
Background of the Study
Language has an important role in human communication. People all

around the world use language to communicate to each other. People can share
their thoughts, opinions, ideas, experiences and many other things through the
language. Because of that, language is considered as the main tool to
communicate. As a result, a ordi g to Claire Kra s h

: , la guage is the

principal means whereby they conduct their so ial li es . Whe it use o te ts of
communication, it is related with culture in multiple and complex ways. To begin
with, the words people utter refer to common experience. They express facts,
ideas or events that are communicable because the words refer to a stock of
knowledge about the world that other people share.
There are two types of language; those are spoken language and written

language. The spoken language is used orally, such as interview, conversation,
speech and so on. However, written language can be seen in form of text, such
as story, newspaper, magazine, label and so on. In the end, this thesis focuses on
the written language. However, there are so many different languages in this
world that a process of translation is needed in order to make communication
among people using those languages possible. In written language, a process of
translation assists people to understand foreign languages.
According to Larson (1998:3), translation consists of transferring the
meaning of the SL (SL) into the target language (TL). From that definition, it can
be concluded that the transferring meaning from the form of the source
language into the form of a second language or the target language. It is meaning
which is being transferred and must be held constant, only the form changes
where the act of translation is essentially the act of meaning, so that the
audiences of the TL understand the meaning of the SL. Moreover, a translator
deals with two or more different languages. Unfortunately, different languages



have different cultures. The cultural difference shown by language is clearly seen
in the form of words or vocabularies (Simatupang, 1999:56). Furthermore, this
word is called as cultural word.
Cultural words are very interesting to be noticed in translation. These
words reflect certain culture and cannot be translated literally. The difference
between cultures becomes the main reason. It is one of the most difficult
problems in translating (Larson, 1984:137). A translator may get difficulties in
translating cultural words because he deals with not only two languages but also
two cultures at the same time. In this case, he acts as a bridge to bridge between
two languages and two cultures as well. There are five categories of cultural
words proposed by Newmark (2003:95-103); those are ecology (flora, fauna);
material culture (artefact); social culture (work and leisure); organizations,
custom, ideas, activities, procedures, concepts; gesture and habits. In this thesis,
the researcher focuses on the ecology word.
Nida (1964:64) defines ecology as the study of relations of living things to
their surroundings. Ecological features such as flora, fauna, winds, plain and hills
are not similar in different areas. Newmark (2003: 96) gives examples of
e ologi al features i ter s of plai s; prairies , steppes , tu dras , pa pas ,
sa a

ahs , lla os ,

ush , eld . Those e ologi al ords a

e fou d i


text. In the literary text, ecological words can be found as the setting or in the
fable story. In the other texts, it can be also found in the functional text, such as
label. Label can be found in many products, i.e. food, drinks, cosmetics and so
on. The researcher is very interested to analyze the cosmetics label.
According to Hornby (1995:56), a label is a piece of paper, polymer, cloth,
metal or other material affixed to a container or product on which is written or
printed information about the product. Information printed directly on a
container or article can also be considered labeling. The labels have many uses,
including providing information on a product's origin, use, shelf-life and disposal,
some or all of which may be governed by legislation such as that for food,
cosmetics, clothes, and so on. Here, the researcher is interested in Mustika Ratu


os eti s la el. PT Mustika Ratu Tbk is an Indonesia-based company primarily
engaged in beauty and wellness industry. Its primary business activities are
manufacturing and distributing Indonesian traditional herbal drinks, which are
locally known as jamu; traditional cosmetics; health drinks; body treatment; and
health supplements. It also offers make-up and hair-do services; spa facilities,
marketed under the brand name of Taman Sari Royal Heritage Spa, and
professional training.
Moreo er, the resear her hooses od

are la el as the

ai data. It

happe s e ause the la el o tai s i for atio a out the produ t s
that is take fro


I do esia s traditio al pla ts. Besides, it also o tai s the

procedure of the product used. The examples of the ecological word in Mustika
‘atu od

are label can be seen in the one of data below:

: Lotion yang lembut mengandung ekstrak Temugiring, ekstrak Kunyit
dan ramuan lainnya untuk menjaga kelembutan dan kesehatan kulit.


: This gentle lotion contains Curcumae Heyneanae Extract, Curcumae
domesticate Extract and other ingredient to keep the skin smooth, soft
and healthy.

From the example above, it is seen that the translator translates the ecological
appropriately because it contains many materials that are the originally from
Indonesian. So, it can be said that the translator makes the words are easier to

Furthermore, the researcher is interested in analyzing the domestication
and foreignization as one of strategy in translating process. Domestication and
foreignization are two basic translation strategies which provide both linguistic
a d ultural guida e. A ordi g to Ve uti


, the do esti atio a d

foreignization refer to an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to TL cultural
values, bring the author back home, while the latter is an ethnodeviant pressure
on those (cultural) values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the
foreig te t, se di g the reader a road . Ge erall , “huttle orth a d Co ie


(1997:59) define that domestication is the type of translation in which a
transparent, fluent style is adopted to minimize the strangeness of the foreign
text for TL readers, while foreignization means a target text is produced which

deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness
of the original.


Statement of the Problem
The problems in this study can be stated as follows:


What the ecological words are found in Mustika ‘atu od

are la el?


What specific translation strategies are used in process of domestication
and foreignization by the translator in translating Mustika Ratu od




Scope of the Study
The scope of the study shows the limitation about domestication and

foreig izatio i Mustika ‘atu od

are la els. The research also focuses on the

ecology words. The resear her uses Da ies s theor i Judi kaitė

9: 5-19) as

the framework.


Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study can be stated into several sentences below.


To know the ecological word in Mustika ‘atu od

are la els.


To find out the types of domestication and foreignization used by the
translator for those ecological word in Mustika ‘atu od


are la els.

Significance of the Study
There are three essential significance of the study. Hopefully, the result of

this study can be a contribution to:



For Dian Nuswantoro University, the research supports the development of
the subject dealing with domestication and foreignization as the
translation techniques.


For the researchers who are involved in translation research and need
references especially about domestication and foreignization.


For the students, the research becomes beneficial for the readers
especially for the beginner translator to provide and improve their

understanding about domestication and foreignization as the translation
techniques to handle same problem that exists.


Thesis Organization
This thesis is arranged in several chapters. Those are:
Chapter I is Introduction. It consists of Background of the Study,

Statement of the Problem, Scope of the Study, Objectives of the Study,
Significance of the Study, and Thesis Organization.
Chapter II is Review of Related Literature. This chapter is arranged to
support and direct the researcher in analyzing the data of the problem. The
theories used, in this chapter are: Translation, Translation Process, Ecology
Word, Domestication and Foreignization, Domestication and Foreignization as
Translation Strategy and Label.
Chapter III is Research Method. This chapter contains five sub-chapters;
they are Research Design, Unit of Analysis, and Source of Data, Technique of
Data Collection, Techniques of Data Analysis.
Chapter IV is Data Analysis. This chapter covers the analysis of the data, it
contains the result of analysis done by the researcher, or in other words, it
presents research finding and discussion.
Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion. It also presents conclusion from
the researcher related to the subject being analyzed and suggestion for the other