Submitted to English Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of Syekh Nurjati State
Institute for Islamic Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of Islamic Scholar
Degree in English Education

Reg.Num. 58430636




“An analysis Author’s Language Style in Jakarta Post Newspapers
(qualitative research at IAIN library)”

Language is a media for communication. The Jakarta Post is being one of
Indonesian Newspapers. In Jakarta Post Newspapers a lot of rubric and each rubric
discuss about a lot of subject. This research is aimed to find what are language style
that used in Opinion Rubric The Jakarta Post Newspapers based on sentence structure
and also interpret how the language styleused in that Newspapers
The researcherusesKeraf s theory in analyzing the data.The language style
theories is classified into four kinds of language style which is classified from the
language element, they are: Language style based on the diction. Such as; Formal
style, informal style, colloquial style. And language style based on sentence structure,
such as; climax, anticlimax, parallelism, antithesis, and repetition.
The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative research. The researcher uses
himself as the key instrument to collect and to analyze the data that taken from The
Jakarta Post Newspapers Published December 1st, 2012. After classified the data, the
researcher interpret how the language style used in sentences and utterance based on
article. And then the researcher makes clear explanation or comments.
After classifying analyzing the data, the researcher found seventy one data

that perform in five characteristics of language style based on sentence structure and
the diction. They are Formal, informal, colloquial, climax, anti-climax, parallelism,
anti-thesis, and repetition. However, the most dominant language style based on
sentence structure that is used in Opinion Rubric The Jakarta Post Newspapers is
Finally, after finishing this research, the conclusionof this research language is
a media for communication. The researcher found that kinds of language style, the
cahracteristic of language style and the ways of language style are used in Opinion
Rubric The Jakarta Post Newspapers. They can be divided into eight types of
language style based onsentence structure and the diction, such as: formal, informal,
colloquial, climax, anticlimax, parallelism, antithesis andrepetition. the researcher
hopes that this research can give contribution to the researcher himself, to the readers,
and to the further researchers who conduct the same research. Furthermore, the
researcher suggests to the next researchers to study more complete research,
especially in the same field.


The thesis entitled: “An Analysis Author’s Language Style in Jakarta Post

Newspapers”written by Pendi.registered Number 58430636, has been examined on
January 31st, 2013. It has been recognized as one of the requirements for Graduate
Degree in English Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty, English Study
Program, SyekhNurjatiState Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Cirebon.
English Education Department
Dr. Hj. HuriyahSaleh, M. Pd
NIP. 19610112 198903 2 005
English Education Department
Sumadi, SS, M.Hum
NIP. 19701005 200003 1 002
Examiner 1
Dr. Hj. HuriyahSaleh, M. Pd
NIP. 19610112 198903 2 005
Examiner 2
Dr. AsepKurniawan, M. Ag
NIP. 19710801 200312 1 001
Supervisor 1

H. UdinKamiludin, M. Sc
NIP. 19630915 199603 1 001
Supervisor 2
Drs. TohidinMasnun, M. Pd
NIP. 19650308 199903 1 002
Acknowledged by
The Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty

Dr. Saefudin Zuhri, M. Ag
NIP. 19710302 199803 1 002



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. All Praises and
thanks belong to Allah, The Lord of the Universe who leads and gives many fortunes
to the writer so being capable arranging and finishing the thesis. My invocation and
safety always be delivered to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions

and up to us as his followers till the end of the world.
This thesis entitled in: “An AnalysisAuthor’sLanguageStyle in Jakarta Post
Newspapers”, is presented to fulfill one of the Requirements to achieve Islamic
scholar in English Education Degree (S.Pd.I) at English Department of Tarbiyah
Faculty of SyekhNurjati State Institute fot Islamic Studies.
While arranging the thesis, there are so many persons who have participated,
helped, advised directly or indirectly. So, in this chance, the writer would like to
convey sincerely profound thankfulness and gratitude to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. MaksumMuktar, MA. The Rector ofSyekhNurjati State Institute for
Islamic Studies.
2. Dr. Hj. HuriyahSaleh, M.Pd, TheChairwoman of English Education Department
of SyekhNurjatiState Institute for Islamic Studies.
3. Sumadi, SS., M.Hum, TheSecretary of English Education Department of
SyekhNurjati State Institute for Islamic Studies.
4. H. UdinKamiludin, M.Sc. The first Supervisor.
5. Drs. Tohidin, M. Pd. The second Supervisor


6. My beloved mother Tiah as the hostess, guider and teacher at home and

unforgettable all of my friends concluding TiyahMartiyasih, Nurul Akbar, Abdul
Haris, Oman Ringgit and still many friends that could not be mentioned.
The writer realizes that this thesis is not perfect and there are many mistakes
and faults either in arrangement or in the content. So the writer is widely opened to
receive any criticisms and suggestions to make this thesis better for the future.
Finally, the writer does hope this thesis would be a valuable thing to the
readers, especially for the writer one and for English Education Department of
TarbiyahFaculty of SyekhNurjati State Institute for Islamic Studies.

