Research Article Journal.

ESSAYS: Research Article Journal


Publishel every odd semester when students are taking the subject of Metoda Penelitian
Bahasa dan Sasfia- The students as the contributors are given theory of Research Method,
eplied exercises to conduct research and supervision to write scientific articles. This journal is
theirproducts corryiled from such articles-



NLKMas Indrawati; IGN Parthama

Editor in chief
Members of Editor



I Gede Doddy Arisnarvan

2. Gusti Ayu Made Candra Dewi

I Gusti Ayu Ade Diah Safitri


l. I Nengah

Sudipa llinguistics,l

2. I Gusti Ayu Gede Sosiowati (Literature)

Pubiished by


English Students' Association-- The English Department Udayana

University Denpasar
Jln PulauNias No. 13 Sanglah Denpasar.




take the zubject called
Every odd semester the students of the English Departnent
is given within 18 times; half of this is the
Metoda penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra The lecture
The other half is concerning with
form of lecturing deating with.Theory of Research Methodpractice conducting Research on English l-anguage and Literature. In these practical sessions,
of their research, and
the students are also trained to arrange scientifically about the result

ultimately writing a scientific article to be published in this Jogmal
There are27 articies, discussing about Engtish language, translation and
generosity in
The editors are indebted to I GAG Sosiowati for her painstaking time and
The students taking
supervising the literature articles so that they can be appropriately publishedscience of
this subject have such benefits, .tmong others: not only knowing theoretically the
Journal as wellResearch Method how to concluct research but how to write an ariicle in a

The editors



Article Joumal (RAI) is solely managed by the students with the expectation
that this Journal becomes their pride during studying in this Department. Since their names with
their scientific works are printed here, it of course gives special impression to them respectivelyThis kind of publication is a part of our efforts to improve continuously our siudeili's

competency in rvriting English article academically.