An Easy Way Out Eight Reasons Why You Should Pre Plan Your Funeral

An Easy Way Out: Eight Reasons Why You Should Pre-Plan Your Funeral
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Take the hassle out of funeral planning by doing it in advance. Here are eight reasons why you

bereavement, funeral planning, estate planning, prepaid funeral plan

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Most people want to put off thinking about their funerals. However, you can save your loved on
1. Your wishes will be carried out.
What you want to happen will take place. This is vitally important to most people.

2. The Funeral Director’s costs are fixed from the outset so your family will be spared financ

You’ll know that your funeral director will not be able to increase their fees agreed with you
3.You can choose the plan you want and you can specify your own ’extras’.
You can plan your pre-paid funeral plan to your own satisfaction.

4. You spare your family from difficult decisions
Who really wants to make those decisions apart from the person themselves?
5.Your own finances may be improved

You may be entitled to benefits form local authorities if your total finances are below certai
6. You won’t worry about the safety of your money - it will be held in trust
You can’t pay money directly to the plan provider’s bank account.
7. Another family member may need the plan before you

You can transfer the plan to another family member if their need arrives before your own. Some
8. Those you leave behind will remember your thoughtfulness

This is very important to most people. When we leave this life we like to think that others th

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