John Bedini Intro with old intro pictures combined.pdf

I have been working in the
energy field for over 30
years, I have come to the
conclusion that their is no
"Free Electricity" This means
no Free Energy or Over
Unity. Their is only a
potential radiant charge that
makes up a dipole.
This energy makes up
everything we touch and use
in our electrical circuits as we
know them. The electrical
circuits as we know them are
flawed, meaning they burn up

the dipole that is free in

If you kill the dipole you
loose the energy. The dipole

killer is the electron current
in the circuit. So therefore the
term free electricity only
applies to those that have
done away with the current or
have figured a way to block it
from completing it's path
through the circuit. Their are

no meters to measure this
radiant current, and when you
catch it, it has the power of
the universe and beyond.
Good luck in your research .
Their is only energy from the
vacuum, known as radiant
energy. to find out more
about this you need to read
Tom Bearden's book. To go
to my pages go to the bottom

of the page .

These patents are the only key to unlocking this radiant

Perhaps it is better in this present world of ours that a
revolutionary idea or invention instead of being helped and
patted be hampered and ill-treated in its adolescence- by
want of means, by selfish interest, pedantery, stupidity and
ignorance; that it be attacked and stifled ; that it pass
through bitter trials and tribulations, through the heartless
strife of commercial existence. So all that was great in the
past was ridiculed, condemned, combatted, suppressed only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more
triumphantly from the struggle.
N. Tesla

"Today's scientist have substituted
mathematics for experiments and they
wander off through equation after equation

and eventually build a structure which has
no relation to reality."
Nikola Tesla
Here in the Tesla patent once again we see the use of
radiant energy. As I have said above their is only a radiant
current, and this current is passed through the system by the
capacitor and only a capacitor. The next step in the system
is the amount of time it takes to charge this capacitor, and
then the amount of time it takes to discharge the capacitor
for they all have their own time, and each one of these
things must be in sync in their own time.
It is so funny to sit here now and think that Benjamin
Franklin had it all at his finger tips, if he would have used
the capacitor the correct way.
It's the most simple thing in nature to do, and the hardest
for mankind to understand because of the mind blocks.
Their is no math for radiant current, for are instruments do
not measure it. It's even sick to see meters all over these
machines, because their is no possible way to measure the
Aether flow. The people have had it all along and yet a

little "meter" has stood in their way from the truth. Meters
only measure wasted energy in the system.

Yes here it is, THE


(all patents are core technology, now using inverted radiant

BTI systems inc.

Radiant currents are just like Tesla said a
gas in nature
the transformation converter is the
An answer to David Thomson
David this is great stuff and I admire your work, but the dipole we are talking
about are two different things. first of all the math does not apply since their are
no equations for it. The math of today's scientist only runs you around in

equation after equation, "just like Tesla said". All are electrical equations are
only designed to burn energy in current. I understand the The Casimir effect,
but this does not have anything to do with the charge of a magnetic moment.
this does not take any high voltage since the stress field is always there. Our
circuits are designed to split the magnetic moment before it becomes magnetic,
this is where the radiant comes from. If we go back to Tesla and what he was
doing in the end we find out he was studying through small experiments how
this Radiant gas behaved, and what shapes it worked best with. His work with
different lattice was very detailed and this is where The Casimir effect comes
into play. As for the Radiant work their only three patents by Tesla which
discusses anything, and no math. The only thing we have to use at this time is
VQ without the I (current) but it should be Vr =Q ( voltage from the split
Radiant = Charge) The only other factor is TIME to get the Vr. If a long time is
required to collect charge in this split then C (capacitor) should be very small
so that the highest V (voltage) is obtained. If the Vr is very quick in splitting
this magnetic moment then C can be very big. Also frequency of this magnetic
moment is very important. You must release the Radiant voltage into a radiant
current de-void of any electrons. So what is charging the batteries in My system
is pure Radiant Current. This means that since their is no electrons to pile up on
the Ions of the battery nothing can move, this forces the Ions to change their

