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Diasumsikan kandungan protein yang terkandung pada albumin, globulin dan glutelin yaitu 39%, 25% dan 23%. Kemudian,

jumlah protein sponge cake yang disubstitusi harus sama dengan jumlah protein sponge cake kontrol (70 g).

  %protein 25% %protein 50% %protein 70% %protein putih 10,1 52,5000 5,3025 35,0000 3,5350 21,0000 2,1210 telur

Spirulina 65 2,7192 1,7675 5,4385 3,5350 7,6138 4,9490

  air 14,7808 29,5615 41,3862 putih 10,1 52,5000 5,3025 35,0000 3,5350 21,0000 2,1210 telur albumin

  39 4,5321 1,7675 9,0641 3,5350 12,6897 4,9490 air 12,9679 25,9359 36,3103 putih 10,1 52,5000 5,3025 35,0000 3,5350 21,0000 2,1210 telur globulin 25 7,0700 1,7675 14,1400 3,5350 19,7960 4,9490 air 10,4300 20,8600 29,2040 putih 10,1 52,5000 5,3025 35,0000 3,5350 21,0000 2,1210 telur glutelin 23 7,6848 1,7675 15,3696 3,5350 21,5174 4,9490 air 9,8152 19,6304 27,4826


Fraksi Protein

  Sponge cake substitusi 25% % protein 10,1% putih telur = 52,5 g 52,5 g x 10,1% = 5,3025%

  39% albumin = 1,7675% / 39% 7% - 5,30255 = 4,5321 g = 1,7675% air = 70 g

  • – 52,5 g – 4,5321 g = 12,9679 g

  Sponge cake substitusi 25% % protein 10,1% putih telur = 52,5 g 52,5 g x 10,1% = 5,3025%

  25% globulin = 1,7675% / 25% 7% - 5,30255 = 7,0700 g = 1,7675% air = 70 g

  • – 52,5 g – 7,0700 g = 10,4300 g

  Sponge cake substitusi 25% % protein 10,1% putih telur = 52,5 g 52,5 g x 10,1% = 5,3025%

  23% glutelin = 1,7675% / 23% 7% - 5,30255 = 7,6848 g = 1,7675% air = 70 g

  • – 52,5 g – 7,6848 g = 9,8152 g


Lampiran 3. Analisa Data Menggunakan SPSS Oneway

  N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for

  7.90 spirulina 50% 5 7.2000 1.07703 .48166 5.8627 8.5373


  Within Groups 11.828 16 .739 Total 13.686

  19 baking_loss Between Groups 1.858 3 .619 .838 .493

  vol_pngmbgn Between Groups 2960.198 3 986.733 324.395 .000 Within Groups 48.668 16 3.042 Total 3008.866

  ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  3 16 .002 baking_loss 2.274 3 16 .119

  8.20 Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. vol_pngmbgn 8.202


  8.10 Total 20 7.1350 .84870 .18977 6.7378 7.5322


  8.20 spirulina 70% 5 7.3400 .58566 .26192 6.6128 8.0672



  Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound vol_pngmbgn kontrol



  79.05 baking_loss kontrol 5 7.3800 .49699 .22226 6.7629 7.9971


  46.54 Total 20 58.9666 12.58417 2.81391 53.0770 64.8562


  57.56 spirulina 70% 5 44.2772 2.11743 .94694 41.6481 46.9063


  58.90 spirulina 50% 5 55.6084 2.53189 1.13229 52.4646 58.7522


  79.05 spirulina 25% 5 57.9374 .59981 .26824 57.1926 58.6822


  5 78.0434 .95567 .42739 76.8568 79.2300

  8.00 spirulina 25% 5 6.6200 1.09864 .49132 5.2559 7.9841


  Duncan perlakuan N Subset for alpha =


  1 spirulina 25% 5 6.6200 spirulina 50% 5 7.2000 spirulina 70% 5 7.3400 kontrol 5 7.3800

  Sig. .216 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.




  N Mean Std.

  Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean

  Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound vol_pengmbgn kontrol 5 7.80434E1 .955673 .427390 76.85678 79.23002 77.064 79.054 albumin 25% 5 5.89070E1 2.817436 1.259996 55.40869 62.40531 56.193 62.688 albumin 50% 5 3.58788E1 2.277099 1.018350 33.05141 38.70619 32.961 39.341 albumin 70% 5 2.62530E1 1.643607 .735043 24.21219 28.29381 24.026 28.195 globulin 25% 5 4.33794E1 2.399024 1.072876 40.40062 46.35818 40.227 46.571 globulin 50% 5 3.96920E1 2.222761 .994049 36.93208 42.45192 37.357 42.752 globulin 70% 5 2.14748E1 1.239016 .554105 19.93636 23.01324 19.902 23.226 glutelin 25% 5 4.13930E1 2.334608 1.044068 38.49420 44.29180 37.617 43.336 glutelin 50% 5 4.10634E1 2.648427 1.184413 37.77494 44.35186 38.451 44.734 glutelin 70% 5 4.08260E1 2.292987 1.025455 37.97888 43.67312 37.735 43.692

  Total 50 4.26911E1 15.432952 2.182549 38.30508 47.07708 19.902 79.054 baking_loss kontrol 5 7.41800 .510461 .228285 6.78418 8.05182 6.720 8.030 albumin 25% 5 7.05600 .646320 .289043 6.25349 7.85851 6.080 7.790 albumin 50% 5 7.78600 .824942 .368925 6.76170 8.81030 6.810 8.760 albumin 70% 5 1.46480E1 .553868 .247697 13.96028 15.33572 14.110 15.570 globulin 25% 5 3.35800 .812078 .363172 2.34967 4.36633 2.190 4.430 globulin 50% 5 7.49400 .695291 .310944 6.63068 8.35732 6.570 8.270


  vol_pengmbgn Between Groups 11483.860 9 1275.984 273.281 .000 Within Groups 186.765 40 4.669 Total 11670.625

  49 baking_loss Between Groups 441.281 9 49.031 63.758 .000

  Within Groups 30.761 40 .769 Total 472.042

Homogeneous Subsets vol_pengmbgn

  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N







  7 globulin 70% 5 2.14748E1 albumin 70% 5 2.62530E1 albumin 50% 5 3.58788E1 globulin 50% 5 3.96920E1 glutelin 70% 5 4.08260E1 4.08260E1 glutelin 50% 5 4.10634E1 4.10634E1 glutelin 25% 5 4.13930E1 4.13930E1 globulin 25%

  5 4.33794E1 albumin 25%

  5 5.89070E1 kontrol

  5 7.80434E1

  Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .265 .095 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N







  7 globulin 25% 5 3.35800 glutelin 70% 5 5.12000




  95% Confidence Interval for Mean

  Std. Lower Upper N Mean Deviation Std. Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum hardness kontrol 5 1.2902E2 6.35763 2.84322 121.1300 136.9180 121.84 136.25 spirulina 5 1.0517E2 3.99811 1.78801 100.2037 110.1323 101.10 110.16 25% spirulina

  5 1.4869E2 2.05380 .91849 146.1439 151.2441 145.75 150.83 50% spirulina

  5 1.9300E2 6.57913 2.94228 184.8329 201.1711 187.43 203.79 70% Total 20 1.4397E2 33.39775 7.46796 128.3414 159.6026 101.10 203.79 cohesiveness kontrol

  5 .11800 .034205 .015297 .07553 .16047 .080 .170 spirulina 5 .05200 .019235 .008602 .02812 .07588 .020 .070