Cirebon, December 2012



ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................i
THE APPROVAL ......................................................................................................ii
RATIFICATION ........................................................................................................iii
OFFICIAL NOTE ......................................................................................................iv

AUTOBIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................v
PREFACE ..................................................................................................................vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................ix
LIST OF TABLE .......................................................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGURE ......................................................................................................xiii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................1
A. The Background of Problem .............................................................................1
B. The Identification of Problem...........................................................................6
C. The Objective of the Study ...............................................................................6
D. Significance of the Study ..................................................................................6
CHAPTER II THE THEORETICAL FOUNDATION .............................................7
A. The Language Style ..........................................................................................7
B. The Classification of Language Style ..............................................................10
C. The Function of Language Style.......................................................................13
D. Non-Language Aspect….…………. ………………………………………….18
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH........................................24

A. The Objective of The Research ........................................................................24

B. The Time of The Research ..............................................................................25
C. The Method of The Research ...........................................................................25
D. The Source of Data ...........................................................................................25
E. The Techniques of Collection Data ..................................................................26
F. The Techniques of Data Analysis .....................................................................28
CHAPTER IV THE RESEARCH FINDINGS ..........................................................30
A. General Description of The Jakarta Post ..........................................................30
1. News Genre …………………………………………………………...30
2. History…………………………………………………………………31
3. The Reader of Jakarta Post Newspapers………………………………31
4. The Jakarta Post as National Newspapers ............................................31
B. Kinds of Language Style are Used in Jakarta Post ...........................................32
C. The Ways of Language Style used in Opinion Rubric .....................................33
D. Discussion .........................................................................................................35
E. Research Findings……………………………………………………….....…...54
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...............................................64
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................64
B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................66
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................67


APPENDIX 1 .............................................................................................................69
APPENDIX 2 .............................................................................................................70
APPENDIX 3 .............................................................................................................71




Table of Examples of Language Style and Its Characteristics .............32


International Opinion Rubric The Jakarta Post Newspapers ................44


3.1 Diagram Analysis......................................................................................29
4.2 Logo of The Jakarta Post Newspapers……………………………...........30




In this chapter, the researcher discusses some important points related to the
area of the research. Those are background of the problems, the identification,
objective of the research, significances of the research.
A. The Background of the Problems.
Language is a fundamental aspect of human life. To communicate and
establish relationship with other, people use language as tool of their
communication (Wardhaugh, 1985: 29).to communicate means to transfer
ideas from one person to the others. If people did not have a tool to
communicate, every people’s activities and interaction would be stagnant.

Moreover Wardhaugh (1986:1) state that language is what the
members of the particular society speak. So, the relationship between
language and human or society dependent.Wardhaugh (1986:1) further state
that the definition of language and society is not independent. Those, from the
statement above, the researcher conclude that if there is no language in
society, there will be nothing.
Basically, function in language is to know and understand other
people’s ideas. Chaika(1982:1) states that language and society are so
intertwined and it is impossible to understand one without another.



There are two kinds of language, spoken language and written
language. Spoken language is an utterance which is formed from sound, such
as conversation, speech, storytelling, discussion, radio, television broadcast,
and etc. While written language is utterance which is formed in the written
form, such as novels, comics, newspapers, magazine, letters, books, journals,
articles, and etc.
In expressing or delivering ideas in both forms, spoken and written
language, people have and use their own style because it is related to the
social aspect. Chaika (1982:29) states that style refers to the selection of the
linguistics form to
Convey social or artistic effects. Style also acts as a set of instruction.
Other opinions come from Keraf (1984: 114). He states that style is that the
ability and the competence to make a sentence in a good way.
In this case, Islam has taught and clearly described in Koran (AlHujurât:13) how to avoid us from the problem of making relationship with
other people.The researcher has described how God creates human in different
nations andtribes. For example, in Java there are East Java and Central Java.
Most of themuse Javanese language but both of them have different style of
Javanese language.It proves how a language is produced in different style
although their languagesare almost the same.
Considering the problem above, the researcher enthusiastically focuses
his study on the language style because style forms communication in the


