Lampiran 8 : Hasil Statistik Deskriptif Lampiran 9 : Hasil Uji Asumsi Klasik Lampiran 10: Hasil Uji Regresi Linear Berganda



Lampiran 1: Sampel Penelitian Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen yang Terdaftar di

Bursa Efek Indonesia

  Lampiran 2: Indikator yang menjadi Perhitungan

Lampiran 3: Perhitungan CR pada Perusahaan Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen



Lampiran 4: Perhitungan DER pada Perusahaan Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen



Lampiran 5: Perhitungan ITO pada Perusahaan Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen



Lampiran 6: Perhitungan ROE pada Perusahaan Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen



Lampiran 7: Perhitungan PER pada Perusahaan Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen


  Lampiran 8 : Hasil Statistik Deskriptif Lampiran 9 : Hasil Uji Asumsi Klasik Lampiran 10: Hasil Uji Regresi Linear Berganda


Lampiran 1

Sampel Penelitian Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen yang Terdaftar di Bursa

Efek Indonesia tahun 2012-2015




  1 ASII PT. Astra Internasional Tbk 04-Apr-1990

  2 AUTO PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk 15-Jun-1998

  3 BRAM PT. Indo Kordsa Tbk 05-Sep-1990

  4 GDYR PT. Goodyear Indonesia Tbk 01-Des-1980

  5 GJTL PT. Gajah Tunggal Tbk 08-Mei-1990

  6 IMAS PT. Indomobil Sukses International Tbk 15-Sep-1993

  7 INDS PT. Indospring Tbk 10-Aug-1990

  8 LPIN PT. Multi Prima Sejahtera Tbk 05-Feb-1990

  9 MASA PT. Multistrada Arah Sarana Tbk 09-Jun-2005

  10 NIPS PT. Nipres Tbk 24-Jul-1991

  11 PRAS PT. Prima Alloy Steel Universal Tbk 12-Jul-1990

  12 SMSM PT. Selamat Sempurna Tbk 09-Sep-1990


Lampiran 2

Indikator yang Menjadi Perhitungan

2012 2013 2014 2015 Aset Lancar

  ASII 75.799.000.000.000 88.352.000.000.000 AUTO 3.205.631.000.000 4.896.682.000.000 4.796.770.000.000 BRAM 830.921.425.130 1.354.185.778.896 1.401.392.741.954 GDYR 598.085.007.272 605.224.069.120 778.519.236.444 798.033.414.650 GJTL 6.843.853.000.000 6.602.281.000.000

  IMAS 9.850.095.954.329 11.634.955.170.257 11.845.370.194.860

  INDS 877.635.915.018 1.086.590.779.051 975.954.232.621 992.929.224.058 LPIN 95.726.263.363 117.583.929.998 84.882.248.725 142.576.406.096 MASA 1.644.677.115.662 1.968.790.111.456 2.183.557.239.758 NIPS 308.486.312.000 534.840.333.000 671.452.284.000 701.282.705.000 PRAS 197.198.600.380 331.855.600.868 566.779.211.419 658.889.212.539 SMSM 986.324.235.891 1.133.730.000.000 1.368.558.000.000 2012 2013 2014 2015 Utang Lancar

  ASII AUTO 2.751.766.000.000 2.661.312.000.000 3.857.809.000.000 3.625.907.000.000 BRAM 390.549.003.362 706.551.216.928 956.599.789.524 775.763.748.306 GDYR 668.388.304.224 644.948.059.680 824.455.479.804 852.087.981.140 GJTL 2.964.235.000.000 3.713.148.000.000

  IMAS 7.963.486.975.807 10.720.516.169.124 11.473.255.532.702 13.035.531.353.729

  INDS 371.743.866.089 281.799.219.289 335.123.443.361 445.006.853.182 LPIN 32.995.214.492 47.334.458.367 180.556.111.049 MASA 1.180.412.892.636 1.186.691.002.818 1.699.064.633.222 NIPS 278.822.186.000 508.836.644.000 518.954.801.000 669.595.797.000 PRAS 177.151.899.038 321.945.837.163 564.899.086.298 655.589.698.468 SMSM 480.851.511.068 524.654.000.000 536.800.000.000 571.712.000.000