  25% spirulina 5 .04700 .009747 .004359 .03490 .05910 .035 .060

  50% spirulina 5 .04600 .025100 .011225 .01483 .07717 .020 .070

  70% Total 20 .06575 .037950 .008486 .04799 .08351 .020 .170 springiness kontrol

  5 3.6000 .67097 .30007 2.7669 4.4331


  4.39 spirulina 5 3.6300 1.03082 .46100 2.3501 4.9099


  4.61 25% spirulina

  5 3.3760 1.14670 .51282 1.9522 4.7998


  4.45 50% spirulina

  5 3.4480 1.11704 .49955 2.0610 4.8350


  4.76 70% Total 20 3.5135 .93255 .20852 3.0771 3.9499


  4.76 chewiness kontrol 5 .5640 .29186 .13052 .2016 .9264 .25

  1.02 spirulina 5 .2100 .12186 .05450 .0587 .3613 .03 .36

  25% spirulina 5 .2540 .13722 .06137 .0836 .4244 .02 .37 50% spirulina

  5 .3520 .26176 .11706 .0270 .6770 .06 .64 70% Total 20 .3450 .24302 .05434 .2313 .4587 .02

  1.02 Test of Homogeneity of Variances d f

  Levene Statistic 1 df2 Sig. hardness 1.963 3 16 .160 cohesiveness 2.086 3

  16 .142 springiness .339 3 16 .798 chewiness 1.887 3 16 .173



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

  hardness Between Groups 20777.157 3 6925.719 266.611 .000 Within Groups 415.630 16 25.977 Total 21192.786

  19 cohesiveness Between Groups .018 3 .006 10.775 .000

  Within Groups .009 16 .001 Total .027

  19 springiness Between Groups .221 3 .074 .072 .974

  Within Groups 16.302 16 1.019 Total 16.523

  19 chewiness Between Groups .373 3 .124 2.651 .084

  Within Groups .750 16 .047 Total 1.122

  19 Post Hoc Tests

  Homogeneous Subsets hardness


  Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N




  4 spirulina 25% 5 1.0517E2 kontrol 5 1.2902E2 spirulina 50% 5 1.4869E2 spirulina 70% 5 1.9300E2

  Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N


  2 spirulina 70% 5 .04600 spirulina 50% 5 .04700 spirulina 25% 5 .05200 kontrol 5 .11800

  Sig. .711 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


  Duncan Subset for alpha =

  0.05 perlakuan N 1 spirulina 50%

  5 3.3760 spirulina 70% 5 3.4480 kontrol 5 3.6000 spirulina 25% 5 3.6300

  Sig. .719 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 spirulina 25% 5 .2100 spirulina 50% 5 .2540 spirulina 70% 5 .3520 .3520 kontrol 5 .5640

  Sig. .340 .141 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.




  N Mean Std.

  Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean

  Minimum Maximum Lower Bound

  Upper Bound hardness kontrol

  5 1.29024E2 6.357628 2.843218 121.12996 136.91804 121.840 136.250 albumin 25% 5 1.55896E2 4.160070 1.860440 150.73059 161.06141 151.590 162.010 albumin 50% 5 1.32468E2 4.510568 2.017187 126.86739 138.06861 127.060 137.790 albumin 70% 5 8.44820E1 2.249549 1.006029 81.68882 87.27518 82.930 88.140 globulin 25% 5 1.51758E2 2.339865 1.046420 148.85267 154.66333 149.070 155.520 globulin 50%

  5 1.30426E2 6.705604 2.998837 122.09989 138.75211 123.140 137.520 globulin 70% 5 9.98040E1 3.132224 1.400773 95.91483 103.69317 95.900 104.230 glutelin 25% 5 1.74624E2 1.868671 .835695 172.30374 176.94426 172.160 176.930 glutelin 50% 5 1.54248E2 6.324173 2.828256 146.39550 162.10050 143.880 159.850 glutelin 70% 5 1.09784E2 7.188830 3.214943 100.85789 118.71011 98.500 116.660

  Total 50 1.32251E2 27.223620 3.850001 124.51453 139.98827 82.930 176.930 cohesiveness kontrol 5 .11800 .034205 .015297 .07553 .16047 .080 .170 albumin 25% 5 .08800 .020494 .009165 .06255 .11345 .070 .110 albumin 50% 5 .07200 .022804 .010198 .04369 .10031 .050 .100 albumin 70% 5 .04000 .010000 .004472 .02758 .05242 .030 .050 globulin 25% 5 .10200 .020494 .009165 .07655 .12745 .070 .120 globulin 50%

