OReilly.Oracle.PLSQL Best Practices

Term Fly Presents


Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices
By St even Feuerst ein

: O'Reilly

Pub Dat e

: April 2001


: 0- 596-00121-5


: 202

Or a cle PL/ SQL Be st Pr a ct ice s is a con cise , e a sy- t o- u se su m m a r y of be st
pr a ct ice s in t h e pr ogr a m de ve lopm e n t pr oce ss. I t cov e r s codin g st yle ,
w r it in g SQL in PL/ SQL, da t a st r u ct u r e s, con t r ol st r u ct u r e s, e x ce pt ion
h a n dlin g, pr ogr a m a n d pa ck a ge con st r u ct ion , a n d bu ilt - in pa ck a ge s.
Com ple m e n t a r y code e x a m ple s a r e a va ila ble on t h e O'Re illy w e b sit e .
I n clu de s a pu ll- ou t qu ick - r e fe r e n ce ca r d.

Pr e fa ce
When I first st art ed w rit ing about t he Oracle PL/ SQL language back in 1994, t he only
sources of inform at ion were t he product docum ent at ion ( such as it was) and t he
occasional paper and present at ion at Oracle User Group ev ent s. Today, t here are at
least a dozen books t hat focus exclusively on PL/ SQL, num erous product s t hat help
you w rit e PL/ SQL code ( int egrat ed dev elopm ent environm ent s, knowledge bases,
et c.) , t raining classes, and web sit es. And t he com m unit y of PL/ SQL developers
cont inues t o grow in size and m at urit y, even wit h t he advent of Java.
Access t o inform at ion about PL/ SQL is no longer t he challenge. I t can, on t he ot her
hand, be difficult t o m ake sense of all t he new feat ures, t he num erous resources, t he
choices for t ools, and so on. When it com es t o w rit ing a program or an ent ire
applicat ion, developers have, ov er and over again, expressed t he desire for advice.

They ask:

How should I form at m y code?
What nam ing convent ions, if any, should I use?
How can I writ e m y packages so t hat t hey can be m ore easily m aint ained?
What is t he best way t o query inform at ion from t he dat abase?
How can I get all t he developers on m y t eam t o handle errors t he sam e way?

So m any quest ions, so m uch burning desire t o writ e code w ell, and so few resources
available t o help us do t hat .
So I decided t o writ e a book t hat offers a concent rat ed set of " best pract ices" for t he
Oracle PL/ SQL language. The obj ect ive of t his book is t o provide concret e,


im m ediat ely applicable, quickly locat ed advice t hat will assist you in writ ing code t hat
is readable, m aint ainable, and efficient .
You will undoubt edly find recom m endat ions in t his book t hat also appear in som e of
m y ot her books; I hope you will not be offended by t his repet it ion. I t 's sim ply
im possible t o offer in a single book ev eryt hing t hat can and should be writ t en about
t he Oracle PL/ SQL language. While I plan t o reinforce t hese best pract ices in t he
appropriat e places in m y ot her t ext s, I believe t hat we will all benefit from also
having t hem available in one concise book, a book designed, beginning t o end, t o
give you quick access t o m y recom m endat ions for ex cellent PL/ SQL coding
t echniques.

St r u ct u r e of Th is Book
Oracle PL / SQL Best Pract ices is com posed of nine chapt ers and one appendix. Each
chapt er cont ains a set of best pract ices for a part icular area of funct ionalit y in t he
PL/ SQL language. For each best pract ice, I 've provided as m any of t he following
elem ent s as are applicable:
Tit le
A single sent ence t hat describes t he best pract ice and provides an ident ifier
for it in t he form XXX- nn ( where XXX is t he t ype of best pract ice—for exam ple,
EXC for except ion handling —and nn is t he sequent ial num ber wit hin t his set

of best pract ices) ; see Sect ion P.4 for how t o use t his ident ifier online. I have,
whenev er possible, sought t o m ak e t his t it le st and on it s own. I n ot her words,
you should be able t o glance at it and underst and it s im pact on how you writ e
code. This way, aft er y ou've read t he ent ire best pract ice, you can use
Appendix A t o inst ant ly rem ind you of best pract ices as you w rit e y our code.
Descript ion
A lengt hier explanat ion of t he best pract ice. I t 's sim ply not possible t o cov er
all t he nuances in a single sent ence!
Exam ple
We learn best from exam ples, so j ust about ev ery best pract ice illust rat es,
t hrough code and/ or anecdot e, t he value of t he best pract ice. Whenev er it
m akes sense, I put t he exam ple code in a file t hat you can use ( or learn from )
in your own program m ing environm ent . You'll find t hese files on t he O'Reilly
web sit e ( see Sect ion P.4 lat er in t his Preface) .
Benefit s
Why should you bot her wit h t his best pract ice? How crucial is it for you t o
follow t his part icular recom m endat ion? This sect ion offers a quick review of
t he m ain benefit s you w ill see by following t he best pract ice.


Term Fly Presents


Wouldn't it be great if w e lived in a world in which following a best pract ice
was all- around easier t han t he " quick and dirt y" approach? That is,
unfort unat ely, not always t he case. This elem ent warns y ou about t he
challenges, or drawback s, y ou m ight face as you im plem ent t he best pract ice.
I n t he world of t he I nt ernet , everyt hing is connect ed; no program m er st ands
alone! This sect ion recom m ends resources, ranging from books t o URLs t o
files cont aining code, t hat you can use t o help you successfully follow t his
best pract ice. Where filenam es are shown in t his sect ion, t hey refer t o files
available on, or referenced by, t he O'Reilly web sit e.
Here are brief descript ions of t he chapt ers and appendix:
Chapt er 1 st eps back from specific program m ing recom m endat ions. I t offers advice
about how t o im prov e t he overall process by w hich you writ e code.
Chapt er 2 offers a series of suggest ions on how t o form at and organize your code so

