The Ability of The First Year Students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa in Using Elliptical Sentences - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar



  A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science

Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar




Reg. Number: 20401106183







  Dengan senantiasa mengharapkan ridho Allah SWT, yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini mengatakan bahwa skripsi ini adalah benar-benar hasil karya penyusun sendiri jika dikemudian hari terbukti bahwa skripsi ini merupakan duplikat atau tiruan atau di buat oleh orang lain secara keseluruhan atau sebagian, maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh karenanya batal demi hokum.

  Makassar, 2 Oktober 2010 Penulis Nur Ihsan NIM 20401106183 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the writer expresses his gratitude to the God Almighy who bestows and blesses him, so he could finish writing this thesis.

  The writer realizes that this thesis would not finish without helping and the guidance from the other people, so he is to express to his deepest indebtedness to the following person: 1.

  The researcher’s beloved parents, H. Abduh Muhsinin S,Ag and Halimah who always educate, encourage, provide m aterial support, and pray for the researcher’s health and success.

  2. Prof. Dr. H. Azhar Arsyad, M.A.,the Rector of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) Makassar for his advice during the researcher studied at the University.

  3. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Natsir Mahmud, M.A. as the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) Makassar for his advice and motivation.

  4. Dra. Djuwairiah Ahmad, M.Pd., M. TESOL and Dra. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I, the head and secretary of English education department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN)Makassar for his advice and motivation.

  5. The most profound thanks go to the all lecturers of English Department and all staffs of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training Faculty, State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar for their help, support, and guidance during the researcher studies at State Islamic University of Alauddin Makassar especially for Drs. H.

  Abd. Muis Said, M. Ed and H. Nur asik M. Hum., the first and the second consultant for their guidance and advice during writing thesis.

  6. The researcher’s beloved family; grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts cousin, the researcher’s beloved sisters and brothers, Khaerunnisa A.Ma, and Miskul Hitam SPd, Anhikmansyah S

  .Kom, and M. Fadlin, and the researcher’s beloved nephew and niece; Muhammad Insanulhaq and Ainun Jumriatillah. All of family that could not be mentioned here. Thanks for help and motivation.

  7. The first year of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa who had been actively participated to be the respondents of the research.

  8. The researcher’s best friends, they are Rahmawati, Bunda Mut, Oca(Raodah), Ica(sitti Aisah), Uci(Al-Suzianti), Shue, Asma Sweet(asmawati Jamal), Kanda Tia, and Unhy thank you so much because you always accompany the researcher in joy, happiness, sadness and sorrow during in Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar.

  9. The researcher’s classmate in English Department PBI 9&10 (EIGO NINETEN/LOVAMATES INVICTUS SPIRIT) (the 2006 generation), best friends in Uni Husni, Cuan S uardi, Abdi SPd, K’Lina, Gusniar SPd, Sayyidina Ali

  SPd , Suharni, K’ Ria, Musdalifa SPd, Irfan, Ela, Rusni SP.d, Ela, putri AS, SPd,

  Raslia, Ani, Aminah, Raodah, Sa’diah, Mardiah, Nurbiah SPd, Rusni, yudain, Andis, Dinar, juharni, Inci, Uswah, Muhajir SPd. All of friends that could not mentioned here. Thanks for friendship, togetherness and suggestions to the researcher.

  10. The researchers’ friends at dormitory; Nurfadillah (ibu kost), Uswah, Farida, Syita, Unna, Hasria Alang, Ira, Pati, Ana

  , Rufi’ah, Inna, Aelyia, Marni, Nisa, Yhuni, Hayati, Rina, Nani, Fatimah Junari, Tila,

  Sube’, Hera and all friends could not be mentioned here. Thanks for help and motivation.

  11. Drs. H. Muhammad Hasbi as the headmaster of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa, and special for the English teacher of the first year students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa, Dra. Hj. Rukmini, and the staff of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa for their help during the writer research.

