 01' pl-ofessiona! integrity. T!1e position of teachel-s as
prof3ssionals as defined in At-ticle 2 paragraph ( I ) servcz to enhance tlie dignity
:IIIL\ 1.01c 01' 1 1 1 ~ ~ C ; I C ~ ;IS
C ~ ;I 1c;is1111igL I ~ L , se~.\cs
I ~ ~
to I I I ~ ~ I 1- 1~1 ~.~ Il i ~
i : ~~l i cl \ .
national education. What is meant by tlie teacher as an agent of leal-ning (lealiling
agent) is tlie role of teachel-s. alllong other..; 3s a f;lcilit;~t~>r.
moti\.ator. boostel-s.
cn2i1lce1.sIcarning ,:ancl i~lspil;~tioilal
Ical-ning li,r Ic;~nicrs. 1 c;~clic~.
C O I ~ I ~ C ~ C 'I>
I I C ~
referred to in At-ticle 8 of the Law of thc Republic of Ii~donesianumber I4 of
3005 includes peclagogic:il competence, persona! sc>ci:~lcoliipetence.
ant1 171-ofessionalcompetence acquit-ed tli~-ou~!i

Tlie above fourth co~npetence is linlistic ant! integ-3tii.e in tezclicr
1x1-formance.Therefore. tlie full figu1-c of teacher co~iioetenceinclude (a) the

The 3rd International Conference on Early Shildhood Education.
State University of Padang. September 20th-21st, 201 5


introduction of lear~lersin depth: (b) mastery of both fields, of study disciplines
(disciplinary content) as well as teaching material in school curricululn
(pedagogical content); (c) implementation of educational learning which includes
planning and implementation of learning, evaluation processes and learning
outcomes, as lrrell as follow-up to the improvenient i111denrichment: and (d) the
develop~nentof personality and professionalism 011 an ongoing basis.
Professional occupation or activity carried out by a person's life and a
source o f illcome that requires expertise. skills. or s k n s that meet certain quality
standards or nonns and require a professional education. Teachers as
prgfessionals implies that the teacher's job can only bc. done by someone who has
the academic qualifications, competence. and a teacher's certificate in accordance
with the requirements for each type and level of education. In carrying out the
duties professionalism. teachers are obliged: learning plan, implement quality
learning process, as well as assessing and e\.aluating learning outcomes;
improving and developing academic qualifications and competence on an ongoing
basis in line with developments in science, technology, and art; act objectively
and do not discriminate o n the basis of gender, I-eligion, ethnicity, race, and
certain physical conditions. or family background. and socioeconomic status of
students in learning; upholding the legislation, legal, ancl ethical codes of teachers,
as well as religious values and ethics; and maintain ancl foster national unity.
Teacher professionalism of early childhood education in Padang

Prelin~inaryresearch has been done on the 131-oil.ssionalismof tenclless and
the organization of early childhood education in the city of Padang b y researchers
in that study concluded teachers in Koto Tangall West Sumatra concluded fall into
the category of a teacher who has pedagogics!. liersc) culcl professional.
(Sui-yana: 2012 ). However, there is a separate secortl ti)r tencl1e1-sin Koto Tnngnh
West Sumatra, in the range of 2009-201 1 has alnray?; been a suh.ject of research
and community services majoring in early chilcii~ood..;o there they inclisectly get
additional insight:and knowledge of lecturers of' e:!~-lychildhood conclucting
research and community service.
Other areas beyond the reach of the Department of Teacher Education
Early Childhood Education they are not easy to get infbrmation about science to
early childhood cducation. Sub-districts in the city of Padang alone tlier-e is
inequality of y-ofessionalism of teachers of earl?^ child!iood education. especially
in the city/district far fro13 thc reach of infonn:lt~on ahout enrl!. cl~iltll~ootl
educatin~ifrom institutions such as the Stare U n i \ er-sit! o f Padnns.
The logical consequence of globalization inlpact ~ \ f i l i o r st: It
competition het\~'ee!icountr-ics. Each counts>. \ \ - i l l 111:,!. : i:I'l;) 1 , ) \ I
flit. # ! ! , I >
competition anci existence will be ~nainta~ned.1 licrc~orc.cltl\'clol~lngccountl-ICS
including Indonesia begin to clcan tliemscl\,es \\'it11 ~?ositi\.esteps to pl-epirl-c
~ l ~ l l l l ~rCSOLl
l l l SCC t ~ C \ ' ~ ~ O ~ ? lOf.
l l 1~ 1l 1l ~\~' ~ i l ~ l O lLll~S l ) ~ , ~ ' l IhL , ! . i l ~ ~!Ol ( 1
ii 1I:ii'~'i~
globalizati3n era. Human Resources compctellcics prcp;~t-c
cat-ly is \'ct->'ncccssas>.
to be able to compete to win and compete for crnpln>i:lcnt o ~ l x ~ ~ - t u l ~ iopc11
t i c ' s 111
\:arious occupations and professions. \:c~-y rapid t l ~ t clolment
totla!. rt'cluirc'.;
I-eadiness of qualified Iiuman resources that I-ccjuirc prepal-nt ion is also
accompanied with a better i~:frastructure ant1 reasonable t'ces.
i l l


7 1


-- .