t hat it is m ore readable and, t herefore, m ore m aint ainable.
Chapt er 3 t akes a close look at how y ou ought t o declare and m anage dat a wit hin
your PL/ SQL program s.
Chapt er 4 is a " back t o basics" chapt er t hat t alks about t he best way t o writ e I F
st at em ent s, loops, and ev en t he GOTO st at em ent ! Sure, t hese aren't t erribly
com plicat ed const ruct s, but t here are st ill right and wrong ways t o work wit h t hem .
Chapt er 5 cov ers anot her crit ical aspect of robust applicat ion dev elopm ent : ex cept ion
handling, or what t o do when t hings go wrong.
Chapt er 6 focuses on t he m ost crucial aspect of PL/ SQL dev elopm ent : how y ou
should writ e t he SQL st at em ent s in your program s.
Chapt er 7 offers advice on how best t o build your procedures, funct ions, and
t riggers—t he program unit s t hat cont ain your business logic. I t also includes best
pract ices for param et er const ruct ion.
Chapt er 8 st eps back from individual program unit s t o present recom m endat ions for
packages, t he building blocks of any well- designed PL/ SQL- based applicat ion.
Chapt er 9 focuses on how t o t ak e best advant age of a few of t he m ost oft en used of
t he packages provided t o us by Oracle Corporat ion.
Appendix A com piles t he best pract ice t it les across all t he chapt ers int o a concise
resource. Once y ou hav e st udied t he individual best pract ices, y ou can use t his
appendix as a checklist , t o be review ed before you begin coding a new program or

applicat ion.

H ow t o Use Th is Book


My prim ary goal in writ ing t his book was t o creat e a resource t hat w ould m ake a
concret e, not iceable difference in t he qualit y of t he PL/ SQL code y ou w rit e. To
accom plish t his, t he book needs t o be useful and usable not j ust for general st udy,
but also for day- t o- day , program - t o- program t asks. I t also needs t o be concise and
t o t he point . A 1,000- page t ext on best pract ices w ould be ov erwhelm ing,
int im idat ing, and hard t o use.
The result is t his relat ively brief ( I consider any publicat ion under 200 pages a m aj or
personal accom plishm ent ! ) , highly st ruct ured book . I recom m end t hat you approach
Oracle PL/ SQL Best Pract ices as follows:
1. Read Sect ion P.3. Som e of t he best pract ices in t his book—whole chapt ers, in
fact —will have a m uch higher im pact t han ot hers on t he qualit y and efficiency
of your code. I f you find t hat your current pract ices ( or t hose of y our
organizat ion) are far from t he m ark, t hen y ou w ill have ident ified your
priorit ies for init ial st udy.

2. Skip t o Appendix A and peruse t he best pract ice t it les from each chapt er. I f
you hav e been program m ing for any lengt h of t im e, you will probably find
yourself t hinking: " Yes, I do t hat ," and " Uh- huh, we'v e got t hat one cov ered."
Great ! I w ould st ill encourage y ou t o read what I 've got t o say on t hose t opics,
as y ou m ight be able t o deepen y our knowledge or learn new t echniques. I n
any case, a quick review of t he appendix will allow you t o ident ify areas t hat
are new t o y ou, or perhaps st rike a chord, as in " Oh m y gosh, t hat program I
wrot e last week does ex act ly what St even say s t o av oid. Bet t er check t hat
out ! "
3. Dive int o individual chapt ers or best pract ices wit hin chapt ers. Read a best
pract ice, wrest le wit h it , if necessary, t o m ake sure t hat y ou really, t ruly
agree wit h it . And t hen apply t hat best pract ice. This isn't an academ ic
ex ercise. You will only t ruly absorb t he lesson if you apply it t o your code—if
you hav e a problem or program t hat can be im prov ed by t he best pract ice.
I f y ou are new t o program m ing or new t o PL/ SQL, y ou will cert ainly also benefit
great ly from a cov er- t o- cov er reading of t he t ex t . I n t his case, don't t ry t o fully
absorb and t est out ev ery best pract ice. I nst ead, read and t hink about t he best
pract ices wit hout t he pressure of applying each one. When you are done, t ry t o
pict ure t he best pract ices as a whole, reinforcing t he following t hem es:

I want t o w rit e code t hat I —and ot hers—can easily underst and and change as
The w orld is t erribly com plex, so I should st rive t o k eep m y code sim ple. I can
t hen m eet t hat com plexit y t hrough carefully designed int eract ion bet ween
elem ent s of m y code.

Then y ou will be ready t o go back t o individual chapt ers and deepen your
underst anding of individual best pract ices.
The ot her crucial way t o t ake advant age of t his book is t o use t he code provided on
t he com panion web sit e. See Sect ion P.4 for det ailed inform at ion on t he soft ware
t hat will help you bring your best pract ices t o life.

N ot All Be st Pr act ice s Ar e Cr e a t e d Equ al


Term Fly Presents


This book cont ains about 120 dist inct recom m endat ions. I could have included m any,
m any m ore. I n fact , I filled up a Rej ect s docum ent as I wrot e t he book. Following t he
prov en, " t op- down" approach, I first cam e up w it h a list of best pract ices in each
area of t he language. Then I w ent t hrough each area, filling in t he descript ions,
exam ples, and so on. As I did t his, I encount ered num erous " best pract ices" t hat
surely w ere t he right way t o do t hings. The realit y, how ev er, is t hat few people
would ever bot her t o rem em ber and follow t hem , and if t hey did bot her, it would not
m ake a significant difference in t heir code.
I had realized, you see, t hat not all best pract ices are creat ed equal. Som e are m uch,
m uch m ore im port ant t han ot hers. And som e are j ust bet t er left out of t he book, so
t hat readers aren't dist ract ed by " clut t er." I hope t hat t he result —t his book—has an
im m ediat e and last ing im pact . But ev en am ong t he best pract ices I didn't rej ect ,
som e st and out as being especially im port ant —so I 'v e decided t o award t hese best
pract ices t he following prizes:
Grand Prize
SQL- 00: Est ablish and follow clear rules for how t o w rit e SQL in your
applicat ion. ( See Chapt er 6.)
First Prize

MOD- 01: Encapsulat e and nam e business rules and form ulas behind funct ion
headers. ( See Chapt er 7 .)
Second Prize: Tw o Winners
EXC- 00: Set guidelines for applicat ion- wide error handling before you st art
coding. ( See Chapt er 5.)
PKG- 02: Provide w ell- defined int erfaces t o business dat a and funct ional
m anipulat ion using packages. ( See Chapt er 8 .)
Third Prize: Four Winners
MOD- 03: Lim it execut ion sect ion sizes t o a single page using m odularizat ion.
( See Chapt er 7.)
DAT- 15: Expose package globals using " get and set " m odules. ( See Chapt er
DEV- 03: Walk t hrough each ot her's code. ( See Chapt er 1.)
STYL- 09: Com m ent t ersely wit h value- added inform at ion. ( See Chapt er 2 .)
I f y ou follow each of t hese " best of t he best " pract ices, you will end up wit h
applicat ions t hat are t he j oy and envy of developers every where!