12. The researcher’s friends at KKN Paitanna Crew; Karaeng Sijaya (Pak Desa),

  Karaeng Romba (Bu Desa), Karaeng Nakku’, Karaeng Jalling, Lanti, Makka, Kobi, rezky, Ika, Numa, Inna, Suri, Dinal, and Dulla. Thanks for friendship, help, suggestion and motivation.

  The researcher realizes that, this writing thesis is still the simplest one. Remaining errors are the researcher’s own; therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions will be highly appreciated.

  Makassar, 06 Oktober 2010 The Writer


  TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ i DECLARATION OF THESIS ORIGINALLY .................................................. ii THESIS APPROVAL........................................................................................... iii EXAMI NERS’ APPROVAL ............................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... viii LIST OF T

  ABLE ……………………………………………………………… ix LIST OF APEDDICES ....................................................................................... x ABSTRAC

  T …………………………………………………………………… xi

  CHAPTER I. I NTRODUCTION ……………………………………………… 1 A. Background ……………………………………………………… 1 B. Problem Statements ……………………………………………… 3 C. Objectives of the Research ………………………………………. 3 D. Significance of the Research …………………………………….. 3 E. Scope of the Research …………………………………………… 4 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE…………………………. 5 A. Previous Related Research Findings……………………….

  5 B. Kinds of Elliptical Sentences……………………………….


  Method of the Research…………………………………………… 15 B. Population and Sample……………………………………………. 15 C. Instruments of the Research………………………………………. 16 D.

  Procedure of Data Analysis……………………………………….. 16 E. Technique of Data Analysis………………………………………. 17

  CHAPTER IV. FINDING S AND DISCUSSIONS ……………………………… 20 A. Findings ………………………………………………………… 20


  Discussions …………………………………………………….. 35

CHAPTER V. CONCLUS IONS AND SUGGESTIONS ………………………… 38 A. Conclusions …………………………………………………….. 38 B. Suggestions …………………………………………………….. 39 BIBLIOGR APHY ………………………………………………………………… 40 APPENDIX ……………………………………………………………………….. 41 CURI CULUM VITAE…………………………………………………………………



  Table 1. Rate Percentage of The Students’ Score in Using Elliptical Sentences…………………………………………………………………. 21

  Table 2. The Students Interesting in Learning English……………………………. 25 Table 3. The Difficulties that the Students F ound in Learning English…………… 26 Table 4. The Students’ Interesting in Learning Elliptical Sentences………............ 27 Table 5. The Students’ Opinion about Studying Elliptical Sentences…………….. 28 Table 6. The Students’ Understanding in Learning Elliptical Sentences…………. 29 Table 7. The Students’ Opinion about the Teachers’ Method which is used in Learning

  Elliptical Sentences……………………………………………………… 30 Table 8. The Students’ Frequency to Get Assignment from the Teacher in Using

  Elliptical S entences……………………………………………………… 31 Table 9. The Students’ Cooperation in doing exercises………………………….. 32 Table 10. The Resources that Support the Students’ Learning Process………….. 33 Table 11. The Students’ Lack in Learning Elliptical Sentences…………………. 34


  APPENDIX A. The Students’ Score in Using Elliptical Sentences……………

  41 APPENDIX B. Test of Research……………………………………………….

  43 APPENDIX C. Key Answer……………………………………………………

  47 APPENDIX D. Questionna ire of Research…………………………………….




Name : Nur Ihsan Reg Number : 20401106183

Title : The Ability of the first year students of SMAN 1

Sungguminasa Gowa in Using Elliptical Sentences. Consultant I : Drs. H. Nur Asik, M.Hum. Consultant II : Drs. H. Abdul Muis Said, M.Ed

  This thesis explained about the students’ ability and their problems in using elliptical sentence. The problem statements of the research are: 1). what the students’ ability in using elliptical sentences a nd 2). What are the students’ problems in using elliptical sentences?

  The objectives of the research were to find out the students’ ability and their problems in using elliptical sentences at the first year students’ of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa. This research applied descriptive method.

