Designing angle bowl of Turbine for Micro-hydro at Tropical Area.

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: Experiences Design Turbine for Micro-hydro at Tropical
: Lie Jasa, Ardyono Priyadi, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo

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Title: Experiences Design Turbine for Micro-hydro at Tro
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2012 IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis
23-27 September 2012, Bali, Indonesia

Designing angle bowl of Turbine for Micro-hydro at
Tropical Area
Lie Jasa*,**

Ardyono Priyadi*, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo**

Electrical Engineering Department
*Udayana University
Bali, Indonesia
**Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
Surabaya, Indonesia
*, **

Electrical Engineering Department
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Surabaya, Indonesia
*, **

development and sustainability of the technology; (2) social
phase where the goal is mostly to meet the needs of health,
roads and lighting; and (3) financial phase in which emphases
more on financial sustainability of the investment value.
Success and failure of a micro-hydro program are influenced
by many factors, such as politic, economic, community, nature
and policy[1]. Micro-hydro is an attractive option because it is
located in remote/isolated areas and scattered energy supply.
Small energy sources that are combined with low buying
power community and difficulty of access to transportation is a
promising social program.

Abstract— Tropical area has two seasons, which are rainy and
dry seasons. In the rainy season. In the rainy season, the river
flows a large amount of water, usually causing flood, conversely,
the river shrinks in the dry season. The Excess water can be used
to turn turbines. Turbine which is used to turn the generator will

produce electric energy. To generate electrical energy in a long
time with the condition of the changing seasons, an efficient
turbine is required beside the water level, pressure and diameter
of the turbine should be considered. In this paper we discus the
turbine bowl angle settings to get the maximum volume of water
to produce maximum torque of the turbine. With level of water
17 meter, the transmission pulley 4 step, produce rotation of
turbine 23-25 rpm, rotation rate of the the generator is 1500
rpm. By using the Matlab simulation, volume turbine bowl will
maximum at 5.574 cm3 calculated by angle theta 11 degrees and
alpha 9 degrees. Thus, these conditions produce the greatest
torque. The Micro hydro in Dusun Gambuk Pupuan Tabanan
Bali [19], [20] now only produces power of 700 watts, then by
adjustments angel bowl of turbine generated electricity double
before now about 1400 Watt.

C. Rural Electrification
Mapping of renewable energy sources inspires to find out
the escalation of energy demand in rural and remote areas.
Cation Energy Diversion Program (EDP) such as biomass,

solar, wind and hydro power has been started to develop [2].
Renewable energy sources allow an area that has the potential
of natural renewable resources to be self-sufficiency in energy
[2]. Harnessing renewable energy sources is a key to address
the extent of the impact of climate change. The fact that energy
sources are vulnerable to climate change, which make investors
less interested in this field [3]. Japan as a developed country,
for instance, has some of its own energy supply and imports
most of its energy to meet their needs. It is not surprising that
after the oil crisis occurred, research on renewable energy has
been conducted intensively [4].

Keywords – Water turbine, Micro hydro, River, Renewable,
Rural area.



A. Tropical area

Research on micro-hydro is apt to do in Indonesia due to
tropical climates that are potential to build micro-hydro power
systems. Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia and
consists of about 17,000 islands with a land area of 1,922,570
km and waters of 3,257,483 km. Indonesia lies between
latitudes 6oN- 11oS and longitudes 95oE- 141oE along the
equator line causes Indonesia has two seasons: rainy and dry
seasons. Water will overflow in the wet season and shrink
during the dry season. A larger amount of water can be
harnessed to generate electrical energy economically. By
contrast, it will be suspended during the dry season, because
there is not enough water to turn turbines. The electrical energy
generated from water power is one of renewable energy
sources that it environmentally friendly.

Research on micro-hydro is urgent to be developed.
Findings on study conducted by British consulting rm and Lon
don economic for the World Bank in March 2000 that related
to micro-hydro development on five countries: Srilanka, Peru,
Nepal, Zimbabwe and Mozambique reveals that micro-hydro

technology is developing and perceived benefits for over 30
years[1]. It indicates that micro-hydro system is a very
profitable compared with other energy sources due to its cost
effectiveness and efficiency, and the possibility to reach remote
areas. It is proved that micro-hydro is not only utilized as a
electric power source but used also as a mechanical power
supply [1]. However, the main purpose of power supply is to
be financially constrained. The installation of the micro-hydro
needs initially a big investment although the cost of
maintenance is relatively low.