Abou t t h e Code


The best way t o learn how t o w rit e good code is by analyzing and following exam ples.
Alm ost ev ery best pract ice offered in t his book includes a code exam ple, bot h in t he
t ext and in downloadable form from t he Oracle PL/ SQL Best Pract ices sit e, av ailable
t hrough t he O'Reilly & Associat es sit e at :
ht t p: / / www.oreilly.com / cat alog/ orbest prac
To locat e t he code for y our best pract ice, sim ply ent er t he best pract ice ident ifier,
such as BI P- 1 0 , in t he search field. You will t hen be direct ed t o t he associat ed code.
You can also browse t he sit e by t opic area. You can ev en offer y our own insight s
about PL/ SQL best pract ices, so I encourage you t o visit and cont ribut e.
As a rule, I will follow m y own best pract ices in t hese exam ples ( unless t he point of
t he code is t o dem onst rat e a " bad pract ice" ! ) . So, for exam ple, y ou will rarely see
m e using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LI NE, ev en t hough t his " show m e" capabilit y is needed
in m any program s. As I m ent ion in [ BI P- 01: Av oid using t he
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LI NE procedure direct ly.] , you should avoid calling t his
procedure direct ly; inst ead, build or use an encapsulat ion over
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LI NE. So rat her t han seeing code like t his:
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (l_date_published);
you will inst ead encount er a call t o t he " pl" or " put line" procedure:
pl (l_date_published);
I also m ak e m any references t o PL/ Vision packages. PL/ Vision is a code library,
consist ing of m ore t han 60 packages t hat offer 1,000- plus procedures and funct ions
t o perform a m y riad of useful t asks in PL/ SQL applicat ions. I have deposit ed m uch of
what I have learned in t he last five y ears about PL/ SQL int o PL/ Vision, so I nat urally
ret urn t o it for exam ples. Any package m ent ioned in t his book whose nam e st art s
wit h " PLV" is a PL/ Vision package.
A com plet ely free, " lit e" version of PL/ Vision is available from t he PL/ SQL Pipeline
Archives at :
ht t p: / / www.rev ealnet .com / Pipelines/ PLSQL/ archives.ht m
Select t he " Rev ealNet Act ive PL/ SQL Knowledge Base" from t he list . ( You m ight also
like t o download and t ry out t he ot her code y ou'll find t here.) A com m ercial version
of PL/ Vision ( wit h m ore packages and funct ionalit y t han t he lit e version) is current ly
available inside t he Rev ealNet Act ive PL/ SQL Knowledge Base
( ht t p: / / www.rev ealnet .com / ) .
Whenev er possible, t he code I provide for t he book can be used t o generat e best pract ice- based code and as prebuilt , generalized com ponent s in your applicat ions,
code t hat y ou can use w it hout having t o m ake any m odificat ions.
The code exam ples offer program s t hat y ou can use t o bot h generat e and direct ly
im plem ent t hose best pract ices. I n som e cases, t he program s are rat her sim ple


Term Fly Presents


" prot ot ypes" ; t hey w ork as adv ert ised, but y ou will probably want t o m ake som e
changes before you put t hem int o product ion applicat ions.
And you should m ost cert ainly t est every single program y ou use from Oracle PL
/ SQL Best Pract ices ! I have run som e t est s, and m y w onderful t echnical reviewers
have also ex ercised t he code. I n t he end, how ev er, if t he code goes int o your
applicat ion, you are responsible for m aking sure t hat it m eet s y our needs.

Ot h e r Re sou r ces
This book is int ended t o com plem ent num erous ot her resources for PL/ SQL
dev elopers. I t is, t o m y knowledge, t he first collect ion of best pract ices specifically
for t he Oracle PL/ SQL language. On t he ot her hand, it doesn't st and on it s own as a
com prehensive resource, eit her for PL/ SQL, in part icular, or for Oracle applicat ion
dev elopm ent , in general.
What follows is by no m eans an exhaust ive list of resources for dev elopers. However,
I find t hat a 15- page bibliography is m ore int im idat ing t han it is helpful. So I offer
t his short list of t he resources t hat I hav e recent ly found m ost useful and int erest ing:
Code Com plet e by St ev en McConnell ( Microsoft Press)
A classic t ext , t his " pract ical handbook of soft w are crit icism " should be on t he
book shelf of every developer or at least in your t eam 's library. Chock- full of
pract ical advice for const ruct ing code, it show s exam ples in m any languages,
including Ada, which is enough like PL/ SQL t o m ake learning from McConnell a
breeze. Don't st art coding wit hout it ! The web sit e for St ev en McConnell's
consult ing pract ice, ht t p: / / www.const rux.com / , is also packed wit h lot s of
good advice.
Refact oring by Mart in Fowler ( Addison Wesley)
According t o t his book, " refact oring is t he process of changing a soft ware
syst em in such a way t hat it doesn't alt er t he ex t ernal of t he code, y et
im proves it s int ernal st ruct ure." Sound great , or what ? This ex cellent book
uses Java as it s exam ple language, but t he w rit ing is clear and t he Java
st raight forward. There is m uch t o apply here t o PL/ SQL program m ing.
Ext rem e Program m ing Explained, by Kent Beck ( Addison Wesley)
This book is a highly readable and concise int roduct ion t o Ext rem e
Program m ing ( XP) , a light weight soft ware dev elopm ent m et hodology. Visit
ht t p: / / www.xprogram m ing.com / or ht t p: / / www.ext rem eprogram m ing.org/
for a glim pse int o t he world of t his int erest ing approach t o dev elopm ent .
And t hen, of course, t here is m y own oeuvre, t he Oracle PL/ SQL Series from O'Reilly
& Associat es, which includes:
Oracle PL/ SQL Program m ing, wit h Bill Pribyl


