THE USE OF WEBTOON AND KWL (KNOW-WANT-LEARN) STRATEGY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING FLUENCY (A Classroom Action Research in The tenth Grade of SMK Muhammadiyah Rembang in The Academic Year 2018/2019) - Test Repository



  (A Classroom Action Research in the tenth Grade of SMK MuhammadiyahRembang in the Academic Year 2017/2018) A GRADUATING PAPER

  Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.pd.)

  By :











GOD always has something for you, a key for every problem, a light for every

  shadow, a relief for every sorrow and a plan for every tomorrow ”.




  This graduating paper is sincerely dedicated for : 1.

  My beloved parents Mr. ArifSaptono and Mrs. WahyuNurnaningsih, who always pray for me, guide, support, and motivate me to become better person.

2. My beloved sister NaylaAnggunNovita Sari, and my big family 3.

  My lovely friends Aulia Sakti, AnikSholiqah, Ekakusumawati, YunitaRia, Villa Shofa, Sumarsih who always support me to finish my graduating paper.

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikumWr.Wb.


  lillahi rabbil’alamin, all praise be to Allah SWT, the Most


Gracious and the Most Mercifulwho always bless and help the writer, so

  the writer can finish this graduating paper. Bless and mercy is upon great Prophet Muhammad SAW for his guidance that leads the writer to the truth.

  However, this paper will not be finished without the support, guidance, advice, helps and encouragement from individuals and institutions. Therefore, the writer would like to express the deepest gratitude to :

  1. Mr. Dr.Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd., as Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga.

  2. Mr. Suwardi, M. Pd., as the Dean Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, M. Hum, Ph. D., as the head of English Education Department.

  4. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M. Hum., as counselor of this graduating paper. Thanks for all your suggestion, recommendation and support for his graduating paper from beginning till the end.

  5. Mrs. Dr. Setia Rini, M.Pd., as my Academic Counselor thanks for your support and guidance.

  6. All of the lecturers in English Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty who had given valuable knowledge.

  7. All of the staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration.

  8. Mr.Suparno.S.Pd., as the Head Master of SMK MuhammadiyahRembang who allowed me to conduct the research.

  9. Mrs.NurulHamidahS.Pd., as English teacher in SMK Muhammadiyah who help me in doing my research.

  10. The big Family of SMK MuhammadiyahRembang.

  Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the reader.

  Salatiga, September 11


  2018 The writer

  AyuApriliyaniPutri NIM. 11314170


  AyuApriliyani Putri.2018.The Use Of Webtoon And KWL (Know-Want-

  Learn)Strategy To Improve Students’ Reading Fluency (A Classroom Action

Research In the Tenth Grade of SMK MuhhamadiyahRembang In the Academic

Year of 2018/2019) . A Graduating Paper.English Education Department.Teacher

  Training and Education Faculty.State Institute for Islamic Studies. Counselor: FaizalRisdianto, S.S., M. Hum.

  The objectives of the Research are to describe the implementation and to find out to what extent the Use of Webtoon And KWL ( Know- Want- Learn) Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Fluency In Tenth Grade In SMK MuhammadiyahRembang in the Academic Year 2018/2019 especially in X (TKR

  C) class.The method of the research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The technique of collecting data, the data are observation, test and documentation. The result of the research shows that the pre-test 1 score is 59.3 and the cycle 1shows score is 67.2. Meanwhile, the cycle 2shows that the pre- test is 68.2 and the post-test cycle 2 is 83.7.this indicates that KWL Startegy can improve Students’ Reading Fluency Of The Tenth Grade of SMK MuhammadiyahRembang In Academic Year of 2018/2019.

