ART Eko Hendro Althesia Perancangan aplikasi pencarian Abstrak

JurnalTeknologilnformasi-Aiti, Vol 7.No.l, Februari20l0: 1- 100

Perancangan Aplikasi Pencarian Data Digital Library
denganFramework lfiberoate, Lucene, dan Struts
'>Eko· Sediyono, 2>Hendro Steven Tampake, 1 >Althesia Silvia. Koyongian

Fakultas Te.lcnologi lnformasi
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
n. Diponegoro 52-60, Salatiga 50711, Indonesia
Email: 1>ekosedl @yahoo.comal, 1>,

Digital Library is one of the applications developed in line with
science and technology.· The development conditions tend to bring
difficulties in the application development process. In respond to such
it requires an Object Oriented Design (OOD) method that form
into separate components. 1be components have their own
task and commqnicate to each other through functions. OOD is also

supported by Hibernate in mapping objects into the database. The data
search on digital library application is an unstructured data search, using
Lucene framework. The research produces application for digital library's
data search with a more accurate search result, because searching is
done through the entire content of the documents.

Keyword: Object Oriented Design, Lucene, Hibernate.