The com plet e language reference for Oracle PL/ SQL.
Oracle PL/ SQL Program m ing: Guide t o Oracle8i Feat ures
A com panion volum e describing t he Oracle8i addit ions t o t he PL/ SQL language.
Oracle PL/ SQL Dev eloper's Workbook, wit h Andrew Odewahn
A workbook cont aining problem s ( and accom panying solut ions) t hat will t est
your knowledge of Oracle PL/ SQL language feat ures.
Oracle Built - in Packages, wit h Charles Dy e and John Beresniewicz
A com plet e reference t o t he m any built - in packages provided by Oracle
Corporat ion.
Advanced Oracle PL/ SQL Program m ing wit h Packages
A descript ion of how t o writ e your own PL/ SQL packages, including a large
num ber of packages you can use in your own program s.
Oracle PL/ SQL Language Pocket Reference, wit h Bill Pribyl and Chip Dawes
A quick reference t o t he PL/ SQL language synt ax.
Oracle PL/ SQL Built - ins Pocket Reference, wit h John Beresniewicz and Chip Dawes
A quick reference t o t he calls t o t he Oracle built - in funct ions and packages.

Con ven t ion s Use d in Th is Book
The following t ypographical convent ions are used in t his book:
I t alic
I ndicat es filenam es, direct ory nam es, and URLs. I t 's also used for em phasis
and for t he first use of a t echnical t erm .
Used when referring, by num ber, t o a best pract ice described in t his book
( e.g., [ BI P- 04: Handle expect ed and nam ed except ions when perform ing file
I / O.] ) .
Const ant widt h
I ndicat es exam ples and t o show t he cont ent s of files and t he out put of
com m ands.


Term Fly Presents


Constant width bold
I ndicat es code ent ered by a user ( e.g., via SQL* Plus) or t o highlight code
lines being discussed.
I n code exam ples, indicat es PL/ SQL k eyw ords.
I n code exam ples, indicat es user- defined it em s ( e.g., variables) .

This icon designat es a not e, which is an im port ant
aside t o t he nearby t ext . For exam ple, I 'll use t his icon
when suggest ing t he use of an alt ernat ive feat ure.
This icon designat es a warning relat ing t o t he nearby
t ext . For exam ple, I 'll use t his icon when a part icular
feat ure m ight affect perform ance or preclude use of
som e ot her feat ure.

Com m e n t s an d Qu est ion s
Please address com m ent s and quest ions concerning t his book t o t he publisher:
O'Reilly & Associat es, I nc.
101 Morris St reet
Sebast opol, CA 95472
( 800) 998- 9938 ( in t he Unit ed St at es or Canada)
( 707) 829- 0515 ( int ernat ional/ local)
( 707) 829- 0104 ( fax)
There is a w eb page for t his book, which list s errat a, exam ples, or any addit ional
inform at ion. You can access t his page at :
ht t p: / / www.oreilly.com / cat alog/ orbest prac
To com m ent or ask t echnical quest ions about t his book, send em ail t o:
bookquest ions@oreilly.com
For m ore inform at ion about books, conferences, soft ware, Resource Cent ers, and t he
O'Reilly Net work , see t he O'Reilly web sit e at :
ht t p: / / www.oreilly.com /

Ack n ow ledgm en t s

Thanks go, first of all, t o m y edit or of six years at O'Reilly & Associat es, Deborah
Russell. She got m e off t he dim e on t his proj ect and helped m e t urn it around in
record t im e ( I st art ed doing serious w rit ing on t his book in Oct ober 2000 and finished
it up in January 2001) . I t was, once again, a real pleasure working wit h you, Debby!
Thanks as w ell t o t he ot her O'Reilly people who t urned t his book int o a finished
product : Mary Anne Weeks May o, t he product ion edit or; Ellie Volckhausen, who
designed t he cov er; and Caroline Senay, t he edit orial assist ant who helped in m any
ways t hroughout t he proj ect .
Many out st anding Oracle developers and DBAs cont ribut ed t heir t im e and expert ise,
t hrough t echnical review, code sam ples, or w rit ing. My deep- felt grat it ude goes out
t o: John Beresniewicz, Rohan Bishop, Dick Bolz, Dan Clam age, Bill Caulkins, Dan
Condon- Jones, Fawwad- uz- Zafar Siddiqi, Gerard Hart gers, Edwin van Hat t em ,
Dwayne King, Darryl Hurley, Giovanni Jaram illo, Vadim Loev ski, Pav el Luzanov,
Mat t hew MacFarland, Jeffrey Meens, Jam es " Padders" Padfield, Rakesh Pat el, Bill
Pribyl, Andre Vergison ( t he brains behind PL/ Form at t er) , and Solom on Yakobson.
This book benefit ed, in part icular, from a rew orking of best pract ice t it les by John
Beresniewicz, close readings of m any chapt ers by Dan Clam age ( whose ex cellent
com m ent s on cert ain best pract ices I 've included as sidebars in t he t ext ) , and t he
cont ribut ion of t rigger best pract ices by Darryl Hurley.
Oracle PL/ SQL Best Pract ices is a m uch im prov ed t ext as a result of all of your
assist ance, m y friends. Any errors, on t he hand, are ent irely m y fault and
responsibilit y.
I would also like t o t hank m y wife, Veva, for volunt eering t o pick up Eli from Jordan's
house so t hat I could st ay behind and writ e t hese acknowledgm ent s ( oh, and also for
adding layer upon layer of m eaning and happiness t o m y life) .

