MATERI DePe aplikatif silabus

Referensi :
1. CARLINER, SAUL. 2003. Training Design Basics.
American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) Press.


of the issues you need to
consider when designing courses
concepts of human performance
adult learning.

1. Dasar-Dasar Desain Pelatihan


of the design process and
suggests ways to answer the question,
"How much time is needed to design and

develop a course," even before you start
describes the roles that people play on a
training project
suggests ways for effectively working with

2. Dasar-dasar Perencanaan
Sebuah Proyek Pelatihan


the information you need to
make effective design decisions, why you
need that information
offers suggestions on how to get that
information when you have a tight

3. Informasi/Modal Dasar Yang Diperlukan

untuk Memulai Sebuah Proyek Pelatihan


to concretely state the goals of a
how to assess whether learners have
achieved those goals (a step you perform
before beginning to design courses).

4. Perumusan Tujuan/Target


the general structure of a course
how to divide content into units.

5. Manajemen Pelatihan


a variety of ways to present
content so that it engages learners and
they retain the material.

6. Strategi Penyampaian Materi


the types of materials you must
develop for courses, including student
materials, visuals (such as slides or
 instructor notes for classroom and
workbook-based courses.

7. Merumuskan Materi Pelatihan


guidelines for writing and
designing student and instructor
materials, as well as considerations for
producing them.

8. Menyusun Materi Pembelajaran


how to conduct reviews and pilot
classes to ensure the accuracy and
effectiveness of the materials.

9. Pengecekan Qualitas (Evaluasi)

makes clear the responsibilities of course
designers and developers after a course
"goes public."

10. Administrasi Pelatihan