B. Social policy
Three phases have to be considered in micro hydro
investment [1]. They are: (1) technology phase is include the

978-1-4673-1018-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE


Micro-hydro plays an important role in developing the rural
economy and energy sources. China[5], for example, microhydro is used for lighting, household energy, agricultural
processing. in India, micro-hydro is used to generate
mechanical power to grind the nuts [6]. while in India, run of
river improved the availability of low cost electricity[6].
Micro-hydro can also be built using recycled water from daily
household activities, such as shower[7] and known as a
renewable energy source. Micro-hydro power plant in a small
scale can use the model of "run-of-river" that can be built
without the dam and is one of the most efficient technology
and environmentally friendly electricity have to be considered
for rural areas [8,9]. It is suggested that the micro-hydro is very
important to continue to be developed because of the
limitations of the current world energy and global climate
change impacts.

C. Cross-sectional area of water
Water flow rate is calculated by measuring the cross
sectional area of river water flows. Measurement location is
chosen with condition that the water flows, not stagnant. The
width of the river surface is 140 cm. The width is measured
from left to right. The width of the river is calculated and
created a multiple of 20 cm in order to get 7 segment
measurements. Water depth is measured at each point of the
segment by entering a wooden ruler bottom of the river. The
ruler that is submerged indicates the depth of the river
measured. This measurement process is repeated to other
points until the right most point. Calculate the flow rate is =
39,53 liter/sc.


A. Filling turbine water scenarios
Based on the previous research planning [18,19], the
turbine rotates clockwise. Scenario of filling water in bowls of
the turbine is done on the right side. Turbine bowls shaped
triangular, with straight sides = 15 cm, flat side = 13 cm and
the hypotenuse = 20 cm. Volume is calculated on the condition
of the turbine bowl that is full = 2437.5 cm3 or equal to 2.43
liters. Figure 3 shows the power is lost at each stage of the


A. Overview of small turbines
Previous research on turbine was intended to design microhydro turbines to produce electricity in rural area
[8,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,17]. However, up to this paper was
written, no one has discussed the design turbines that are
specifically operated for the tropics. In this present study, the
researcher uses a micro-hydro plant in the village of Gambuk,
Pupuan, Tabanan, Bali-Indonesia as the initial data. A video
file of the micro-hydro turbine system can be viewed at
mfu. The micro-hydro currently already generates electrical
energy of approximately 1000 VA 5000 VA capacity [18, 19].
However, because the turbine used is not efficient, the microhydro cannot operate all year round. This study, therefore, is
intended to improve turbine efficiency in order to operate the
micro-hydro throughout the year.

Hydro Power
(from the penstock)

Power loss in
Penstock = up to

4.9 44 ,3 1 wat t

Mechanical Power
(from the turbine)

Power loss from
turbine = 30%

3.2 13 ,8 wat t

Electrical Power
(from the generator)

Power loss from
Generator = 20 to

2 ,57 1 wat t .

B. Water flow rate
Calculation of water flow rate in this present study is
measured using a float made of small plastic bottles, which
filled with water in it, and assuming that the bottle floats or is
parallel to the surface of the water. The distance from initial
point (when the bottle is removed) and end point (when the
bottle is taken) is 7 meters, adjusted to the location of the flow
water. Bottles travel time is measured using a stop watch as
shown in Figure 1. Measurement was carried out for 22 times,
so the average travel time is 21.07 seconds. Hence, the water
flow velocity (flow) is 0.332197248 m / s.

Figure 2: Power is lost at each stage[16]
Calculate the net head. If 25% of the head is lost as friction
in the pipe the head is 0.75 x 17 = 12,75 m. Power net = 12,75
x 39,53 liet/sc x 9,81 = 12.75 m x 39.53 liter/sc x 9,81 m/sc =
4.944,31 watt
Calculate the mechanical power if the turbine is 65%
efficency the mechanical power produced will be :
Power mechanical = 65% x 4.944,31 Watt = 3.213,8 watt
Calculate the useful electrical power, if the generator is
80% efficency, then the electrical power available for lighting
and other purposes is : Electrical Power = 80% x 3.2138 watt
= 2,571 watt.

Figure 1. Point of measurement location

Figure 3. Filling water turbine design


B. Modeling of the turbine bowl
In this study, the authors develop a mathematical model for
turbine bowl as illustrated in Figure 4. Triangle ABC will be
turned based on the angle α which is a rotation angle of the
rotary axis turbines. At the point B on the corner of the triangle
ABC, the researchers will adjust the angle θ with the purpose
of the point C will move closer to the point D. Due to changes
in the angle θ, the length of the line BC will change. If it is
drawn a straight line from the point D to the turbine axis point,
it will be shaped up ABDE. ABDE is a new formed where
point B is driven by θ. Value of θ will be sought in this study,
so the area of ABDE is maximum.