Ch a pt e r 1 . Th e D e ve lopm e n t Pr oce ss
To do y our j ob w ell, you need t o be aware of, and t o follow, bot h " lit t le" best
pract ices—very focused t ips on a part icular coding t echnique—and " big" best
pract ices. This chapt er offers som e suggest ions on t he big pict ure: how t o w rit e your
code as part of a high- qualit y dev elopm ent process.
My obj ect ive isn't t o " sell" you on any part icular dev elopm ent m et hodology ( t hough I
m ust adm it t hat I am m ost at t ract ed t o so- called " light weight " m et hodologies such
as Ext rem e Program m ing and SCRUM) . [ 1] I nst ead, I 'll rem ind you of basic processes
you should follow wit hin any big- pict ure m et hodology.
[ 1]
This chapt er cont ains num erous references t o Ext rem e Program m ing resources. For m ore
inform at ion about SCRUM, " a process for em pirically m anaging product developm ent and
im proving t eam product ivit y," visit ht t p: / / www.cont rolchaos.com / . Not e t hat SCRUM isn't an
acronym , but a reference t o t he " scrum " in t he sport of rugby, a m et aphor for t he daily
m eet ings t hat are t he core of t he SCRUM m et hodology.


Term Fly Presents


I n ot her w ords, if you ( or your m et hodology) don't follow som e form of t he best
pract ices in t his chapt er, y ou are less likely t o produce high- qualit y, successful
soft ware. I don't ( wit h perhaps a single except ion) suggest a specific pat h or t ool.
You j ust need t o m ak e sure you've got t hese bases cov ered.

D EV- 0 1 : Se t st an da r ds an d gu ide lin e s be fore
w r it in g an y code .

These st andards and guidelines would, if I had m y way , include m any or all of t he
best pract ices described in t his book. Of course, you need t o m ake your own
decisions about what is m ost im port ant and pract ical in your own part icular
environm ent .
Key areas of dev elopm ent for which you should proact ively set st andards are:

Select ion of dev elopm ent t ools : You should no longer be relying on SQL* Plus
t o com pile, execut e, and t est code; on a basic edit or like Not epad t o w rit e t he
code; or on EXPLAI N PLAN t o analyze applicat ion perform ance. Soft ware
com panies offer a m ult it ude of t ools ( wit h a wide range of funct ionalit y and
price) t hat will help dram at ically im prove y our dev elopm ent environm ent .
Decide on t he t ools t o be used by all m em bers of t he developm ent group.

How SQL is writ t en in PL/ SQL code : The SQL in your applicat ion can be t he
Achilles' heel of y our code base. I f you aren't careful about how y ou place
SQL st at em ent s in your PL/ SQL code, y ou'll end up wit h applicat ions t hat are
difficult t o opt im ize, debug, and m anage ov er t im e.

An except ion handling archit ect ure : Users hav e a hard t im e underst anding
how t o use an applicat ion correct ly, and developers hav e an ev en harder t im e
debugging and fixing an applicat ion if errors are handled inconsist ent ly ( or not
at all) . The best way t o im plem ent applicat ion- wide, consist ent error handling
is t o use a st andardized package according t o specific guidelines.

Processes for code review and t est ing : There are som e basic t enet s of
program m ing t hat m ust not be ignored. You should never put code int o
product ion wit hout having it reviewed by one or m ore ot her developers, and
wit hout perform ing exhaust ive t est ing. Ast onishingly, m any ( if not m ost )
PL/ SQL developm ent shops hav e neit her st andard, m andat ory code reviews
nor a st rict t est ing regim en.

Best pract ices t hroughout t his chapt er and t he rest of t he book address t hese crucial
aspect s of soft ware dev elopm ent . You will also find m any relevant exam ples
t hroughout t he book.

Be n e fit s
By set t ing clear st andards and guidelines for at least t he areas j ust list ed ( t ools, SQL,
error handling, and code review and t est ing) , y ou ensure a foundat ion t hat will allow
you t o be product ive and t o produce code of reasonable qualit y.


Ch a lle n ge s
The deadline pressures of m ost applicat ions m it igat e against t aking t he t im e up front
t o est ablish st andards, ev en t hough we all know t hat such st andards are likely t o
save t im e down t he line.

D EV- 0 2 : Ask for h e lp a ft er 3 0 m in u t es on a
pr oblem .

Following t his sim ple piece of advice will probably have m ore im pact on your code
t han anyt hing else in t his book!
How m any t im es hav e y ou st ared at t he screen for hours, t rying t his and t hat
vain at t em pt t o fix a problem in your code? Finally, exhaust ed and desperat e,
call over y our cubicle wall: " Hey, Melinda, could you com e ov er here and look
t his?" When Melinda reaches your cube she sees in an inst ant what you, aft er
st ill could not see. Gosh, it 's like m agic!

in a

Except it 's not m agic and it 's not m yst erious at all. Rem em ber: hum ans writ e
soft ware, so an underst anding of hum an psychology is crucial t o set t ing up processes
t hat encourage qualit y soft ware. We hum ans ( especially t he m ales of t he species)
like t o get t hings right , like t o solve our own problem s, and do not like t o adm it t hat
we don't know what is going on. Consequent ly, we t end t o want t o hide our
ignorance and difficult ies. This t endency leads t o m any wast ed hours, high levels of
frust rat ion, and, usually, nast y, spaghet t i code.
Team leaders and developm ent m anagers need t o cult ivat e an environm ent in which
we are encouraged t o adm it what we do not know, and ask for help earlier rat her
t han lat er. I gnorance isn't a problem unless it is hidden from view. And by asking for
help, you validat e t he knowledge and experience of ot hers, building t he ov erall selfest eem and confidence of t he t eam .
There is a good chance t hat if you spend 30 m inut es fruit lessly analyzing your code,
t wo m ore hours will not get y ou any furt her along t o a solut ion. I nst ead, get in t he
habit of sharing your difficult y wit h a cow orker ( preferably an assigned " buddy," so
t he line of com m unicat ion bet w een t he t w o of y ou is officially acknowledged and
doesn't represent in any way acknowledgem ent of a failure) .

Ex a m ple
Program m ers are a proud and noble people. We don't like t o ask for help; we like t o
bury our noses in our screen and creat e. So t he biggest challenge t o get t ing people
t o ask for help is t o change behaviors. Here are som e suggest ions:


The t eam leader m ust set t he exam ple. When I have t he privilege t o m anage
a t eam of dev elopers, I go out of m y way t o ask each and ev ery person on
t hat t eam for help on one issue or anot her. I f y ou are a coach t o ot her t eam s
of dev elopers, ident ify t he program m er who is respect ed by all ot hers for her

Term Fly Presents


expert ise. Then convince her t o seek out t he advice of ot hers. Once t he leader
( form al or inform al) shows t hat it is OK t o adm it ignorance, ev ery one else will
gladly j oin in.