  2012 2013 2014 2015 ASII 92.460.000.000.000 107.806.000.000.000 115.840.000.000.000 118.902.000.000.000 AUTO 3.396.543.000.000 3.058.924.000.000 4.244.862.000.000 4.195.684.000.000 BRAM 583.547.165.960 923.755.158.816 1.616.909.113.590 1.494.772.943.566 GDYR 684.942.445.258 664.884.345.024 858.313.951.554 876.182.546.636 GJTL 7.391.409.000.000 9.626.411.000.000 10.485.032.000.000 12.115.363.000.000

  IMAS 11.869.218.951.856 15.655.152.396.933 16.753.973.180.065 18.163.865.982.392

  INDS 528.206.496.386 443.652.749.965 459.998.606.660 634.889.428.231 LPIN 37.413.214.492 52.980.206.367 48.626.571.931 207.564.071.081 MASA 2.429.583.028.886 3.077.923.108.608 3.113.850.675.936 3.472.371.951.378 NIPS 322.620.214.000 562.461.853.000 624.632.294.000 938.717.411.000

  PRAS 389.182.140.905 601.006.310.349 811.177.918.367 SMSM 646.095.282.949 695.957.000.000 635.514.000.000 779.860.000.000 Total Utang 2012 2013 2014 2015

  ASII 89.814.000.000.000 126.533.000.000.000 AUTO 5.485.099.000.000 9.425.919.000.000 10.142.706.000.000 10.143.426.000.000 BRAM 1.632.114.305.314 1.975.181.227.872 2.199.454.519.116 2.510.949.078.006 GDYR 507.370.869.624 681.907.787.968 700.491.542.724 761.546.988.902 GJTL 5.478.384.000.000 5.724.343.000.000 5.637.004.000.000 5.394.142.000.000

  IMAS 5.708.445.072.505 6.659.870.110.697 6.719.823.608.395 6.697.091.857.105

  INDS 1.136.572.861.829 1.752.865.614.508 1.822.667.471.833 1.919.038.917.988 LPIN 134.855.613.501 143.410.609.857 116.490.714.202 MASA 3.579.220.252.804 4.551.387.301.888 4.628.740.449.684 4.741.667.755.684 NIPS 202.073.660.000 235.945.772.000 582.222.106.000 609.002.679.000 PRAS 280.293.729.818 406.448.113.303 685.821.589.456 720.564.133.797 SMSM 910.119.059.264 1.016.753.000.000 1.440.248.000.000 Modal Sendiri

  2012 2013 2014 2015 ASII 193.880.000.000.000 201.701.000.000.000 AUTO 8.277.485.000.000 10.701.988.000.000 12.255.427.000.000 11.723.787.000.000 BRAM 1.675.538.304.716 2.427.635.430.112 2.571.121.595.388 2.853.176.224.122 GDYR 1.957.137.652.250 1.989.950.061.216 GJTL 12.578.596.000.000 12.352.917.000.000 13.070.734.000.000 12.970.237.000.000

  IMAS 19.780.838.058.900 20.094.736.395.135 19.458.165.173.088 18.099.979.783.215

  INDS 1.476.987.701.603 1.702.447.098.851 1.866.977.260.105 1.659.505.639.261 LPIN 68.736.656.643 70.155.464.867 77.790.171.689 MASA 3.087.521.302.278 3.928.155.954.336 3.491.126.595.348 3.253.367.458.404 NIPS 702.719.255.000 911.064.069.000 1.015.868.035.000 987.862.829.000 PRAS 310.224.018.731 316.174.631.298 445.664.542.004 469.645.085.526 SMSM 2.381.889.000.000 2.632.860.000.000 2.802.924.000.000 Penjualan 2012 2013 2014 2015

