PERANCANGAN DERMAGA BONGKAR BATUBARA PLTU CILACAP - Diponegoro University | Institutional Repository (UNDIP-IR)


Dasar – Dasar Perencanaan Beton Bertulang, Vis dan Gideon, 1997

Konstruksi Penahan Tanah, Gunadarma, 1997

Menghitung Beton Bertulang, Udiyanto, 2000

Pelabuhan, Bambang Triatmodjo, 1996

Perencanaan Beton Bertulang Dasar SKSNI T-15-1991-03

Pile Design and Construction Practice, M.J. Tomlinson, 1977

Port Terminal, H Ligteringen, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 2000

Pondasi Dalam dan Pondasi Dangkal, Gunadarma, 1997

Rekayasa Gempa, Himawan Indarto, 2004

Shore Protection Manual, Deparment of The Army US Army Corps of Engineers,
Washington DC, 1984

Structural Analysis, Aslam Kassimali, 1999

Teknik Pantai, Bambang Triatmodjo, 1996

“Port Development” A Handbook for Planners in Developing Countries, IHE Delft,
The Netherlands, 1985

The Theory and Practice of Reinforced Concrete, Clarence W Dunham, C.E,
Yale University, New York, 1958