right way and determines how a social interaction will proceed (Chaika, 1982:
22). In this case, style determines how a speaker speaks and how listener takes
the meaning of the communication in the right way; whether it is serious,
humorous, dubious, or any other possible sense.
Chaika (1982) describe five characteristics of style, those are: (1).
Style forms a communication system in its own right. (2). Style tells how to
interpret a message. (3). Style forms a mini communication system that works
along with the language itself. (4). Style controls the interaction. (5). Style is
so integral with social function that interaction cannot go ahead if one does
not speak with the right style.
The language style of spoken and written language can be analyzed
from different point of view: words, grammar, and pronunciation (Chaika:
1982). Furthermore, Keraf (1984; 115) states that language style be analyzed
based on the linguistics contexts which are divided into word choice, tone,
sentence structure, as well as direct and indirect meaning.
As stated above, people use written language in expressing their
ideas.One example of written languages that is created by human beings is a
literarywork. Literature is an art of writing to express what someone feels and
sees intheir surroundings. When discussing about literature, however, we
alwaysremember a special kind of language that differs from the ordinary
discourse fromwhich we conduct our daily affairs. The creation of literature is


human s unique activity in order to show his or her endless desire to express,
to share, and tounderstand his or her experiences.
Literature is a part of art which shows the values of factual
andimaginative beauty. It gives consolidation and spiritual satisfaction to its
reader.Hudson (1965:10) states that literature is the vital record of what men
have in lifeand what they have thought and felt about these aspects. However,
literaturecannot affect others unless it is read, heard, and shared. It takes a
reader or aperformer to bring these potential experiences in literature into
active expression(Yaron, 1982:32).
Literature has been traditionally divided into three genres: prose,
drama,and poetry. One kind of literary works that is categorized in prose
genre isNewspapers. In this study, the researcher wants to use Newspapers as
the object of thestudy focused on the language style, especially in the aspect
of sentence structure.
Opinion rubric is selected as a data of this research for several reasons.
First,Opinion is a staple in the newspaper article which is the editorial views
of the events that are being discussed at the time the paper was published.
Second,inopinion normally disclosed any information or actual problems,
emphasis the importance of the problem, the opinion editorial on the matter,
criticism and suggestions on the issue, and the editors hope will be the role of
the reader. Third,Opinion function normally explains the news, meaning, and
impact on society.


The researcher selects The Jakarta Post newspapers as a data source
because several reason. First, it is printed media that can be long life and
person can see anytime they want, that easy for them to know the style of the
language used.Second, it is published with native, and the last the researcher
expects this study will give new contribution in knowing the stylistic language
expressed by native especially on characteristic of language style in Jakarta
post newspapers.
This research discussed about the language style used in Jakarta Post
Newspapers which is focused on the kinds of language style and also
investigates how the language styles used in Jakarta Post Newspapers. This
research has same relation to previous researcher on the same field. Zahra
(2006) on her thesis under the title “The language styles used by Bloggers in
the Blogosphere”. She used language style theory to investigate how the
language styles were used by the bloggers in blogosphere.
Based on the reasons above, this research is conducted because there
have been very few studies in language style focused on written language.
Besides, the researcher would like to know the influences the reader using the
language style. The preceding consideration leads the researcher to conduct a
study on “An Analysis Author’s Language Style in Jakarta Post


B. The Identification of the Problems.
Based on the background of the problem, the problems to be solved
in this research are:
1. What kinds of language styles are used in Jakarta Post
2. What is the waysof the language style used in Jakarta Post
Newspapers especially in term of its sentence structure?
C. The Objective of the Research
Related to the previous problems above, the objective of this study
1. To produce the descriptive knowledge of kinds of language style
of sentences are used in Jakarta Post Newspapers
2. To produce the descriptive knowledge of characteristic of
language style in English.
3. To produce the descriptive knowledge of the ways of language
styles of sentences are used in Jakarta Post Newspapers.
D. Significance of the Research
1. The Theoretical Significance








theoreticalperspective on the five categories of sentence structure and
three categories of the diction in languagestyle which are performed in


written language that is used in literaryworks especially in Jakarta Post

The Practical Significance
Practically, this study might be employed to help the lecturers to
teachtheir students on structural sentences and to help the other
researchersin conducting similar researches. This study can be a reference
toelaborate the other styles of language especially in term of
sentencestructure in written text.


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