WOW Customer Loyalty dan Emotional Talk Service: sebuah Survey di Mall Galeria by Daniel Saputra Tanumihardja (1) Nyoman Sri Subawa (2)


WOW Customer Loyalty dan Emotional Talk Service: sebuah Survey di Mall Galeria



  Daniel Saputra Tanumihardja (2) Nyoman Sri Subawa

Undiknas Graduate School


Jl. Waturenggong No. 164, Denpasar, Bali





In Indonesia the franchise rights BreadTalk bought by Johnny Andrean because he

believed that BreadTalk can grow and developin Indonesia. Isa premium boutique bakery


Bread Talk first to bring the concept of an open kitchen with a modern style. This concept

allows BreadTalk to make bread directly on the spot so that the manufacturing process can

be seen directly by the customer and received bread will always be fresh.

  Consideration used in selecting respondents is as follows respondent is the customer

with a minimum education level of high school or equivalent. Respondents are customers

who frequently shop at BreadTalk Mall Bali Galeria with consideration to properly assess

the products and services BreadTalk.

  The results of statistical data analysis showed that the Productivity positive and

significant impact on the Customer Loyalty WOW customers with e- Talkin BreadTalk Mall

Bali Galeria. Brand Image positive and significant impact on Brand Trust customers

BreadTalk Mal Bali Galeria. Brand Trust positive and significant impact on the Customer

Loyalty WOW customers with e-Talkin BreadTalk Mall Bali Galeria. Creativity positive and

significant impact on the Customer Loyalty WOW customers with e-Talk in BreadTalk Mall

Bali Galeria.

  Consumer dissatisfaction with productivity can be seen in the quantity dimension.

Brand image can be seen on the dimensions strengthness. Brand trust can be seen in the

dimension of brand reliabilty. Creativity can be seen on the dimensions off lexibility of

thinking. This dissatisfaction must be improved and enhanced for the sake of customer

loyalty to the BreadTalk in Mal Bali Galeria.


Keyword: Customer Loyalty, Emotion Talk Service, Productivity, Brand Image, Brand Trust, Creativity Artawijaya, I.G.P.A., and Darma, G.S. (2015). Evaluation The Effectivity of Performance Management Online System to Improving The Employees Performance, Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, 12 (2): 73-89.

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