The use of pictures to teach speed reading to the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan elementary school yogyakarta : classroom action research - USD Repository









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the

  Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education



Astri Ayu Rahmawati

Student Number: 021214010













  First of all, I would like to give thank Jesus Christ for His patience, mercy, love, guidance, and grace for I had accomplished this thesis. He always gives me strength to keep struggling in doing this research.

  I dedicate my great gratitude to my adored mom and dad for being patient and for supporting me in finishing this thesis. This is my first little present for both of them in my life. Hopefully, I could give them more and more precious presents as my gratitude for their love, attent ion, patience, and prayer in my whole life. I also give my thank to my little sister (Ita), brother (Bagus), my family


(especially Bulik Titik, Om Iksan, Ryan) in Yogyakarta, and my family in

Jepara for their prayer and reminding me to finish this thesis.

  I would like to thank A. Hardi Prasetyo, S.Pd., MA for giving me time to discuss my thesis and being so patient in correcting the mistakes I made.

  I thank Mbak Mia for drawing the pictures in my thesis and give her time for me to have a discussion about my thesis.

  I give my big thank to MYULANDERS (Nana, Dian, Chelsia, Kiki,


Erlita) for their prayer, support, help, and time. I thank them for being my best


  I would also thank Mbak Siska, Cie Lenny, Patrice, and Sita for supporting me in finishing my thesis.

  I would also thank people who are not mentioned here. May God widen His bless to all of them.

  Yogyakarta, 16 January 2009


  G. Definition of Terms …………………………….………… 7

  c. Characteristics …………………………………………… 10

  b. Aims …………………………………….……………….. 10


  9 a. Definition ………………………………………………..

  9 1. Classroom Action Research …………………….………..

  CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ………………………..…………



  Page TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………….. i APPROVAL PAGES …………………………………………………….. ii PAGE OF DEDICATION ………………………………………………... iv STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY …………………………… v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………….… vi TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………….…… vii LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………..…. x LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………….. xi LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………………………….. xii ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………… xiii

  E. Research Objective ………..……….........…………… …. 6

  D. Problem Limitation …...……….…….…..……………….. 5

  4 C. Problem Formulation …….………..……………................ 5

  CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background . …… ……………..…………….… 1 B. Problem Identificatio n ……….……………….…………..

  …………………………………………………………………. xiv


  F. Research Benefits …………..…….……….……………… 6


  b. How to Teach Speed Reading in the Elementary Schools .. 14

  c. Bad Habits …………………………………….…….….... 14

  d. Measuring Reading Speed ……………………………….. 15

  e. Timed reading practice …………………………………… 15

  3. Pictures …………………………………………………… 16

  a. Definition of Pictures ……………………………..……… 16

  b. Types of Pictures …………………………………………. 16

  c. The Functions of Pictures in Teaching- learning Process …. 17

  d. Pictures as Instructional Materials in Teaching Reading …. 19

  4. Teaching Reading Skill to the Fifth Grade Students Elementary School ………..……………………..…..…… 20

  B. Theoretical Framework ………………………..………… 21

  CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Procedure ……..……………...……………. …. 23

  1. Preliminary Reflection (Initial Reconnaissance) …..…….. 24

  2. Planning …………………………………….……….…... 25

  3. Action Implementing and Observing ………………….… 25

  4. Reflection ……………………………………...…….…... 26

  B. Research Participants …………………………………….. 26

  C. Setting ………………….………..…..…………………… 26

  D. Data Validation …………………………………………... 27 Triangulation …………………….……………………..… 27

  E. Research Instruments ………………...………………….. 27

  1. Field Notes ………………………………...……………. 27

  2. Tests ……………………………………………….…….. 28

  a. Types of Tests ……………………………..………..…… 28 1) Speed Reading Tests ……………………………………... 28 2) Reading Comprehension Tests …………………….…...… 29

  b. The Procedures of Giving Tests …………………..…........ 29


  3. Questionnaires …………………...………………..……... 31

  F. Data Gathering Technique ……………………………….. 31

  1. Observation ………………………………………………. 31

  2. Field Notes ……………………………………..………… 32

  3. Questionnaires ………………………………………….... 32

  4. Interviews ………………………………………………... 32

  5. Tests ……………………………………………………… 33

  G. Data Analysis Technique …… ……………………..……. 33

  CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH PROCESS AND FINDINGS A. Research Process ………...…..………..……….………… 36

