NTDTV s Global Chinese New Year Spectacular A Gift of Healing

NTDTV´s Global Chinese New Year Spectacular - A Gift of Healing
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I want to share some of my reasons for sponsoring New Tang Dynasty Television´s (NTDTV) Chines

Healing, Chinese new year,traditional Chinese culture,ntdtv,myth,legend,art,music,dance,perfor

Article Body:
I want to share some of my reasons for sponsoring New Tang Dynasty Television´s (NTDTV) Chines
Most people in the West don´t know that traditional Chinese culture has really been destroyed

Right now Chinese society is in the process of a great transformation as millions of Chinese h
Another reason why I sponsor this event is because there is a spiritually uplifting energy in

In my practice I am seeing increasing numbers of people suffering from different kinds of ment

One of the treatment modalities in my practice is sound therapy. It involves a complex process

From my many years of working with sound and music I can tell what kinds of sound and music pr

I plan to close my office on January 9th and take my family to the Los Angeles show at the Kod

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