Teeth Your options with dentists and orthodontists.

Teeth - Your options with dentists and orthodontists.
Word Count:
An overview of dental care options including braces and other orthodontal work.

dentist, braces, dental braces, orthodontist, orthodontal work

Article Body:
Good teeth, or good dentures are essential for comfortable speech and eating. Lots of people h

Children’s milk teeth are replaced by their adult teeth from about 8 years old. The final adul

Dentist’s visits are no longer the source of fear for children that they were for their parent

A large percentage of 11 year old children already have fillings in their teeth. These filling

The orthodontist and dental braces are feared by parents and children alike. The "Jaws" appear

There are many more ortho-dontal options than there ever were just a few years ago. Do your re

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