  Keyword :Reading Fluency, Know-Want-Learn Strategy, webtoon



TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................................... i




DECLARATION ..................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE ..............................................................................iv

MOTTO ..............................................................................................................................iv

DEDICATION .................................................................................................................... v


ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... ix


CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................ 1

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

A. Background of research ....................................................................................... 1

B. Problem of the research ........................................................................................ 3

C. Objective of the research ...................................................................................... 4

D. Hypotheses of the Research .................................................................................. 4

E. Significances of the research .............................................................................. 4

F. Definition of Keyword .......................................................................................... 5

G..Graduating paper outline ........................................................................................ 9


CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................................... 10

REVIEW OF LITERETURE ........................................................................................ 10

A. Review of Previous Studies .................................................................................. 10

B. Supporting Theories .............................................................................................. 11

  1. Webtoon ........................................................................................................... 11

  a. The definition of webtoon ........................................................................... 11

  b. Strength of using webtoon in the classroom ................................................ 13 c.

  Application of English Webtoon to Improve Students’ Reading Fluency. 14

  2. KWL (Know-Want-Learn) ............................................................................... 16

  a. Definition of KWL ........................................................................................ 16

  b. Steps to do KWL Strategy ............................................................................ 17

  c. Strength and Weaknesses of KWL (Know-Want-Learn) ............................. 19

  3. Reading Fluency ............................................................................................... 20

  a. Definition of reading fluency ........................................................................ 20

  b. Fluency strategies .......................................................................................... 21

  4. Reading ............................................................................................................. 22

  a. Definition of Reading. ................................................................................... 22

  b. The purpose of Reading ................................................................................ 24

  c. The Method of Reading ................................................................................ 25

  d. Process of Reading ........................................................................................ 25


CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................... 28

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................. 28

A. Subject of the Research ...................................................................................... 28

B. Method of the Research ...................................................................................... 29

C. Data collection ..................................................................................................... 30

D. Data Analysis Technique .................................................................................... 33

E. Research Procedure ............................................................................................ 35

CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................................... 42

DATA ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................... 42

A. Research Findings ............................................................................................... 42

  1. Cycle 1 .............................................................................................................. 42

  2. Cycle 2 .............................................................................................................. 52


CHAPTER V ................................................................................................................... 63

CLOSURE ................................................................................................................... 63

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 63

B. Implementation ................................................................................................... 64

C. Suggestion ............................................................................................................ 65

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 66


APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................... 67


  Tabel 2 1 KWL Chart …………………………………………………………..18

  Tabel 3 1 The List of Students …………………………………………………29 Tabel 3 2Scoring Rubrics For Reading Fluency

  ………………………………..33 Tabel 3 3 observation sheet for students


gambar 1.1 images of webtoon


gambar 2.2 modeling reading fluency

  ………………………………………....22 gambar 3.1: Four activities in each cycle ………………………………………30

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Research The human life requires a tool to communicate and interact with others. Language is the capability of a human to communicate with other human

  beings using signs, words and movements. According to Sapir (1921:p8), language is a purely human and non instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbol. English is important to study seriously many people to have a good

  prospect in the world. English is studied at starting from elementary school until universities.There are four skills to learn English, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. This skill important in understanding about communication with other people.

  English as one of the learning processof interaction to transfer knowledge and information between teacher and students. According to Brown (1980: p:5), learning language is to direct and express their feelings and communicate.In studying English there are four skills that must be mastered are Listening, speaking, reading and writing. In speaking, students practice how to pronounce the word and conversing. In writing, students learn how to write the idea, information and understand the writing to get information and knowledge. In listening, students study by hearing monologue, dialogue, from


video and tape recorder. In reading, students learn by understanding text,

summarize information and thinking success. The students have to learn all of

  the skills above because the government had been arranged the curriculum of English lesson. But, not all of them are capable in those skills. One of many ways to improve students’ ability of English subject is reading.

  Reading is one of the language skill in English, should be mastered by students because reading is an essential factors that influences an activity in communication. The ability to read opens up new knowledge and opportunities. It is enable students to gain information, to get some pleasure, and do many things that are part of modern life, such as, reading newspaper, magazine, maps and etc.

  In addition, reading is also started in the school-based curriculum of vocational high school (Depdiknas, 2006) the target of the English teaching and learning is to enable students to gain the functional literacy. Which is the ability to communicate both in simple oral and written English to deal with the daily life contexts, such as reading and understanding newspaper or manuals. In other words, students are expected to be able to comprehend English Texts in order to learn new knowledge, ideas and concept.