  5 .05600 .011402 .005099 .04184 .07016 .040 .070 globulin 70% 5 .03600 .021909 .009798 .00880 .06320 .010 .070 glutelin 25% 5 .11800 .014832 .006633 .09958 .13642 .100 .140 glutelin 50% 5 .10000 .022361 .010000 .07224 .12776 .070 .130 glutelin 70% 5 .05400 .024083 .010770 .02410 .08390 .020 .080 Total 50 .07840 .035419 .005009 .06833 .08847 .010 .170 springiness kontrol

  5 3.60000 .670969 .300067 2.76688 4.43312 2.710 4.390 albumin 25% 5 4.79200 .279768 .125116 4.44462 5.13938 4.370 5.120 albumin 50% 5 4.24400 .457526 .204612 3.67591 4.81209 3.550 4.620 albumin 70% 5 2.37600 .389974 .174402 1.89178 2.86022 1.860 2.750 globulin 25% 5 4.31600 .945267 .422736 3.14230 5.48970 3.600 5.820 globulin 50%

  5 4.10000 .382623 .171114 3.62491 4.57509 3.750 4.730 globulin 70% 5 3.33800 1.880005 .840764 1.00367 5.67233 1.480 6.260 glutelin 25% 5 4.54600 .271809 .121557 4.20850 4.88350 4.100 4.840 glutelin 50% 5 3.95400 .758340 .339140 3.01240 4.89560 2.720 4.660 glutelin 70% 5 3.52600 .441396 .197398 2.97794 4.07406 2.940 3.970

  Total 50 3.87920 .982379 .138929 3.60001 4.15839 1.480 6.260 chewiness kontrol 5 .56400 .291856 .130522 .20161 .92639 .250 1.020 albumin 25% 5 .66800 .182401 .081572 .44152 .89448 .500 .880 albumin 50% 5 .39800 .153036 .068440 .20798 .58802 .230 .560 albumin 70% 5 .08000 .028284 .012649 .04488 .11512 .050 .110 globulin 25% 5 .64000 .229565 .102665 .35496 .92504 .450 1.030 globulin 50%

  5 .29400 .092358 .041304 .17932 .40868 .200 .430 globulin 70% 5 .14000 .120623 .053944 -.00977 .28977 .020 .280 glutelin 25% 5 .78000 .222823 .099649 .50333 1.05667 .520 1.090 glutelin 50% 5 .46000 .103682 .046368 .33126 .58874 .330 .560 glutelin 70% 5 .33200 .167541 .074927 .12397 .54003 .080 .470

  Total 50 .43560 .271625 .038414 .35840 .51280 .020 1.090

  Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

  hardness 2.214

  9 40 .041 cohesiveness 1.125 9 40 .368 springiness 4.599 9 40 .000 chewiness 2.068 9 40 .056


ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. hardness Between Groups 35360.954 9 3928.995 164.704 .000

  Within Groups 954.194 40 23.855 Total 36315.148

  49 cohesiveness Between Groups .043 9 .005 10.600 .000

  Within Groups .018 40 .000 Total .061

  49 springiness Between Groups 22.056 9 2.451 3.885 .001

  Within Groups 25.232 40 .631 Total 47.288

  49 chewiness Between Groups 2.388 9 .265 8.643 .000

  Within Groups 1.228 40 .031 Total 3.615

  49 Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets hardness

  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N






  6 albumin 70% 5 8.44820E1 globulin 70% 5 9.98040E1 glutelin 70% 5 1.09784E2 kontrol 5 1.29024E2 globulin 50% 5 1.30426E2 albumin 50% 5 1.32468E2 globulin 25%

  5 1.51758E2 glutelin 50%

  5 1.54248E2 albumin 25%

  5 1.55896E2 glutelin 25%

  5 1.74624E2

  Sig. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .300 .214 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N