  1. Identifying the field problem (Initial Reconnaissance ) …. 36

  2. Determining some actions to overcome the field problems . 38

  3. Action Implementation ………………….……………….. 39

  a. CYCLE I ……………….……………..………....……….. 39 1) Planning …………………….…..……….……….……...... 39 2) Action Implementation …………………….…….……….. 41 3) Observation …………….…………………….………….... 41 4) Reflection …………….……….………………………...... 44

  b. CYCLE II ……….……….………………………………... 46 1) Planning …………………….…………………..…....……. 46 2) Action Imp lementation …………….……….……….…… 48 3) Observation……………….…………………...…..……... 49 4) Reflection ……………….…….……………….....…..….. 51

  B. Findings ……...…………………………….…….….…… 52

  CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusion …………………………………………….…. 56 B. Suggestio ns ……………..……………………………...… 57 REREFENCES ……………………………..………………………..…….. 58







4.1. The improvement of the participants’ reading speed ……………..….. 53

  4.2. The improvement of research participants’ reading

  comprehension …………………………………………………..…... 54






  2.1. Action Research in action (Kemmis and McTaggart, 1982, p. 11) …………………………………….................................. 12

  2.2. Words per Minutes (Soedarso, 2005, p. 14) ……………………......... 15

  4.1. The implementation of action in Cycle I ……………….………..…… 45

  4.2. The implementation of action in Cycle II ……………………..……… 52

  4.3. The improvement of research participants’ reading speed ………….… 53



Appendix 1: Teaching Materials (Texts and Pictures) …………………...

  60 Appendix 2: Test Specification ………………………...………………...

  70 Appendix 3: Transcript of the Interviews ……………….………..……...

  73 Appendix 4: Questionnaires ……………………………...……….……...

  82 Appendix 5: Field Notes …………….…………………...……….……... 106 Appendix 6: Documentation ………………………………………..……. 118



  ABSTRACT Rahmawati, A. A. (2009). The Use of Pictures to Teach Speed Reading to the Fifth Grade Students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta: Classroom Action Research. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study

  Program. Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Sanata Dharma University.

  Students’ reading activities should be fostered as early as possible so that their interest in reading could be improved. The improvement of students’ interest in reading should be balanced with their abilities to reading fast since there is a lot of information produced each day.

  The fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta have low interest in reading. Consequently, their speed in reading is also low. This problem should be solved immediately since Curriculum at School Level presents more texts than the previous curriculum. If this condition continues, it will affect their reading mark and ability.

  The fact above brings to an analysis about how to solve the problem. Speed reading is chosen to solve the problem faced by the students that is the students’ speed in reading and comprehending a text. Since the students like drawing, speed reading is combined with pictures. Pictures could help students visualize what they read. If the students’ ability in visualizing is improved, the students’ speed in reading and comprehending a text is improved. The aim of this research is to know how the use of pictures to teach speed reading helps the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School improve their speed in reading and comprehending a text.

  The research method used in this research is classroom action research. It is applied to improve teaching learning process in classroom. The research analysis is the improvement process of the students’ ability in speed reading and reading comprehension by using pictures.

  Based result of the data analysis, there is a conclusion. That is, pictures could be used as the media to teach speed reading for the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta since pictures could help students visualize the concepts presented (Smith and Robinson: 1980). The ability to visualize what they read could help the students read fast. It could be seen from the time they needed to find the correct pictures decreased in each meeting. The result of the speed reading and reading comprehension test was improved.

  Besides the conclusion above, three suggestions could be drawn. They are for the parents of the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School, the students, and further researchers. For the parents, it is recommended that the parents make their children be used to spend their time reading. By having this habit, the children could practice how to read effectively and fast. For the students, it is suggested for the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta to keep practicing speed reading especially in a


  ABSTRAK Rahmawati, A. A. (2009) . The Use of Pictures to Teach Speed Reading to The Fifth Grade Students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta: Classroom Action Research. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa

  Inggris. Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan. Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Aktivitas membaca anak harus terus dipupuk sedini mungkin agar minat membaca mereka semakin meningkat. Meningkatnya minat baca anak seharusnya diimbangi dengan kemampuan mereka membaca cepat mengingat semakin banyaknya informasi baru setiap hari.