  One of the difficulties faces by student in vocational High School is to mastery reading skill. According Wallace (2003: p. 4) state the one of the difficulties which young learners, especially EFL learners, may have is the incapability to understand text. The students demonstrate many problems associated with low comprehension, including poor decoding, fluency and comprehension.

  The writer made an interview in pre observation data to English teacher. From the result on the review, it revealed that the tenth grade of vocational high school students had a problem in reading, especially reading fluency.

  Based on the explanation above the researcher is inspired to conduct a research entitled The Use OfWebtoonand KWL to Improve Students’ Reading Fluency In SMK MuhammadiyahRembang (classroom Action Research at the tenth grade of SMK MuhammadiyahRembang 2017-2018).

B. Problem of the Research

  Based on the background above, the problem in this study can be formulated as below :

  1. Can the implementation of webtoon and KWL to improve students’ reading fluency at the tenth grade of SMK MuhhamadiyahRembang in the academic year 2018/2019? 2. What is the extent of webtoonand KWL to improve students’ reading fluency in SMK MuhammadiyahRembang ?

  C. Objective of the Research 1.

  To find out whether To find out the implementation of webtoon and KWL to improve students’ reading fluency at the tenth grade of SMK MuhhamadiyahRembang in the academic year 2018/2019? 2. what is extent the students’ reading fluency after using webtoon and KWL of the eleven grade students of SMK MuhammadiyahRembang in academic year 2018/2019.

  D. Hypotheses of the Research

  In order to avoid misinterpretation of the problem, the writer would like to limit study. The writer want to know whatever webtoon and KWL method to improve students’ reading fluency. The material is limited to that thought of SMK MuhammadiyahRembang in the academic year 2018/2019.

  E. Significances of the Study

  In this study, the researcher expects that the research paper has benefit: 1. Theoretically

  The study is expected to give explanation about the use of webtoonand KWL to improve students’ reading fluency.

2. Practical Benefit

  The result of this study is expected to be useful for the students, English teachers, and institution : a.

  To the teacher As the information, English teacher about reading fluency by using webtoon and KWL . The English teacher can enrich variation media for teaching reading. English teacher can use the media to give a solution for students’ problems especially in reading fluency.


  To the students The research can give solution for the students to understand in study

  English especially in reading fluency. The students can improve their reading ability by using webtoonand KWLby their teacher in the class. So the students feel interest to learn English lesson than before and they have good perception that English is not difficult.


  To the readers or other researcher The use of webtoonand KWL can help the researcher to identify how to teach reading.italso gives information to improve creativity in learning process especially in reading fluency.

F. Definition of Keyword 1.

  Webtoon Webtoon is new compound word made up of “website” and “cartoon, and means comics which are published through the web and optimized for computer screen.

  “webcomics” have not settled into shape because traditional paper comics still have a strong market. Webtoon in korea is an exceptional case. Also, webtoons have distinctive features which are not to be found in other count ries’ web comics. Comic consist of image and text, most often with the images sequence. However, comic utilize these forms in a variety of different ways, throughout, though this is not only interplay between these elements.

  Single panel comics such as The Family Circus and The Far Side have been fully recognized as comics for decades. “silent” comics such as Kid


Koala’s Nufonia Must Fall contain no words at all. Whereas work such as

  as Dave Sim’s Reads Volumes of Cerebus have been dominated by text, relagting the images to illustrative roles. On the contrary, illustrated children’s books lie outside the category of comics, though they feature a similar commingling of text, images and narrative. The arguments, then, are not concerned as to whether or not these components exist in a given work, but rather what roles the arguments play.

  According to Scott (1993). Comics are “juxtaposed” pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer. Comic attempts to give clarity and solidity to the inchoate “sequential art” offered in Will Eisner’s Comics and Sequential Art. The sequential nature of comics’ images defines their being, thus exiling single panel and text dominated works form the realm comics.

  2. KWL Method One of strategy to develop students’ reading fluency achievement is

  KWL (Know-Want-Learn) strategy , it is one of strategies used mainly for information of the text.