C. Mathematical model of the turbine bowl
A mathematical model of the turbine bowl is generated from
Figure 4 and is shown in Figure 5.

Triangle BCH and CHI: to calculate the length of the
HC which is the base of the triangle CDH: CH = length
(DC / sin φ) x sin δ, while the length of IH is
calculated by the formula IH = CH x sin β of the rightangled triangle CHI. IH is the height of the triangle
BCH. So, the area of BCH formula = 0.5 x BC x IH.
Further, calculations of the length of DC, AE, AC and
ED: by calculating the deviation of angle α and PC line
segment which is the radius of the turbine, the length
of the DC = PC tan α, and length of AE = PA tan α.
Because the form is circular, then the length of AC and
ED is equal to the length of DC and AE. Thus, the
equation of the area of trapezoid ACDE = 0.5 (AE +
DC) x 0.5 (AC + DE).
Thus, the area of ABDE is



80 Cm


20 Cm

Figure 4. Model of bowl turbine



D. Result of Matlab Simulation
Based on the equation (1) in the simulation with Matlab,
where the length of AB = 13 cm, BC = 15 cm, PA = 80 and PC
= 99.85 cm, the angle α is moved from 0-20 degrees and the
angle θ is driven from 0-20 degrees; the results are shown in
Figure 6 at an angle θ = 0 degree, Figure 7 at an angle θ = 9




Figure 5. Mathematical model of bowl turbine

Triangle ABC is the area of the turbine bowl prior to
adjustment of the angle α and the angle θ. When the condition
of α and θ is equal to 0, the area of triangle ABC is equal to
the initial conditions. When the line PC is rotated as α, it will
form the line PD and establish a new area of ABDE. This new
area is calculated by summing the area of triangle ABC with
an area of trapezoid ACDE up and reducing the area of the
triangle areas BCH and CDH. The areas used can be computed
as follows.
 Triangle ABC: first, calculate the area of triangle
ABC; AB = width = 13 cm, BC = height = 15 cm
while the AC is computed using the formula:

Figure 6. Area of turbine bowl theta = 0

AB2 + BC2 ; so, the area of ABC is 0.5 x AB x


=(0.5(PA tan (α) + PC tan(α)) x 0.5( AB + BC )
+ DE) + (0.5 x AB x BC) - (0.5 x BC x (((PC tan(α)) /
sin φ) x sin(δ) x sin(β)) - (0.5 x (((PC tan(α)) / sin φ) x
sin(δ)) x (PC tan(α))




Triangle CDH: the formula of angle φ = 180-90 - δ.
Due to the nature of the two straight lines which
intersect to form two pairs of opposite angles, the angle
ω is calculated using the formula = 180 - φ. So, the
area of the triangle CDH = 0.5 x HC x DC.

BC. Formulas for the angle β = arc sin (AB / AC); the
angle γ = 180 - 90 – β; and the angle ε = 90 + β.
Triangle BCD: the angle δ at the point D is calculated
by using the formula = 180 - ε - θ.
Figure 7. Area of turbine bowl theta = 9





Figure 8. Average volume of turbine bowl

Average volume of the turbine bowl is as shown in Figure 8,
the volume maximum of water at theta 11 degrees.
Volume of water before the adjustment is 2.4375 liters. After
we do adjusment with theta 11 degrees obtained the largest
volume of 5.5749 liter. There is a significant increase of nearly
200%. With the formula is water density ρ = m / v, where ρ =
density (kg/m3), m = mass (kg or g), v = volume (m3 or cm3)
with the density of water = 1 g/Cm3 or = 1000 kg/m3,
therefore if the volume of water increases, the mass of water is
increase too.





Relationship mass of water with moment of inertia is I = 1/2m
(R12 + R22). When the mass of water is double, then the same
is with moment inertia. Therefore we concluded that the Micro
hydro in Dusun Gambuk Pupuan Tabanan Bali [19], [20] now
only produces power of 700 watts, then by the adjustments
angel of bowl turbine with theta angle of 11 degrees, then the
power generated double.





The simulation demonstrated that the water bowl can be filled
up with water at 5.574 cm3 when the theta angle 11 degrees.
With the movement of the alpha angle until 9-degree, the
volume of water in the bowl is a maximum and the Micro
hydro at Dusun Gambuk can produce electricity double before
now about 1400 Watt.



The Authors convey gratitude to the Ministry of Culture and
Education, Indonesia, that has provided scholarships through
the program BPPS and National Strategic Research fund in






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