  ASII 14.433.000.000.000 16.986.000.000.000 18.337.000.000.000 AUTO 1.472.428.000.000 1.718.663.000.000 1.749.263.000.000 BRAM 354.116.464.624 510.124.891.872 656.001.099.276 716.871.302.130 GDYR 245.371.843.994 288.597.900.128 379.396.184.166 360.830.666.490 GJTL 1.478.827.000.000 1.820.112.000.000 2.112.616.000.000

  IMAS 3.888.214.740.154 4.498.533.194.624 3.366.038.875.959 2.818.952.958.749

  INDS 528.533.039.343 383.515.708.536 478.330.720.924 538.841.439.260 LPIN 26.665.573.944 46.082.485.435 53.259.970.197 39.606.789.768 MASA 917.190.939.672 1.081.389.883.836 974.802.662.474 NIPS 225.074.574.000 246.439.073.000 PRAS 119.894.122.220 153.754.605.992 205.840.908.489 286.994.128.546 SMSM 424.597.061.201 401.681.000.000 432.027.000.000 560.755.000.000 Persediaan

  2012 2013 2014 2015 ASII 22.742.000.000.000 15.613.000.000.000

IMAS 899.090.885.530 621.139.761.829 -67.093.347.900 -22.489.430.531

  66 BRAM 358,9006 129,7696 394,8582 317,0706 GDYR 1539,52 1334,08 84,1704 -4,1178 GJTL 325

  21 PRAS 26,5 18,8 18,8 9,2 SMSM 152 214 271 297 EPS



  INDS 422,80 279,62 193,27 1,44 LPIN 781 403 -478 -831 MASA 28,866 485,12 86,646 -4117,8 NIPS 1081

  35 81,22 -89,92

  ASII 480 480 474 357 AUTO 264 209 180

  AUTO 1.135.914.000.000 999.766.000.000 954.086.000.000 322.701.000.000 BRAM 216.940.652.552 67.216.650.560 203.332.118.688 172.585.315.956 GDYR 56.205.894.048 34.417.920.216 -1.523.284.028 GJTL 120.330.000.000 -313.326.000.000

  SMSM 2525 3450 4750 4760 Harga Saham 2012 2013 2014 2015

  INDS 3924 2140 1600 350 LPIN 7650 5000 6200 5375 MASA 450 390 420 351 NIPS 113 323 487 425 PRAS 255 185 204 125

  IMAS 5300 4900 4000 2365

  ASII 7600 6800 7425 6000 AUTO 3548 3650 4200 1600 BRAM 3000 2250 5000 4680 GDYR 1230 1900 1600 2725 GJTL 2225 1680 1425 530

  PRAS 15.565.386.865 13.196.638.424 11.340.527.608 6.437.333.237 SMSM 286.929.498.426 352.701.000.000 421.095.000.000 461.307.000.000 Laba Bersih setelah pajak 2012 2013 2014 2015

  INDS 147.608.449.013 127.819.512.585 1.933.819.152 LPIN 16.599.848.712 8.554.996.356 -9.416.233.847 -18.173.655.308 MASA 3.076.605.634 43.679.780.320 6.809.088.288 -368.667.635.998 NIPS 21.610.141.000 33.872.112.000 49.741.721.000 30.671.339.000

IMAS 289,93 192,55 -45,72 -16,54


Lampiran 3

Perhitungan CR pada Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen tahun 2012-2015

2012 2013 2014 2015

  ASII 1,399 1,242 1,310 1,379 AUTO 1,165 1,840 1,332 1,323 BRAM 2,128 1,571 1,416 1,806 GDYR 0,895 0,938 0,944 0,937

  GJTL 1,720 2,309 2,016 1,778

  IMAS 1,237 1,085 1,032 0,935

  INDS 2,361 3,856 2,912 2,231 LPIN 2,901 2,484 2,163 0,790 MASA 1,393 1,555 1,748 1,285 NIPS 1,106 1,051 1,294 1,047

  PRAS 1,113 1,031 1,003 1,005 SMSM 2,051 2,112 2,112 2,394 CR

  Lampiran 4

Perhitungan DER pada Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen tahun 2012-2015