  As the basic definition, KWL(Know-Want-Learn) is strategy where students first know (know, analyze, predict), then want (develop thoughts on what will be written with questions). Moreover, Ogle (1986) explain by Gani.S.A in journal of Research In English and Education (READ), that KWL (Know-Want-Learn) strategy is an instructional reading Strategy that widely used to teach reading classes, this strategy helps the students become good readers by getting them to do many things that that good readers do. KWL strategy gets the students to read silently.

  Focusing to the learning process where the students are supposed to explore their reading process by thinking about what they know, what they want to know, and what they have learned.

  3. Reading According to Grabe and Stoller (2002. P.9) Reading is a complex and dynamic process that involves a set of activities such as remembering, comprehending, interpreting, differentiating, comparing, finding out, analyzing, organizing, and applying message sent through written language in order to understand its content.

  Reading is acquired in a relatively predictable way by children who have normal or above average language skills, have had experiences in early childhood that fostered motivation and provided exposure to literacy in use, get information about the nature of print through opportunities to learn letters and to recognize the internal structure of spoken words, as well as explanations about the contrasting nature of spoken and written language, and attend schools that provide effective reading instructions and opportunities to practice reading. (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, :1998).

  4. Reading fluency Fluency is the ability to read text accurately, quickly, and with expression. Fluency is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. They group words quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. Fluent readers read aloud effortlessly and with expression. Their reading sounds natural, as if they are speaking. Readers who have not yet developed fluency read slowly, word by word. Their oral reading is choppy.

  5. Improving Improving is to bring to more desirable or excellent condition; to ameliorate; to better; to make; as land or real estate; more profitable by cultivation or construction; to make more useful. (Mario Pei,1974.p:483).

G. Graduating paper outline

  This research is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 present the introduction. It explains the background of the research, definition of key terms, and organization of the graduating paper. Chapter II describe the theoretical framework. It consists of the definition of webtoon and KWL, how to implementing the webtoon and KWL in reading fluency, definition of reading, kind of genre, definition of reading fluency. Chapter III is method of the research. It describes the setting of research, procedure of research, technique of collecting data, and technique of analysis data. Chapter VI is data analysis. It consist of field note of the cycle 1, the cycle II, the discussion of the cycle 1, cycle II. Chapter V is closure. It consist of conclusion and suggestion. For the attachment, these are appendixes and bibliography.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERETURE A. Review of Previous Studies In this chapter, the writer will explain about the previous studies. The

  writer takes a review of related literature from the other research. The first research has been conducted by EniRahmawati (2014) from State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN ) Salatiga, objective of this study was to know the empirical evidence concerning of i mproving the students’ writing skill through textless comic. The purpose of this research is to make students interested in

  writing. Then students asked to complete text on comics and looking for answers that are suitable to complement the comic.

  The second was conducted by Mutoharoh (2015) she conducted that the students interest toward spoof text and their reasons and to find out whether the use of spoof as a media and KWL as a technique is effective to improve the

students in reading comprehension of tenth grade in MAN 1 magelang city.

  The third research was conducted by Dieu’s (2015),The purpose are to change students from negative attitude to positive feeling towards reading class after KWL method was used and to improve Vietnamese students’ reading skill as well as catching the main idea in the reading texts in order to have successful communication in English.

  Based on the previous studies above, the writer has summarized some differences between this research with the previous research. The first research used KWL ( Know-Want-Learn) through webtoon which is more appropriate with the vocational high school syllabus. The second research used KWL (Know-Want- Learn) strategy to improve all students’ reading fluency. The last

  Researchers use webtoon as a media of learning, according to the researchers using comics, students find it easier to understand the material that will be conveyed by teachers, and reading material can be understood easily by students.


  Supporting Theories 1.

   Webtoon a. The definition of webtoon Webtoon is a term used to describe South Korean web comics or manhwa that are published online. The Korean web portal Daum created a webtoon service in 2003, as did never in 2004. These services regularly release webtoon that is available for free. As digital comics have emerged as a popular medium, the print publication of manhwa has decreased. The amount of material; published in webtoon from has now reached an equal amount as that published offline. Webtoon or comicsonline is a media that is fun for all people, especially children, the childrens are very fond of reading that has images and colors that are interesting to read.