  4 globulin 70% 5 .03600 albumin 70% 5 .04000 glutelin 70% 5 .05400 .05400 globulin 50% 5 .05600 .05600 albumin 50% 5 .07200 .07200 albumin 25% 5 .08800 .08800 glutelin 50% 5 .10000 .10000 globulin 25% 5 .10200 kontrol 5 .11800 glutelin 25% 5 .11800

  Sig. .184 .215 .055 .052 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N




  4 albumin 70% 5 2.37600 globulin 70% 5 3.33800 3.33800 glutelin 70% 5 3.52600 3.52600 kontrol 5 3.60000 3.60000 glutelin 50% 5 3.95400 3.95400 3.95400 globulin 50% 5 4.10000 4.10000 4.10000 albumin 50% 5 4.24400 4.24400 4.24400 globulin 25% 5 4.31600 4.31600 4.31600 glutelin 25% 5 4.54600 4.54600 albumin 25% 5 4.79200

  Sig. .063 .098 .085 .151 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

  chewiness Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N









  albumin 70% 5 .08000 globulin 70% 5 .14000 .14000 globulin 50% 5 .29400 .29400 .29400 glutelin 70% 5 .33200 .33200 .33200 albumin 50% 5 .39800 .39800 .39800 glutelin 50% 5 .46000 .46000 .46000 .46000 kontrol 5 .56400 .56400 .56400 .56400 globulin 25%

  5 .64000 .64000 .64000 albumin 25%

  5 .66800 .66800 glutelin 25%

  5 .78000

  Sig. .074 .109 .180 .061 .051 .093 .081 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.




  95% Confidence Interval for Mean Std. Upper Maxim

  N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Bound Minimum um jmlh_pori kontrol 5 5.90000E1 1.581139 .707107 57.03676 60.96324 57.000 61.000 spirulina 25% 5 8.68000E1 1.923538 .860233 84.41161 89.18839 84.000 89.000 spirulina 50% 5 8.00000E1 1.581139 .707107 78.03676 81.96324 78.000 82.000 spirulina 70% 5 7.94000E1 1.949359 .871780 76.97955 81.82045 77.000 82.000 Total 20 7.63000E1 10.795223 2.413885 71.24768 81.35232 57.000 89.000 diameter_pori kontrol

  5 .21000 .010000 .004472 .19758 .22242 .200 .220 spirulina 25% 5 .14400 .011402 .005099 .12984 .15816 .130 .160 spirulina 50% 5 .14400 .015166 .006782 .12517 .16283 .120 .160 spirulina 70% 5 .21000 .022361 .010000 .18224 .23776 .180 .240



  3 16 .922 diameter_pori .846 3 16 .489

  19 Post Hoc Tests

  Within Groups .004 16 .000 Total .026

  19 diameter_pori Between Groups .022 3 .007 30.250 .000

  Within Groups 50.000 16 3.125 Total 2214.200

  Mean Square F Sig. jmlh_pori Between Groups 2164.200 3 721.400 230.848 .000

  Sum of Squares df


  jmlh_pori .159

  N Mean Std.

  Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

  Total 20 .17700 .036721 .008211 .15981 .19419 .120 .240

  5 .21000 .010000 .004472 .19758 .22242 .200 .220 spirulina 25% 5 .14400 .011402 .005099 .12984 .15816 .130 .160 spirulina 50% 5 .14400 .015166 .006782 .12517 .16283 .120 .160 spirulina 70% 5 .21000 .022361 .010000 .18224 .23776 .180 .240

  Bound jmlh_pori kontrol 5 5.90000E1 1.581139 .707107 57.03676 60.96324 57.000 61.000 spirulina 25% 5 8.68000E1 1.923538 .860233 84.41161 89.18839 84.000 89.000 spirulina 50% 5 8.00000E1 1.581139 .707107 78.03676 81.96324 78.000 82.000 spirulina 70% 5 7.94000E1 1.949359 .871780 76.97955 81.82045 77.000 82.000 Total 20 7.63000E1 10.795223 2.413885 71.24768 81.35232 57.000 89.000 diameter_pori kontrol

  Lower Bound um Upper

  Minimum Maxim

  Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean

  Homogeneous Subsets


  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N



  3 kontrol 5 5.90000E1 spirulina 70% 5 7.94000E1 spirulina 50% 5 8.00000E1 spirulina 25% 5 8.68000E1

  Sig. 1.000 .599 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N


  2 spirulina 50% 5 .14400 spirulina 25% 5 .14400 spirulina 70% 5 .21000 kontrol 5 .21000

  Sig. 1.000 1.000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.




