How To Make The Students Pay Attention To The Teachers At ACE Kids.

Dalam setiap proses belajar mengajar, kadang-kadang para guru dan
murid akan mengalami beberapa masalah. Salah satunya adalah
kesulitan para guru untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari para muridnya di
dalam kelas. Pada tugas akhir ini saya akan membahas tentang
penyebab-penyebab dari masalah ini dan menjelaskan beberapa dampak
yang timbul dari masalah tersebut, serta mencari beberapa solusi yang
tepat untuk dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini.
Pada saat magang saya juga menghadapi beberapa masalah antara
lain yang berkaitan dengan kurangnya perhatian murid terhadap apa yang
diberikan oleh guru di saat kursus berlangsung, kurangnya perhatian dari
orang tua terhadap anak-anaknya, ketidaktertarikan murid terhadap
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, dan pengajaran yang kurang menarik bagi
murid sehingga membuat para murid jenuh. Beberapa penyebab ini
menimbulkan dampak seperti anak-anak mulai berkelakuan nakal untuk
mendapat perhatian lebih atau mereka menjadi malas untuk datang ke
tempat kursus.
Setelah mencari beberapa solusi yang saya dapat dari beberapa buku
referensi dan data-data dari Internet, saya menemukan beberapa solusi
dan membandingkannya satu sama lain. Solusi terbaik yang saya ambil
adalah guru harus melakukan pendekatan dan memberikan banyak

perhatian kepada para murid sehingga murid merasa bahwa mereka
mendapatkan perhatian yang cukup dari gurunya sehingga dapat terjalin
hubungan yang baik antara kedua belah pihak.

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ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………… i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………… iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………... iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………... 1-6
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study

F. Limitations of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ………………………………………… 14-15

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A. Background of the Study
English is spoken throughout the world. Many countries use English as
the first language; some others use it as the second language.
In Indonesia, English has been one of the major subjects taught at all
schools and nowadays English is even taught at kindergartens. Therefore,
there are many English courses for children in Indonesia and many
parents enrolls their children into an English course because they hope

that their children will learn more English skills than what they get from the
formal school. They are very aware that mastering English will be very
useful for their children’s future.
Nevertheless, teaching children English is not an easy job. When the
teaching-learning activity starts, it is not only the students who have
problems, but the teachers and the parents also face some problems. I did
my internship on July 17 until August 14, 2007 at Ace Kids. My position is
an assistant teacher to Ms. Odhe. When I taught the students there, I
found many problems, one of the problems is my students did not pay
attention to lesson that their teacher gave, therefore I choose the topic

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“How to Make the Students Pay Attention to the Teachers at Ace Kids” for
my final term paper.

B. Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the study, I want to find the best solution
for the problem that I faced during my internship in Ace Kids English

Course. So on the following questions help me to focus in my analysis:
1. Why do not the students pay attention during the teaching-learning
2. Why do the students always act naughtily and disturb their friends in
the class?
3. What should the teachers do to solve this problem?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objective of the study is I want to find the causes of the problem
that I faced during my internship at Ace Kids. I got a lot of information from
my supervisor, Ms.Odhe and other teachers in Ace Kids, and also the
information from some reference books, and articles on the Internet. From
all information I get, I think I am able to analyze the problem and find the
best way to solve it.
Besides the objective, there are some benefits for the readers, the
institution, and myself. The benefit for the readers, especially teachers in
general, is they can know how to face the same problem that I faced, for
the institution, especially Ace Kids; they can increase their teachers’


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performance and the students’ education standard. The benefits for me
are I can solve the problem and get attention from my students, and the
most important thing is the teaching-learning activity can go smoothly.

D. Description of the Institution
Ace Kids was firstly established in Jakarta by Dra. Leony Siswati
Tanama in 1998 with its slogan “Ace Kids starts with the end in mind”,
which means that the students, who studies at Ace Kids and who do not
really know about English language, will learn and be able to speak using
English as a means of communication and Ace Kids will teach all the
English skills practically and theoretically as well. Therefore, when the
students do not study in Ace Kids anymore, they will still be capable of
using English language. The students in Ace Kids is mixed age between 6
until 14 years old, it means from elementary school until junior high school.
On April 1st, 2002, Dra. Leony opened Ace Kids’ first branch at Jalan
Pajajaran no.87 Bandung. And then on May 1st, 2006, the Second Branch
was opened at Jalan Kopo Permai III 47A no.11 Bandung, and the third
branch was opened at Jalan Astina no 68D. However, Ace Kids in Jalan

Pajajaran was closed due to the small building, as it could not provide
enough space to accommodate the students who wanted to learn in Ace
Kids. At present, there are approximately 100 students who have joined
the course at Ace Kids, with 8 teachers, including the owner,
Ms.Rhimelda, and two receptionists.
Ace Kids is an English course which focuses on teaching of English

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vocabulary, writing, reading, conversation, listening, and grammar. The
three-floor building in Ace Kids Astina is completed with teaching
equipment, such as: whiteboards, colorful markers, color pencils, TV sets,
DVD players, cassette players, CD player, cards and board games such
as scrabble. Each Ace Kids branch is divided into 13 classes, based on
the children’s ability and their grade at school, such as: Toddy, Joey,
Kiddy, Pre-Basic, Basic 1, Basic 2, Basic 3, Intermediate 1, Intermediate
2, Intermediate 3, Advance 1, Advance 2, and Advance 3.