  Webtoonis also categorized as one of media of teaching in the classroom. In addition, comic are often regarded as interesting and motivating media. According to Arlin& Roth (1978:p.202) comic are interesting, and children will attend to that which they find interesting more than to that which they find uninteresting.

  Webtoon has various stories, it may tell about humor, action, mystery, thriller, adventure, romance, and so forth. Childrens while conceiving the story.So that, webtoon is a fun media for students and also developing their imagination.One of the main problems that leads to the leads to the low interest in reading, is the lack of media. Therefore, the student needs media to stimulate and activate their ideas in order to produce reading more easily. Thus, media are expected to create a more interesting reading class.

  According to Wright & Sherman, the teachers should use the comic strips in language art classroom for three reasons. First, there is a great students interest in genre. It means that comic strips is one of the most loved genre. Comic tells about casual situation and many with funny or interesting story and illustration. Second, they are inexpensive to obtain. In this era of technology students can get or download source of material from the interest easily. Therefore, the teacher should be able to consider comic strip in order to make appropriate materials that the teachers are going to teach. Third, most comic strips have low readability levels, with the paucity of words and sentence which are linguistically ideal for elementary and middle school reader. . the means of this sentence is the vocabulary is not to difficult and appropriate with the students’ level so the students are able to understand the content of comic strip by the students using website on the internet.

b. Strength of using webtoon in the classroom

  Based Marrison, Bryan, and Chilcoat (2002: p:759) there are some reasons why comics have more strength rather than other teaching materials as follows :

  1) It is evident that comic is familiar to and popular with middle and high school students’.

  2) The comics is a form of literature that students enjoy. 3)

  Students engage in greater literacy exploration than the students otherwise would, due to comics’ popular and easily accessible format. 4)

  Through comics students investigate the use of dialogue, succinct and dramatic vocabulary, and nonverbal communications. 5)

  Such methodology helps enliven a classroom that can prevents historical content from being boring and meaningless, as it often is in typical classroom



Application of English Webtoon to Improve Students’ Reading


  Most of the students are lazy to read because they regard it as a complex and difficult English language skill, sometimes a lot of students can’t read sentences as well., almost 20 % of children have a reading problem that impact their ability to learn to read through traditional teaching. Therefore, the teacher can use webtoon to help them develop their ability in reading fluency from pictorial story.

  In the classroom, the teacher can apply it to teach reading fluency. After explaining about webtoon, the students can distribute the comic to each student, and then ask them to read the story in webtoon. This method is very easy to be conducted by the teacher in the classroom, and it will make the students feel fun in reading.

  Hence, teaching reading fluency by using webtoon is an appropriate and recommended method for the teachers to apply in the classroom in the teaching-learning activity.

  picture1.1 figure ofwebtoon by mobile phone

Figure 2.1 :

  A Budgie’s Life from Line Webtoon 2.

   KWL (Know-Want-Learn) a.

  Definition of KWL

  KWL (Know-Want-Learn) is strategy where students first know

  (know, analyze, predict), then want (develop thoughts on what will be written with questions). Moreover, Ogle (1986) via Riswanto et al (2014) explain that KWL (Know-Want-Learn) strategy is one of teaching and learning strategies used mainly information text. Its aim are more diverse. It helps readers elicit prior knowledge of the topic of the text, set a purpose for reading, monitor their comprehension, asses their comprehension of the text, and expand ideas beyond the text.

  According Ogle (1986) the strategy for helping students to access important background information before reading notification. The KWL strategy (accessing what I Know, determining what I want to find out to recalling what did I learned)combines several elements of approaches. The first step of KWL, students and the teacher engage in oral discussion. The students and the teacher reflect on their knowledge about the topic, brain storm a group list of ideas about the topic, and identify categories of information. Next the teacher helps highlight gaps and inconsistencies in students’ knowledge and students create individual list of things that the students want to learn about the topic or questions that the students want to answer about the topic, in the last step of the strategy, students read new materials and share what the students have learned.


