2111201625747 UAS Bahasa Inggris a.n. Sri Rahayu




UAS take home Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu : Prof. Gunawan



Sri Rahayu, S.Pd.

Nim 2016082031





TAHUN 2016

  No Kal. Tanya B Indonesia Kal. Tanya B Inggris jawaban Pertanyaan dengan anak ragil tentang lomba

  12 Apa bekal saja yang kamu bawa? What provisions are you bringing? Some breads and any money

  21 Kapan kamu UTS? When is your mid term test will be held? On October

  20 Apa saja yang sudah kamu pelajari untuk persiapan UTS? What have you learn for the mid term test? Indonesion language, math, English Laanguage, and Sience.

  17 Mengapa kamu belum mandi? Have you taken a bath? Yes, I have 19 Apa rencanamu hari ini? What is your plan today? Studying hard for the mid term.

  18 Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan? What are you doing? Studying

  Pertanyaan dengan anak sulung tentang UTS

  16 Apa yang dapat kamu pelajari? What can you learn? I have to practice more

  15 Siapa yang menang? Who is the winner? Husna from SMP 5

  14 Bagaimana hasil lombanya? How was the competition result? I was the runner up

  13 Berapa uang yang kamu perlukan? How much money that you need? Rp50.000

  11 Berapa kali kamu berlatih? How many times did you practice? Five times

  1 Apakah dik lana sudah siap berlomba? Do you redy for the competition Lana? Yes

  10 Siapakah pembimbingmu? Who is your trainer? My English teacher

  9 Bagaimana persiapanmu? How was your preparation? Train hard

  1.00 P.M

  8 Jam berapa selesainya? What time did the competition finished?

  8.00 A.M

  7 Bersama siapa saja kamu berangkat? What time did you go there?

  6 Siapa yang mengantarkan ke sana? Who drives you there? My mom

  5 Di mana tempat lombanya? Where is the competition take place? In yogyakarta’s central library

  3 Mengapa kamu memilih lomba tersebut? Why do you decide to join that? Because i like telling story to someone

  2 Lomba apa yang kamu ikuti? What competition that you join? Story Telling

  22 Di mana kamu akan belajar kelompok? Where will you do the group’s study? Andi’s home

  24 Berapa buku yang sudah kamu beli? How many book that already bought by you? five

  37 Jam berapa kira-kira kegiatan selesai? What time the activity will finish

  Pertanyaan dengan ibu kandung

  45 Bisakah diantar ke rumah? Would you deliver to my home? yes

  44 Dari mana lele ini bapak dapatkan? Where do you get this? Raising

  43 Berapa ekor lele dalam 1kg? How many catfishes in 1 kg? Abaut 10

  42 Berapa harga 1kg lele? What is the price of 1 kg of catfishes? Rp20.000

  Pertanyaan di pasar

  40 Adakah yang hadir? Any citizens were coming? yes 41 Mengapa konsumsinya masih tersisa? Why the many food are rest? Because available a lot.

  39 Kaapan akan diadakan lagi? When will it be held again? Next week

  38 Lancarkah kegiatan hari ini? Was the activity clear? Yess It was


  36 Siapa saja yang ditugaskan menyiapkannya? Who is preparing the food and beverages? Mrs Driyah and Mrs Ika

  25 Berapa harga buku itu? How much is that ? All of them Rp 1.250.000,00 26 Apakah kamu yakin akan sukses UTS? Do you so confident in this mid term test? Yes Ido.


  35 Kapan konsumsi dibawa ke lokasi? When the many food are bringing at location?

  34 Berapa konsumsi yang harus disiapkan? How many food and beverages should be prepared? 60 pcs

  33 Siapa saja yang harus ikut ? Who must prticipate? All civilians

  32 Mengapa harus mengadakannya? Why must do did? To keep the nature clean

  30 Di mana lokasinya? Where does it take place? Around the river 31 Apa yang dapat dilakukan di sana? What cauld we do there? You can take the trush from the river.