  2012 2013 2014 2015 ASII 1,029 1,015 0,964 0,940 AUTO

  0,619 0,325 0,419 0,414 BRAM 0,358 0,468 0,735 0,595 GDYR 1,350 0,975 1,225 1,151

  GJTL 1,349 1,682 1,860 2,246

  IMAS 2,079 2,351 2,493 2,712

  INDS 0,465 0,253 0,252 0,331 LPIN 0,277 0,369 0,368 1,782 MASA 0,679 0,676 0,673 0,732 NIPS 1,597 2,384 1,073 1,541

  PRAS 1,060 0,958 0,876 1,126 SMSM 0,710 0,684 0,566 0,541 DER

  Lampiran 5 Perhitungan ITO pada Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen tahun 2012-2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 ASII 12,303 13,433 11,875 10,045 AUTO 7,165 7,268 7,131 6,702

  BRAM 4,732 4,759 3,919 3,980 GDYR 7,976 7,748 5,245 5,873 GJTL 8,506 6,787 5,817 6,139

  IMAS 5,087 4,467 5,781 6,421

  INDS 2,795 4,439 3,903 3,080 LPIN 2,578 1,676 1,317 1,964 MASA 3,366 3,776 3,228 3,337 NIPS 5,707 4,717 4,513 4,009

  PRAS 2,587 2,056 2,165 1,636 SMSM 5,345 5,930 6,094 4,998



Lampiran 6

Perhitungan ROE pada Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen tahun 2012-2015

2012 2013 2014 2015

  ASII 0,253 0,210 0,184 0,123 AUTO 0,207 0,106 0,094 0,032 BRAM 0,133 0,034 0,092 0,069 GDYR 0,127 0,082 0,049 -0,002

  INDS 0,118 0,084 0,070 0,001 LPIN 0,123 0,060 -0,071 -0,156 MASA 0,001 0,010 0,001 -0,078 NIPS 0,107 0,144 0,085 0,050

  PRAS 0,056 0,032 0,017 0,009 SMSM 0,315 0,347 0,375 0,320


GJTL 0,207 0,021 0,050 -0,058

  Lampiran 7 Perhitungan PER pada Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen tahun 2012-2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 ASII 15,833 14,167 15,665 16,807 AUTO 13,439 17,464 23,333 24,242

  BRAM 8,359 17,338 12,663 14,760 GDYR 0,799 1,424 19,009 -661,761

GJTL 6,846 48,000 17,545 -5,894

  INDS 9,281 7,653 8,279 243,056 LPIN 9,795 12,407 -12,971 -6,468 MASA

  15,589 0,804 4,847 -0,085 NIPS 0,105 6,872 14,758 20,238 PRAS 9,623 9,840 10,851 13,587

  SMSM 16,612 16,121 17,528 16,027 PER

  Lampiran 8 Hasil Statistik Desktiptif

  1. Statistik Deskriptif Sebelum Normalitas Descriptive Statistics

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation CR 48 ,790 3,856 1,59865 ,647700 DER 48 ,252 2,712 1,02765 ,664685

  ITO 48 1,317 13,433 5,29948 2,720027 ROE 48 -,156 ,375 ,08898 ,110172 PER 48 -661,761 243,056 -2,54919 106,729233 Valid N (listwise)


  2. Statistik Deskriptif Setelah Normalitas Descriptive Statistics

  N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation CR 44 ,790 3,856 1,62727 ,648469 DER 44 ,252 2,384 ,96909 ,593162

  ITO 44 1,317 13,433 5,30045 2,816013 ROE 44 -,156 ,375 ,09739 ,111345 PER 44 -12,971 48,000 11,97318 9,981184 Valid N (listwise)



Lampiran 9

Hasil Uji Asumsi Klasik

  One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,591 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,876 a. Test distribution is Normal.

  Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,089 Positive ,089 Negative -,077

  0E-7 Std. Deviation 9,32965936



  44 Normal Parameters


  Unstandardized Residual

  b. Calculated from data.

