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  Presented to the University of Muria Kudus

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Completing the Sarjana Program

in the Department of English Education


   Be your self There is a will, there is a way


  This skripsi is dedicated to:  Allah SWT the Almighty  Her beloved parents, H. Ngatman and

  Hj. Suparti  Her beloved brothers and sisters, Agus,

  Ikhsan, and Fit  Her beloved best friends Roni, Mira,

  Henny, Putri, Sofi, Aisyah and Rubi



  Alhamdulillah, this skripsi has been completed with the blessing of the Merciful and Almighty, Allah SWT. Shalawat and salutation are also delivered to our prophet Muhammad SAW., who has been a good model in the overall of our life.

  Then, the writer realizes that this skripsi compilation will never get success without any interference from other people. Therefore, the writer would like to express the deep gratitude to: 1.

  Dr. Drs. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd, as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muria Kudus University and the second advisor who guides and supports me in finishing this research wisely.

  2. Diah Kurniati, S.pd, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muria Kudus University.

  3. Nuraeningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd, as the first advisor who has given contributive criticism and assistance during completing this research.

  4. All of lecturers and staff of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muria Kudus University.

  5. Her beloved parents and family for their pray, love, support and guide me all the time.

  6. Her beloved friends, especially Roni, Mira, Henny, Putri, Aisyah, Sofi and Rubi for their assistance and support in completing this skripsi.

  Finally, thanks are also due to those whose names could not be mentioned here, their contributions have enabled her completing this research. Hopefully, this skripsi will be useful for anyone, who needs information related to this research. The constructive critics and suggestions are expressed from all of the readers.

  Kudus, March 2014

   The writer

  Arik Dwiyanti 200932025



  Dwiyanti, Arik. 2014. An Analysis of Cohesive Devices found in the Most Read

  Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 . Skripsi. English

  Education Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (1) Nuraeningsih S.Pd, M.Pd (2) Dr. Drs. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd.

  Key words: Cohesive devices, articles and the Jakarta Globe.

  This research is focused on analyzing the cohesive devices found in the

Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe post on April 2013 in which the devices function as a way of getting text “hang together” as a whole as well as indicators

  of text unity. The organization of those devices are categorized as cohesion which is also considered as one of the elements helps the readers to be able to percept and interpret language well especially written form.

  For that reason, this study is intended to find out the kinds of cohesive devices found in the articles of the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 and how the cohesive devices contribute to the connectedness and unity within the text of the articles.

  This research is a descriptive qualitative research since it analyzes the kinds of cohesive devices and how do the cohesive devices contribute to the connectedness and unity within the articles. In this research, the data sources are the articles of the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe post on April 2013. All of the articles are going to be analyzed based on Halliday and Hasan‟s theory of cohesive devices.

  The results of the research show that all of the kinds of cohesive devices: grammatical cohesive devices; reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction and lexical cohesive devices; reiteration which includes repetition, synonym, superordinate, and general word and collocation found in the articles of the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013. And describe the principle of cohesion used to the relevance of connectedness and unity within the articles both through grammatical and lexical relations. Finally, the writer concludes that all of cohesive devices found contribute to the connectedness and unity within the articles found in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013.

  From this research, the writer suggests that we must pay attention for the use of cohesion to make a good text. Cohesion can reduce confusion in understanding the texts because we know how the sentences or paragraph are related. The writer also hopes that this research will be beneficial for the students, lecturers, readers and further researcher in order to use cohesive devices in composition of writing a good text.



  Dwiyanti, Arik. 2014. An Analysis of Cohesive Devices found in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 . Skripsi.

  Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Muria Kudus. Pebimbing: (1) Nuraeningsih S.Pd, M.Pd (2) Dr. Drs. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd.

  Kata kunci: Piranti Kohesif, artikel dan Jakarta Globe.

  Penelitian ini difokuskan menganalisis piranti kohesif yang ditemukan dalam artikel pada kolom the Most Read di Jakarta Globe News yang diterbitkan pada April 2013 di mana perangkat kohesif berfungsi sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan teks yang "menyatu" secara keseluruhan yang berindikasi pada kesatuan teks. Kelompok dari piranti kohesif dikategorikan sebagai kohesif yang juga dianggap sebagai salah satu elemen yang membantu pembaca untuk dapat mempersepsikan dan menafsirkan bahasa dengan baik terutama dalam bentuk tertulis.

  Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui jenis perangkat kohesif yang ditemukan pada kolom the Most Read di Jakarta Globe News pada April 2013 dan bagaimana perangkat kohesif berkontribusi pada kekonektifan dan kesatuan dalam teks yang berbentuk artikel.

  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif karena menganalisis jenis perangkat kohesif dan bagaimana perangkat kohesif berkontribusi pada kekonektifan dan kesatuan dalam artikel. Dalam penelitian ini, sumber data yang diambil adalah artikel dari kolom the Most Read di Jakarta


Globe News pada April 2013. Semua artikel yang akan dianalisis berdasarkan

teori Halliday dan Hasan perangkat kohesif.

  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh jenis perangkat kohesif: perangkat kohesif gramatikal yang terdiri dari reference, substitusi , ellipsis , dan konjungsi dan perangkat leksikal kohesif yang terdiri dari repetisi, sinonim , superordinat , kata umum dan kolokasi ditemukan dalam artikel pada the Most


Read Column di Jakarta Globe News pada April 2013 . Dan menggambarkan

  prinsip kohesi yang digunakan untuk relevansi keterhubungan dan kesatuan dalam artikel, baik melalui gramatikal dan leksikal. Akhirnya, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa semua perangkat kohesif ditemukan berkontribusi pada kekonektifan dan kesatuan dalam artikel ditemukan di kolom the Most Read di Jakarta Globe News pada April 2013.

  Dari hasil penelitian ini, penulis menyarankan bahwa kita harus memperhatikan dalam penggunaan kohesi untuk membuat teks yang baik. Kohesi dapat mengurangi kebingungan dalam memahami teks karena kita tahu bagaimana kalimat atau paragraph saling berhubungan. Penulis juga berharap penelitian ini akan bermanfaat untuk mahasiswa, dosen, pembaca, dan peneliti selanjutnya sehubungan dengan penggunaan kohesi dalam susunan menulis teks yang baik.




COVER ........................................................................................................ i LOGO ........................................................................................................... ii TITLE .......................................................................................................... iii MOTTO AND DEDICATION ................................................................... iv ADVISORS ’ APPROVAL ......................................................................... v EXAMINERS ’ APPROVAL ...................................................................... vi


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. ix ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ xi

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xv


  1.1 Background of the Research .................................................................... 1

  1.2 Statement of the Problems ....................................................................... 6

  1.3 Objectives of the Research ....................................................................... 6

  1.4 Significance of the Research .................................................................... 6

  1.5 Scope of the Research .............................................................................. 7

  1.6 Operational Definition ............................................................................. 8


  2.1 Discourse Analysis ................................................................................... 10

  2.2 Writing ..................................................................................................... 12

  2.3 Unity in writing ........................................................................................ 12

  2.4 Cohesion.................................................................................................... 13

  2.5 Cohesive Devices ..................................................................................... 14

  2.5.1 Grammatical Cohesive Devices ...................................................... 15 Reference ............................................................................. 16 Substitution .......................................................................... 19 Ellipsis ................................................................................. 20 Conjunction ......................................................................... 21

  2.5.2 Lexical Cohesive Devices .............................................................. 23 Reiteration ........................................................................... 23 Collocation........................................................................... 25

  2.6 Jakarta Globe Web News ......................................................................... 26

  2.7 Review of Previous Research .................................................................. 27

  2.8 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................ 28


  3.1 Design of the Research ............................................................................ 30

  3.2 Data and Data Source ............................................................................... 30

  3.3 Data Collecting ........................................................................................ 31

  3.4 Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 31

CHAPTER IV FINDING OF THE RESEARCH ...................................... 39 CHAPTER V DISCUSSION ...................................................................... 255 CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

  6.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................... 266

  6.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................ 267


REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 269

APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 270

STATEMENT ................................................................................................. 288

CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................ 289



Table Page The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “Education Minister Draws Ire Over National Exam Delay” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April

  th 2013 (April, 17 2013) .......................................................................