  Steps to do KWL Strategy To do KWL (Know- Want - Learn) strategy, there are some steps to be travelled by the teacher in teaching and learning process.

  According to Ogle (1986) as quoted by Riswanto et al. (2014) explains three steps that should be considered in using KWL (Know-Want- learn) strategy. They are : 1)

  Choose a text 2)

  Create a KWL chart, KWL (Know-Want-Learn) strategy was conducted by using worksheet consisting of three columns to be fulfilled by the students. The columns were K column; stands for what I know, W column ; stands for what I want to Learn , and L column ; Stands or what I did learn.

  Tabel 2 1 KWL Chart


  3 ) 3) Ask students to brain storm words, terms pr phrases which sociate with a topic. The teacher and students record these associations in the K column of their chart. This is done until students run out of ideas. Engage students in a discussion about what the students wrote in K column. 4)

  Ask students what they want to learn about the topic. The teacher and students record the question in the W column of their charts.

  This is done until students run out of ideas for questions. If students respond with statements, turn them into questions before recording them in the W column. K

  (What I Know) W

  (What I Want to Learn) L

  (What I Learned)

  5) Have students read the text and fill out the L column of their charts.

  Students should look for the answer to the questions in their W column while they are reading. Students can fill out their L column either during or after reading. 6) Discuss the information that the students record in the L column. 7)

  Encourage students to research any question in the W column that were not answered by the text.


  Strength and Weaknesses of KWL (Know-Want-Learn) Each strategy definitely has the strength and weaknesses to be used in teaching and learning process. It applies as well in KWL

  (Know-Want-learn) strategy. The further explanation comes from cholifah (2014) who describe that there are several strength and weaknesses of KWL ( Know-Want-Learn) strategy were required the students to active their background knowledge and encourages students’ active participation. On the other hands, the weaknesses of strategy were the students are not confident in expressing their background knowledge and the strategy only effective for expository text. There are possible solution that can be used to make students easy to imagine the object of webtoon and then guide from the teacher is important in order to control students’ activities in reading a class.

3. Reading Fluency a.

  Definition of reading fluency Reading fluency is gaining new recognition as an essential element of every reading program, especially for students who struggle in reading. Reading fluency is one of the defining characteristics of good readers, and a lack of fluency is common characteristic of poor readers.

  Differences in reading fluency not only distinguish good readers from poor, but a lack of reading fluency is also a reliable predictor of reading comprehension problems Stanovich (1991).

  Once struggling readers learn sound- symbol relationship through intervention and become accurate decoders, their lack of fluency emerges as the next hurdle they face on their way to reading proficiency Torgensen( 2001). This lack of fluent reading is a problem for poor readers because they tend to read in a labored, disconnected fashion with a focus on decoding at the word level that makes comprehension of the text difficult, if not impossible.

  The speed with which text is translated into spoken language has been identified as a major component of reading proficiency (Adams, 1990; Allington, 1983; fuchs, Hosp,& Jenkins,2001; Hasbrouk& Tindal,1992; Samuels, Schermer,&Reinking, 1992 ). Many struggling readers may not gain reading fluency incidentally or automatically. In contrast to killed readers, they often need direct instruction in how to read fluently and sufficient opportunities for intense, fluency focused practice incorporated into their reading program Allinder, Dunse, Brunken, &ObermillerKrolikowaski, (2001).the National Research council snow, Burns, & Griffin,( 1998) recommends that reading fluency be regularly assessed in the classroom and effective instruction be provided when dysfluent reading is detected. Despite of the importance of reading fluency and the need for direct teaching

  National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD], 2000), it is often neglected in reading instructional program (Allington, 1983; Kame’enui& Simmons, 2001). Teachers who are concerned about meeting, the needs of all students in their classroom should consider whether they know their disfluent readers are and what types of instructions they plan to provide for those readers.