  The population of the research was the first year students’ of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa that consists of 364 students and the sample consists 30 students taken one class. In collecting data, the research used two kinds of instruments, namely: (1) objective test and (2) questionnaire. The objective test used to find out the students’ ability in using elliptical sentences and questionnaire was to find out the students’ problems in using elliptical sentences.

  The result of the data indicated that the first year students ’ of SMAN 1

  Sungguminasa Gowa in mastery the elliptical sentences was low. The mean score of the students shows that the students’ mastery in using elliptical sentences was 5. 4, the highest score was 9 (3.33 %) the student was got only one highest score and no one students got lowest score. Based on the previous classification of the score, the score of the students as stated above was classified as a poor score, it was proved that the mastery of elliptical sentenc es at the first year students’ of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa is still low.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Basically, language is a tool to express concept, idea, opinion and

  feeling. What one says, informs, tells, or sends needs language, of course (Saukah, Ali and Murdjibjono. 1994: 1).

  One of the foreign languages taught in Indonesia is English. It is the first language in Indonesia which is considered important for absorbing development of science, technology and art as well as for building a relation with other nations in the world and it is taught as a compulsory subject from the junior high school and up to some universities, where English has a lot of components, such as: vocabulary, Grammar and sound system they can not be separated among them because they were related to another.

  Based on the components of English mentioned above, the writer focuses her attention about grammatical component because it makes the students easy to understand in a sentence so grammatical component as important component that must be learned. Studying grammar helps us become and more effective reader, writer and speaker. Paying more attention to the above simple statement, the researcher can infer that it is impossible to master English without having sufficient knowledge of English grammar. And when they communicate, they would not understand 1 one another. The student would not be able to do anything more than utter separate items of language.

  Elliptical sentences as a part of the structure in general has important points in the learners. When students learn Elliptical sentences, they know about the part of speech, like verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, auxiliary verbs, pronouns, preposition and conjunctions. It can be seen in Elliptical sentences, they can find ellipsis after adjective, ellipsis with auxiliary verb, ellipsis as pronoun, noun preposition and conjunction. They learned how to use and arrange the words or sentences well and many aspects of structure, like clauses (Elliptical sentences), comparison (Elliptical with comparison) and phrases. They can also learn about prose (poetry) because ellipsis can be found in prose.

  The main purpose in using elliptical sentences is to enable students to combine two sentences, where one of the sentences abbreviated or omitted to avoid the repetition of necessary words of sentences.

  One of the problems in learning English grammar is when the students use elliptical sentence. It is usually difficult for the students to know when and how to use it. So, because of it the researcher inspires to do a research entitled “The Ability of the first year Students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa in using Elliptical sentence”.

B. Problem Statements

  Based on the background above, the problem of the research can be described at the following question:

  1. What is the ability of the first year students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa in using elliptical sentence? 2. What are the problems of the first year students of SMAN 1

  Sungguminasa Gowa in using of elliptical sentence? C.

   Objectives of the Research

  Based on the problem statements above the research determines the objectives of the research as:

  1. To find out the ability of the first year students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa in using Elliptical sentence.

  2. To find out the problems of the first year students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa in using of elliptical sentence.

D. Significance of the Research

  The result of the research is expected to be useful information for the English teacher in improving the quality of teaching English structure, in general in teaching Elliptical sentences in particular and for the people who want to make further research in relation to the subject matter.

E. Scope of the Research

  The researcher focuses on the students’ ability and their problems in using elliptical sentences at the first year of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter deals with the review of related literature presented

  theories related to the title of the research. It also presents the definition of elliptical sentence.

A. Previous Related Research Findings

  According to Hornby(1987: 280), said that: “Ellipsis is the omissions from a sentences of words needed to completed the construction or meaning”.

  Frank (1972: 226) said that: “in general, clauses are bridge in two ways, one is through omission of words necessary for the full subject- predicate structure.

  Further Ibrahim (1991: 135) said that: “Elliptical sentence is a way to omit a sentence of words needed to complete and simple the construction or meaning.

