Uji efek kadar glukosa darah formula Melly 99-2003 pada tikus putih jantan diabetes akibat Alloxan - Ubaya Repository


Pengobatan diabetes mellitus umumnya menggunakan obat hipoglikemik
oral dan suntikan insulin. Selain itu terdapat juga alternatif pengobatan
menggunakan tanaman obat tradisional. Penggunaan obat tradisional oleh
masyarakat pada umunya menggabungkan beberapa rnacam tanaman obat dengan
tujuan untuk mendapatkan khasiat yang lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan
penggunaan bahan tanaman tunggal.
Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan uji efek kadarglukosa darah dari
formula "MELLY 99 - 2003" yang merupakan kombinasi ekstrak etanol daun
pare 15%, daun sambilata 59,5%, daun kumis kucing 25,5% dalam bentuk
suspensi pada tikus putih jantan diabet akibat pemberian alloxan 200 mg!kg BB
intra peritonial. Tikus putih jantan strain Wistar dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu
kelompok I diberi suspensi amilum-CMC Na 10 mllkg BB (kelompok kontrol),
kelompok II diberi suspensi Metformin HCI 500 mg!kg BB sebanyak I 0 ml/k.g
BB (kelompok pembanding), kelompok III diberi formula "MELLY 99 - 2003"
sebanyak 10 ml!k.g BB (kelompok uji).
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa formula "MELLY
99 - 2003" dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus putih jantan diabetes
sebesar 17,14% dibandingkan kelompok kontrol, dan 19,47% dibandingkan
kelompok pembanding.



Medical treatment of Diabetes Mellitus usually use Oral Hypoglycemic
Drug (OHD) and insulin injection. One common option that is often used is the
usage of traditional hemal medicine as an alternative method to cure Diabetes
Mellitus. In order to gain more effectiveness, people usually mix or combine
more than one herbals in one treatment.
In this thesis, the writer is doing a research of blood glucose level formula
"MELLY 99-2003" occurrs during the usage of 10 ml/kg body weight suspension
made of"pare" leaf 15%, 59,5% "sambilata" leaf, and 25,5% "kumis kucing" leaf
ethanol extract combination on male mice that has been made diabetic by
injecting 200 mllkg-weight i. p Alloxan. The mice used in this research are male
mice of Wistar strain. The mice are divided into 3 groups, and different
treatments are being given on each group of mice. Mice of the I" group is treated
using 10 ml I kg body weight Amylum-CMC Na suspension, named the Control
Group. Mice of the 2"d group is treated using 500 mg I kg body weight
Metforrnin HCI suspension in the dosage of I 0 ml I kg body weight, named the

Comparing Group. Mice of the 3'd group is treated using formula "MELLY 992003" with the dosage of 10 ml I kg-weight, named the Test Group.
According to the results, the treatment used on the Test group is resulting
to be able to decrease the blood glucose rate of male mice 17,13% lower than
Control Group and 19,47% lower than Comparing Group.