  95% Confidence Interval for Mean

  Std. Lower Upper N Mean Deviation Std. Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum jmlh_pori kontrol

  5 59.0000 1.58114 .70711 57.0368 60.9632


  61.00 albumin 25% 5 79.0000 1.87083 .83666 76.6771 81.3229


  82.00 albumin 50% 5 78.4000 1.51658 .67823 76.5169 80.2831


  80.00 albumin 70% 5 59.6000 1.51658 .67823 57.7169 61.4831


  62.00 globulin 50% 5 78.0000 1.58114 .70711 76.0368 79.9632


  Total 50 .22280 .035401 .005006 .21274 .23286 .140 .310

  Within Groups .032 40 .001 Total .061

  49 diameter_pori Between Groups .029 9 .003 4.010 .001

  Within Groups 118.400 40 2.960 Total 6653.680

  Mean Square F Sig. jmlh_pori Between Groups 6535.280 9 726.142 245.318 .000

  Sum of Squares df


  9 40 .999 diameter_pori 2.856 9 40 .011

  jmlh_pori .112

  Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

  92.00 diameter_pori kontrol 5 .21000 .010000 .004472 .19758 .22242 .200 .220 albumin 25% 5 .20800 .022804 .010198 .17969 .23631 .180 .240 albumin 50% 5 .22800 .027749 .012410 .19355 .26245 .200 .270 albumin 70% 5 .25600 .032863 .014697 .21519 .29681 .220 .300 globulin 25% 5 .22000 .048990 .021909 .15917 .28083 .160 .280 globulin 50% 5 .22600 .024083 .010770 .19610 .25590 .200 .260 globulin 70% 5 .27200 .031145 .013928 .23333 .31067 .240 .310 glutelin 25% 5 .18200 .030332 .013565 .14434 .21966 .140 .210 glutelin 50% 5 .21000 .022361 .010000 .18224 .23776 .180 .240 glutelin 70% 5 .21600 .015166 .006782 .19717 .23483 .200 .240

  80.00 globulin 70% 5 57.6000 1.81659 .81240 55.3444 59.8556


  72.00 Total 50 73.9200 11.65287 1.64796 70.6083 77.2317


  81.00 glutelin 70% 5 69.2000 1.92354 .86023 66.8116 71.5884


  92.00 glutelin 50% 5 78.8000 1.92354 .86023 76.4116 81.1884


  60.00 glutelin 25% 5 89.6000 1.81659 .81240 87.3444 91.8556



Post Hoc Tests Homogeneous Subsets jmlh_pori

  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N




  4 globulin 70% 5 57.6000 kontrol 5 59.0000 albumin 70% 5 59.6000 glutelin 70% 5 69.2000 globulin 50% 5 78.0000 albumin 50% 5 78.4000 glutelin 50% 5 78.8000 albumin 25% 5 79.0000 glutelin 25% 5 89.6000 globulin 25% 5 90.0000

  Sig. .089 1.000 .410 .715 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


  Duncan Subset for alpha = 0.05 perlakuan N




  4 glutelin 25% 5 .18200 albumin 25% 5 .20800 .20800 kontrol 5 .21000 .21000 glutelin 50% 5 .21000 .21000 glutelin 70% 5 .21600 .21600 .21600 globulin 25% 5 .22000 .22000 .22000 globulin 50% 5 .22600 .22600 albumin 50% 5 .22800 .22800 albumin 70% 5 .25600 .25600 globulin 70% 5 .27200 Sig. .069 .344 .052 .379 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