  1. Uji Normalitas Uji Normalitas Awal

  Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1,921 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,001 a. Test distribution is Normal.

  Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,277 Positive ,276 Negative -,277

  0E-7 Std. Deviation 102,68022172



  48 Normal Parameters


  Unstandardized Residual

  2. Uji Normalitas Akhir One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

  b. Calculated from data.


  2. Uji Multtikolonieritas Coefficients a

  Model Unstandardized Coefficients

  Standardized Coefficients t Sig.

  Collinearity Statistics B Std.

  Error Beta Tolerance

  VIF 1 (Constant) 3,849 7,196 ,535 ,596 CR 1,043 2,743 ,068 ,380 ,706 ,706 1,417 DER 1,561 2,901 ,093 ,538 ,594 ,754 1,326

  ITO ,518 ,645 ,146 ,803 ,427 ,677 1,476 ROE 22,285 16,450 ,249 1,355 ,183 ,665 1,503

  a. Dependent Variable: PER

  3. Uji Heteroskedastisitas Uji Glejser Coefficients a

  Model Unstandardized Coefficients

  Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Kesimpulan

  B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) -2,383 3,832 -,622 ,538 CR 2,704 1,460 ,272 1,852 ,072 Tidak Terjadi Heteroskedastisitas DER 4,185 1,544 ,386 2,710 ,010 Terjadi Heteroskedastisitas

  ITO ,761 ,343 ,333 2,218 ,032 Terjadi Heteroskedastisitas ROE -35,262 8,759 -,610 -4,026 ,000 Terjadi Heteroskedastisitas

  a. Dependent Variable: uji_glejser


Uji Korelasi Spearman



  ITO ROE Absres Spearman's rho

  Correlation Coefficient 1,000 -,634 -,060 ,185 -,271

  • Sig. (2-tailed) . ,000 ,700 ,229 ,075

  CR N






  Correlation Coefficient -,634 1,000 ,203 -,059 ,327 DER Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 . ,185 ,705 ,030







  • Correlation Coefficient -,060 ,203 1,000 ,583 ,095

  ITO Sig. (2-tailed) ,700 ,185 . ,000 ,538 N






  Correlation Coefficient ,185 -,059 ,583 1,000 -,496 ROE Sig. (2-tailed) ,229 ,705 ,000 . ,001







  Correlation Coefficient -,271 ,327 ,095 -,496 1,000 Absres Sig. (2-tailed) ,075 ,030 ,538 ,001 .






  44 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

  • . Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


Transformasi Heteroskedastisitas

a Coefficients

  Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients

  Model t Sig.

  B Std. Error Beta

  1 (Constant) 11,328 2,939 3,855 ,000

  INVERSE_DER ,665 2,594 ,040 ,256 ,799

  a. Dependent Variable: PER



Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.

  Coefficients Coefficients B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 9,169 1,925 4,763 ,000

  INVERSEROE 28,792 13,099 ,321 2,198 ,034

  a. Dependent Variable: PER

4. Uji Autokorelasi b Model Summary

  Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Durbin-Watson Square Estimate


  1 ,355 ,126 ,037 9,796427 1,779

  a. Predictors: (Constant), ROE, DER, CR, ITO

  b. Dependent Variable: PER

  Lampiran 10 Uji Regresi Linear Berganda Coefficients a

  Model Unstandardized Coefficients

  Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3,849 7,196 ,535 ,596

  CR 1,043 2,743 ,068 ,380 ,706 DER 1,561 2,901 ,093 ,538 ,594

  ITO ,518 ,645 ,146 ,803 ,427 ROE 22,285 16,450 ,249 1,355 ,183

  a. Dependent Variable: PER



URN_ON_E.docx Date: 2017-04-06 02:47 UTC Results of plagiarism analysis from 2017-04-06 02:52 UTC 4281 matches from 100 sources, of which 28 are online sources.