  Fluency strategies The national panel has concluded that a more effective course of action is for us to explicitly teach developing readers how to read fluently step by step. 1)

  Teacher modeling According to Skinner (1997: p: 437- 447) the first strategy is teacher modeling. Research demonstrates that various forms of modeling can improve reading fluency. Teacher modeling involves more than just listening to someone else read. Students must be actively involved 100 percent of the time and in a multisensory way. Teacher modeling teaches world recognition a meaningful contexts, demonstrates correct phrasing and gives students practice tacking across the page.

  2) Repeated reading

  Samuel,(1997: 376-381) said, Repeated reading is a form of mastery learning. The students read the same words so many times that they begin to know them and to identify in other text. Besides helping students bring words to mastery, repeated reading changes the way students view themselves in relation to the act of reading. 3)

  Progress monitoring The combination of having a goal and getting feedback on progress can be very motivating. Progress monitoring is a motivated student to practice reading the same story over and over until achieving mastery.

4. Reading a.

  Definition of Reading.

  Reading is important skill for obtaining knowledge and learning new information. Besides that, reading is an effort to understand the content of the text. According to Daiek and Anter (2014: 5), there are some definitions of reading :

  1) Reading is a form of communication, using written language or symbols (text)

  2) Reading is two way communication between an author and a reader.

  3) Reading is interpretation and understanding. 4) Reading is a process. 5) Reading is a thinking. From the definition above, the researcher can conclude that reading is an active process that depends on both an author’s ability to convey meaning using words an d readers’ ability to create the meaning.

  According to Editia quoted by Laila (2008: vol.1) reading is the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbol. It means that reading is a result of the interaction between perception of graphic symbol that represent language and the reader’s language skill, cognitive skill, and the knowledge of the skill. Rivers (1981) states that reading is the most important activity in language class, not only as a source of information and pleasurable activity, but also as a means of consolidating and extending one’s knowledge of the language.

  Meanwhile, Martha Dallman (1977) defines reading as a verbal process interrelated to thinking and with all other communication abilities such as listening, speaking and writing. Specifically, reading is the process is reconstructing from the printed patterns on the page of ideas and information intended by author. Furthermore, Mahmoud (1992) conveys that reading is the ability to comprehend, not simply to recognize letters, forms and symbols. b.

  The purpose of Reading Dealing with the purpose of reading, Mahmoud (1992) points out that reading has many goals, some of them are :

  1. Reading for specific information is a common form of reading used to discover specific or limited information.

  2. Reading for application is used to accomplish a special task.

  3. Reading for pleasure and entertainment includes reading popular magazines, newspaper, novels, and other similar materials.

  4. Reading for ides, this type of reading requires paying special attention to main ideas and concepts and the nature of the presented information. The reader’s skills through major topics, headings, illustration, and conclusion in order to obtain a general idea of the content. Reading for specific ides is enhanced, through familiarity with the overall knowledge of the subject.

  5. Reading for understanding, it requires comprehension of the relationship between the information introduced and overall knowledge of the subject. Then, it requires understanding in the relationship of topics to sentences, paragraphs, and the main idea.

  The reader must observe the association between facts, data, and other details c.

  The Method of Reading 1.

  Previewing 2. Skimming and scanning 3. Reading for study 4. Critical reading 5. Reading for critical evaluation, which can be undertaken in two stages, namely introductory and intensive stage.

6. Speed reading.


  Process of Reading Reading is a combination of process of actions oractivities that produce a product or a result. The process of reading starts from staring at the reading in order to process information in the brain. According to Grabe (2009:14), there is no single statement is going to capture the complexity of reading if it is linked with the different purposes for reading and the varying process that are called into play. The purpose are explained below : a.

  A rapid process Rapid process in the sense that the reader reads most materials at about 250-300 wpm.


  An efficient process The reader coordinates rapid and automatic word recognition, syntactic parsing, meaning formation, text comprehension building, inferencing, critical evaluation and linkages to prior knowledge resources.


  A comprehending process The readers read to understand what the writer intended to convey in writing, though the writer also does more.


  An interactive process There is an interaction between the reader and the writer.


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