Get real with Reality TV

Get real with Reality TV
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Reality TV is far from educational but you have to admit that they are damned well good fun to

reality TV,programme channel,fun,educational,television news,

Article Body:
Reality TV is far from educational but you have to admit that they are damned well good fun to
I can not speak for others and I have no jurisdiction over television stations that air these
Then we have the vast majority who find it all so false and irritating.
Who do you please? A catch 22 situation,

Why the big issue over the showing of these series is beyond me. No one twists your arm up you

There is no imposed law out there stating that you the viewer have to watch this garbage as so
Freedom of choice, so many laws out there dictating how we run our lives with out some critic

If people want educating then surely they will tune into the discovery channel, where they get
For updates as to what is going on around the world we have the CNN news showing the bombings

Crime watch another awareness programme on how to catch a thief or nail a mugger while they lo
If reality TV can generate a strong presence of pleasure and put a smile on the faces of milli

To much crying in the world today and if reality TV takes on the role of being clown for the e
Remember you will always get the critic or the anti reality TV person ready to wipe the smile

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