Sri Fatmawati,Iwan Supardi, Ana Fergina

  English Language Education Study Program, Languages and Arts Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University,

  Pontianak Email


Abstract: The research aimed at finding the correlation between motivational

  strategy teacher used and students ’ English learning achievement. This research applied correlation method as research design. The sample of this research is seventh grade student of SMPN 7 Pontianak in academic year 2016/2017. The data were obtained from Questionnaire and Students ’ English Rapor Score.The two data sets are in form of statistics and tabulation which later be calculated in Pearson concept in determining the correlation. The result is 0,747 indicates that a high correlation between two variables of motivational strategies and students achievement. The contribution values both motivational strategy teacher used toward students learning


  achievement is 55,80 % (r ) which meant that the motivational strategy teacher used give contribution about 55,80 % and the balance 44.20 % is influenced by others variables. The result has been verified by SPPS 17.0 tool.

  Keywords : Motivational Strategy, Students Achievement, Correlation

Abstract:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara strategi

  motivasi yang digunakan guru terhadap pencapaian siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode kolerasi sebagai rancangan penelitian. Subjek penilitian ini adalah siswa kelas 7 dari SMPN 7 Pontianak tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Data data diperoleh dari kuesioner dan nilai rapot bahasa Inggris siswa. Dua data tersebut ditampilkan dalam bentuk statistik dan yang kemudian akan dihitung dengan menggunakan konsep Pearson untuk menentukan korelasi tersebut. Hasilnya adalah 0,747 menunjukkan bahwa adanya korelasi yang tinggi diantara dua variabel tersebut yaitu strategi motivasi yang digunakan guru dan pencapain siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan kontribusi atau pengaruh strategi yang digunakan guru terhadap hasil pencapaian siswa sebesar 55,80 % dan sebanyak 44.20 % berasal faktor lainya. Hasil tersebut telah diverifikasi dengan menggunakan SPPS 17.0.

  Keywords: Stragtegi Motivasi, Pencapaian siswa, Hubungan otivation has been long recognized as one of the key factors that determines foreign language achievement. Lack of motivation is often a primary


  contributor to academic failure. In the learning English case, it is believe that many students assume learning English is very difficult. Motivation served the initial engine to generate learning and later functions as an ongoing driving force that helps to sustain the long and usually laborious journey of acquiring a foreign language


  (Gardner, R.C, 2004 . Dornyei (2000) said “motivation is often considered a key learners variable because without it nothing much happen ”. Indeed, most other learner variable presuppose the existence of at least some degree of motivation.

  Motivation can be promoted consciously.

  Teacher is vital factor in the English teaching learning process. A teacher is expected not only to be able to teach the material but also create and maintain the optimum condition of the classroom so that the students can get benefit from the learning process.

  Since the motivation is one of the key factors that determine success in English as foreign language, learning strategies in motivating language learners should be seen as important aspect of the theoretical analysis of English as foreig n language learners’ motivation. Strategies include using local examples, teaching with events in the news, using pop culture technology (iPods, cell phones, YouTube videos) to teach, or connecting the subject with your students' culture, outside interests or social lives.

Marcyzyk (2007) defines achievement as “ actual abilty which can be measured

  directly by a test. A good result is ditermined by one achievement in peforming a job. In the result students achievement is the score students get from the teaching learning process.

  In the previous reseach You Ziyouan (2011) in a thesis The Role of Motivational Strategy in Learning : An investigation into the relationship between the students language achievement level at Jilin university and their motivational stragies.The writer urges about the focus on the motivational strategy teacher used. The writer try to to find the effectiveness of the motivational strategy. The result of have shown the motivational strategies affect student’s achievement. This result matches Donyei’s framework as well as others theories such as Garner’s all the model, Maslow hierarchy of need theory so forth. Motivational strategies are really beneficial to the students because they can improve students’ motivation and contribute to students’ achievement.

  In reflecting on the potential usefulness of motivational strategies, the researcher feels it important to see the motivational strategies used by the teacher and find out the impact to the language achievement of the student. Hence, the study that will be conducted is the correlation research between the motivational strategies used and the language achievement in learning English at junior high school as foreign language.

  In this present research, the focus is on students achievement and its correlation to the motivational srategy. The significance is the improvement of the students ’ achievement. The students in this research isthe students of seventh gradeof SMP N 7

  Pontianak. The purpose of this research is to investigate how strong is the correlation between motivational strategy the teacher use in learning English and their learning achievement, the diriction of correlation, and how much the contribution of motivational strategy toward students Englishachievement of the sample data.


  In accordance with the problem of the research, the appropriate form used in this research is correlation study. According to Urdan (2005), correlation simply means that variation in the scores on one variable correspondence with variation in the scores on the second variable. It is a way to find out the answer of the correlation between motivational strategies used and the language achievement in learning English at junior high school as foreign language by describing the subject of research on the fact and condition.