, > ,''

D e.

One aspect that is very important and strategic includes preparing work
competence Standards to be used as a reference in the de\.elop~nent and
preparation of qualified and competent human resources and recognized by all
stakeholders (stakeholders) and nationally applicable in the territory of the
Republic of Indonesia. Under Law No. 13 of' 2003 on Labor emphasized tliat
vocational training programs should refer to job competence standards.
Furthennore, Government Regulation No. 3 1 Ye% 2006 on the National
Vocational Training System reiterated tliat training and certification of labor
should refer to the National Competence Indonesia, International Labor Standards
and the Standards of Competence Special Competence. Public anrareness of the
higher will need the National Competence Indonesia for all sectors of industry
and business field as a reference in impro\.ing the quality of human resources. is a
chaiienge that is not easy and needs to be realized in order to meet the needs of
the industry 1 business. Preparation of Standard Skills in the past has been
initiated by the respective departments / sectors and business field, but at that time
not well coordinated, so that each sector enforces skill standards fe~rthe sector. It
is difficult for us to know which standard is actually a national consensus and
recognized nationally.



The enactment of new laws and a manifestation of the desire of all parties,
to improve the quality and productivity of Indonesian Iiuman resources, it is time
for Indonesia to have Indonesian National WorL Competence Standards
applicable and recognized nationaliy and i11ternatio1inll\~.
In connection \\.it11 these
two guidelines procec!ures for preparation of tlie National Competence Indonesia
is complete and follow up the implementation of tlie Regulation of tlie hlinistcr of
Manpo~verand Trans~nigr~tion
Republic of I~itloncsiaNutilher 21 o f 2007 and
thereafter to be used by various stakeholders in desi%ning anel preparing \ \ ~ n ~ - k
competency standards in accordance with the neetl? of cle~,elop~nent
Resources in each sector.


Research hlethodology

The metl~odologychosen for this research is Research and Development,
Research and Development is a method of choice because it has a more complex
process in the stage-the stage that can accnmmoclate di\.erse interests of this study
(Borg 1989: 784-785). The program de\.elopecl a p ~ - t ~ I u cnssociotcd
\\;it11 the
training of teaching techn~logytliat req~il-esjilstitication in the Iear~linypruce.;.
Consequently researcher takes a lo11.gtime to seat1 m:lil! books a~lcltl1col.i~~.
and conduct focus group cliscussion to tlie \.arioas pal-ties :~ncl get inic~ tlie
i < .,.,
c i ~ ~ s s ~ ~too oprc~\~icIc
l c c l ~ ~ i i Oc ~I -~~l~ I I ~ ~ 111
I ~ IL O
~ I -I ~II c I L. t 8 ;:XI L t ~ i ~;I,,.:
and circumstances of delivery and response prngu-am technical orientation
education ieacher cliildl-en early age. P.iIc~thods : ~ t 'licscarcli ant1 Dc\.clol~~ilc~~il
requ!res a process and rec;uircs a strolls spil-it. J > C I . - - I ~ ~ C I ~ LLCI C, C I ) , I I I L ~ C I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I ;
observations, as well as long patience in 171-ocluci~ig
\.;lsicty of cre;lti;.c ~ ~ I C L I S .




Program technical orielitatiori of ~i.;icliersof'c:~~-l>.
cliilcllloc~tlc ~ l ~ ~ ~ ;i l ~
l r i o ~ l
the Department of 'Xest Sumatra provincc is one o t' clcsign tcaclii~lg~ ~ i l \ ~ l o l c ~ ~ > .
that requires an appl-opriate metliodolog!. as a \.cliiclc (\~c.liiclc)ti)[-;I ~.c..;c;~~-~li
interest holistic \-v.itl~ a set-ies of processes tliat niiist be untlcst;tkc~l \ \ i r l i a





The 3rd International Conference on Early !Childhood Educatlon.
State University of Padang. Septeenber20th-21st. 2015



structured, planlied and controlled , I t is then detennined for the region and the
steps of this research work into ten stages. guided by the Research and
Development developed Borg and Gall with the translation as follows (Borg
1989: 775).
Figure. l Research ancl De\.clopmcnt Steps
Steps of Research and Developl'uent
Research 8r Infonnatioli Collect~Tg
Develop ~reliminarTform of Product
Field testing & Procluct Re\risinn
Final Product Revision
Disseinination & Implementation
The steps of research and developnient. Esp1;ination of each stage is as
The first phase, gather information (research a n d collecting iiiforn1atiol7).
In this research study related technical information about the orientation program
of early childhood education teacher who has been I:eld by the Office of West
Sumatra province.










