Habitual Actions Listening II Unit 2

A. Sheila is trying to schedule a meeting with Tom. Complete the conversation with the words
• full
• squeeze it in
• free
• busy
• impossible
• light
• open
• tight
• booked

: Tom, I can’t make that meeting on Tuesday. My schedule is pretty _____1____. Tuesday
is ______2_____.


: Yeah, looks like you’ll be too ________3________. You’re ______4_____ solid all day.
Can you make it on Monday?


: I might be able to ________5_______ at 10:00. It’ll be _____6___ though.


: How’s Wednesday? Do you have any ______7______ time?


: Wednesday’s schedule is pretty __________8________. After 10:00 I’m _____9_______


: OK, let’s try for 11:00 on Wednesday.

B. Look at Steve’s schedule. What is he going to do each day? Listen and complete his schedule.




5:00 …………………..

5:00 …………………..

5:00 …………………..

12:00 …………………

6:00 …………………..

6:00 …………………..

6:00 …………………..

1:00 …………………..

7:00 …………………..

7:00 …………………..

7:00 …………………..

2:00 …………………..

8:00 …………………..

8:00 …………………..

8:00 …………………..

3:00 …………………..

9:00 …………………..

9:00 …………………..

9:00 …………………..

4:00 …………………..

10:00 …………………

10:00 …………………

10:00 …………………

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C. Listen to the recording. What events does Pink have to attend? Complete the list.
…………………………… in Middleburgh

………………………….. in Pittsburgh

…………………………… in Cleveland

………………………….. in St. Louis

………………………….. in Akron

D. Listen to people talking about how they spend their free time. Check (V) the correct information
about each person.

E. Listen again. Match the people on the left with the activities on the right.
a. Bill
1. Golf
b. Liz
2. Bicycles
c. Victor
3. Plays baseball
d. Maria
4. Takes walks
e. David

5. Plays video games

F. Elisa is sharing her daily schedule. Listen to the recording and complete the missing information.
7.00 : I get up.
8.00 : Check …….1………..
10.00 : Have …….2……………in a cafe and read ……….3……...
11.00 : My car arrives to take me to the studio.
12.00 : Drink ………4…………….with other members of the group. Then start work.
1.00 - 2.00: Recording in the studio.
3.00 : Eat ……….5………..
4.00 - 6.00: Help the rest of the group ……6…………..
7.00 : ……………7…………….home.
9.00 - 10.00: Go out ……………8…………….
11.00 : Go …………9…………….

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G. A man is talking about his daily schedule. Listen to the recording and answer the following

a. What time does the man get up?
b. What time does he get to work?
c. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.?
d. What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to bed?
e. What does the man say about his wife?

H. Announcers are talking about tonight’s television programs. Listen and write the correct number
in the TV program.

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