state and they move on their own, this is nothing more then a impedance shift,
if you have a low impedance in the battery you have real power, if you have
high impedance in the battery you have nothing. Nature takes time to move at
her own rate, so the battery may take a long time to charge but charge it will

with a different form of energy. This brings me to a different point, That all that
is driving the switching solid state wise is a difference in potential across the
battery inverted. This then means that the whole flow theory is out the window,
meaning that the semiconductors are working on potential charge de-void of
electrons so their is no heat generated in the semiconductor. As for the battery
it fill's in it's own electrons. I must say that Tesla was right.
Answer Two
David and Darren
First of all with all due respect and admiration for your work, I must still state
that My work has nothing to do with "Strong Charge", or Resonance in our
circuits. My work is based on real working models, and these real working
models are saying something much different than what the equations are
saying. My magnetic moment is based on what is occurring in the front end
circuit before the normal current builds up, and then to capture the radiant

voltage and then split this voltage into a current de-void of electrons to charge
the batteries. So here we differ again I'm not looking for electrons to power
anything, in your model you can not get away from the electrons. My models
are telling me that the equations must be revised to work properly with My
model. I not only have one model that is working I have 30 that do the same
thing plus the solid state models. Radiant energy goes away when electrons
enter the picture. Read very carefully what Tesla said about the power stations
when they were DC powered, I think you will catch it. I have never seen
anybody that did science right do the equations before they had a working
model on the bench. Also it's not "Professional" to speak of another fellow
scientists working in the field as regurgitated Bearden concepts, when nobody
has check the references to find out if he is right. I have worked with Tom
Bearden for 30 +years and those theories come from my bench models that are
working. Now others are getting to first base and soon they will be on third
base, soon you will see these machines powering loads and charging their own
batteries, then where will all the math models sit? If my patents were
understood it would be found out that the Mono Pole motor is not a Motor, it is
a mechanical Radiant oscillator with a one to one transformer inductively
triggered. being a one to one transformer you can not get more out then you put
in, unless something else is flowing through it, it does not fit the math models,

so this washes the forward converter theory down the drain. I say this, if I take
your model and understand it correctly, everybody should have their lights
burning right now! What bench model do you have running on this theory? I
say these things to you with all do respect for your hard work.

John Bedini

For more discussions
These pages are for serious researchers only, doing serious work. I do not have
time to answer questions on where you buy magnets or how you wind coils.
You must be an engineering type of person and have machine experience. In
the future I will be putting up pages on other systems according to Tom
Bearden's new book.

Energy From The Vacuum
Concepts &Principles
You may order this book from the Tom Bearden Website at

I will be adding experiments, with the concepts of Nathan Stubblefield's work
on ground wave transmission. I have completed my test and have had very
good results with over 10 miles distance, even through the water pipes, rivers,
streams in the local area. The circuits involved in these transmissions involve
vacuum tubes and high voltage. The researcher is warned that if you have no
experience in ground wave radio transmission and FCC rules and regulations,
stay away from these experiments. I take no responsibility for " your " actions,
and you experiment at your own risk. If you cause interference to anything, you
must stop your experiments, because the fine will be something you will never
forget. By doing these experiments, you assume all responsibility. You will be
shocked to see that you need no RF ( Radio Frequency) whatsoever. In the days
of Nathan Stubblefield, they did not even understand the vacuum tube, so
Nathan built many induction transformers to do this communication. If the
experiments are understood , one may find that a whole new experimental field
is now open. By phasing the transmission. it is possible to generate 3D special
systems in sound and voice.

Quote from Stubblefield: " I have solved the problem of telephoning without
wires through the earth as Signor Marconi has of sending signals through

Stubblefield in his workshop To get insight into Stubblefield go to
and order the book
For the pages on Nathan Stubblefield go to