  Siswa-siswi kelas lima Sekolah Dasar Kanisius Gowongan Yogyakarta mempunyai minat baca yang kurang. Dengan tidak terbiasanya mereka membaca, kecepatan membaca mereka juga kurang. Permasalahan ini sangat penting mengingat kurikulum yang diterapkan di Indonesia saat ini, yaitu Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) menyajikan lebih banyak teks bila dibandingkan dengan kurikulum pendidikan sebelumnya. Jika kondisi di kelas lima ini terus berlanjut, maka dapat mempengaruhi nilai dan kemampuan membaca mereka.

  Fakta diatas menuntun pada sebuah analisis tentang bagaimana memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh siswa-siswi kelas lima Sekolah Dasar Kanisius Gowongan Yogyakarta. Speed reading dipilih untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi para murid, ya itu kecepatan para murid dalam membaca dan mengerti sebuah bacaan. Karena para murid menyukai menggambar, speed reading dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan gambar. Gambar dapat membantu para siswa memvisualisasikan apa yang mereka baca. Dan jika kemampuan para siswa dalam memvisualisasikan meningkat, kecepatan para murid dalam membaca dan memahami sebuah bacaan dapat meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penggunaan gambar untuk mengajar speed reading membantu para siswa kelas lima SD Kanisius Gowongan Yogyakarta para siswa tersebut meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengerti dan membaca cepat.

  Metode penelitian yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar di kelas tersebut. Perhatian utama penelitian ini adalah prosesnya, bukan hasil akhirnya. Jadi, analisis yang dilaksanakan dalam penelitian ini adalah proses peningkatan kemampuan para siswa membaca cepat dengan menggunakan gambar.

  Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ada beberapa hal yang dapat disimpulkan. Pertama, gambar dapat menj adi media pembelajaran untuk mengajar speed reading untuk siswa-siswi kelas lima Sekolah Dasar Kanisius Gowongan Yogyakarta mengingat bahwa gambar dapat membantu siswa memvisualisasikan konsep yang disajikan (Smith and Robinson:1980). Dan kemampuan untuk memvisualisasikan apa yang mereka baca, dapat membantu para siswa membaca cepat. Kedua, gambar sebagai media untuk mengajar speed reading dapat


  dapat dilihat dari proses belajar mengajar di kelas dimana semakin hari semakin mereka perlukan waktu lebih sedikit untuk menemukan gambar yang benar. Lebih lagi, hasil dari tes speed reading dan reading comprehension mengalami peningkatan dalam skala kecil.

  Selain kesimpulan-kesimpulan, beberapa saran juga dapat ditarik bagi para orangtua, siswa, dan peneliti. Untuk para orangtua, disarankan mereka dapat membiasakan anak-anak mereka menghabiskan waktu luang mereka untuk membaca. Karena dengan memiliki kebiasaan ini, anak-anak dapat berlatih bagaimana membaca dengan efektif dan cepat. Untuk para siswa, mengingat bahwa dengan memiliki kemampuan memvisualisasikan apa yang mereka baca dapat meningkatkan kecepatan mereka dalam membaca, maka disarankan para siswa tetap terus latihan membaca cepat khususnya dengan waktu dibatasi. Semakin rutin mereka berlatih, semakin terasah dengan baik kecepatan membaca mereka. Untuk para peneliti, disarankan untuk menerapkan metode penggunaan gambar untuk mengajar speed reading di sekolah lain.


CHAPTER I HAPTER I INTRODUCTION Chapter one is divided into seven parts. They are background of

  the research, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulation, objective of the research, benefits of the research, and definition of the terms.

  Background of the research is related to the center of attention of the research and the reality that is used as the basis of reason why the researcher decides to conduct this research. Problem identification identifies the problems that emerge from the reality in the background of the research. Problem limitation is focused on the root of the problems that are emerged. Problem formulation describes the problems that will be discus sed in this research. Objective of the research present the purpose of conducting this research. Benefits of the research tell the advantages of conducting this research. The last part, the definition of the terms list the meaning of certain terms applied in the topic of this research.


  Language is an important element for individual. As Kamil (1991) says that without language, there will be no communication among individuals or nations in the world. English as a communication tool is widely used as foreign la nguage in many countries. Language like English that is used in mass media enables people to communicate so that people are able to interact indirectly with the world.

  Raygor and Raygor (1985) say that reading is “a process in which we look at


  2 the written media such as books, magazines, journals, newspapers, articles, and internet, people are able to explore a lot of information provided.