  40 The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “Jakarta MRT Project to Break Ground in 40 Days, Official Says” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April

  th 2013 (April, 17 2013) .......................................................................

  44 The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “54% Consider Jakarta Traffic „Bad‟ ” in the Most Read Column of

  th the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 (April, 18 2013)..........

  46 The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “Emaciated Sumatran Tiger on Brink of Death at Surabaya‟s Zoo” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post

  th on April 2013 (April, 18 2013) ........................................................

  50 The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “Aceh At Risk of Returning to Violence, Amnesty Says” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 (April,

  th 19 2013)............................................................................................

  52 The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “Baghdad Café Bomb Kills 27 Unrest Spikes Before Vote” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April

  th 2013 (April, 19 2013) .......................................................................

  58 The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “Fuel Buying Will Top Quota Even With Rise in Prices: Govt” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April

  th 2013 (April, 20 2013) .......................................................................

  62 The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “In Surabaya, APEC Aims to Salvage Doha” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 (April,

  th 20 2013)............................................................................................

  64 T he Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “PDI-P Security Guards Injured During Military Raid” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 (April,

  st 21 2013) ............................................................................................

  67 The Kinds of Grammatical Cohesive Devices found in “Yudhoyono Cuts Back on Democratic Party Duties” in the

  Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April

  st 2013 (April, 21 2013) .......................................................................

  70 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “Education Minister Draws

  Ire Over National Exam Delay” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013

  th (April, 17 2013) ................................................................................

  74 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “Jakarta MRT Project to Break Ground in 40 Days, Official Says” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013

  th (April, 17 2013) ................................................................................

  77 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “54% Consider Jakarta Traffic „Bad‟ ” in the Most Read Column of

  th the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013(April, 18 2013)...........

  80 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “Emaciated

  Sumatran Tiger on Brink of Death at Surabaya‟s Zoo” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April

  th 2013 (April, 18 2013) .......................................................................

  84 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “Aceh At Risk of Re turning to Violence, Amnesty Says” in the Most Read

  Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 (April,

  th 19 2013)............................................................................................

  87 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “Baghdad Café Bomb Kills 27 Unrest Spikes Before Vote” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013

  th (April, 19 2013) ...............................................................................

  93 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “Fuel Buying Will Top Quota Even With Rise in Prices: Govt” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013

  th (April, 20 2013) ...............................................................................

  96 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “In Surabaya, APEC Aims to Salvage Doha” in the Most Read Column of the

  th Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 (April, 20 2013) ...............

  99 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devi ces found in “PDI-P Security Guards Injured During Military Raid” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 (April,


  21 2013) ............................................................................................ 102 The Kinds of Lexical Cohesive Devices found in “Yudhoyono Cuts Back on Democratic Party

  Duties” in the Most Read Column of the Jakarta Globe News post on April 2013 (April,


  21 2013) ............................................................................................ 105



Appendix Page 1.

  Article 1 “Education Minister Draws Ire Over National Exam Delay”.........................................................................................

  270 2. Article 2 “Jakarta MRT Project Break Ground in 40 Days, Official Says”..........................................................................................

  272 3. Article 3 “54 % Consider Jakarta Traffic „Bad‟”.........................................................................................

  273 4. Article 4 “Emaciated Sumatran Tiger of Death at Surabaya Zoo”...........................................................................................

  275 5. Article 5 “Aceh at Risk Returning to Violence, Amnesty Says”..........................................................................................

  276 6. Article 6 “Baghdad Café Bomb Kills 27 as Unrest Spikes before Vote”..........................................................................................

  279 7. Article 7 “Fuel Buying will Top Quota Even with Rise in Price: Govt”.........................................................................................

  281 8. Article 8 “In Surabaya, APEC Aims to Salvage Doha”.........................................................................................

  283 9. Article 9 “PDI-P Security Guards Injured during Military

  Raid........................................................................................... 285 10. Article 10 “Yudhoyono Cuts Back on Democratic Party Duties”.......................................................................................