The second phase. the planning (planning). \f.hicIi in this stucly col~tlucted
a series of literature review and theory (L,iterature). :I tliscussion \\.it11 tlic Head of
Education West Sumatra. Head of earl!. cliiltlliootl ::ducation. ~~litli.r-takin~
program, Head of early childhood educatioii in tlic official C'it). scgencies in
West Su~natra.Tllen get the tidings. co~~scnsus,
pl-olvwitions. ant1 gencrnlizatioli
to understand of the materials program tucIiniz;~lo~.ic~ltatioti
of teacliers of early
childhood education that is suitab!e gi\.en tc) teacliCl-s and managers of early
childhood educatih, focus group discussions with tlie head of the field of early
childhood education Provincial Office, the head ot' tlie field of early cliildhood
education, City 1 County, principals and tcacliers of early childhood education.
The third stage, to develop a program (develop a prelin~inasyfbrm of tlie
product) in this research is tlie design of tlie ~ ? ~ ' n ~ ~associatecl
with tlie
preparation of the technical orientation concerning tht. matel-iitis. ~>l.occsscs;111cl
evaluation by socializing in the ti>sn~ot'n eliscussion \\.ltli tlir pro\,incial cclucation
department and the head of the tield o:' e'rrly cllil~lll~~od
tlic IX'O\ 111cc
the head tlie tield of early cl;ildliood t.cluc;~tin~i.
cit! cxtant).












T i ~ c 1L~1rtl1>ttig,c3
~ ~ I L - ~ I L I ~ I ~ ~ ~ .
developed a measuring instrument in ac.corclnnce \ \ i t 1 1 thc ol.ic'~~t:~tion
teclinicall! clc\-clopecl. c;tlih~.;~tc[l
:111(1 1 1 1
I!~c' I,.,!I.,, l i : i i ; t ~ !, ill ~ l i c l i ~ ~ ~ ( l
(preliniinary field testing) to justify pl-og~.;ill~s
in this s r l ~ t uc~nlbincd
with actiol? research method using t1vc1 ~ . o ~ ~ noft l tsl i c c ~ c l c .numcl~.tIir.ougli !lie
initial pli:~se (initiation). tlic clisco\.er>.~,ll;~sc
( t l c t c c ~ ~ ~~1 1~1 cllrli~.
) . ~ > l i a \01'
~ stlle
decision (judgnlent). (Schmuck 1000: 50-57 j

o c L l i

~ ~ ~ l , . l u ~ L L
l l Ll , l i ~ ~ L L l LL.,L.


Cycle I
Preliminary cycle


90 13






-Step I. Theory and data
Step I1
Description ~f the
technical study '
orientation program for
early childhood
education teacher
Provincial Office of
West Sumatra
The fi~icli~igs.
propositions and

Step 111


Stel? 1'

Technical Orie~~tntiil~l
childhnotl cducation

hilotlel Technical
Osicutatinn -l'eaclier
prngra;ii for early
cliildhood education
that was revised after
the final tested

Step IV
Linuted Disse~ninatiorl
to consu~nmation





Step \!I


Wicle diffi~sioii(not
tlol:c iri t h i s ;!11d!.)








The 3rd lnternatlonal Cocferenceon Early Childhood Educa'i,

' ?r 1-cding

State Unlvers~tyof Padang September 20th-21st. 2r1

As for tlie details as follows:
First the first cycle of the tluee cycles of Rc.;carcli and Dc\ , . . ,c,~lt
be conducted a series of studies wliich consists of tv o phases.
The first phase of collecti~~ginforniatio~l (rescarcli and i!it;l~-~nation
collection), related to tlie study of literatul-e cancel-ning tlie thenretic;.! . .-: ,cl.\.;~;io~i.
consensus . propositions. and g t . ~ i e ~ - a l i z ~t~~t i~111dc.l
interviews, ctiscussions. and focus group iliscussio~i.
The third pliase, a clcvt.loprnt.~lr,t~iiappirlg I)royralil niatcl-ial
~ ~ p p ~ iillc ctlic
~ li11.111 ~ C C ~ I I > I ' : . I !.!:.i:: , :i ' i : . \:,I,
0 1 !\\.ost;~ycs:
T h e fifth stage. i~npro\.c~ncli[
anti ~.cfi~lc~llcnt
ot' I7rngl-ams t I i ~ 1 1ll;l\.c b c e ~ i
testecl on :I limitecl baais. Ancl i ~ i i p ~ . o \ . c ~01'n ~ tl:is
~ ~ l t; ) ~ - o g ~ -\;\ ~i l ~
l i ~i I X I ~ I L I C C ;I
Ixogran1 as a pilot stud!. that is i - ~ i ~to
d \I>c tlc\clopctl a~itlI-cl,licatctl. 7'hc sixth
stage, a progsaln ready to trans fcs.



