The understanding of literary elements can be very helpful in analyzing literary work, for example, novel, drama and poetry. Literary elements can be classified into two categories. They are intrinsic and extrinsic elements.

  Semi (1998:31) says, “the intrinsic element of a literary work includes


elements which establish a literary work inside. The elements are theme, plot,

setting character and characterization and figure of speech.” Extrinsic element

  refers to social condition in a society and psychological condition. In this paper the writer employs one of literary works especially novel to be analyzed. And she will employ several extrinsic elements to analyze the novel, namely mystic.

2.1 CHARACTERS Character is a human being in the fiction who plays action in the novel.

  The character does the action like making conversations or doing activities. By understanding there would have been required as a manifestation of the human figure and his life to be told.

  Karl (1967:238) defines that a character is interest in the very personal reason that we want to see how other people live, how they make decision and react to responsibility, how they pursue their goal.

  Roberts (1983:54) says, “Character in a literary work is a representation of a human. Specifically, the quality was in him and that determine how humans act in a variety of conditions or attempt to deal with the surrounding environment”.

  Roberts (1995: 131) says, “As in a life, the figure could be lazy or ambitious, agitates or calm, like fighting or timid, assertive or shy, confident or doubtful, very brave or scared, noisy or quiet, can be trusted or liked to lie, conscientious or careless, unreasonable or irritable, biased or unfair, or fraudulent blunt, "winner" or "loser" and so on.

  The British novelist and critic E.M Forster, in his critical work Aspects of the Novel, calls the two major types “round” and “flat”.

  The basic trait of round character is that it recognize, change with, or adjust to circumstances. The round character is usually the main figure in a stories profits from experience and undergoes a change or alteration, which may be shown in (1) an action and actions, (2) the realization of new strength and therefore the affirmation of previous decision, (3) the acceptance of a new condition, or (4) the discovery of unrecognized truth. ( Roberts,1995: 133).

  Flat characters are minor (e.g. relative, acquaintance, functionaries), although not all minor character are necessarily flat. (Edgar,1995:134).

  Oxford Advice Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (2000) say that : (1) All the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others; (2) the way of something is, or a particular quality or feature that a thing, an event or a place has; (3) strong personal qualities such as the ability to deal with difficult or dangerous situations; (4) the interesting or unusual quality that a place or a person has; (5) a person, particularly an unpleasant or strange one; (6) an interesting or unusual person; (7) the opinion of the people that you have, particularly of whether you can be trusted or relied on.

  The Character (5) and (6) has informal meaning, while number (7) has formal meaning. Maxwell (2001) says, “Character is more than just words, but a choice that brings success. It is not a boon, but built little by little, with our thoughts, words, actions, habits, courage endeavor, and even formed from the difficulties of life”.

  In National Conference on Character Building, Jakarta (2005), “Character has been defined as the inner disposition conductive to right conduct. It is a person’s collection of attitudes and habits which enable and facilitate moral action.

  It is the foundation for all activity in the world; every task and every achievement bears the imprint of one character. Moreover, as we shall see, one result of attaining good character is that individuals are able to love others well and become more productive citizens. Good character is thus the foundation for all human endeavors.

  David (2004:143) says, “the deliberate effort to help people understand, care about, and act upon core ethical values. When we think about the kind of character we want for our children, it is clear that we want them to be able to judge what is right, care deeply about what is right, and then do what they believe to be right, even in the face of pressure from without and temptation from within”.

  DR. Achmad Husen, M.Pd says, “ karakter merupakan upaya-upaya yang


dirancang dan dilaksanakan secara sistematis untuk membantu peserta didik

memahami nilai-nilai perilaku manusia yang berhubungan dengan Tuhan Yang

Maha Esa, diri sendiri, sesama manusia, lingkungan, dan kebangsaan yang

terwujud dalam pikiran, sikap, perasaan, perkataan, dan perbuatan berdasarkan

norma-norma agama, hukum, tata krama, budaya, dan adat istiadat ”. Pendidikan

untuk membentuk kepribadian melalui pendidikan budi pekerti, yang hasilnya

terlihat dalam tindakan nyata seseorang, yaitu tingkah laku yang baik, jujur


bertanggung jawab, menghormati hak orang lain, kerja keras, dan sebagainya

(Thomas Lickona, 1991).

  2.2 CHARACTEROZATION Every story has characterization which describes all about person or people character. There are many kinds of character and these all are different with each other. Collins Dictionary defines that characterization is the way how an author or an actor describes or shows what a character is like. Characterization also describes about the act of creating and developing a character.

  Characterization consists of two types: Direct and Indirect Characterization. Direct characterization tells the reader what the personality of the character is. While, Indirect characterization shows the things that reveal what the personality is of the characters look like, does, and says as well as.

  Characterization is often called disposition, it is a depiction of the characters. This depiction includes a state of physical and spiritual leaders. The situation is a form of birth figures and who the characters, circumstances of birth includes the way of life of the characters, character attitudes, beliefs, customs, etc.


  Etymologically, mysticism is derived from the Greek “Misterion” from the root, “Myen” is the people who search the secrets of reality,


Myen means turning a blind eye or close. The meaning of Etymologcal meaning

  of mystic about mistisisme at the beginning of this study will be able to help us to understand the meaning of mystic.

  Observing about mystics is a fun thing because it promises a new one for anyone who explores. For hundreds of years, the world has been widely mystic stir interest in academics to explore and reveal diverse facts and competence levels. Reason who encouraged me, among other things: first, desire ecumenical or good and bad reasons, is to find something that is common in that.

  Mystical is basically a religious experience that can be introversive (the tendency of a person who is more emphasis on inner aspect) and extroversive (the tendency of a person who is more emphasis on outward). The experience is not related to time, there is a connection to something transcendent, creates a feeling of tranquility and happiness followed self-control ability ourselves. In terms there are meaning about mystic, include:

  a. The means a belief that the final truth about reality cannot be obtained through ordinary experience, and not through intellectual experience (mind), but it can be obtained through a mystical experience or non- mystical rational intuition.

  b. Unusual non-rational experience of reality that includes all realitas transenden (something that goes beyond the mundane) which allow ourselves united with the reality that is usually considered as a source or basis of the existence of all things.

  Rufus (1988:33) says, “The Mystic is a type of religion that gives pressure on the consciousness directly related to God, consciousness God's presence is immediate and familiar.

  W.R. Inge in mysticism in religion says:

  • Mystic is a feeling of merging with God (Attopfleiaener).
  • Mystic is an attitude of mind in which all relations aimed to establish the relationship of the soul with God (Edward Caird).
  • Mystic is the realization that whatever we experience in reality is just a mere element of the existence says "Something else" (Ricard Nettleship).


   Union Mystic

  Mystical union comes from the Latin language that is “inua mystica” which has a meaning or a union of the human soul experiences with a higher reality that occurs without intermediaries.


   Personal Mystic

  The second type is derived from the term mysticism of personality and more known as the mystic personality, which means the relationship between man and God.



  This mystic makes a person forget about their affection and love for someone they love.

d. Al-Hawatif

  This mystic makes a person get nightmares, feel called upon in a dream and woke up to hear the sound of conversation when they are exposed to the magic will be dreaming of the loved ones.