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  [0] (459 matches, 0.0%95.0%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_13....N_RETURN_ON_.docx" dated 2017-04-05

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PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_13....ITAS_SEBAGAI.docx" dated 2017-02-07 [13] (44 matches, 1.2% /5.4%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_13...._dan_implika.docx" dated 2017-03-09 [14] (43 matches, 1.2% /5.3%) from your PlagScan document "SIKRIPSI_13...CSR_dan_Impl.docx" dated 2017-03-07 [15] (55 matches, 1.1% /5.6%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI/TUG...jualan_terha.docx" dated 2017-02-08 [16] (44 matches, 1.6% /5.1%) from [17] (36 matches, 2.0% /4.9%) from [18] (51 matches, 1.4% /5.5%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11...._AUDIT,_DAN_V.doc" dated 2017-03-15 [19] (50 matches, 1.5% /5.4%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11...._AUDIT,_DAN_V.doc" dated 2017-03-15 [20] (41 matches, 1.2% /4.8%) from [21] (51 matches, 1.6% /5.3%) from your PlagScan document "13.30.0192 ...ELOK DWINANDA.pdf" dated 2017-03-08 [22] (47 matches, 0.5% /4.8%) from [23] (53 matches, 1.3% /5.2%) from your PlagScan document "Handayani_1...alitas_Laba,.docx" dated 2017-03-07 (+ 1 documents with identical matches) [25] (41 matches, 1.9% /4.9%) from [26] (42 matches, 1.6% /4.7%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_12....I_PERUSAHAAN.docx" dated 2016-11-01 [27] (37 matches, 0.9% /4.6%) from your PlagScan document "12.92.0069 Adytami Mudita.pdf" dated 2016-10-10 (+ 1 documents with identical matches) [29] (41 matches, 1.5% /4.5%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_12....I_PERUSAHAAN.docx" dated 2016-10-29 [30] (45 matches, 0.8% /4.5%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_13....W_TERHADAP_DI.doc" dated 2017-02-06 [31] (47 matches, 1.7% /4.7%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_10...._KAP,Ukuran_.docx" dated 2017-03-13 [32] (43 matches, 1.3% /4.0%) from [33] (44 matches, 0.9% /4.3%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_13....ROFITABILITA.docx" dated 2017-03-09 [34] (36 matches, 0.8% /4.1%) from [35] (36 matches, 1.0% /4.0%) from [36] (46 matches, 1.2% /4.3%) from your PlagScan document "Handayani_A...ualitas_laba.docx" dated 2017-03-27 (+ 1 documents with identical matches) [38] (33 matches, 0.7% /3.9%) from II.pdf [39] (39 matches, 1.5% /4.4%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_11...._Audit,_dan_V.doc" dated 2017-02-08 [40] (43 matches, 1.5% /4.2%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....HAAN,_LEVERA.docx" dated 2017-02-02 [41] (41 matches, 2.0% /4.1%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_12....ployee_Stock.docx" dated 2017-03-16 [42] (36 matches, 1.2% /3.9%) from!@file_skripsi/Isi4293430577192.pdf [43] (38 matches, 1.2% /4.1%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11...._Harga_Saham.docx" dated 2016-10-31 [44] (42 matches, 0.7% /3.9%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_13...._Profitabili.docx" dated 2017-02-07 (+ 1 documents with identical matches) [46] (35 matches, 0.7% /3.6%) from [47] (33 matches, 0.9% /3.7%) from https://manajemenfeunwar.files.wordpress...9/09/keuangan-eduar-haryadi-nop-2015.doc [48] (38 matches, 1.1% /3.8%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_086...ce_Terhadap_N.doc" dated 2017-03-06 [49] (39 matches, 0.7% /3.8%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....DAN_DIVIDEN_.docx" dated 2017-03-15 [50] (33 matches, 0.6% /3.8%) from [51] (38 matches, 0.7% /3.6%) from your PlagScan document "Ismaya_Riri..._dan_Dividen.docx" dated 2016-10-28 [52] (35 matches, 1.1% /3.5%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_12....RETURN_SAHAM.docx" dated 2016-11-01 [53] (34 matches, 0.6% /3.4%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_13....NTERPRISE_RE.docx" dated 2017-03-12 [54] (31 matches, 1.1% /3.4%) from dan Perputaran Piutang.pdf [55] (34 matches, 1.3% /3.4%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....RGANTIAN_KANT.doc" dated 2017-02-02 [56] (36 matches, 0.7% /3.4%) from your PlagScan document "11.60.0064 ririn ismaya.docx" dated 2016-10-26 [57] (37 matches, 0.7% /3.3%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....EMUAN_KOMITE_.doc" dated 2017-03-02 (+ 2 documents with identical matches) [60] (37 matches, 0.6% /3.3%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....MUAN_KOMITE_A.doc" dated 2017-03-05 [61] (31 matches, 0.8% /3.4%) from your PlagScan document "12.30.0187 ...inowigunanto.docx" dated 2017-03-08 [62] (34 matches, 0.6% /3.1%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_13....vidend_Policy.doc" dated 2017-02-06 [63] (31 matches, 1.4% /3.4%) from [64] (35 matches, 1.3% /3.4%) from your PlagScan document "Erawati_Fit...sional_Audit.docx" dated 2017-02-06 [65] (32 matches, 0.4% /3.2%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....NGKUNGAN_TER.docx" dated 2017-03-06 [66] (32 matches, 1.0% /3.2%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_12....AM_PERUSAHAA.docx" dated 2017-02-08 [67] (31 matches, 0.7% /2.8%) from [68] (33 matches, 0.6% /3.1%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_11....AP_FEE_AUDIT.docx" dated 2017-04-05 [69] (33 matches, 0.7% /3.0%) from your PlagScan document "12.30.0089 ...ia Dwicahya C.pdf" dated 2016-10-05 [70] (32 matches, 1.0% /3.0%) from your PlagScan document "11.60.0182 ...a Dwitayanti_.pdf" dated 2016-10-07 [71] (30 matches, 0.4% /3.1%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....GKUNGAN_TERHA.doc" dated 2017-03-30 [71] (30 matches, 0.4% /3.1%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....GKUNGAN_TERHA.doc" dated 2017-03-30 [72] (32 matches, 1.3% /3.2%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_11....onal_Auditor.docx" dated 2017-02-07 [73] (30 matches, 0.3% /3.0%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11....GKUNGAN_TERHA.doc" dated 2017-03-31 [74] (22 matches, 1.4% /2.7%) from [75] (28 matches, 0.6% /2.8%) from your PlagScan document "Sari_Asni_K...ruhnya_Terha.docx" dated 2017-03-09 [76] (31 matches, 0.7% /3.0%) from your PlagScan document "08.60.0033 Shirley 2601.pdf" dated 2016-10-26 [77] (31 matches, 0.6% /2.8%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_13....ANAJMENE_LABA.pdf" dated 2016-11-10 [78] (22 matches, 0.5% /2.2%) from