  Lado (1990: 161), said that: “Elliptical sentence as the combining of two sentences in which have the different subject but the same predicate which means the repetition of predicate.

  According to Luhukey in Mariati (2002: 3) Ellipsis was used to combine two sentences by omitting the same words in those sentences to avoid repetition, for examples:

  Ihsan is a student Insan is a student Ihsan is a student and Insan is too.

  Having known the definitions above the writer concludes that elliptical sentences are those sentences in which some words are omitted or the combining of two sentences where the some words of the two sentences are omitted but their meanings are the same as the two sentences or their meanings can be understood.

B. Kinds of Elliptical Sentences

  According to Fuad Mas’ud (1992: 219-297) there are several kinds of Elliptical Sentences, they are:

1. Elliptical with “Too” and “So”

  According to Jauhari( 1983: 148), said that: “elliptical construction with “too” and “so” particularly are used to comment affirmative (positive) statement made by someone and also to explain that subject which has mentioned is in the same position with the content of the positive statement and they are also used to combine two sentences which have the same predicates, where one of two sentences must be omitted to avoid the repetition of w ords. Then in Elliptical construction “too and so” are meant “juga”.

  In combining the sentences with “too” and “so”, they are three principles that must be paid attention, as follows: a.

  If in the first sentence use to be present or past form, therefore, in the sentences that will be combined we, use am, is, are was and were, verb must be accordance with the subject. Examples:

  1) Ihsan is a student

  His brother is a student Ihsan is a student and His brother is too Ihsan is a student and so is his brother

  2) I am eating rice at my dormitory

  You are eating rice at my dormitory I am eating rice at my dormitory and you are too I am eating rice at my dormitory and so are you b.

  If in the first sentence use to another verb of to be in the present or past form, in combining the sentences researcher use, do, does, or did. The auxiliary verbs must be accordance with the subject. Examples: 1)

  I want to study English They want to study English I want to study English and they do too

  I want to study English and so do they 2)

  Mr. Abduh bought a new car Mr. Supriadin bought a new car Mr. Abduh bought a new car and Mr. Supriadin did too Mr. Abduh bought a new car and so did Mr. Supriadin c. If in the first sentences use to another verb phrase which consist of auxiliary verb, therefore, in the sentences which are combined researcher use auxiliary verbs. The auxiliary verb must be accordance with the subject.

  Examples: 1)

  He is doing his homework She is doing her homework He is doing his homework and she is too He is doing his homework and so is she

  2) Ita has read the novel

  I have read the novel Ita has read the novel and I have too Ita has read the novel and so have I 2.

   Elliptical with Either and Neither

  According to Luhukey in Mariati (2002), said that: either and neither are used to combine two negative sentences which are the same predicates to be a sentence which the meaning is complete. Examples: a.

  The use of “Either” Examples: 1)

  I don’t like apple He doesn’t like apple I don’t like apple and He doesn’t either

  2) Ainun wasn’t watching TV last night

  John wasn’t watching TV last night Ainun wasn’t watching TV last night and John wasn’t either

  3) Ali didn’t ask any question

  You didn’t ask any question Ali didn’t ask any question and you didn’t either b. The use of “Neither”

  Examples: 1)

  She doesn’t have to come I don’t have to come She doesn’t have to come and neither do I

  2) Ita can’t sing well

  Michael can’t sing well Ita can’t sing well and neither can Michael

  3) I have not met her

  Fadlin has not met her

  I have not met her and neither has Fadlin 3.

   Elliptical with And, or, and But a.

  Elliptical with “And” The expressions are joined by “and”, it is very common to leave out the same word to avoid repetition and use to accumulate a unit or statement to other unit or statement. (Aryanto,A and Wijono Harun.,1988: 38).

