Yerita Ariani, 210111100021, 2010. Department of Public Relations, Faculty of
Communications, Padjadjaran University. This research is titled “The Relationship Between
information seeking on facebook with student’s information needs accomplishment” a
correlation study about relationship between information seeking on facebook group info
akademik Fikom Unpad kampus Bandung with student’s of Padjadjaran University Faculty
of Communication information needs accomplishment. This research is conducted below the
guidance of Dr. H. Dede Mulkan, M,Si. as the main supervisor and Aat Ruchiat,
S,Sos.M.I.Kom as the second supervisor.
The purpose of this research is to know how the relation among searching, avoidance,
and information processing with student’s of Padjadjaran University Faculty of
Communication kognitif, afektif, personal integration and social integration needs
accomplishment aspect.
The method used in this research is correlational, while desciptive analytical and
infrential are used in analyze the data. The theory that used in this research is information
seeking theory. Population of the research is 489 student of Padjadjaran University Faculty
of Communication that who still in active student status until the academic year of 2012/2013
and as a member of info akademik Fikom Unpad kampus Bandung facebook group, they are
consist of four generation college, 2008 until 2011 generation. The sampling technique used
in this research is stratified random sampling technique and then total of sample is 176

The result of this research is there are a significant relation and significant enough
Between information seeking on facebook with student’s of Padjadjaran University Faculty
of Communication Bandung campus information needs accomplishment.
The conclusion of this research is information retrieval are performed by students at
the facebook group sufficient to meet their needs for academic information.
The suggestions given to the administrators of info akademik Fikom Unpad kampus
Bandung facebook group are to organizing the management seriously with involve the staff
or the competent parties to answer the stude nt’s question or statement and vice versa. In
addition, it is expected to more improve the quality of the delivery of information from the
administrators in order to fill more, clear and easy to understand for student or the other
receiving information.