  [79] (21 matches, 0.7% /2.7%) from [80] (30 matches, 1.0% /2.9%) from your PlagScan document "11.60.0182 ...Dwitayanti_11.pdf" dated 2016-10-11 (+ 1 documents with identical matches) [82] (22 matches, 0.1% /2.8%) from II.pdf [83] (21 matches, 1.0% /2.5%) from [84] (25 matches, 1.1% /2.9%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_12....AN_PELANGGAN.docx" dated 2017-03-17 [85] (19 matches, 0.0%2.8%) from [86] (34 matches, 0.6% /2.7%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_13....AN_ASING_DAN.docx" dated 2017-04-05 [87] (26 matches, 0.5% /2.7%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_086...CIAL_DISTRESS.doc" dated 2017-03-06 [88] (27 matches, 0.5% /2.7%) from your PlagScan document "Skripsi_11....p_efisiensi_.docx" dated 2017-02-07 [89] (28 matches, 0.8% /2.7%) from [90] (27 matches, 0.9% /2.6%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_11...._Laba,_Propo.docx" dated 2016-11-04 [91] (30 matches, 0.7% /2.6%) from your PlagScan document "Caudia D.C 12.30.0089.pdf" dated 2016-10-10 [92] (22 matches, 0.7% /2.3%) from [93] (26 matches, 0.6% /2.4%) from your PlagScan document "Sari_Asni_K...RUHNYA_TERHA.docx" dated 2017-02-07 [94] (28 matches, 0.6% /2.5%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_13....NAJEMEN_LABA.docx" dated 2016-11-11 [95] (26 matches, 0.9% /2.6%) from your PlagScan document "12.30.0294 Caecilia .pdf" dated 2016-10-03 [96] (25 matches, 0.6% /2.4%) from your PlagScan document "PROPOSAL_12...SIKLUS_HIDUP.docx" dated 2016-11-09 [97] (25 matches, 0.8% /2.7%) from your PlagScan document "10.61.0030_..._Bank_Syariah.doc" dated 2017-03-21 [98] (23 matches, 1.2% /2.4%) from [99] (29 matches, 0.6% /2.6%) from your PlagScan document "SKRIPSI_13....osedur_Audit.docx" dated 2017-03-14