  29 Apakah hari ini ada kerja bakti? Is there “kerja bakti”? Yes, there is

  Pertanyaan dengan suami tentang kegiatan kerja bakti?

  28 Mata kuliah apa yang tidak lulus? What subjects that you failed? Nothing

  27 Bagaimana hasil UTS-nya? How are the mid term test result? Success. I m happy

  46 Bagaimana keadaan ibu hari ini? How is mom’s condition today? She is healty

  48 Kapan ibu harus periksa kesehatan? When is mom should do health check up? Wednesday at 16.00

  59 Dengan siapa ibu pergi ke pesta pernikahan? With whom do you go there? My husband

  68 Sejak kapan bapak beternak itik? When did you start duck ranching? 4 years ago

  67 Bagaimana perawatannya? How to care these? Its Easy

  66 Berapa kali itik diberi makan dalam sehari? How many times you feed them in a day? Three times

  65 Apa makanan yang diberikan? What thing that you use to feed them? Sayuran, bekicot dll

  64 Berapa penghasilan dari memelihara itik? How much that you earn from ranching duck? About 300 rb/minggu

  63 Di mana telur-telur itik itu dijual? Where do you sell that eggs? To the market

  62 Berapa jumlah itik peliharaannya sekarang? How many duck that you have? Abaout 100

  Pertanyaan dengan tetangga laki-laaki 61 Apa yang sedang Bapak lalukan? What are you doing Sir? checking ducks.

  60 Naik apa ibu ke sana? By car

  58 Di mana tempat pernikahannya? Where is the wedding take place? Kagama UGM

  49 Siapa yang akan mengantarkan ibu periksa? Who drives mom there? Your brother

  57 Sudah rapi, ke mana ibu akan pergi? You look nice, where are you going? To the wedding party

  56 Apa kabar ibu hari ini? How are you today? I am fine

  Pertanyaan dengan tetangga

  55 Kapan ibu akan menginap di rumahku lagi? When does mom stay here again? Next Sunday

  54 Kapan kita ke makam bapak? When will we go to father's tomb Thursday afternoon

  53 Mengapa ibu tampak sedih? Why does mom look sad? I am fine

  52 Siapa yang memberikan susu untuk ibu? Who is buying the milk for mom? neighbor

  51 Apa pesan dokter? What did the doctor say? Need a lot of rest

  50 Berapa harga obat yang harus ditebus? How much the drug’s cost? Rp300.000

  69 Apa ternak lainnya? Do you have another ranch? Nothing 70 Bpk bahagia dengan beternak? Do you happy while ranching? Yes, of course. Pertanyaan dengan adik perempuan? memamasak hari ini?