  Reading, like other skills, is the subject that is influenced by inside and outside factors of the person. The internal factors are things as general verbal aptitudes, interests, and motivation to learn. The person is also influenced by outside factors such as environment, available training, family background, and opportunity to take advantage of education. The students think that reading activity is boring. This assumption makes their speed in reading a text low.

  It is true that in reading the students must have a clear purpose and strong motivation to learn. Shepherd (1978) says that a student who does not read due to lack of motivation does not gain the practice he needs in reading skills. Having a purpose for reading is a part of effective motivation.

  Moreover, the information that is produced in each day is conveyed quickly. In each day, there must always be new information conveyed. To make ourselves up to date with the recent information in all aspects in life, we also should be able to extract the information quickly. To extract the information quickly, people have to be able to read fast.

  To read fast, the readers can use speed reading method. According to Soedarso (2005), speed reading is the skill in selecting the main idea of the text that is appropriate with the aim of why we read the text without spending much time to learn the detailed points that are not needed.

  According to Stancliffe (1997), in learning speed reading, learner should


  3 what the story tells about in the readers’ mind. The effect is that the readers are like watching a movie.

  Shepherd and Unsworth-Mitchel (1997) say that the reader creates a visual movie of himself doing the task. The reader creates a picture from a group of words he reads in a text. Once the reader has a rich detailed internal picture, he will not try to read the words that obviously do not make sense, because these will seem strange in the picture or movie that he has made. The learner selects groups of words that can only be constructed into pictures in mind.

  One of the characteristics of visual storage is speed. So, increasing the pace at which material is covered with the assistance of speed-reading exercise, usually increases the power of visualization.

  Smith and Robinson (1980) state some functions of pictures in teaching reading. One of them is pictures help the children to visualize the concepts presented. The better the learners are able to visualize what they read, the faster they read the text. It is implicitly stated that using pictures could improve the learners speed in reading. Heinich (1982) says that picture can be used as a means to channel a message or information from resource to receiver.

  Pictures arouse the students’ interests and attract their attention so that they become more motivated to study. The use of pictures in reading activities proves interesting to the beginner (McKim, 1958). If they have motivation to study, it will be easier for them to understand what they have studied. Readers are more efficient when they are motivated, which encourages greater interest, concentration, and comprehension. By looking at the pictures, the students have


  4 Pictures can arouse the students’ motivation in reading a text.

  This motivation can help the students to enjoy the reading class. This statement implicitly tells that if the students enjoy the reading class, their speed in reading will increase.

  It is not an instant process to be fluent in speed reading. People need to spend their time practicing this reading method as early as possible.

  Realizing this fact, the Indonesian government makes a good start. They prepare young generation to master English well by including English as a compulsory subject in Indonesian education curriculum.


  Realizing the fact that the students regard reading activity as boring, a teacher is expected to change the students’ mindset toward reading activity.

  Having no motivation, students take much time when they have a text problem in a test which then may become an obstacle for students to finish the test on time.

  Their slow reading can be influenced by many factors. According to Wiryodijoyo (1989), there are three factors which determine one’s reading speed: eye movement, vocabulary, and concentration. To enhance the reading speed, these three factors have to be trained more.

  Teaching reading for the students in elementary schools age is not easy. The main factor is because it is often hard to attract students’ attention.

  The teacher has to apply the teaching method that can make the students enjoy the activity. One of the methods is by using pictures.

  Pictures can catch the students’ attention and make them not be bored when


  5 reading ability. Applying pictures combined with a competition element or fast- moving activities can stimulate the students to think and act in a certain time. If the teacher can combine the competition, fast- moving activities, pictures, and reading materials, the students will be able to learn and practice speed reading ability easily. Besides, the atmosphere of competition can change the learning activities to be more interesting for the students.


  The researcher would like to figure out how the research could help the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta to understand the text given easier and faster.

  The researcher would like to present the problem that can be formulated as follows: How does the use of pictures to teach speed reading help the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta improve their reading speed toward texts given?


  This research discusses the problems faced by the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta in learning English.

  They have their most difficult problem when they learn English in a text. Moreover, they do not have motivation to learn it. That is why, they feel bored


  6 In this research, the researcher would like to help the student solve their problem by implementing a new reading teaching methodology. It is expected by implementing this new teaching method, the students do not feel bored. Besides, the students can easily understand the content of the text and their speed in reading a text can be improved.