  The population of this research is seventh grade studentof SMP N 7 Pontianak in academic year 2016/2017. A population can be defined as a total number of possible units or elements that are included in the study (Gray, 2004). It is known as a well defined group or individuals or things discussed in the research. The population may consist of human beings, things, events, or plants or which have certain characteristic as the source data. Moreover, the researcher took the students in seventh grade of SMP N 7 Pontianak as sampling. According to Urdan (2005), sample can be defined as subset drawn from the larger population. Ideally, a sample is selected that is representative of the population. In collecting the data the researcher implemented techniques those are indirect communication and documentary technique. In this research, the indirect communication technique is using questionnaire and the documentary technique is using Rapor and the English score of the students.

  In this research, the researcher used likert scale questionnaire, rapor, and SPSS as the tools of data collecting. The questionnaire that will be designed based on Dorn yei’s framework that is “Motivational Teaching Practice in Foreign Language Classroom

  ”. The questions consist of 32 items, they had 5 options, and they answered by choosing one of five provided answer. Those questionnaires covered all factors from Dornyei frameworks. In likert scale, each option receives 5 for always, 4 for yes, 3 for sometimes, 2 for no, and 1 for never.


Table 1

Table of Likert Scale

Frequency Score


  5 Yes

  4 Sometimes

  3 No

  2 Never

  1 Since the numbers of questionnaire items are 32 questions, highest score is 100 obtained from the completion 32 x 5 = 160 : 160 x 100 = 100. The lowest score of the questionnaire is 20 obtained from the computation of 1 x 32 = 32: 160 x 100 = 20.

  Furthermore, the researcher only took the English score of one semester study from the students’ rapor.The analysis of the correlation between motivational strategy teacher used and students achievement in seventh grade students is conducted by applying the Pearson product moment coefficient correlation using SPPS 17.0. The formula can be seen as follow:

  (∑ ) − (∑ )(∑ ) =





  √[ ∑ − (∑ ) ] [ ∑ − (∑ ) ] Note :

  = the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of correlation = number of sample ∑Y = sum of the Ys


  = the sum of scores = sum of Xs squared ∑


  2 N = number of sample = sum of Ys squared


  2 X = variable 1 = sum of squared Xs


  2 Y = variable 2 ∑Y = sum of squared Ys

  ∑X = sum of the Xs ∑XY = sum Xs times the Ys The person product- moment correlation ( r ) is measured of association between two continuous variables. Correlation coefficient is also a numerical index of degree of relationship between two variables that ranges in value from -1.00 to +1.00. (i.e. a perfect positive relationship). A correlation coefficient indicates both of direction (i.e. positive or negative) and the strength (i.e. the size or magnitude) of the relationship.

  Positive correlation: if x and y have a strong positive linear correlation, r is close to +1. An r value of exactly +1 indicates to perfect positive fit. Positive values indicate a relation between x and y variables such that as values for x increase, values y also increase. Negative correlation: if x and y have a strong negative linear correlation, r is close to -1. An r value exactly -1 indicates a perfect negative fit. Negative values indicate a relationship between x and y such that as values for x increase, values for y decrease. No correlation: if x and y have no linear correlation, r is close to 0.From the calculation through Pearson product moment, then researcher determines the finding. Then the researcher answer whether the correlation is positive, negative or there is no correlation between motivational strategy teacher use and students learning achievement in subject based on table provided by Cohen and Manion cited Dornyei (2011) as follows :


Table 2

Table of Coefficient

Coefficient (r) Relationship

  Less than 0,20 Slight, almost Negligible 0,20 Low correlation

  • – 0,40 0,40 Moderate correlation
  • – 0,70 0,70 – 0,90 High correlation 0,90 Very high
  • – 1.00 Adopted from Cohen and Manion (1994)

  This stage, the researcher examined the size of contribution of combination of motivational strategy teacher used as variable X to students learning achievement as variable Y. the data can be determined by formula coefficient as follows :

  Note : KP = Value Coefficient Determinant R = Value Correlation Coefficient

  To make finding more obvious in case of direction, whether is it positive, negative or no correlation, as a quantitative the writer will draw the finding by using scatter diagram, that is often used in correlation research as follow: Diagram 1

   Strong Positive Correlation Diagram

   Diagram 2

Negative Correlation Diagram

Diagram 3 No Correlation Diagram

  FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Findings The questionnaire was distributed to 40 students as sample of this research.

  The questionnaire consist of 32 items. Each item was statement which represented by Dornyei frameworks. The student responded these questionnaires by crossing each statement which expressed their opinion. Meanwhile, the result of motivational strategy teacher used based on questionnaire and students learning achievement taken by rapor.

  First, the data has been collected. After that, the score of both variables that is motivational strategy that teacher used as variable X, and the students learning achievement as variable Y has been calculated. The researcher calculated the data in order to find the correlation between these two sets of data through the formula of Pearson product moment using SPSS 17.0 tools and the result can be seen from the table:


Table 3


Motivational Students ’ Strategy Achievment

  • Motivational Pearson Correlation

  1 .747 Strategy

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N



  • Students Pearson Correlation .747

  1 ’Achievem ent

  Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N


  40 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

  Based on the calculation above the correlation between motivational strategy teacher used and students learning achievement in is 0,747, which means that the result of this research is there is high positive correlation between the two variables.