  72 Kue apa saja yang sudah pernah kamu buat? What cake have you ever made? Tart, puding, ect

  83 Peralatan apa saja yang sudah kamu miliki? What are the equipments that you have? All cookware

  90 Film kartun apa yang disukai? What is your favourite cartoon? Sponge Bob

  89 Ingin diberi hadiah apa saat ulang tahun? What would you like on your birthday? Some toys

  Do you pray before/after eating? Yes of course

  87 Ibumu masak apa hari ini? What did mom cook today? Fried chiken 88 apakah kamu berdoa sebelum/sesudah makan?

  86 Sudah makan pakai lauk apa? What that you eat today? Fried chiken

  Pertanyaan dengan anak kecil/ponakan

  85 Bagaimana prospek usahamu itu? How is the future prospect of you business I hope good

  84 Kira-kira berapa tenaga pembantu yang kamu butuhkan? How many employee that you need? Two for beginners

  82 Siapa saja yang akan kamu tawari? Who are the targets of you offer? Tetangga.saudara and others

  73 Bagaimana hasil kue buatanmu? How does it taste? It does satisfied

  81 Apa saja yang akan kamu tawarkan kepada konsumen? What will you offer to the consumer? Share send bread n services

  80 Di mana tempat usaha yang akan kamu dirikan? Where will your business take place? At home

  79 Berapa modal yang sudah kamu siapkan? How much money that you prepare for the first capitaal? About 20 M

  78 Apa rencanamu setelah selesai kursus? What is your future plan after done in the course? Open a bakery

  77 Berapa biaya kursus di sana? How much should we pay for that course? Rp 2.000.000

  76 Mengapa kamu ikut kursus di sana? Why you choose that place? professional coach

  75 Di mana kamu ikut kursus masak? Where is your cooking couse? At Ayu course

  74 Kapan kamu bisa membuatkan kue untukku? When will you make a cake for me? Whenever you want..

  91 Ini binatang apa? What animal is this? elepanht

  92 Apa warna bajumu? What is your clother colour? Red

  93 Pilih roti yang mana? Which bread that you choose? This one, chocolate

  94 Siapa yang membelikan boneka? Who bought you the doll? My mom

  95 Kakakmu namanya siapa? What is your brother’s name? Estukarsih

  96 Mengapa kamu mendapat hadiah? Why did you got a present? I cauld my mom

  97 Diajak wisata ke mana kemarin? Where did he took you yesterday? To beach

  98 Mengapa tidak bisa mengambil mainannya sendiri? Why dont you take that toy yourself? I am still small..

  99 Mengapa dia (laki-laki) berubah? Why does he change? I don’t know 100 Siapa yang telah mengalihkan perhatiannya? Who is the one that distracting his care? I thinks no body 101 Apa kelebihan wanita itu? What is the ability of that woman? Nothing 102 Mengapa wanita itu tega melakukannya? How dare she do that? My be You missunderstanding 103 Siapa yang memulainya? Suami atau perempuan itu?

  Who starts it first? Your husband or that woman? You the first 104 Apa yang salah denganku? What’s wrong with me? You are miscomunicatin

  105 Bagaimana cara memperbaiki hubungan ini? How can we fix this relationship? Talking with him 106 Apa pendapat keluargaku jika mereka tahu? What is my family opinion if they now about this?

  Your family does not need to know 107 Bagaimana cara memberitahukan kepada anak-anak?

  How we tell this to the children? Your childen too 108 Bagaimana perasaan anak-anak? How will the children feeling? They are will be fine Pertanyaan edisi bertemu mantan 109 Sekarang kerja di mana? Where are you working? BRI 110 Siapa nama istrimu? Who is your wife’s name? Tuti 111 Dari mana asal istrimu? Where is your wife come from? Semarang 112 Bagaimana kalian bisa bertemu? How can you meet her? Friends of the office 113 Kapan kamu akan mengenalkanku kepadanya?

  When will you tell her about me? whenever you can

  114 Kapan kalian menikah? When will you get married? December, two years ago 115 Mengapa tidak mengundangku? Why dont you invite me? I am sorry, I forgoted 116 Cantik mana dia dibanding aku? Does she looks more beautiful than me? A bothof you are beautifull 117 Berapa anak kalian? How many children that you have? I have one Pertanyaan sahabat lama di WA 118 Hai, apa kabar Tati? Hi, how are you Tati? I am fine.tq 119 Berapa tahun kita gak ketemu? How many years since our last meeting? More than 20 years 120 Di mana kamu tinggal sekarang? Where do you live now? Klaten 121 Mengapa kamu tidak tinggal di Yogya? Why dont you live in Yogya? I follow my husband 122 Berapa anakmu? How many children do you have? I have two 123 Di mana anakmu sekolah? Where is their school? SD and SMP at Klaten 124 Kuliah di mana anakkmu yang besar? What collage does you bigger child go? UGM 125 Siapa nama suamimu, teman kita dulu kah? What is your husband name? Toha 126 Di mana suamimu bekerja? Where does he work? Kendal 127 Kapan kamu dan keluargamu mengunjungiku?