E. Method of the Study

- Observation
I write the information of the problem and feed back during my
internship in the journal.
- Interview
I Interview the teachers at Ace Kids to get some information and
advice that can help solve the problem that I face.
- Library Research and Browsing the Internet
I do library research and browse internet to get some information to
support my analysis.

F. Limitations of the Study
I will find out what exactly are the causes of the problem that I faced by
gathering some information from my internship journal I wrote, some
reference books, some information from the Internet, and also from the

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discussion with other teachers, especially my supervisor at Ace Kids,
Ms.Odhe. Afterwards, I will conclude and choose the best solution to solve

this problem.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This final-term paper is based on my own experience as an assistant
teacher in Ace Kids. I started writing this term-paper by making a flowchart
of my problem in Indonesian language and then translating it into English.
This final term paper consists of Abstract, which contains the summary
of this final term paper in the Indonesian Language. The Declaration of
Originality is my declaration as a writer about the authenticity of this final
term paper. The Acknowledgements contains my gratitude to those who
have helped me in this final term paper process. Table of Contents
contains the details of this final term paper and the four Chapters. The four
chapters are Chapter I, the introduction, which contains the background of
my study, the reason why I choose the topic for my final term paper and
the complete explanation of the topic that I chose, the statement of the
problem and the objectives and benefits from this study for the institution,
In this chapter I also write about the description of the institution, the
limitation, and the organization of this term paper. In Chapter II, I write
about the analysis of the problem and many factors that are relevant with
the causes of this problem, with theories that will be used to support my

analysis. And in Chapter III, I analyze some possible solutions, including
their positive and negative effects. After that, In Chapter IV, I choose the

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best solution for my problem and the reason for choosing it. Lastly, I write
the Bibliography.

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After comparing the three solutions and knowing the positive and
negative effects from each solution, I chose the best solution for the
problem of how to make the students pay attention to the teacher at Ace
Kids that I faced during my internship.
The best solutions to solve this problem are the first and second

solution. In the first solution, the teacher should try to get closer with the
students by sharing some stories, being a good listener to avoiding
gaps between the teacher and the students, and giving more attention to
the students patiently. In the second solution, the teacher should improve
the teaching technique. In order to make the students feel more excited
and interested in learning English in the course, the teacher can use
games like scrabble or watching some movies. So, by applying these two
solutions, the relationship between the teachers and the students will
become better and closer. Besides that, the students will be more
obedient. They will feel interested and excited to come and learn and also
pay attention in the class. Moreover, since the environment in class
becomes more convenient, the teaching-learning process will run fluently

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and the students may get better marks
Besides the positive effects, these two solutions also have some
negative effects. For example the teacher needs much patience and extra
time to get closer to the students and upgrade the teaching technique.

However, this solution still can be implemented in Ace Kids if the teachers
can be more patient and giving extra time to the student and also Ace Kids
have more budgets to improve their equipments. Nevertheless, the
combination of the first and second solutions is the best solution to solve
the problem in getting attention from the students.

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Printed Sources
Flanagen, Robb. ADHD Kids. Trans Bambang Pamungkas. Jakarta: Anak
Prestasi Pustaka, 2005.
Paul, David. Teaching English to Children in Asia. Hong Kong: Longman
Asia ELT, 2003.
Pearce, John, Dr. Bad Behavior. Trans Budi, Drs. Jakarta: Binarupa
Aksara, 1990.

Electronic Sources
“Balancing School and Extracurricular Activities” The Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia 1996-2008 .
Buti. “Menggandeng Semua.” 14 May 2007.
“Global English” Oxford University Press, 2008
Goodwin, Gail. “Teaching Young Children How To Think”
13 Oct. 2005. .

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“Impian Kita, Impian Anakkah?” Sahabat Nestle 16 August 2005
“Kursus Anak, Ambisi atau Prestasi?” Kompas Magazine 18 Mei, 2008.
Muskin. Media Indonesia Online 29 August 2008
Neugebauer, B. “Teaching Young Children to Resist Bias.” 1992.
Nurijand, Joseph. “Too Much Homework?” 30 July. 2006.
Postans, D.R “English Language the Global Means of Communication.”
Saint, Rachel. “Are we too busy to be good parents?” May 2005
Squires , Kenneth. “What makes a good teacher?” 13 Oct.
Stone, K. “How To Teach Children and Learn From Them Too.” 30 Aug. 2007. .

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Suzanne, K. “Too Much Homework?”
“Terlalu Banyak Kegiatan Pengaruhi Tumbuh Kembang Anak” 29 August,
2008 .

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