Why I Killed My Muse And You Should Too

Why I Killed My Muse-- And You Should Too
Word Count:

Last night, in the dark following midnight I killed my muse (suffocating her quietly with a pi

Why did I resort to this deed? After all my muse was lovely and gave me many gifts over the ye

write, writer, writing, publish, profit, market, advice, help, tip, article, improve, skill

Article Body:
Last night, in the dark following midnight I killed my muse (suffocating her quietly with a pi

Why did I resort to this deed? After all my muse was lovely and gave me many gifts over the ye
Oh, I had my reasons...

It started out quietly. As I would sit at my keyboard or curl up with a notebook, she would pe

I took to sneaking my writing in when I knew she was occupied elsewhere. She never could resis

Soon I was spending more time arguing with her, defending my words, than I was writing. Then m
Despite urgent deadlines and simmering ideas, I started avoiding the computer and all writing

When I could no longer suppress the urge to write I locked her in a closet and had a wonderful

She was waiting for me at the door when I came home. Her glasses had slid nearly to the tip of

Perhaps it is better that you don’t know the details. Suffice it to say that I have selected s

Despite my late hours and the physical toil involved, this morning I awoke early and have alre

I think I might dedicate this next book to the memory of my muse. Perhaps it will serve as a w

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