  When will you visit me with your family? Any time 128 Oh, ya, bagaimana kabar orang tuamu? How are your parents ? My mother is fine. Pertanyaan saat beremu mantan guru SMP 129 Di mana Bapak mengajar sekarang? Where do you teach now? SMP 3 Sleman 130 Bagaimana usaha Bapak sampai menjadi guru berprestasi?

  How can you be a best profesional teacher? I worked hard 131 Apa yang harus saya lakukan supaya bisa seperti Bapak?

  What should i do so i can be like you? Be yourself and do te best 132 Kapan Bapak purna tugas? When will you retire? 3 mount ago 133 Bagaimana Bapak mengisi masa purna tugas?

  What will you do after your retirement? I will be a farmer 134 Berapa cucu Bapak? How many grandson that you have?

  I Have two cucu? 136 Cita-cita apa yang belum tercapai? What is your willing that doesnt finished yet? I feel get anymore 137 Kiat-kiat apa yang bisa saya pakai agar sukses sebagai guru?

  Any suggestion for me to be a success teacher? Do the best, pray to Allah. Pertanyaan kepada anak yang akan kemah dan pulang kemah 138 Di mana lokasi perkemahanmu? Where is your camp site? Pakem 139 Berapa jumlah anggota satu regu? How many members in one group? Ten 140 Apa nama regumu? What is your group name? The ant 141 Peralatan apa saja yang sudah kamu miliki? What equipment that you already have? Pan, carier ect 142 Apa saja yang harus kamu bawa? What should you bring? Rice, sugar, mie intan ect 143 Di mana kamu menyewa tenda? Where do you rent that tent? My school 144 Berapa tenda yang dibutuhkan regumu? How many tents do your team need? Two 145 Apa jabatanmu dalam regu? Who are you at your team? vice leader 146 Apa tugasmu sebagai wakil ketua? What is your job as a vice-leader? assist leader 147 Siapa ketua regumu? Who is your leader? Agung 148 Berapa nomor hp ketua regumu? What is your leader’s phone number? 087738962258 149 Siapa nama pelatihmu? Who is your instructur? Mr Yanto 150 Apakah kamu sehat? Are you healthy? Yes I am 151 Apakah kamu membawa obat? Do you bring drugs/ Yes Ido 152 Kapan kegiatan kemah berlangsung? When is camp activities take place? On December 153 Pulang kemah naik apa? How did you go home from camping? By car 154 Jam berapa kamu sampai rumah? What time did you arrive at home? At 10 155 Mengapa kakimu terluka? Why did your foot get injured? I falled 156 Siapa yang mengantarkanmu pulang? Who picked you to home? My friend and his father 157 Apa yang kamu dapatkan dalam kemah? What you get in the tent? many skills 158 Bagaiman kesanmu setelah mengikuti

  How Your impressions after attending the Very nice Pertanyaan dengan sopir taxi 159 Berapa ongkos yang harus saya berikan dengan tujuan SMP 1 Sleman

  What is the cost I have to give with the aim of SMP 1 Sleman

  Rp 60.000 160 bisa lewat jalan yang tidak macet? can pass traffic jams? I will try 161 Jalur mana yang bisa ditempuh agar terhindar macet?

  Which path can be taken to avoid traffic jams? Ring road 162 Boleh tahu, siapa nama Bapak? What is your name, Sir? Widodo 163 Sejak kapan Bapak menjadi sopir taksi? Since when have you been a taxi driver? Ten years ago 164 Mengapa Anda memilihnya? Why did you choose it? That is my skill 165 Apa Anda bahagia? Are you happy? Yes Iam 166 Adakah keinginan untuk beralih profesi? Any wishes for changing occupation? never Pertanyaan saat berkunjung teman pulang ibadah haji. 167 Kapan bapak dan ibu pulang? When did dad and mom go home? 168 Apakah semuanya lancar Do everything smoothly? Yes, alhamdulillah 169 Apakah kalian melakukan umroh juga? Do you perform Umrah as well? Yes we do 170 Apakah kalian melakukan perjalanan religi? Are you traveling religion? Yes we are 171 Di hotel mana kalian menginap? In which hotel did you sleep? Oh, i dont remember. 172 Seberapa jauh dari hotel ke masjid? How far was the distance between hotel and mosque?

