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  John Wheeler attracts a growing audience of seekers who are moving beyond traditional spiritual disciplines towards direct understanding. Clear In Your Heart contains further dialogues, correspondence and direct pointers in the style of John's previous books. The emphasis is on pure non-duality (or Advaita), which points directly to the true nature of the one who is seeking. This approach reveals what is real and true about who we are and clearly exposes the false ideas and beliefs that generate doubts, problems and suffering. The result, as shown in the dialogues in this book, is that those who are willing to explore these pointers come to a direct experience of freedom and the end of seeking and suffering. Sales Rank: #1605768 in Books Published on: 2010-07-30 Ingredients: Example Ingredients Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 8.50" h x .59" w x 5.51" l, .73 pounds Binding: Paperback 260 pages Most helpful customer reviews better, propping up beliefs, including non-dual beliefs, coming to a better understanding, creating a credible philosophical position, or any agenda at all, John's books are not for them. One very bright fellow told me they were boring and he just couldn't get into them. Yes, well..... So who are John's books for? Hopefully for you. These are "end-game" books. John's pointing has a laser- like precision that helps us see through all of our wrong beliefs and experiences, and recognize our true nature, which is always present and always available. If you are ready to put it all down and simply be what you are, this book is for you. Great preface by Rodney Stevens, who, with John's help, realized, "Oh, how wonderful it is...!" Thanks, John. Thanks, Rodney.

  20 of 21 people found the following review helpful. Don't forget to stop, right here and now--- By Don Wolfe Having just finished reading "Clear in Your Heart", which, I believe, is John Wheeler's clearest and most penetrating work to date, I'm reminded of a caveat by John given to this writer personally during a recent (and truly enjoyable) telephone conversation: John's suggestion: "Listen, Don, don't overshoot the mark!" Words can neither describe nor explain the profound effect this advice had on me; the best I can do is share the great joy and relief associated with (at long last!) the cessation of "chasing my own tail".

  John's latest book, written simply, methodically, and even, perhaps, poetically, has the capacity, if read attentively, to once and for all bring home to even the most frustrated and cynical "seeker" the ultimate truth: This, here and now, is it! Such was, is, and always will be the case, if you merely stop mentating and simply start looking! What a wonderful irony to finally have this realization which, of course, was never absent in the first place.


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