Post rem inders in work areas, perhaps ev en individual cubicles, such as
need t o be rem inded about t hings t hat don't com e nat urally t o us.

Be n e fit s
Problem s in code are ident ified and solved m ore rapidly. Fewer hours are wast ed in a
fut ile hunt for bugs.
Knowledge about t he applicat ion and about t he underlying soft ware t echnology is
shared m ore evenly across t he dev elopm ent t eam .

Ch a lle n ge s
The m ain challenge t o successful im plem ent at ion of t his best pract ice is psychological:
don't be afraid t o adm it you don't know som et hing or are having t rouble figuring
som et hing out .

Re sou r ce s
Peopleware : Product iv e Proj ect s and Team s, by Tom DeMarco and Tim ot hy List er
( Dorset House) . This is a fant ast ic book t hat com bines deep experience in proj ect
m anagem ent wit h hum or and com m on sense.

D EV- 0 3 : W alk t h r ou gh e a ch ot h e r's code .

Soft ware is w rit t en t o be ex ecut ed by a m achine. These m achines are very, very fast ,
but t hey aren't t erribly sm art . They sim ply do what t hey are t old, following t he
inst ruct ions of t he soft w are we writ e, as w ell as t he m any ot her layers of soft ware
t hat cont rol t he CPU, st orage, m em ory, et c.
I t is ext rem ely im port ant , t herefore, t hat we m ake sure t he code we writ e does t he
right t hing. Our com put ers can't t ell us if we m issed t he m ark ( " garbage in, garbage
out " or, unfort unat ely, " garbage in, gospel out " ) . The usual way we validat e code is
by running t hat code and checking t he out com es ( well, act ually, in m ost cases we
have our users run t he code and let us know about failures) . Such t est s are, of
course, crucial and m ust be m ade. But t hey aren't enough.
I t is cert ainly possible t hat our t est s aren't com prehensive and leave errors
undet ect ed. I t is also conceivable t hat t he way in which our code was w rit t en
produces t he correct result s in very undesirable ways. For inst ance, t he code m ight
work " by accident " ( t wo errors cancel t hem selves out ) .


A crucial com plem ent t o form al t est ing of code is a form alized process of code review
or walk- t hrough. Code review involves having ot her dev elopers act ually read and
review your source code. This review process can t ake m any different form s,

The buddy syst em : Each program m er is assigned anot her program m er t o be
ready at any t im e t o look at his buddy's code and t o offer feedback.

Form al code walkt hroughs : On a regular basis ( and cert ainly as a " gat e"
before any program m oves t o product ion st at us) , a developer present s or
" walks t hrough" her code before a group of program m ers.

Pair program m ing : No one codes alone! Whenev er you writ e soft ware, y ou
do it in pairs, where one person handles t he t act ical work ( t hinks about t he
specific code t o be writ t en and does t he t yping) , while t he second person
t akes t he st rat egic role ( keeps an ey e on t he ov erall archit ect ure, looks out
for possible bugs, and generally crit iques—always const ruct ively) . Pair
program m ing is an int egral part of Ext rem e Program m ing.

Be n e fit s
Ov erall qualit y of code increases dram at ically. The archit ect ure of t he applicat ion
t ends t o be sounder, and t he num ber of bugs in product ion code goes w ay down. A
furt her advant age is t hat of st aff educat ion —not j ust awareness of t he proj ect , but
also an increase in t echnological proficiency due t o t he synergist ic effect of w orking
t oget her.

Ch a lle n ge s
The dev elopm ent m anager or t eam leader m ust t ake t he init iat ive t o set up t he code
review process and m ust give dev elopers t he t im e ( and t raining) t o do it right . Also,
code review seem s t o be t he first casualt y of deadline crunch. Furt her, a new PL/ SQL
proj ect m ight not have t he language expert ise available on t he t eam t o do com plet e,
m eaningful walkt hroughs.

Re sou r ce s
1. Handbook of Walkt hroughs, I nspect ions, and Technical Reviews, by Daniel
Freedm an and Gerald M. Weinberg ( Dorset House) . Now in it s t hird edit ion,
t his book uses a quest ion- and- answer form at t o show you exact ly how t o
im plem ent review s for all sort s of product and soft ware dev elopm ent .
2. Ext rem e Program m ing Explained, by Kent Beck ( Addison Wesley) . The first
book on Ext rem e Program m ing offers m any insight s int o pair program m ing.
3. Ext rem e Program m ing I nst alled, by Ron Jeffries, Ann Anderson, and Chet
Hendrickson ( Addison Wesley) . Focuses on how t o im plem ent Ext rem e
Program m ing in your environm ent .

D EV- 0 4 : Valida t e st an da r ds a gain st sou r ce code
in t h e da t a ba se .


Term Fly Presents


This book is chock- full of recom m endat ions, st andards, guidelines, and so on. The
usual im m ediat e, visceral response t o all of t hese shoulds is: how can I possibly
rem em ber t hem ? And how can I m ak e sure t hat any of our developers act ually follow
t hrough on t heir " shoulds?"
PL/ SQL offers one big advant age in t his area: all source code is st ored in t he
dat abase and is m ade available t hrough dat a dict ionary views ( ALL_SOURCE,
USER_SOURCE, DBA_SOURCE) . Oracle also m aint ains addit ional inform at ion about
code, such as dependencies, in ot her views. You can—and should—fairly easily
validat e at least som e of t he st andards t hat y ou set by running queries against t hese
Here are som e t hings y ou can do wit h t his inform at ion:

Set up a w eekly j ob ( via DBMS_ JOB) t o ident ify any program s t hat hav e
changed, hav e been creat ed, or have been rem ov ed in t he past w eek. Publish
t his inform at ion as HTML on an int ranet so dev elopers can, at any t im e, be
aware of t hese changes. This approach can im prov e reuse wit hin your
organizat ion, for exam ple.

Provide queries, preferably organized wit hin program s in a package, t hat
dev elopers can run ( or, again, can be run as scheduled, weekly j obs) t o check
t o see how well t heir code com plies wit h st andards.