  Examples: 1)

  When two verbs have the same subject, it is not necessary to repeat it.


  a) He sang and he played the guitar

  b) Reni was poor and she was stooped

  c) Toni brushed his teeth and he went to take a bath

  d) Reni went to the garden and she took some bananas

  e) Aminah goes to the Market and she wants to but something

2) Repeated auxiliary verb can be left out.


  a) They could have come and they could have told me

  b) Tia should cook the rice and she should eat it.

  c) Aldin will go to Jakarta and he will meet his family. d) I waiting for my family from Surabaya and I am reading a newspaper.

e) Asni can buy bicycle and she land forbid her.

  3) If two words are the same, in this case, two main verbs are same, the second verb can also be omitted.


a) Please open the door and (open) the window.

  b) I have done twice to go to the mountain and I am not going to (do) again.

  c) Please eat these bananas and (eat) these nuts

  d) I have eaten rice in the morning and I am not going to (eat) before midday.

  e) I have bought a new bicycle two months a go and I am not going to (buy) now again.

4) Articles, possessive, demonstrative and other determines.


  a) I know that you have a book and (a) ruler in your bag.

  b) A man and (a) woman go to the Market to buy something.

  c) My uncle and (my) aunt work at the same factory.

  d) Those rings and (those) caring are made my brother.

  e) Several cars and (several) bakes are sold in the central market.

  5) A noun that is repeated with or more adjectives can be omitted and so can repeated adjectives.


  a) Young boys and (young) girls are the nation hope.

  b) The strong man and (the strong) woman are able to lift 100 kilograms.

  c) Mr. Anteng is funny in speaking and (funny) in action.

  d) I don’t like the man because he is bad in Speaking and (bad) in action.

6) Repeated conjunction and preposition can be omitted.


  a) The west family spent their holiday in America and (in) London last year.

  b) We were late because we have overslept and (because) we had missed the car.

  c) His old brother teaches English at SMU Negeri 1 Kota Bima and (at) SMU Negeri 2 Lambu.

  d) On Sultan Hasanuddin street and (on) Jenderal Sudirman street, there was an accident.


  Elliptical with “but” and “Or”.

  According to Swam (1980: 198), when the same subject similar structure are possible with “but” and “or”. Examples: 1.

  They were rich, but (they were) proud.

2. Ali is bad, but (he is) diligent 3.

  Is it a color (television) or a (black) and while television.

  Elliptical with but can also be used if a clause which is combined is opposite with the one. (Yahya, Iskandar and Suragin,.1998: 2).

  1. If the first clause is affirmative the form of the combining of the second clause, is: Examples: a.

  She can dance beautifully I can not dance beautifully She can dance beautifully, but I can’t.


  He will come here late She won’t come here late He will come here late, but she won’t.


  They must work hard I mustn’t not work hard They must work hard, but I mustn’t d. He said he’d write

  He hasn’t write He said he’d write, but he hasn’t

  2. If the first clause is negative, therefore, the form of the combining of the second clause is vice versa, that is: “The sentence after but must be positive” Examples:

  a) Adi doesn’t like banana

  His sister likes banana Adi doesn’t like banana, but his sister does

  b) She can’t dance beautifully

  I can dance beautifully She can’t dance beautifully, but I can

  c) Ira didn’t want to go to the beach

  Ari wanted to go to the beach Ira didn’t want to go to the beach, but Ari did

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH This chapter presents the description of the research design,

  population and sample. Instrument of the research, the procedure of collecting data and technique of data analysis.

  A. Method of the Research

  This research used a descriptive method, it aims to find out the ability of the first year students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungguminasa Gowa in using Elliptical Sentences as well as to find the kinds of Elliptical Sentences which are difficult for the students to use.

  B. Population and Sample 1. Population

  Population is all of research subjects (Arikunto, 2006)). Population is all of special aspects like characteristic, phenomenon and concept (Tiro, 2000). The population of the research would be the first year students of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa in the Academic Year of 2010-2011. This consists of 364 students.

2. Sample

  Sample is Most of representatives of population who are researched (Arikunto, 2006). Sample is a number of members of population (Tiro, 15

  2000). In this research the method of taking sample that is used purposive sampling. The number of the sample in this research was 30 student s’.