  About 5 km 173 Siapa keluarga kalian yang ikut ? Who is your family participating? No body 174 Apa kalian sehat di sana? Are you healthy there? Yes we are 175 Apa pengalaman berkesan saat di sana? What was the most interesting experience when in there? feel closer to God

  176 Adakah oleh-oleh untuk saya?? Have a gift for me? Of course.. Pertanyaan kepada anak yang kehujanan via telpon 177 Mengapa belum sampai rumah? Why haven’t you arrived yet? I'm on the way go home 178 Apakah kamu kehujanan? Are you in the rain? Yes, I am

  180 Sudah berapa lama kau menunggu hujan berhenti? How long have you waited for the rain to stop? 30 second

  Pertanyaan suami saat mau makan nasi goreng 181 Apa bumbu nasi goreng? What are a fried rice’s ingredients? 182 Bagaimana menyiapkan bumbunya? How to prepare them? Puree all ingredients 183 Bagaimana cara memasaknya? How to cook it? fry seasoning, and mix the rice. 184 Apakah bisa dicampr telur? Can it be mixed with eggs? Yes you can 185 Bagaimana rasa nasi goreng buatanku? How to taste fried rice made-up? It delicious Pertanyaan yang sering muncul di pertemuan PKK dusun. 186 Siapa menjadi MC hari ini? Who will be the MC today? Mrs. Ika 187 Adakah informasi yang diperoleh dari dusun?

  Any information obtained from the village? Yes 188 Siapa yang mendapat arisan? Who gets social gathering? Mrs ani 189 Di mana pertemuan bulan depan diadakan? Where will the next meeting be held? Yayuk’s house 190 Siapa akan menyampaikan pendapat? Who will giver an opinion? No body 191 Apa rencana kegiatan bulan depan? What is the plan for next month? Cooking 192 Kapan rencana piknik warga dilaksanakan? When will the citizens picnic plan implemented?

  On December 193 Berapa kira-kira biaya per orang? How much maybe the prize per-person? Rp 200.000 194 Mengapa kampung kita termasuk wilayah endemi DBD?

  Why our village was included DBD endemic village? There are two river 195 Bagamana mengatasi hal tersebut? How to resolve that? Always keep enveronment clean

  196 Apa yang disebut Endemi? What is endemic? Lets open the dictionary later 197 Kapan kita menengok Bu Seno di rumah sakit?

  When will we visit Mrs. Seno at the hospital? On Monday afternoon 198 Sakit apa Bu Seno? What happens to Mrs. Seno? She got DB 199 Sudah berapa hari Bu Seno dirawat di rumah sakit?

  How many days has Mrs. Seno been treated at the hospital? Five days

  201 Apa yang akan kita diberikan untuknya? What will we give to her? Guava juice and others fruit Pertanyaan kepada siswa yang mendadak sakit 202 Mengapa wajahmu pucat? Why your face looks pale? I got a headache 203 Tadi pagi sarapan apa? What did you have for the breakfast? Some bread 204 Sejak kapan kamu merasakan demam? Since when have you felt the fever? Two days 205 Obat apa yang kamu minum? What medicine did you drink? Not yet 206 Sudah ke dokter? Have you been to docter? Not yet 207 Mengapa kamu bersikeras masuk sekolah? Why did you forced yourself to go to school? Because i want tojoint the exam. 208 Bagaimana kalau kamu pulang saja? How about if you go home? Oke I will 209 Dengan siapa di rumah? Who are with you in home? My mother Pertanyaan yang muncul saat (awal)pelajaran? 210 Dari mana SD-mu? Where do your elementary school? SD Jetisharjo 211 Di mana rumahmu? Where do you live? Gemawang, Jn Monumen Yogya Kembali 212 Mengapa memilih sekolah di SMP N 1

  Sleman? Why do you study at 1 Sleman Junior High School?