Execut ing, as well as writ ing, queries against dat a
dict ionary views ( part icular ly t he dependency- relat ed
views) can be t im e- consum ing. Be pat ient !
Ex a m ple
Suppose we have agreed t hat individual developers should never call
RAI SE_APPLI CATI ON_ERROR direct ly. I nst ead t hey should call t he raise procedure of
t he st andard error- handling package ( see [ EXC- 04: Use your own raise procedure in
place of explicit calls t o RAI SE_APPLI CATI ON_ERROR.] ) .
Here is a sim ple query t hat ident ifies all t hose program unit s ( and lines of code) t hat
cont ain t his " off lim it s" built - in:

name, line || ' - ' || text code
BY name, line;

This answers a com m on quest ion: " does m y code hav e X in it ?" Rat her t han
ex ecut ing t hese st andalone queries ov er and ov er again, you will find it wort hwhile t o
encapsulat e such a query inside a pack aged int erface, such as t his " st andards
validat ion" package:


PROCEDURE progwith (str IN VARCHAR2);
END valstd;
You can now call valst d.pw_rae t o show all t he " program s wit h"
RAI SE_APPLI CATI ON_ERROR ( as you can easily see from t he valst d package body) .
You can also call valst d.progwit h t o search for ot her st rings. I f, t herefore, You've a
st andard t hat dev elopers should nev er hard- code - 20,000 error num bers, issue t his
com m and:
SQL> exec valstd.progwith ('-20')
and view what is likely t o be a superset of all such inst ances.
Anot her kind of st andard t hat m ight be set wit hin an organizat ion is t hat applicat ion
code should never reference a t able or view direct ly but inst ead always go t hrough
an encapsulat ion package ( [ SQL- 01: Qualify PL/ SQL variables wit h t heir scope nam es
when referenced inside SQL st at em ent s. ] ) . Here is a query t hat ident ifies all program
unit s t hat violat e t his rule:
SELECT owner || '.' || name refs_table,
referenced_owner || '.' ||
referenced_name table_referenced
FROM all_dependencies
WHERE owner LIKE UPPER ('&1')
AND referenced_type IN ('TABLE', 'VIEW')
ORDER BY owner,

Be n e fit s
You don't have t o rely solely on " m anual" walkt hroughs of code t o validat e
com pliance wit h group st andards.
Code analysis and code " m ining" ( ext ract ing inform at ion from / about source code)
can be aut om at ed and t ight ly int egrat ed int o t he developm ent process.

Ch a lle n ge s
You need t o design and build t he analysis code and t hen int egrat e t hese check s int o
your ongoing dev elopm ent effort .

Re sou r ce s


Term Fly Presents


1. reft abs.sql : Query ident ifying direct references t o t ables and view s.
2. valst d.pkg : Sim ple prot ot ype package offering an int erface t o ident ify t he
presence of unwant ed t ext in source code.

D EV- 0 5 : Gen e r at e code w h en e ve r possible an d
a ppr opr ia t e.
Life is short —and way t oo m uch of it is consum ed by t im e spent in front of a
com put er screen, m oving digit s wit h varying accuracy ov er t he keyboard. Seem s t o
m e t hat w e should be aggressive about finding ways t o build our applicat ions wit h an
absolut e m inim um of t im e and effort while st ill producing qualit y goods. A k ey
com ponent of such a st rat egy is code generat ion: rat her t han writ e t he code yourself,
you let som e ot her piece of soft w are w rit e t he code for you.
Code generat ion is part icularly useful when you have defined st andards you want
ev ery one t o follow. You can t ry t o get dev elopers t o conform t o t hose st andards wit h
a " st ick" approach: follow t he st andards, or else! But a m ore effect ive w ay t o get t he
oft en anarchist ic, or at least highly individualist ic, program m er t o follow st andards is
t o m ak e it easier t o follow t han not follow t hose guidelines. See Exam ples for specific
dem onst rat ions of t his " carrot " approach.
I n addit ion t o helping t o im plem ent st andards, code generat ion com es in handy when
you hav e t o writ e code t hat is repet it ive in st ruct ure ( i.e., it can be expressed
generally by a pat t ern) . For exam ple, t he kind of code y ou w rit e t o det erm ine if t here
is at least one row in a t able for a given prim ary key is t he sam e regardless of t he
t able ( and prim ary key) . Wouldn't it be nice t o be able t o call a procedure t hat
queries t he t able st ruct ure and key from t he dat a dict ionary and generat es t he
funct ion?
How do you generat e code? You can pick from one of t hese t hree opt ions:

Writ e y our own cust om query or program t o m eet specific needs. Exam ples
st eps you t hrough a sim ple dem onst rat ion of how t o go about t his.

Use a com m ercial t ool t hat focuses on code generat ion. Resources offers a list
of known code- generat ion t ools for PL/ SQL dev elopers.

Run relat ively const rained, funct ionally specific generat ion ut ilit ies t hat ot hers
have w rit t en ( noncom m ercial, freeware) . Resources offers a list of generat ion
ut ilit ies available on t he Oracle PL/ SQL Best Pract ices w eb sit e.

Ex a m ple s
Let 's explore t hese t hree opt ions for generat ion.
First , we hav e t he classic " SQL generat ing SQL." Suppose t hat I want t o drop all t he
t ables in m y schem a. There is no " drop all" com m and. I nst ead, I t hrow t oget her a