  After getting the result from correlation between motivational strategy teacher used and students’ learning achievement, it is also important to see the contribution from the motivational strategy teacher used toward students’ learning achievement. The results can be seen in the below: KP = r x 100% KP = (0,747) X 100% KP = 0,5580 X 100% KP = 55. 80%

  The contribution values of both motivational strategy teacher used toward students learning achievement are 55.80% which meaning that the motivational strategy give contribution toward students learning achievement is about 55.80% and the balance 44.20% is influenced by other variable. The coefficient has positive score, so the relationship between motivational strategy teacher use and students learning achievement is positive. It will be more obvious when we see it through the scatter diagram below:




  88 g

  R² = 0.558 t

  86 n

  84 me

  82 Learnin e


  80 iev

  Linear (Y-Values)

  78 ents Ach

  76 Stud






80 100 motivational strategy


Diagram 4

The Correlation Between Motivational Strategy Teacher Used and Students

Learning Achievment

  It is very clear in seeing the scatter diagram above, the scatter diagram indicates that there is a positive correlation between these two variables. From the data above, the writer give a ilustration about the cycle of relationship. It is can be seen in figure 1 below : r = 0,747




r2 = 0,5580 = 55.80%

  X = 70,55 Y = 76,05

  Figure 1


The Cycle Of Relationship Between Motivational Strategy and Student Learning


  From the figure 1 shows about indicate there is positive correlation between two variables X and Y is 0,747 which means the strong correlation. The contribution values both motivational strategy teacher used toward students learning achievement


  is 55,80% (r ) which means that the motivational strategy teacher used give contribution about 55,80% and the balance 44.20% is influenced by others variables.


  The purposes of this research was to know how strongthe correlation between motivational strategy the teacher use in learning English and students’ English learning achievment was, to know the direction of correlationbetween motivational strategy the teacher use in learning English and students’ English learning achievment and to know the number of contribution of motivational strategy toward students

  ’English learning achievement of the sample data on seventh grade student of SMPN 7 Pontianak. There were 40 students involved in this research. The data were taken by questionnaire and student rapor.

  As we have seen in table, the result of correlation between teacher motivational strategy used and students ’learning achievement is 0,747 which meant that the result of this researcher high positive correlation between the two variables.It was categorized as high because learning achievement of most of students was influenced by motivational strategy used by the teacher. Teachers believe when the students are motivated perform competently in academic tasks, they will learn in accordance with their academic abilities. In this way, students can make good learning achievement in learning English subject.

  As we have seen in the previous result the contribution values of motivational strategy teacher used towards students learning achievement was 55.80% which meant that motivational strategy gave contribution toward students learning achievements. This result was gotten from the questionnaire result that students who felt he/she got low motivational strategy from the teacher because they still felt less creation of relaxed and supportive environment and less elimination the language anxiety. Both those factors was influenced the contribution values of motivational strategy that teacher used towards students learning achievement.

  Those findings that have been shown above indicate that there is positive correlation between these two variables, because a correlation can exist between two variables if it fulfills these two requirements. First if high scores on one variable are associated with high score in the other variable, there is a positive relationship between the two variables. The second if high score on one variable are associated with low scores on the other variable, there is a negative relationship between the two variables. Finally, if there is no systematic pattern between high and low scores, there will be no relationship between those two variables.


  The purpose of this research is: to investigate how strong is the correlation between motivational strategy the teacher use in learning English and their learning achievement, the direction of correlation, and how much is the contribution of motivational strategy toward students

  ’English learning achievement of the sample data, which happen on seventh grade of students SMPN 7 Pontianak in academic year 2016/2017. After having the entire process of the research, the writer would like to point out of some conclusion as follows: (1) The highest score of motivational strategy frequency appeared to questionnaire is on the sampleS17. The score of its motivational strategy is 85 and the learning achievement’s is 88. Meanwhile the lowest for motivational strategy frequency where is S16. The score is only 62 and followed by score achievements that is 75. It means that motivational strategy that the teacher use determines student’s learning achievement in study. (2) The finding of this research or the answer of the research problem is 0,747 as the value of correlation and for the regression is 0.558or 55.80% which means that there is a positive correlation between motivational strategy teacher use and students learning achievements in English. In other words, the high score on one variable (motivational strategy teacher use) are associated with high score in the other variable (students learning achievement). (3) Since the regression of 0,558 or 55,80% measure the impact of motivational strategy towards students achievement, there must be other variable that exist in achieving a better result in learning besides motivational strategy which did not become variable in this research.


  Reflecting to the result of this research, the researcher would like to propose some suggestion as follows; (1) The motivational strategies conducted by teacher are necessary. The ten commandments’ of motivational strategy framework from Dornyei (2009) is proven effective to become a guidance for teacher who teach English as foreign language. (2) The present study took Junior High School of 7 Pontianak, Indonesia as the sample. Hence, to see the similar result obtained, there is a need for replication of the study for different sample population and different subject of study. (3) The present study proves a positive correlation between two variables of motivational strategy conducted by teacher and students achievement. Further research is needed to reveal another variable that also take a fundamental part in determining students’ achievement by correlate the variables to students’ achievement.


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