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  Analyzed document

  =====================1/62====================== PENGARUH CURRENT RATIO, DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO,

  INVENTORY TURNOVER DAN RETURN ON EQUITY TERHADAP PRICE EARNING RATIO (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponen Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2015) SKRIPSI Diajukan untuk memenuhi syarat guna mencapai gelar Sarjana Ekonomi pada Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata Semarang Disusun oleh : Thio, Kori Karunia Odelia 13.30.0121 PROGRAM STUDI MANAJEMEN FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK SOEGIJAPRANATA SEMARANG 2017 =====================2/62======================


  1.1. Latar Belakang Kondisi perekonomian Indonesia terus mengalami perubahan pada tiga tahun terakhir ini. Hal ini dilihat dari tahun 2012-2014 pada masa pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Jusuf Kalla, bahwa pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia mengalami penurunan. Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat bahwa pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia pada tahun 2012 sebesar 6,19 % mengalami penurunan pada tahun 2013 sebesar 5,56 % dan mengalami penurunan kembali menjadi 5,02 % pada tahun 2014. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada masa pemerintahan Jokowi dan Jusuf Kalla. Menurut Badan Pusat Statistik pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia mengalami penurunan menjadi 4,79 % pada tahun 2015, hal tersebut disebabkan karena anjloknya konsumsi rumah tangga seperti: makanan jadi, minuman, rokok, dll. Dibawah ini merupakan data pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pada lima tahun terakhir yaitu pada tahun 2010- 2015.

  =====================3/62====================== Diagram 1.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2010-2015 Sumber : Badan Pusat Statistik Dengan adanya kondisi perekonomian Indonesia yang selalu mengalami ketidakpastian tersebut, tentunya akan berpengaruh besar terhadap seluruh sektor industri salah satunya adalah industri otomotif. Industri otomotif berperan penting dalam perekonomian nasional. Selain menyediakan angkutan penumpang dan barang, industri otomotif juga telah membuka lapangan kerja ( Menurut Basri (2016) Indonesia merupakan produsen otomotif terbesar kedua di ASEAN dan sebagai penyumbang dalam pendapat nasional. Tanpa adanya industri otomotif, maka perekonomian Indonesia akan terus mengalami gejolak. Untuk itu setiap perusahaan terkhusus industri otomotif harus mampu meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam melaksanakan efisiensi di semua aspek manajemen, salah satunya adalah aspek manajemen keuangan. Manajemen keuangan yang baik dapat dilihat dari kinerja suatu perusahaan. Oleh sebab itu, tujuan utama manajemen keuangan adalah untuk memaksimalkan harga saham =====================4/62====================== dan untuk memahami kinerja perusahaan dalam laporan keuangan, yang dapat dianalisis melalui analisis rasio keuangan. Analisis rasio keuangan merupakan alat untuk menganalisa keadaan atau posisi keuangan dalam perusahaan. Menurut Prihadi (2008) Analisis rasio