  C. Instrument of the Research There were two kinds of instrument that were used in this research.

  They were objective test and questionnaire. The test was used to find the students’ ability in using elliptical sentence and the questionnaire was used to f ind the students’ problems in using elliptical sentences.

  D. Procedure of Data Collecting

  Collecting this thesis, the researcher collected data through three steps namely:

  1. Preparation Phase In this step the research did introduction study to the object that would be research, the research contacted the headmaster of the school and also the English teacher of the class. After that the researcher continued by doing literature study by analyzing some books that connected with this thesis. After that the research made and looked for instrument of the research that would be given to the students’ of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa.

  2. Collecting Data

  In this step the researcher did a field research. Field research is a method of collecting data by coming to the location of the research directly.

  The research collected the data from the students’ work, namely from the objective test and questionnaire, the procedure did as follows: a.

  Firstly, the researcher contacted the teacher of the class.


  The researcher explained first how to work out the objective test and questionnaire as well as and told the time to do the test.


  The researcher distributed the instruments to the students d.

  The researcher asked the students to do the test and may continue doing questionnaire.


  Finally, the researcher collected the answer sheets from the students.

3. Processing Data

  After the researcher got the data from the research object, the researcher processed it to be discussed in this thesis.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

  In this research, the researcher would used descriptive method and analyze the data collection through test and questionnaire. The data would be obtained from the test and then would be analyzed quantitatively as follows: a.

  Scoring the students correct answer of the test:

  Students’ correct answer Score = x 10 Total number of item

  (Sudjana, 2008) b. Calculating the mean score of the students’ in using English articles by using the following formula:

  Where: = Mean score ∑X = Sum of all score

  (Gay, 1981) Ν = Total number of subject c.

  Classifying the students’ score into seven levels, which fall into seven classifications: No Score Classification


  9.6 Excellent

  • – 10


  8.6 Very good

  • – 9.5


  7.6 Good

  • – 8.5


  6.6 Fairly good

  • – 7.5

  5 5.6 – 6.5 Fair


  3.6 Poor

  • – 5.5 7 0 - 3.5 Very poor

  (Depdikbud, 1985: 6) d. The data from questionnaire will be analyzed by using percentage technique. The formula is as follows:

  Notation: %: Percentage

  n : Frequency N : The total respondent

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS This chapter consists of two sections. The first section deals with the

  finding of the research, and the second section deals with the discussion of the research.

A. Findings

  This part discussed the research findings of the test result of the students’ in learning Elliptical sentences.

1. The Presentation of the data analysis collected through the test

  For the purpose of classifying and tabulating the data into percentage rate, the score of each item of the test is firstly determined. This test consists of 20 items, and the score of each item is one point. To know the score of the students, the score of each items (20) is multiplied with the correct answer made by the students.

  • – 10
  • – 9.5

  • – 8.5
  • – 7.5
  • – 6.5
  • – 5.5
  • – 3.5

  It means that the goal of teaching and learning English structure is still far away from the required target.

  The table above shows that of 30 students, no one got excellent score, 1 (3.33 %) of them got very good and no one students got good score, no one students got fairly good score, 12 (40 %) of them got fair score, 17 (56.66 %) of them got poor score, and no one got very poor score.

  Total 30 100

  7. Very Poor




  6. Poor





  5. Fair

  4. Fairly Good


  3. Good




  2. Very Good


  1. Excellent

  Rate percentage of the students score classification in learning elliptical sentences No Classification Score Frequency Percentage


Table 1

  The total aim of the score of the students in using elliptical sentence objective test i s 162, and the total number of the students’ who have been researched were 30 persons. So, to find out the students mean score, this research uses following formula: Where: = Mean score

  ∑X = Sum of all score Ν = Total number of subject Notation :

  = 5.4 Having seen the calculation above, it can be concluded that the first year students’ of SMAN 1 Sungguminasa Gowa, cannot understand how to use elliptical sentence well. This is proved by calculation above that the mean score of the students is 5.4. consequently, based on the classification of the score in adviced , the score above is classified as “poor”.

