Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Animals

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Animals / Binatang
Fill the blank words below
1. C _ _ (kucing)
2. _ _ _ N (singa)
3. W _ _ L _ (paus)
4. _ O _ K _ Y (monyet)
5. _ _ _E _ (macan)
6. E_ _ _ _ (elang)
7. _ _ A _ _ (hiu)
8. S _ U _ _ _ E L (tupai)
9. _ H _ _ O _ E _ O _ (badak)
10. _ _ A G _ N _ _ Y (capung)
fill the blanks with the given words
1. a ________________ has big body
2. a monkey eats _____________
3. a cat likes to eat ___________
4. a lion likes to eat _____________
5. a ____________ has a trunk and wide ears
6. a goat eats _____________________

7. a chicken produces _____________
8. a cow produces ________________
9. a rabbit likes to eat ___________________
10. a mosquitos likes to eat______________