  Becaause it is my favorite school 213 Bagaimana perasaanmu diterima di sini? How do you feel after being accepted here? Very happy 214 Sekolah manakah pilihan lainnya? Which school for more options? SMP 2 Mlati 215 Siapa nama orang tuamu? What is your parents’ name? Matoha 216 Apa pekerjaan mereka? What do they do? civil worker 217 Berapa saudara kandungmu? How many your siblings? one 218 Kamu anak pertama? Are you the oldest? No I am not 219 Tanggal berapa kamu lahir? When were you born?

  27 Juli 2002 220 Bagaimana cara kamu berangkat sekolah? How do you go to school? Bu bicycle 221 Berapa jarak dari rumah ke sekolah? How long is the distance from home to school? Twenty minutes 222 Berapa DANEM-mu? What is your score for the national examination 288,8 223 Prestasi apa yang pernah kamu raih di SD? What were your achievements that you get at Speech contes

  224 Apa agamamu? What is your religion? Islam 225 Pelajaran apa yang disukai? What is your favourite lesson? Math 226 Mengapa kamu terlambat? Why did you late? Woke up late 227 Apa kegiatanmu semalam? What were your activities last night? Do the home work 228 Mengapa kamu tidak mengenakan seragam sesuai jadwal?

  Why didn’t you wear the uniform as the schedule? My uniform still dhirty 229 Siapa wali kelasmu? Mrs Sri Suryani 230 Jam berapa kamu berangkat tidur? What time did you go to bed? At 23.00

  231 Siapa yang tidak masuk hari ini? Who are absent today? No body 232 Siapa yang belum mengerjakan PR? Who haven’t worked the homework? Roi 233 PR-nya halaman berapa? What page was the homework? Page 35 234 Kapan PR harus dikumpulkan? When do the homework must be submitted? To day 235 Berapa nilai ulangan saya? What was my exam score?

  98 236 Berapa nilai yang tertinggi? Who was the highest? 100 237 Kapan saya harus mengikuti remidi? When do i must join the remedial? On Wednesday 238 Siapa saja yang boleh mengikuti pengayaan? Who can join the enrichment? The studen who got 85 above 239 Apa tema hari ini, Bu? What is the topic today, mam? Natural phenomenom 240 Siapa tokoh utama di cerita tersebut Who is the main characther in that story? Mouse deer and aligator 241 Di manakah peristiwa dalam cerita terjadi? When was the event happening? In the river 242 Apa pesan moral yang dapat diambil dari cerpen tersebut?

  What was the moral that can be taken in that story? Think first before you act 243 Apa bagian menarik dari cerita tersebut? What is the interesting part of the story? When the mouse deer act that he count the aligators while he across the river over them 244 Apa saja unsur-unsur intrinsik cerpen? What are the intrinsic elements? Characther, plot, charactheristic

  245 Dimana kita bisa menemukan perbedaan cerpen dengan novel? Where we can find the difference between short story and novel?

  You can read in your book page 164 246 Bagaimana cara membuat cerpen? How to make short story? Decide the theme first, make your plot, write the opening, make some contrast in the main story, and resolution in the end 247 Apa manfaat cerpen bagi pembaca? What is the advantage of short story for Can make the reader join to your fantasy readers? 248 Dimana saya bisa mencari cerpen? Where can i find a short story? You can look in the library, internet or buy it in the bookstore 249 Apakah judul cerpen atau novel favorit What is your favourite short story? I love the series of the smart mouse deer anda? 250 Mengapa anda menyukainya? Why do you love that series? The mouse deer usually make a smart move that makes you wonder.