  The researcher chooses pictures to teach speed reading for the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta. It is chosen because most children like pictures and by using this method the aim of this research is able to be fulfilled. That aim is by using pictures, the students do not feel bored when they have reading activity and their reading speed is improved.


  The objective of this research is to find solution of the problem in reading activity faced by the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta. The solution is taken by designing an English reading material and implementing it. Its aim is to figure out how the use of pictures to teach speed reading helps the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta improve their reading speed toward texts given


  By applying the method of using pictures in teaching speed reading, the researcher expects that it will be able to help the students understand the texts given because the teaching material is created based on the students’ needs and level. For the students, the researcher hopes they will not feel bored again


  7 G. DEFINITION OF THE TERMS The key words of this research as reflected in the research title are defined as follows:

  1. Classroom Action Research

  According to Aqib (2007), classroom action research is a research done by the teacher where she/he teaches by focusing on teaching learning process and teaching learning practice improvement.

  In this research, the definition used is the researcher’s way to improve the teaching learning process and teaching learning practice in her classroom where she teaches.

   Speed Reading 2.

  According to Soedarso (2005), speed reading is the skill in selecting the main idea of the text that is appropriate with the reason why we read the text without spending much time to learn the detailed points that is not needed. In this research, the term speed reading is understood as the skill to understand the text by visualizing what the readers read to gain the main idea in order to fasten their reading speed.

  3. Pictures

  According to Heinich (1982), pictures are photographic, representative of people, places, and things are available in most subject areas and le vels from kindergarten to adult. In this research, the researcher finds out that the pictures are



4. Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School

  According to Piaget’s stage theory, fifth grade students of elementary school are in the concrete operatio nal period. This period starts from approximately the age of six or seven to the age of eleven or twelve is the highest achievement of the stage of progression ( Smith & Lurtherman, 1979).

  This research conducted toward the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta.


CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter is divided into two main parts, namely theoretical description

  and theoretical framework. In the theoretical description, there is the review of some theories that support the process in conducting this research for the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta. In theoretical framework, there is a framework based on the review of the related literature that gives the shapes and supports this research.


  In the theoretical description, the researcher discusses the theories related to the research conducted for the fifth grade students of Kanisius Gowongan Elementary School Yogyakarta. They are Classroom Action Research, Speed Reading, Pictures, and Teaching Reading to the Fifth Grade of Elementary School Students.

1. Classroom action research

a. Definition

  According to Lewin as cited by Kemmis and McTaggart (1982), action research is the way groups of people can organize the conditions under which they can learn from their own experience, and make this experience accessible to others.

  There are some kinds of action research and one of the m is classroom action


  10 by the teacher in the classroom where she/he teaches by focusing on teaching learning process and teaching learning practice improvement.

  b. Aims Classroom action research is a strategy to improve education service in class and school program quality. It could be done since its aim is to improve teaching learning process continuously. Besides, the researcher as the teacher carries out action research in her own classroom. (Aqib, 2007) c. Characteristics

  The following features are the characteristics of classroom action research (Ibnu, 2000 as cited by Aqib). They are:

  1. Classroom action research is done based on the problem faced by the teacher in class.

  2. There is collaboration in the implementation of action.

  3. Researcher as a teacher reflects what is done in her/his class.

  4. Its aim is to improve instructional practice quality.

  5. Classroom action research is done in a sequence of cycles.

d. Model

  Lewin, as cited by Kemmis and McTaggart (1982) describes action research as a proceeding in a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of planning, action, and the evaluation of the result of the action. Through the spirals of these activities,

action research creates conditions under which learning communities may

be established; that is, communities of enquirers committed to learning about and



understanding the problems and effects of their own strategic action, and

the improvement of this strategic action in practice.

  According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1982), in doing action research, the researcher undertakes: 1. to develop a plan of action to improve what is already happening 2. to act to implement the plan 3. to observe the effects of action in the context in which it occurs 4. to reflect on these effects as a basis for further planning; subsequent action and so on, through a succession of cycles


  12 The representation of the cycle How can I stimulate enquiry in my students? Change the curriculum? change my questioning? Settle on questioning strategies. My enquiry questioning is disrupted by my need to keep control in ways

  Shift questioning strategy to encourage students to explore answers to their own questions. Record questions and responses on tape for a couple of lessons to see what is happening.