The 3rd lnternatlonal Coiference on ear'^ 'Childhood Educal~on, Proceeding


State Un~vers~ty
of Padang. Septejnber 20th-21st. 2015



The first phase is gathering i~iforniatio~i(research and collecting
infonnation). In this research study rclatecl technical infotmation about the
orientation program of early childhood cducation teacliel- who lias been Iield by
the Off-ice of West Sumatra province. In tlic proccss of technical 01-ientation
conducted by observation of material given to tlic participa~lts related to the
information policy, the basic concept, child developlnent, physical developlnent
and child nutrition, early childhood education 7!I1rriculum. Basically tlie
implementation of technical orientation in tenns ot'mnterial is sufficient, but tlie
material is not tiered and sustainable. Then, there \\,:IS no ongoing training and
orientation stages. It is an obstacle in the field. from the \,isitation to tlie area of
the Sungai Rumbai Dhannasraya gets feedback anil ir~forn~ation.
tliat the training
will be calried out not announced publicly ancl o n l ~a fe\\. schools a1-e getting
infonnation, so getting the oppol-tunit), to follow tlie orientation of the ollly
teachers of certain and so~neti~nes
that is familiar ant1 dose to tlie distnct offices.
Sijunjung area, Sawahlunto, Solok. Solok Selatan. r'adang Panjang. Pariaman,
Agam, lubuk sikaping, Pasaman, Payaku~nbuhancl Fifty Cities can be the same
of tlie trainilig el-ynized by tlie Department
infonnation that the implementatio~~
of Education of West Sulnatra is uneven and is not tiered. This suggests that the
absence of a system of programnled orientation and \ ~ c s l lstructured.
Data related to tlie implementation of technical orielitation prove tliat the
mater-ials. ancl even if
material gi\'en to the participants .i\110 fi)llo\ried 110
carsicd out fscquentl~ recussing moterial This makc\ thc ability of participants
technical orientation docs riot appear to pl-c~gresh.bcc;~lr>cthe ni:lter-ial provided is
the same in each period.
The second phase. the planning. \\.ilicIi in this ..7ti~ciy
conducted 11 series of
literature review and theory (Litel-ature). a tliscussic~n(\it11 the Head of Education
Sumatra \Yest, Head of cat-ly childhood cclucatinil. ~ ~ ~ i ~ l c ~ t the
a l i program,
of erirly cliildliood-educatinn in the official Cityst-gcncies in West Sulnatra. Then.
Obtaining, the findings, consensus, propositions. anel generalization to understand
of the materials progsa~ii technical orientation of' tc.';lchers of cal-Iy childlioocl
education that is suitable given to teachers and Inclnagers of early childhood
education, focus group discussions with the head of the field of early childhood
education Provincial Office, the head of the ficlcl 01' early childliood eciuc~tion,
City!County. principals ancl tcaciiers ol' easly cliili.llisod eclucation. Results
Discussion wit11 policy I I I L I ~ C I - S .espcciail~,tltc Ilc;~cl 01' tlic c';lsly cliilcI1;o~cI
educdtic\l? field I~otlli;l tlic ci[. C O L I I ~ ~ ! ..~IICI IIC:ICI o!. #::I .I> cliil~ll~oo~l
Education 3cpart11ient of ')i;;est Sumatra 1'1-oirince :>I-\. .lnni Nu~.ctin. R.lh4 stated
1 .!I),'
~ ' l , . ~i<
~ [. l c \ . ~:I~ [ t \ l : l r [IlC ,,,jLyt:!li,,!,
;,>. z ; . m 3 >i.. .
. -.. . I,!,,,.,'
Inattes ot. evaluation. Ihc t.sistc~ict.0 1 rcclinical ~-chca~-ch
rnoclcl dc\.elopmc~il
orientation lias bcconic \ CI-!. inil~osta~it
311d Iiopc C;II: I ~ L . IISCCI ;IS ;I I.C~;'SCI~CC i l l ;111y
. .
~ ~'\IL,..
l ~ ii i