TEKNIK PENGAIRAN Hari Air Sedunia 2015

A day for water and water for

#WaterIs Essential

water is health
Clean hands can save your life.

© Martine Perret

#WaterIs Health

water is nature
Ecosystems lie at the heart of the global water cycle.

© Creative Travel Projects

#WaterIs Nature

water is urbanization
Every week, one million people move into cities.

© Narayan Patel

#WaterIs Urbanization

water is industry
More water is used to manufacture a car
than to ill a swimming pool.

© Inlovepai

#WaterIs Industry

water is energy
Water and energy are inseparable friends.

© Stocksolutions

#WaterIs Energy

water is food
To produce 2 steaks you need 15 000 liters of water.

© Rick Harrisson

#WaterIs Food

water is equality
Every day women spend million of hours carrying water.

© Gnomeandi

#WaterIs Equality