  The students’ score in using Elliptical Sentences

  Number of correct Number of

  Number of item Score answer respondents 1.



  4.5 2.



  5 3.



  4 4.



  4.5 5.



  9 6.



  5 7.



  4.5 8.



  6.5 9.



  6 10.



  4.5 11.



  6 12.



  6 13.



  5 14.



  6.5 15.



  6 16.



  6.5 17.























































  5 Total 324 162

2. Data analysis collected through the questionnaire


Table 2

  The Students ’ Interested in Learning English

  No Classification Frequency Percentage 1.



  4. Very Interested Interested

  Uninterested Very Uninterested






  6.66 Total 30 100 The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 9 (30.00 %) of them were very interested, 19 (63.33 %) of them were interested, 2 (6.66 %) of them were uninterested, and no one students of them were very Uninterested.

  Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the students were interested in Learning English.

  Table 3

  The Difficulties that the Students ’ Found in Learning English

  Classification Frequency Percentage No

  1 Always



  2 Seldom



  3 Sometimes



  4 Never


  3.33 Total 30 100 The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 12 (40.00 %) of them said always, 1 (3.33 %) of them said seldom, 16 (53.33 %) of them said sometimes, and 1 (3.33 %) of them said never.

  Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the students said sometimes found difficulties in Learning English.

  Table 4

  The Students’ Interested in Learning Elliptical Sentences No Classification Frequency Percentage

  1 Very Interested



  2 Interested



  3 Uninterested



  4 Very uninterested Total 30 100

  The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 3 (10.00 %) of them were very interested, 20 (66.66 %) of them were interested, 7 (23.33 %) of them were uninterested, and no one of them were very Uninterested.

  Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the students were interested in Learning Elliptical sentences.


Table 5

  The Students’ Opinion about Studying Elliptical Sentences Classification Frequency Percentage


  1 Very Difficult



  2 Difficult



  3 Easy



  4 Very Easy Total 30 100

  The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 3 (10.00 %) of them said very difficult, 17 (56.66 %) of them said difficult, 10 (33.33 %) of them said easy, and no one of them said very easy.

  Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the students said difficult in learning elliptical sentences.


Table 6

  The Students’ Understand in Learning Elliptical Sentences No Classification Frequency Percentage

  1 Very Understand



  2 Understand



  3 Not Understand



  4 Very not Understand


  3.33 Total 30 100 The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 1 (3.33 %) of them said very understand, 22 (73.33 %) of them said understand, 6 (20.00 %) of them said not understand, and 1 (3.33 %) of them said very not understand.

  Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the students said understand in learning elliptical sentence.


Table 7

  The Students’ Opinion about the Teachers’ Method which is Used in Learning Elliptical Sentences

  No Classification Frequency Percentage

  1 Very like



  2 Like



  3 Dislike



  4 Very Dislike


  10.00 Total 30 100 The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 2 (6.66 %) of them were very like, 23 (76.66 %) of them were like, 2 (6.66 %) of them were dislike, and 3 (10.00 %) of them were very dislike.

  Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the students are like with the teache rs’ method in Learning English.


Table 8

  The Students’ Frequency to Get Assignment from the Teacher in Using Elliptical Sentences

  No Classification Frequency Percentage




  4 Always Seldom

  Sometimes Never






  60.00 Total 30 100 The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 10 (33.33 %) of them said always, 2 (6.66 %) of them said seldom, 18 (60.00 %) of them said sometimes, and no one of them said never got assignment from their teacher.

  Based on the analysis above, the researcher concludes that most of the students said sometimes got assignment from their teacher.


Table 9

  The Students’ Cooperation in doing exercises No Classification Frequency Percentage

  1 Always



  2 Seldom



  3 Sometimes



  4 Never


  6.66 Total 30 100 The table above shows that from 30 respondents, 9 (30.00 %) of them said always, 5 (16.66 %) of them said seldom, 14 (46.66 %) of them said sometimes, and 2 (6.66 %) of them said never doing exercise with their friends.

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