query against USER_TABLES whose out put is, in fact , a series of DROP st at em ent s,
and t hen ex ecut e t hat out put as a spooled file in SQL* Plus:
SELECT 'DROP TABLE ' || table_name || ';'
FROM user_tables
WHERE table_name LIKE UPPER ('&1%')
SPOOL drop.cmd
Now, let 's m ov e on t o PL/ SQL- based generat ion. My t eam is about t o st art a largescale developm ent effort . We will need t o perform ret rievals of ent ire rows of dat a for
m any different t ables, based on t heir various ( but single) prim ary key colum ns. I
want t o do t his in a way t hat conform s t o all of our organizat ion's st andards
( except ion handling wit h logging, use, and encapsulat ion of t he im plicit query t hat
offers best perform ance, et c.) . Rat her t han w rit e a m em o t o t his effect , I build a
VARCHAR2 (100) := LOWER (tab);
VARCHAR2 (100) := LOWER (col);
pl ('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || l_ltab || '_row_for (');
pl ('
' ||
l_lcol || '_in IN ' || l_ltab || '.' || l_lcol || '%TYPE)');
pl ('
RETURN ' || l_ltab || '%ROWTYPE');
pl ('IS');
pl ('
retval ' || l_ltab || '%ROWTYPE;');
pl ('BEGIN');
pl ('
SELECT * INTO retval');
pl ('
FROM ' || l_ltab);
pl ('
WHERE ' || l_lcol || ' = ' || l_lcol || '_in;');
pl ('
RETURN retval;');
pl ('
pl ('
pl ('
pl ('
pl ('END ' || l_ltab || '_row_for;');
pl ('/');
And I can t hen use t his procedure as follows:
SQL> exec genlookup ('book', 'isbn')
isbn_in IN book.isbn%TYPE)


Term Fly Presents


retval book%ROWTYPE;
SELECT * INTO retval
FROM book
WHERE isbn = isbn_in;
RETURN retval;
END book_row_for;
You can get m uch m ore sophist icat ed in your generat ion effort s; y ou can, for
exam ple, look up t he prim ary key colum n( s) in t he ALL_CONS_COLUMNS dat a
dict ionary view, inst ead of having t o specify t he WHERE clause colum n. You hav e t o
decide for yourself where t o draw t he line: do y ou really need t hat flexibilit y or does
it j ust look like lot s of fun t o build?

Be n e fit s
You can build your applicat ions fast er; ut ilit ies can generat e soft ware lot s fast er t han
you can t ype it .
You will im prove t he qualit y of your applicat ion code: assum ing t hat your generat or
program has been w ell- designed and t est ed, it will generat e bug- free code wit h each
As y our underlying dat a st ruct ures change, y ou can regenerat e program unit s t hat
work wit h t hose dat a st ruct ures. Much less t im e is spent upgrading exist ing code.

Ch a lle n ge s
Building anyt hing but t he m ost crude generat ors involves a lev el of abst ract ion and
com plexit y higher t han t he usual t ask t ackled by m ost developers.

Re sou r ce s
Com m e r cia l Code - Ge n e r a t ion Tools
1. ht t p: / / www.oracle.com / : Oracle Designer from Oracle Corporat ion generat es
code in a variet y of languages.
2. ht t p: / / www.rev ealnet .com / : RevealNet 's PL/ Generat or generat es
com prehensive encapsulat ion packages for t ables and views.
3. PLVgen: RevealNet 's Act ive PL/ SQL Knowledge Base offers PLVgen, a package
t hat generat es funct ions, procedures, cursor FOR loops and ot her code
elem ent s. Visit t he PL/ SQL Pipeline archives as described in t he Preface.
4. Most CASE/ designer t ools offer som e lev el of code generat ion. Visit t he web
sit es of Quest , Com put er Associat es, Precise, BMC, Em barcadero, and so on
t o check out t heir respect ive product s.


Code - Ge n e r a t ion Ut ilit ie s
1. genlookup.pro : Generat es a lookup procedure t hat ret urns a row in a t able.
2. m sginfo.pkg : Generat es a package wit h definit ions for all applicat ion- specific
except ions.
3. genm ods.pkg : Generat es st andard form at t ed funct ions.

D EV- 0 6 : Se t u p a n d u se form a l u n it t e st in g
pr oce du r e s.

A unit t est is a t est a developer creat es t o ensure t hat his or her " unit ," usually a
single program , w orks properly. A unit t est is very different from a sy st em or
funct ional t est ; t hese lat t er t ypes of t est s are orient ed t o applicat ion feat ures or
ov erall t est ing of t he sy st em . You can't properly or effect ively perform a sy st em t est
unt il you know t hat t he individual program s behave as expect ed.
So, of course, you w ould t herefore expect t hat program m ers do lot s of unit t est ing
and have a correspondingly high level of confidence in t heir program s. Ah, if only
t hat were t he case! The realit y is t hat program m ers generally perform an inadequat e
num ber of inadequat e t est s and figure t hat if t he users don't find a bug, t here is no
bug. Why does t his happen? Let m e count t he ways:
The psychology of success and failure
We are so focused on get t ing our code t o w ork correct ly t hat we generally shy
away from bad news, from ev en want ing t o t ake t he chance of get t ing bad
news. Bet t er t o do som e cursory t est ing, confirm t hat it seem s t o be w orking
OK, and t hen wait for ot hers t o find bugs, if t here are any ( as if t here w ere
any doubt ) .
Deadline pressures
Hey, it 's I nt ernet t im e! Tim e t o m ark et det erm ines all. We need ev eryt hing
yest erday, so let 's be j ust like Microsoft and Net scape: release pre- bet a
soft ware as product ion and let our users t est / suffer t hrough our applicat ions.
Managem ent 's lack of underst anding
I T m anagem ent is not orious for not really underst anding t he soft ware
dev elopm ent process. I f we aren't given t he t im e and aut horit y t o w rit e ( writ e,
t hat is, in t he broadest sense, including t est ing, docum ent at ion, refinem ent ,
et c.) our own code properly, w e will always end up wit h buggy j unk t hat no
one w ant s t o adm it ownership of.
Overhead of set t ing up and running t est s
I f it 's a big deal t o writ e and run t est s, t hey w on't get done. I don't hav e t im e,
and t here is always som et hing else t o work on. One consequence of t his point


Term Fly Presents


is t hat m ore and m ore of t he t est ing is handed over t o t he QA depart m ent , if
t here is one. That t ransfer of responsibilit y is, on t he one hand, posit ive.
Professional qualit y assurance professionals can have a t rem endous im pact on
applicat ion qualit y. Yet we dev elopers m ust t ak e and ex ercise responsibilit y
for unit t est ing our own code, ot herwise, t he t est ing/ QA process is m uch m ore
frust rat ing and ext ended.
I wrot e it ; t herefore it work s t he way I int ended it t o work.
The bot t om line is t hat our code alm ost universally needs m ore t est ing. And t he best
way t o do unit t est ing is wit h a form al procedure bui