  Try questions which are let students say what they mean, what interests them Enquiry developing but students

are more unruly. How can I keep Continue general aim but reduce number

them on track? By listening to control statements each other, probing their questions? What lessons help?

  Use less control statements for a couple Record on tape questioning and of lessons control statement. Note in diary effects on students’ behaviour.

Figure 2.1. Action Research in action


Kemmis and McTaggart, 1982, p. 11)


  13 2.

   Speed reading

Nurhadi (1987) says that reading ability is an individual’s ability to read in

a certain period of time and with a comprehension of the materials. Nurhadi mentions

that reading ability involves a fast reading activity in a certain time and

a good comprehension. Fast reading, which is the main characteristic

of speed reading, is needed in reading ability.

  Principally, speed reading is a matter of reading speed and comprehension. If the readers can find out the information needed, they are able to read faster. The readers should be able to interpret the texts if they want to comprehend the text.


In speed reading, 70% to 80% of comprehension ability is not impossible,

but it is a target (Wiryodiyono, 1989). It means that comprehension ability is needed in speed-reading. However, if comprehension ability just slows down the speed in reading, the readers can focus their speed to get 70% to 80% of

comprehension. In other words, 70% of comprehension is still acceptable

in speed-reading ability.

a. Four Major Keys to Learn Speed R eading

  George Stancliffe (1997) says that there are four major keys in learning speed reading. They are: 1) Natural Vision: Arrangement to decide the distance between the reader and the book.

  2) Visualize: the readers should be able to picture what they read.



3) Relax: to get maximum comprehension, the reader has to be relaxed

while concentrating (visualizing).

4) Daily Practice: the readers who practice daily are the ones who get really good at speed reading.

  b. How to Teach Speed Reading in the Elementary Schools Quinn (1974) says that to learn speed reading, the readers should read easy material, try to read as quickly as possible, and try to read each passage more quickly that the ones you read before. According to Raygor & Raygor (1985), the aim of choosing the easy materials is because it is easier to improve speed in reading. It means that the text should be in the readers’ level.

  Besides finding the easy materials, the readers should practice speed reading a lot. (Raygor & Raygor, 1985). A lot of practices can make the students familiar with this reading technique.

  c. Bad Habits

In reading a passage, there are some bad habits often done by the students,

. which can slow down their reading speed. Soedarso (2005) mentioned about them They are: 1) Vocalization, reading by pronouncing aloud each word as it is read. 2) Lip movement, saying each word as it is read by moving the lips. 3) Head movement, reading by following each word with head movement instead of eye movement.


  15 4) Pointing at words, means that while reading students use a finger, pencil, or ruler

because they think that they will be able to focus their attention. This holds

some readers down to reading one word at a time so that only a very slow rate

of reading can be attained. 5) Regressions, moving back of eyes to reread a word or some words before. 6) Sub vocalization, pronouncing words in the mind while reading.

  d. Measuring Reading Speed According to Soedarso (2005), to measure the reading speed, we can use the formula of measuring it below: the number of words read wpm = x 60 the time spent for reading in second Figure 2.2.

  Words per Minute (Soedarso, 2005, p. 14) Note: Reading Speed = wpm x the percentage of comprehension The number of words read = the average of words per line x the number of lines The average of words per line = the number of words in five lines which are divided by five e. Timed Reading Practice

  Smith and Robinson (1980) say that a systematic timed practice may be given to the students from about the fifth grade level and up, to increase their rates of reading.


  16 Comprehension questions should always follow timed reading practice in which materials should be carefully prepared and suitable with the level of the students.

3. Picture s a. Definition of Picture s

  According to Heinich (1982), pictures are photographic, representative of people, places, and things that are available in most subject areas and le vels from kindergarten to adult.

b. Types of Pictures

  The writer follows the classification related with the material taught (Kustiyah, 1986, p. 94-95).

  1) Situational pictures

Situational pictures are the pictures where individ uals, things, and people in

the pictures are handled in a situation, so there is a correlation between them. This kind of picture is good for teaching and reviewing reading text, compositions and grammatical structure as well. In a comp rehension class, situational pictures are functioned as the texts. 2) Pictures of individuals

Pictures of individuals are pictures contain only an object, a person, or

another thing. These pictures may include actions (regular or irregular verbs), occupations, nouns (countable or uncountable), places, methods of transportations and adjective of comparisons.

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